ts-事件的Unix时间戳(Unix时间是自1970年1月1日00:00:00 UTC以来经过的毫秒数)
### Imports ###
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
import os
import random
import numpy as np
import json
from datetime import timedelta
from collections import Counter
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
from heapq import nlargest
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import warnings
### Paths ###
DATA_PATH = Path('C:/Users/Desktop/学校项目A/kaggle/')
TRAIN_PATH = DATA_PATH/'train.jsonl'
TEST_PATH = DATA_PATH/'test.jsonl'
SAMPLE_SUB_PATH = Path('C:/Users/Desktop/学校项目A/kaggle/sample_submission.CSV')
# Lets check how many lines the training data has!
with open(TRAIN_PATH, 'r') as f:
print(f"We have {len(f.readlines()):,} lines in the training data")
# Load in a sample to a pandas df
sample_size = 150000
chunks = pd.read_json(TRAIN_PATH, lines=True, chunksize = sample_size)
for c in chunks:
sample_train_df = c
sample_train_df.set_index('session', drop=True, inplace=True)
# Let's look at an example session and print out some basic info
# Sample the first session in the df
example_session = sample_train_df.iloc[0].item()
print(f'This session was {len(example_session)} actions long \n')
print(f'The first action in the session: \n {example_session[0]} \n')
# Time of session
time_elapsed = example_session[-1]["ts"] - example_session[0]["ts"]
# The timestamp is in milliseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970
print(f'The first session elapsed: {str(timedelta(milliseconds=time_elapsed))} \n')
# Count the frequency of actions within the session
action_counts = {}
for action in example_session:
action_counts[action['type']] = action_counts.get(action['type'], 0) + 1
print(f'The first session contains the following frequency of actions: {action_counts}')
#This session was 276 actions long
#The first action in the session:
# {'aid': 1517085, 'ts': 1659304800025, 'type': 'clicks'}
#The first session elapsed: 27 days, 13:09:43.682000
#The first session contains the following frequency of actions: {'clicks': 255, 'carts': 17, 'orders': 4}
### Extract information from each session and add it to the df ###
action_counts_list, article_id_counts_list, session_length_time_list, session_length_action_list = ([] for i in range(4))
overall_action_counts = {}
overall_article_id_counts = {}
for i, row in tqdm(sample_train_df.iterrows(), total=len(sample_train_df)):
actions = row['events']
# Get the frequency of actions and article_ids
action_counts = {}
article_id_counts = {}
for action in actions:
action_counts[action['type']] = action_counts.get(action['type'], 0) + 1
article_id_counts[action['aid']] = article_id_counts.get(action['aid'], 0) + 1
overall_action_counts[action['type']] = overall_action_counts.get(action['type'], 0) + 1
overall_article_id_counts[action['aid']] = overall_article_id_counts.get(action['aid'], 0) + 1
# Get the length of the session
session_length_time = actions[-1]['ts'] - actions[0]['ts']
# Add to list
sample_train_df['action_counts'] = action_counts_list
sample_train_df['article_id_counts'] = article_id_counts_list
sample_train_df['session_length_unix'] = session_length_time_list
sample_train_df['session_length_hours'] = sample_train_df['session_length_unix']*2.77778e-7 # Convert to hours
sample_train_df['session_length_action'] = session_length_action_list
### Actions ###
total_actions = sum(overall_action_counts.values())
sns.barplot(x=list(overall_action_counts.keys()), y=[i/total_actions for i in overall_action_counts.values()]);
plt.title(f'Action frequency', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Count', fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel('Category', fontsize=12)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(24, 10))
p = sns.distplot(sample_train_df['session_length_action'], color="y", bins= 70, ax=ax[0], kde=False)
p.set_xlabel("Number of actions", fontsize = 16)
p.set_ylabel("Density", fontsize = 16)
p.set_title("Distribution of the number of actions taken in each session", fontsize = 14)
p.axvline(sample_train_df['session_length_action'].mean(), color='r', linestyle='--', label="Mean")
p = sns.distplot(sample_train_df['session_length_hours'], color="b", bins= 70, ax=ax[1], kde=False)
p.set_xlabel("Hours", fontsize = 16)
p.set_ylabel("Density", fontsize = 16)
p.set_title("Length of each session", fontsize = 16);
print(f'{round(len(sample_train_df[sample_train_df["session_length_action"]<10])/len(sample_train_df),3)*100}% of the sessions had less than 10 actions')
article_id_freq = list(overall_article_id_counts.values())
cut_off = [i for i in article_id_freq if i<30]
sns.distplot(cut_off, bins=30, kde=False);
plt.title(f'Article ID frequency', fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel('Count', fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel('Article', fontsize=12);
### Look at the most interacted with articles ###
print(f'Frequency of most common articles: {sorted(list(overall_article_id_counts.values()))[-5:]} \n')
res = nlargest(5, overall_article_id_counts, key = overall_article_id_counts.get)
print(f'IDs for those common articles: {res}')
with open(TEST_PATH, 'r') as f:
print(f"We have {len(f.readlines()):,} lines in the test data")
sample_size = 150
chunks = pd.read_json(TEST_PATH, lines=True, chunksize = sample_size)
for c in chunks:
sample_test_df = c
sample_submission = pd.read_csv(SAMPLE_SUB_PATH)
sample_size = 150000
chunks = pd.read_json(TRAIN_PATH, lines=True, chunksize = sample_size)
clicks_article_list = []
carts_article_list = []
orders_article_list = []
for e, c in enumerate(chunks):
# Save time by not using all the data
if e > 2:
sample_train_df = c
for i, row in c.iterrows():
actions = row['events']
for action in actions:
if action['type'] == 'clicks':
elif action['type'] == 'carts':
# Create dictionaries with articles and their frequencies
article_click_freq = Counter(clicks_article_list)
article_carts_freq = Counter(carts_article_list)
article_order_freq = Counter(orders_article_list)
# Get the 20 most frequent articles for each action
top_click_article = nlargest(20, article_click_freq, key = article_click_freq.get)
top_carts_article = nlargest(20, article_carts_freq, key = article_carts_freq.get)
top_order_article = nlargest(20, article_order_freq, key = article_order_freq.get)
# Create a dict with this info
frequent_articles = {'clicks': top_click_article, 'carts':top_carts_article, 'order':top_order_article}
for action in ['clicks', 'carts', 'order']:
print(f'Most frequent articles for {action}: {frequent_articles[action][-5:]}')
test_data = pd.read_json(TEST_PATH, lines=True, chunksize=1000)
preds = []
for chunk in tqdm(test_data, total=1671):
for i, row in chunk.iterrows():
actions = row['events']
article_id_list = []
for action in actions:
# Get 20 most common article ID for the session
article_freq = Counter(article_id_list)
top_articles = nlargest(20, article_freq, key = article_freq.get)
# Pad with most popular items in training
padding_size = -(20 - len(top_articles))
for action in ['clicks', 'carts', 'order']:
top_articles = top_articles + frequent_articles[action][padding_size:]
preds.append(" ".join([str(id) for id in top_articles]))
# Predict the 20 most common atricles for each test session
sample_submission['labels'] = preds
sample_submission.to_csv('submission.csv', index=False)