Kafka 服务端:轮询处理网络请求(十一)

接收器采用 Round-Robin 也就是轮询的方式分配客户端的 SocketChannel 给多个处理器,每个处理器都会有多个 SocketChannel

  • 服务端的处理器会为 SocketChannel 创建一个 Kafka 通道,configureNewConnections() 会为 SocketChannel 注册读事件,创建 Kafka 通道,并绑定到选择键上
 * Thread that processes all requests from a single connection. There are N of these running in parallel
 * 处理来自单个连接的所有请求的线程。有N个平行的
 * each of which has its own selector
 * 每一个都有自己的选择器
private[kafka] class Processor(val id: Int,requestChannel: RequestChannel,...){
  private val newConnections = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[SocketChannel]()
  private val inflightResponses = mutable.Map[String, RequestChannel.Response]()
  private val selector = new KSelector(..., "socket-server", ..., ChannelBuilders.create(...))
   * Queue up a new connection for reading
   * 为读取新连接排队
   * Acceptor 会把多个客户端的 SocketChannel 分配给一个 Processor,这里就需要一个队列来保存新的客户端连接通道
  def accept(socketChannel: SocketChannel) {
    // 把获取到的 socketChannel 存放到队列里面
    // 触发选择器开始轮询,原先的轮询因为没有事件到来而阻塞
   * Register any new connections that have been queued up
   * 注册已排队的任何新连接,往通道注册 OP_READ 事件
  private def configureNewConnections() {
    while (!newConnections.isEmpty) {
      // 从队列里弹出 socketChannel,一个 SocketChannel 只会注册一次
      val channel = newConnections.poll()
      // 从通道中获取本地服务端和远程客户端的地址和端口,构造唯一的 ConnectionId
      val connectionId = ConnectionId(localHost, localPort, remoteHost, remotePort).toString
      // 往 selector 里面进行注册
      selector.register(connectionId, channel)
  // java 的 Selector 类
  // 选择器注册方法,为 SocketChannel 注册读事件,并创建 Kafka 通道
  public void register(String id, SocketChannel socketChannel) throws ClosedChannelException {
        // 往 selector 里面注册 OP_READ 事件,processor 线程就可以读取客户端发送过来的连接
        SelectionKey key = socketChannel.register(nioSelector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
        // kafka 里面对 SocketChannel 进行来封装 KafkaChannel
        KafkaChannel channel = channelBuilder.buildChannel(id, key, maxReceiveSize);
        // key 和 channel
        // 服务端代码和客户端网络部分的代码是复用的,channels 里面维护来多个网络连接
        this.channels.put(id, channel);
  • 客户端的 NetworkClient 和服务端的处理器都使用相同的选择器类(Selector)进行轮询,发送请求和响应请求都是通过选择器的轮询才会触发
  • 客户端和服务端在发送请求时,会将请求加入 inFlightRequests/inFlightResponse 队列
// Processor 的 run 方法
// 服务端处理器的运行方法的处理方式和客户端的轮询类似
override def run() {
    while (isRunning) {
        // setup any new connections that have been queued up
        // 设置已排队的任何新连接,读取每个 SocketChannel,都往 Selector 里面注册 OP_READ 事件
        // register any new responses for writing
        // 记录任何新的回复
        // TODO 处理响应
        // 读取和发送请求的代码
        // TODO 处理接收到的请求
        // TODO 处理我们发送出去的响应
    // 关闭处理器

private def processNewResponses() {
    // 有多个 processor 线程,一个线程对应一个响应队列,这个 id 就是一个 processor 线程编号
    // TODO Response 对象
    var curr = requestChannel.receiveResponse(id)
    // 只要当前处理器还有响应要发送
    while (curr != null) {
        curr.responseAction match {
          case RequestChannel.NoOpAction =>
            // There is no response to send to the client, we need to read more pipelined requests
            // 没有响应发送到客户端,我们需要读取更多的流水线请求
            // that are sitting in the server's socket buffer
            // 它们位于服务器的套接字缓冲区中
            trace("Socket server received empty response to send, registering for read: " + curr)
            // 没有响应需要发送给客户端,需要读取更多的请求,添加 OP_READ
          case RequestChannel.SendAction =>
            // 有响应要发送给客户端,注册写事件,下次轮询时要把响应发送给客户端
            // 绑定 OP_WRITE
          // 关闭 Socket 通信
          case RequestChannel.CloseConnectionAction =>
            trace("Closing socket connection actively according to the response code.")
            close(selector, curr.request.connectionId)
  • 选择器轮询操作最后会返回 completedReceives 和 completedSends,分别表示接收和发送
  // 服务端处理器的运行方法在调用选择器的轮询后,处理已经完成的请求接收和响应发送
  private def processCompletedReceives() {
    // 遍历每一个请求
    selector.completedReceives.asScala.foreach { receive =>
      try {
        val channel = selector.channel(receive.source)
        val session = RequestChannel.Session(new KafkaPrincipal(KafkaPrincipal.USER_TYPE, channel.principal.getName),
        // 对于获取到到请求按照协议进行解析,解析出来的就是一个个 Request
        val req = RequestChannel.Request(processor = id, connectionId = receive.source, session = session, buffer = receive.payload, startTimeMs = time.milliseconds, securityProtocol = protocol)
        // request 请求放入队列
        // 移除 OP_READ 事件,接收到响应后就不需要再读了
      } catch {
        case e @ (_: InvalidRequestException | _: SchemaException) =>
          // note that even though we got an exception, we can assume that receive.source is valid. Issues with constructing a valid receive object were handled earlier
          error(s"Closing socket for ${receive.source} because of error", e)
          close(selector, receive.source)
  private def processCompletedSends() {
    selector.completedSends.asScala.foreach { send =>
      // 移除数据结构里面的信息
      val resp = inflightResponses.remove(send.destination).getOrElse {
        throw new IllegalStateException(s"Send for ${send.destination} completed, but not in `inflightResponses`")
      // 添加 OP_READ 事件,继续读取客户端请求
  • 客户端和服务端的交互都是通过各自的选择器轮询所驱动,完整的请求和响应过程串联起来的步骤
    • 客户端完成请求的发送,服务端轮询到客户端发送的请求
    • 服务端接受客户端发送的请求,进行业务处理,并准备好响应结果准备发送
    • 服务端完成响应的发送,客户端轮询到服务端发送的响应
    • 客户端接收完服务端发送的响应,整个流程结束
