reference link
f=open("a1a.t","r", encoding = 'utf-8',errors='ignore')
cout_1 = 0
cout = 0
for line in f:
cout += 1
if (line.split(' ')[0] == "+1"):
cout_1 += 1
print("cout = %d" % (cout-cout_1) + "\n")
print("cout_1 = %d " % cout_1 + "\n")
above codes could let you know the different labels amount with “+1” or “-1”
f=open("a1a.t.predict","r", encoding = 'utf-8',errors='ignore')
cout_1 = 0
cout = 30956
lines = f.readlines()
cout_1 = lines.count('1\n')
print("cout_2 = {}".format(cout -cout_1) + "\n")
print("cout_1 = %d " % cout_1 + "\n")
obtain the prediction classfication numbers
python3 svmguide1 svmguide1.t
and I just got the followign mistakes:sudo apt install python-is-python3
but as follows is also a mistake:python a1a a1a.t
python a1a a1a.t
Scaling training data...
WARNING: original #nonzeros 22249
> new #nonzeros 181365
If feature values are non-negative and sparse, use -l 0 rather than the default -l -1
Cross validation...
Best c=512.0, g=3.0517578125e-05 CV rate=83.3022
Output model: a1a.model
Scaling testing data...
WARNING: feature index 12 appeared in file a1a.t was not seen in the scaling factor file a1a.range. The feature is scaled to 0.
WARNING: feature index 60 appeared in file a1a.t was not seen in the scaling factor file a1a.range. The feature is scaled to 0.
WARNING: feature index 89 appeared in file a1a.t was not seen in the scaling factor file a1a.range. The feature is scaled to 0.
WARNING: feature index 96 appeared in file a1a.t was not seen in the scaling factor file a1a.range. The feature is scaled to 0.
WARNING: feature index 111 appeared in file a1a.t was not seen in the scaling factor file a1a.range. The feature is scaled to 0.
WARNING: feature index 116 appeared in file a1a.t was not seen in the scaling factor file a1a.range. The feature is scaled to 0.
WARNING: feature index 120 appeared in file a1a.t was not seen in the scaling factor file a1a.range. The feature is scaled to 0.
WARNING: feature index 121 appeared in file a1a.t was not seen in the scaling factor file a1a.range. The feature is scaled to 0.
WARNING: feature index 122 appeared in file a1a.t was not seen in the scaling factor file a1a.range. The feature is scaled to 0.
WARNING: feature index 123 appeared in file a1a.t was not seen in the scaling factor file a1a.range. The feature is scaled to 0.
WARNING: original #nonzeros 429343
> new #nonzeros 3498028
If feature values are non-negative and sparse, use -l 0 rather than the default -l -1
Accuracy = 84.3358% (26107/30956) (classification)
Output prediction: a1a.t.predict
"gnuplot executable not found"
I have to say this is a tricky question. Because after I have installed gun plot into the computer. I still cannot avoid this mistake. Finally, I found that the original test in the pgnuplot.exe
instead of gnuplot.exe.
python ..\heart_scale
the following is the results:svm-train a1a
and I got the following results:*
optimization finished, #iter = 537
nu = 0.460270
obj = -673.031415, rho = 0.628337
nSV = 754, nBSV = 722
Total nSV = 754
.\svm-predict .\a1a.t .\a1a.model a1a.t.predict
and got the following accuracy:Accuracy = 83.5864% (25875/30956) (classification)