###################### Lesson 3 Basic Bash ######################
uname (-a) (-all) (-r)
su - (su root)
firefox &
!! (repeat last command)
!c (repeat last command start with character c)
!3 (repeat last command with number 3)
!?abc (repeat last command including "abc")
!-n (repeat command last but n)
Ctrl + r: search command in history
Esc -> . : repeat last paramater
* (match one or more characters)
? (match only one characters)
[0-9] (match a number in this range)
[abc] (match any character in the square bracket [])
[^abc] (match character without those in square bracket [])
su - ( switch user to root , creating a new terminal)
su ( switch user to root, not creating a new terminal )
sudo (excute with root user)
--------------- BASH -------------------
& (background)
Ctrl + z : puse
Ctrl + c : stop
bg n (continue job n background)
fg n (continue job n frontground)
###################### Lesson 4 File System ######################
pwd (current directory)
touch (create a blank file or update the time of a existed file)
ls -a (all file)
ls -l (details)
ls -R (sub directory)
ls -ls (details of a directory)
file (information of a file or a directory)
cd .. (parent directory)
cd . (current directory)
cd ~ (home directory)
cd (home directory)
cd - (last directory)
###################### Lesson 5 File Operation ######################
cp sourcefile targetfile (copy a file)
cp -r (copy a directory)
cp -v (display process)
mv (move and rename)
rm (remove a file)
rm -r (remove a directory)
rm -i (interactive mode)
rm -f (compulsively)
mkdir (make a directory)
rmdir (remove a blank directory)
###################### Lesson 6 Linux System Directory ######################
/bin (binary, executable file, bash, command)
/dev (device, hardware -> file)
/etc (configuration file)
/home (users home)
/lib (library)
/media (USB, etc)
/mnt (old CD, etc)
/opt (large software)
/proc (system real time message, in RAM)
cat cpuinfo
cat meminfo
cat interrupts
cat iomem
cat uptime
cat vmstat
/root (root user)
/sbin (super binary, only for root)
/selinux (secure)
/sys (system, underlying hardware)
/tmp (temporary)
/usr (application software)
/var (for variational information, log, mail etc)
###################### Lesson 7 Usual Command ######################
----- date and time -----
date (system time)
date -u (UTC time)
date +%Y--%m--%d
date -s "20:20:20" (set time)
hwclock (clock) (hardware clock)
cal (calendar)
uptime (system proceeding time)
----- print and view -----
echo (print the input)
cat (print file context)
head -n (head lines)
tail -n (tail lines)
-f (follow, usually for log)
more (only page down)
less (can page up and down)
----- view hardware information -----
lspci (PCI device)
lspci -v (PCI device, details)
lsusb (USB device)
lsusb -v (details)
lsmod (mode, or drive named in Windows)
----- shut down and reboot -----
shutdown -h (shut down)
shutdown -r (reboot)
shutdown -h now (shut down now)
shutdown -h +10 (shut down in 10 minutes)
shutdown -h 23:20 (shut down at 23:20)
shutdown -r now (reboot now)
poweroff (shut down now)
reboot (reboot now)
----- file compress and archive -----
zip targetfile.zip sourcefile (compress)
upzip filename.zip
gzip linuxcast.net
tar -cvf out.tar linuxcast (archive, not compress)
tar -xvf linuxcast.tar (unarchive)
tar -cvzf backup.tar.gz /etc (archive and compress, call gzip)
----- search -----
locate keyword (search on database)
updatedb (update datebase manually)
find location parameters
find . -name *keyname*
fine / -name *.conf
find / -perm 777 (permission 777)
find / -type d (d means directory)
find / -type l (l means link)
find . -name "a*" -exec ls -l {} \; (mus have {} \;)
#other parameters
###################### Lesson 8 Vi Text Editor ######################
(another text editor: emacs, even better than vim)
# command mode (normal mode)
i (insert at which cursor is)
o (insert a new line below cursor)
dd (delete one line)
u (undo, Ctrl+z)
yy (copy current line)
n yy (n is a number, copy n lines)
r (replace a character)
/ (find keywords, use "n" goto next)
# insert mode (input "i")
# ex mode (input ":")
:w (save)
:q (quit)
:q! (quit without saving)
:x (save and quit)
:set number (or set nu, show line number)
:! (excute a system command)
:sh (shell, return to command line, Ctrl+d return to vim)
###################### Lesson 9 Basic Concept Of Disk ######################
all devices are files int directory /dev
device name: hd[a-z] (IDE device) , sd[a-z] (SATA, SCSI, SAS, USB, etc)
device name + partition name:
e.g. sda1, sda2
partition method: MBR, GPT
MBR (Master Boot Record) (Its traditional and old)
GPT (GUID Partition Table)
###################### Lesson 10 Using fdisk ######################
fdisk /dev/sdb (operation on sdb)
m (help)
p (print the partition table)
n (add a new partition)
p (for primary partition)
e (extended partition)
partprobe (update kernel info)
cat /proc/partitions (cat partitions info)
###################### Lesson 11 Linux File System ######################
mke2fs -t ext4 /dev/sda3 (make a file system)
-t (type)
-b blocksize (system block size)
-c (check)
-L label (label)
-j (build system log)
mkfs (less parameters)
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1
dumpe2fs /dev/sda2 (see partition detail info)
e2label /dev/sda2 (print label)
e2label /dev/sda2 name (set label be name)
fsck /dev/sda2 (file system check)
-y (do not display any hint and repair)
-t (type, if damage is serious)
(if a file is damage and there is no record, it will be put into lost+found directory)
###################### Lesson 12 Mount And Use File System ######################
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt (mount sda3 to /mnt directory)
mount (no parameter, print all mounted devices)
-t (type)
-o (option: ro,rw; sync; async; noatime; atime; remount)
mount -o remount,sync /dev/sdb1 /mnt/
umount /dev/sda3
umount /mnt
fuser -m /mnt (see process that is using this device)
lsof /mnt (list openfile, see which file is used)
#### auto mount ####
/etc/fstab is a file about auto mount
in every line (e.g. format):
/dev/sda3 /mnt ext4 defaults 0 0
(device name; location; format; option; dump fsck optiong)
(you can use label instead of sda3: LABEL=mylabel)
mount -a (mount all device in fstab file)
###################### Lesson 13 Getting Help ######################
-h or --help
man -k keyword (file including keyword)
info (much detailed)
(using / to search)
(helping files are in /usr/share/doc)
###################### Lesson 14 Linux User Basic ######################
/etc/passwd (users information)
/etc/shadow (users password)
/etc/group (group information)
--------- create new user ------------
useradd nash_su (with copying /etc/skel to home directory)
passwd nash_su (add password)
useradd -d
------- modify user ------
usermod -l newname oldname
----- delete user ----
userdel name (reserve home directory)
userdel -r name (delete home directory)
------ group ---------
groupadd name
groupmod -n newname oldname
groupmod -g newGid oldGid
groupdel name
###################### Lesson 15 Linux permission ######################
chown username filename
-R (change all files in this directory)
chgrp groupname filename
chmod mod filename (e.g. u+rw g-x go+r a-x)
###################### Lesson 16 Linux extended permission ######################
umask [number] (change umask)
----- special permission -----
chmod u+s filename (set suid)
chmod g+s filename (set sgid)
chmod o+t filename (set sticky)
###################### Lesson 18 Internet Configration ######################
ifconfig (scan interface)
ifup eth0
ifdown eth0
(network card: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0)
(DNS: /etc/resolv.conf)
(host name: /etc/sysconfig/network)
ping www.baidu.com (test connection)
host www.baidu.com (test DNS)
dig www.baidu.com (test DNS)
ip route (print routing table)
tracerout www.baidu.com (trace routing to destination)
mtr www.baidu.com (test network quality)
hostname traing.linuxcast.net (change hostname temporarily)
(/etc/sysconfig/network change hostname permanently)
###################### Lesson 19 Linux Multy Task ######################
> (write to a file)
>> (append to a file)
2> (write stderr)
2>&1 (combine stdout and stderr)
< (stdin)
| (e.g. ls -l | grep keyword)
###################### Lesson 20 Text Processing ######################
------ scan file -----
----- search keyword -----
grep -i
----- column mod -----
cut -d
----- text statistics -----
wc filename
-l (line)
-w (word)
-c (character)
-m (sign)
----- sort file content -----
sort filename
-t c
-k x
uniq (delete same lines)
----- compare text file -----
diff file1 file2
----- translate -----
tr -d 'keyword' < filename (delete keyword)
tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' < filename (translate a-z to A-Z)
----- search and substitue -----
sed 's/word1/word2/g' filename
sed '1,50s/word1/word2/g' filename
###################### Lesson 21 Linux Boot ######################
dmesg (print kernel message)
runlevel (print runlevel)
init (change runlevel)
grub-md5-crypt (encipher passwd)
###################### Lesson 22 RPM Software Package ######################
source install:
make install
rpm -i software.rpm (install)
rpm -e software (uninstall)
rpm -U software-new.rpm (update)
rpm ivh http://www.linuxcast.net/software.rpm (install from Internet)
rpm -qa (all rpm software)
rpm -qf filename (which package)
rpm -qi packagename (its info)
rpm -ql packagename (including files)
rpm -qip software.rpm (its info)
rpm -qlp software.rpm (including files)
rpm -K software.rpm
rpm -V software
###################### Lesson 23 YUM Software Package ######################
yum install software-name
yum remove software-name
yum update software-name
yum search keyword
yum list (all | installed | recent | updates)
yum info packagename
yum whatprovides filename
----- create repo manually -----
rpm -ivh createrepo-....rpm
createrepo ./path/
yum clean all
createrepo -g /tmp/*comps.xml /rpm-directory (with group)