bug记录:Yolov5使用注意力机制CBAM报错untimeerror: adaptive_avg_pool2d_backward_cuda does not have a deterministi


runtimeerror: adaptive_avg_pool2d_backward_cuda does not have a deterministic implementation, but you set 'torch.use_deterministic_algorithms(true)'. you can turn off determinism just for this operation, or you can use the 'warn_only=true' option, if that's acceptable for your application. you can also file an issue at https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues to help us prioritize adding deterministic support for this operation.


加到train.py 的335行scaler.scale(loss).backward()前面

 bug记录:Yolov5使用注意力机制CBAM报错untimeerror: adaptive_avg_pool2d_backward_cuda does not have a deterministi_第1张图片


