a) 关掉散斑投射(realsense默认采集到的flood图带有散斑)
# read.py
import pyrealsense2 as rs
import numpy as np
import cv2
# Configure depth and color streams
pipeline = rs.pipeline()
config = rs.config()
config.enable_stream(rs.stream.depth, 1280, 720, rs.format.z16, 6) # ���1280*720, ֡��6��15��25
config.enable_stream(rs.stream.color, 1280, 720, rs.format.bgr8, 6)
config.enable_stream(rs.stream.infrared, 1, 1280, 720, rs.format.y8, 6)
config.enable_stream(rs.stream.infrared, 2, 1280, 720, rs.format.y8, 6)
# config.enable_stream(rs.stream.depth, 640, 480, rs.format.z16, 30)
# config.enable_stream(rs.stream.color, 640, 480, rs.format.bgr8, 30)
# config.enable_stream(rs.stream.infrared, 1, 640, 480, rs.format.y8, 30)
# config.enable_stream(rs.stream.infrared, 2, 640, 480, rs.format.y8, 30)
# Start streaming
num = 0
while True:
# Wait for a coherent pair of frames: depth and color
frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames()
depth_frame = frames.get_depth_frame()
color_frame = frames.get_color_frame()
ir_frame_left = frames.get_infrared_frame(1)
ir_frame_right = frames.get_infrared_frame(2)
if not depth_frame or not color_frame:
# Convert images to numpy arrays
depth_image = np.asanyarray(depth_frame.get_data())
color_image = np.asanyarray(color_frame.get_data())
ir_left_image = np.asanyarray(ir_frame_left.get_data())
ir_right_image = np.asanyarray(ir_frame_right.get_data())
# Apply colormap on depth image (image must be converted to 8-bit per pixel first)
depth_colormap = cv2.applyColorMap(cv2.convertScaleAbs(depth_image, alpha=0.03), cv2.COLORMAP_JET)
# Stack both images horizontally
images1 = np.hstack((color_image, depth_colormap))
images2 = np.hstack((ir_left_image, ir_right_image))
# Show images
cv2.namedWindow('RealSense', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
cv2.imshow('RealSense', images1)
cv2.imshow("Display pic_irt", images2)
key = cv2.waitKey(1)
# Press esc or 'q' to close the image window
if key & 0xFF == ord('q') or key == 27:
path = "./save/"
cv2.imwrite(path+str(num)+"left.jpg", ir_left_image)
cv2.imwrite(path+str(num)+"right.jpg", ir_right_image)
num += 1
# Stop streaming
添加上 #include
(3) LNK2001 无法解析的外部符号 rs2_create_pipeline:
找到库目录:添加“C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel RealSense SDK 2.0\lib\x64”
把:“C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel RealSense SDK 2.0\bin\x64”路径下的realsense2.dll复制到”C:\Windows“下
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
using namespace rs2;
const int width = 1280;
const int height = 720;
const int fps = 30;
//const int fps = 60;
int main()
const char* depth_win = "depth_Image";
namedWindow(depth_win, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
//IR Left & Right
const char* left_win = "left_Image";
namedWindow(left_win, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
const char* right_win = "right_Image";
namedWindow(right_win, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
const char* color_win = "color_Image";
namedWindow(color_win, WINDOW_AUTOSIZE);
char LName[100];//left
char RName[100];//right
char DName[100];//depth
char CName[100];//color
long long i = 0;//counter
rs2::pipeline pipe;
rs2::config pipe_config;
pipe_config.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_DEPTH, width, height, RS2_FORMAT_Z16, fps);
pipe_config.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 1, width, height, RS2_FORMAT_Y8, fps);
pipe_config.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 2, width, height, RS2_FORMAT_Y8, fps);
pipe_config.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_COLOR, width, height, RS2_FORMAT_BGR8, fps);
rs2::pipeline_profile profile = pipe.start(pipe_config);
auto depth_stream = profile.get_stream(RS2_STREAM_DEPTH).as<rs2::video_stream_profile>();
//关于找不到cvGetWindowHandle()的解决方法:添加上 #include
while (cvGetWindowHandle(depth_win) && cvGetWindowHandle(right_win) && cvGetWindowHandle(left_win) && cvGetWindowHandle(color_win)) // Application still alive?
rs2::frameset frameset = pipe.wait_for_frames();
frame depth_frame = frameset.get_depth_frame();
video_frame ir_frame_left = frameset.get_infrared_frame(1);
video_frame ir_frame_right = frameset.get_infrared_frame(2);
frame color_frame = frameset.get_color_frame();
Mat dMat_left(Size(width, height), CV_8UC1, (void*)ir_frame_left.get_data());
Mat dMat_right(Size(width, height), CV_8UC1, (void*)ir_frame_right.get_data());
Mat depth_image(Size(width, height), CV_16U, (void*)depth_frame.get_data(), Mat::AUTO_STEP);
Mat color_image(Size(width, height), CV_8UC3, (void*)color_frame.get_data(), Mat::AUTO_STEP);
imshow(left_win, dMat_left);
imshow(right_win, dMat_right);
imshow(depth_win, depth_image);
imshow(color_win, color_image);
char c = waitKey(1);
if (c == 'p')
sprintf_s(LName, "F:\\cpppractice\\D435iimshow\\x64\\Debug\\left_eye\\%d.png", i);
imwrite(LName, dMat_left);
sprintf_s(RName, "F:\\cpppractice\\D435iimshow\\x64\\Debug\\right_eye\\%d.png", i);
imwrite(RName, dMat_right);
sprintf_s(DName, "F:\\cpppractice\\D435iimshow\\x64\\Debug\\depth\\%d.png", i);
imwrite(DName, depth_image);
sprintf_s(CName, "F:\\cpppractice\\D435iimshow\\x64\\Debug\\color\\%d.png", i);
imwrite(CName, color_image);
else if (c == 'q')
/*sprintf_s(LName, "F:\\cpppractice\\D435iimshow\\x64\\Debug\\left_eye\\%d.png", i);
imwrite(LName, dMat_left);
sprintf_s(RName, "F:\\cpppractice\\D435iimshow\\x64\\Debug\\right_eye\\%d.png", i);
imwrite(RName, dMat_right);
sprintf_s(DName, "F:\\cpppractice\\D435iimshow\\x64\\Debug\\depth\\%d.png", i);
imwrite(DName, depth_image);
sprintf_s(CName, "F:\\cpppractice\\D435iimshow\\x64\\Debug\\color\\%d.png", i);
imwrite(CName, color_image);
return 0;
#if 1//运行前改成1
#define w 9 //棋盘格宽的黑白交叉点个数
#define h 6 //棋盘格高的黑白交叉点个数
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
const float chessboardSquareSize = 22; //每个棋盘格方块的边长 单位 为 mm
Mat rectifyImageL, rectifyImageR;
Mat Q;
Rect validROIL; //图像校正之后,会对图像进行裁剪,这里的validROI就是指裁剪之后的区域
Rect validROIR;
//从 xml 文件中读取图片存储路径
static bool readStringList(const string& filename, vector<string>& list)
FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ);
if (!fs.isOpened())
return false;
FileNode n = fs.getFirstTopLevelNode();
if (n.type() != FileNode::SEQ)
return false;
FileNodeIterator it = n.begin(), it_end = n.end();
for (; it != it_end; ++it)
return true;
static void calcChessboardCorners(Size boardSize, float squareSize, vector<Point3f>& corners)
for (int i = 0; i < boardSize.height; i++) //height和width位置不能颠倒
for (int j = 0; j < boardSize.width; j++)
corners.push_back(Point3f(j*squareSize, i*squareSize, 0));
bool calibrate(Mat& intrMat, Mat& distCoeffs, vector<vector<Point2f>>& imagePoints,
vector<vector<Point3f>>& ObjectPoints, Size& imageSize, const int cameraId,
vector<string> imageList)
double rms = 0; //重投影误差
Size boardSize;
boardSize.width = w;
boardSize.height = h;
vector<Point2f> pointBuf;
float squareSize = chessboardSquareSize;
vector<Mat> rvecs, tvecs; //定义两个摄像头的旋转矩阵 和平移向量
bool ok = false;
int nImages = (int)imageList.size() / 2;
cout << "图片张数" << nImages;
namedWindow("View", 1);
int nums = 0; //有效棋盘格图片张数
for (int i = 0; i < nImages; i++)
Mat view, viewGray;
view = imread(imageList[i * 2 + cameraId], 1); //读取图片
imageSize = view.size();
cvtColor(view, viewGray, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); //转化成灰度图
bool found = findChessboardCorners(view, boardSize, pointBuf,
cout << "是否检测到棋盘格角点:" << found << endl;
if (found)
cornerSubPix(viewGray, pointBuf, Size(11, 11),
Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria(TermCriteria::EPS + TermCriteria::MAX_ITER, 30, 0.1));
//Size(-1, -1), TermCriteria(cv::TERMCRIT_EPS + CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 30, 0.1));
drawChessboardCorners(view, boardSize, Mat(pointBuf), found);
bitwise_not(view, view);
cout << '.';
imshow("View", view);
cout << "有效棋盘格张数" << nums << endl;
//calculate chessboardCorners
calcChessboardCorners(boardSize, squareSize, ObjectPoints[0]);
ObjectPoints.resize(imagePoints.size(), ObjectPoints[0]);
rms = calibrateCamera(ObjectPoints, imagePoints, imageSize, intrMat, distCoeffs,
rvecs, tvecs);
ok = checkRange(intrMat) && checkRange(distCoeffs);
if (ok)
cout << "done with RMS error=" << rms << endl;
return true;
return false;
int main()
string cal_filename = "stereo_calibration.xml"; //输入:标定图文件名提前写入该xml文件中,需要在xml中去修改
string intri_filename = "intrinsics.yml"; //输出:存放相机内参
string test_left_img = "./pic_test/13left.jpg"; //输入:用于立体校正测试的图片
string test_right_img = "./pic_test/13right.jpg";
string rectify_L_filename = "rectify_L.jpg"; //输出:保存立体校正后的图片
string rectify_R_filename = "rectify_R.jpg";
bool okcalib = false;
Mat intrMatFirst, intrMatSec, distCoeffsFirst, distCoffesSec;
Mat R, T, E, F, RFirst, RSec, PFirst, PSec;
vector<vector<Point2f>> imagePointsFirst, imagePointsSec;
vector<vector<Point3f>> ObjectPoints(1);
Rect validRoi[2];
Size imageSize;
int cameraIdFirst = 0, cameraIdSec = 1;
double rms = 0;
//get pictures and calibrate
vector<string> imageList;
bool okread = readStringList(cal_filename, imageList);
if (!okread || imageList.empty())
cout << "can not open " << cal_filename << " or the string list is empty" << endl;
return false;
if (imageList.size() % 2 != 0)
cout << "Error: the image list contains odd (non-even) number of elements\n";
return false;
//calibrate left camera
cout << "calibrate left camera..." << endl;
okcalib = calibrate(intrMatFirst, distCoeffsFirst, imagePointsFirst, ObjectPoints,
imageSize, cameraIdFirst, imageList);
if (!okcalib)
cout << "fail to calibrate left camera" << endl;
return -1;
cout << "calibrate right camera..." << endl;
//calibrate right camera
okcalib = calibrate(intrMatSec, distCoffesSec, imagePointsSec, ObjectPoints,
imageSize, cameraIdSec, imageList);
if (!okcalib)
cout << "fail to calibrate the right camera" << endl;
return -1;
//estimate position and orientation
cout << "estimate position and orientation of the second camera" << endl
<< "relative to the first camera..." << endl;
cout << intrMatFirst;
cout << distCoeffsFirst;
cout << intrMatSec;
cout << distCoffesSec;
cout << "M1 before cali" << intrMatFirst << endl;
rms = stereoCalibrate(ObjectPoints, imagePointsFirst, imagePointsSec,
intrMatFirst, distCoeffsFirst, intrMatSec, distCoffesSec,
TermCriteria(TermCriteria::COUNT + TermCriteria::EPS, 30, 1e-6)); //计算重投影误差
cout << "done with RMS error=" << rms << endl;
cout << "R" << R;
//stereo rectify
cout << "stereo rectify..." << endl;
cout << "M1" << intrMatFirst << endl << "D1" << distCoeffsFirst << endl << "M2" << intrMatSec << endl << "D2" << distCoffesSec << endl;
FileStorage fs(intri_filename, FileStorage::WRITE);
fs << "M1" << intrMatFirst << "D1" << distCoeffsFirst <<
"M2" << intrMatSec << "D2" << distCoffesSec;
stereoRectify(intrMatFirst, distCoeffsFirst, intrMatSec, distCoffesSec, imageSize, R, T, RFirst,
RSec, PFirst, PSec, Q, CALIB_ZERO_DISPARITY, -1, imageSize, &validROIL, &validROIR);
if (fs.isOpened())
cout << "in";
fs << "R" << R << "T" << T << "R1" << RFirst << "R2" << RSec << "P1" << PFirst << "P2" << PSec << "Q" << Q;
namedWindow("canvas", 1);
cout << "read the picture for 3d-reconstruction...";
Mat canvas(imageSize.height, imageSize.width * 2, CV_8UC3), viewLeft, viewRight;
Mat canLeft = canvas(Rect(0, 0, imageSize.width, imageSize.height));
Mat canRight = canvas(Rect(imageSize.width, 0, imageSize.width, imageSize.height));
viewLeft = imread(test_left_img, 1);//cameraIdFirst
viewRight = imread(test_right_img, 1); //cameraIdSec
cout << "done" << endl;
cv::Size canvas_size = cv::Size((int)canvas.cols*0.5, (int)canvas.rows * 0.5); //cols不是col
cv::Mat dst_canvas;
cv::resize(canvas, dst_canvas, canvas_size);
imshow("校正前", dst_canvas);
waitKey(40); //必须要加waitKey ,否则可能存在无法显示图像问题
cout << "size" << imageSize;
Mat rmapFirst[2], rmapSec[2], rviewFirst, rviewSec;
initUndistortRectifyMap(intrMatFirst, distCoeffsFirst, RFirst, PFirst,
imageSize, CV_16SC2, rmapFirst[0], rmapFirst[1]);//CV_16SC2
initUndistortRectifyMap(intrMatSec, distCoffesSec, RSec, PSec,//CV_16SC2
imageSize, CV_16SC2, rmapSec[0], rmapSec[1]);
clock_t t1 = clock();
remap(viewLeft, rectifyImageL, rmapFirst[0], rmapFirst[1], INTER_LINEAR);
remap(viewRight, rectifyImageR, rmapSec[0], rmapSec[1], INTER_LINEAR);
clock_t t2 = clock();
cout << "t2 - t1: " << t2 - t1 << endl;
imwrite(rectify_L_filename, rectifyImageL); //存储校正后的图片
imwrite(rectify_R_filename, rectifyImageR);
cv::resize(canvas, dst_canvas, canvas_size);
imshow("校正后", dst_canvas);
cvtColor(rectifyImageL, rectifyImageL, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
cvtColor(rectifyImageR, rectifyImageR, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
for (int j = 0; j <= canvas.rows; j += 50) //画绿线
line(canvas, Point(0, j), Point(canvas.cols, j), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, 8);
cv::resize(canvas, dst_canvas, canvas_size);
imshow("校正后", dst_canvas); //显示画绿线的校正前图像
return 0;