DNA 6. 基因组变异之绘制精美瀑布图(ComplexHeatmap)


DNA 1. Germline Mutation Vs. Somatic Mutation 傻傻分不清楚
DNA 2. SCI 文章中基因组变异分析神器之 maftools
DNA 3. SCI 文章中基因组变异分析神器之 maftools
DNA 4. SCI 文章中基因组的突变信号(maftools)
DNA 5. 基因组变异文件VCF格式详解
DNA 6. 基因组变异之绘制精美瀑布图(ComplexHeatmap)



如果有maf格式的文件,可以直接oncoplot包绘制瀑布图,有多种展示和统计maftools | 从头开始绘制发表级oncoplot(瀑布图)和maftools|TCGA肿瘤突变数据的汇总,分析和可视化,如果只有多个样本的基因突变与否的excel,不用担心,也可以用complexheatmap包绘制。



mat: The value should be a character matrix which encodes mulitple alterations or a list of matrices for which every matrix contains binary value representing whether the alteration is present or absent. When the value is a list, the names of the list represent alteration types. You can use unify_mat_list to make all matrix having same row names and column names.

alter_fun: A single function or a list of functions which defines how to add graphics for different alterations. You can use alter_graphic to automatically generate for rectangles and points.

alter_fun_is_vectorized:Whether alter_fun is implemented vectorized. Internally the function will guess.

col:A vector of color for which names correspond to alteration types.

top_annotation:Annotation put on top of the oncoPrint. By default it is barplot which shows the number of genes with a certain alteration in each sample.

right_annotation:Annotation put on the right of the oncoPrint. By default it is barplot which shows the number of samples with a certain alteration in each gene.

left_annotation:Annotation put on the left of the oncoPrint.

bottom_annotation:Annotation put at the bottom of the oncoPrint.

heatmap_legend_param:pass to Heatmap.



1. 软件包安装

if (!require(maftools)) BiocManager::install("maftools")
if (!require(ComplexHeatmap)) BiocManager::install("ComplexHeatmap")


2. 数据读取

举例的数据就是LAML的数据集,在TCGA数据库上也有,但是我这里是使用maftools自带的例子数据,方便一些,获取突变矩阵只需要在oncoplot函数设置参数writeMatrix = TRUE,就会自动生成一个文件名为“onco_matrix.txt”的突变矩阵文件了,简单吧,不过前提条件是我们有maf格式文件,如果没有自己搞一个突变矩阵吧,行名为基因,列名为样本即可。

laml.maf = system.file("extdata", "tcga_laml.maf.gz", package = "maftools")
# clinical information containing survival information and histology. This is
# optional
laml.clin = system.file("extdata", "tcga_laml_annot.tsv", package = "maftools")

laml = read.maf(maf = laml.maf, clinicalData = laml.clin)
## -Reading
## -Validating
## -Silent variants: 475 
## -Summarizing
## -Processing clinical data
## -Finished in 3.190s elapsed (0.450s cpu)
matMut <- read.table("onco_matrix.txt", header = T, check.names = F, sep = "\t")
matMut[1:3, 1:3]
##        TCGA-AB-2945 TCGA-AB-2965 TCGA-AB-2993
## FLT3       Missense     In-frame     In-frame
## DNMT3A     Missense     Missense   Truncating
## NPM1     Truncating   Truncating   Truncating



matMut[matMut == "In-frame"] = "In_frame"
matMuttmp = matMut
matMuttmp$gene = row.names(matMuttmp)
mat_long <- melt(matMuttmp, id.vars = "gene", value.name = "Variant_Classification")
## [1] ""           "In_frame"   "Missense"   "Multi_Hit"  "Truncating"

1. 临床数据整理


pdata <- getClinicalData(laml)
pdata <- subset(pdata, pdata$Tumor_Sample_Barcode %in% colnames(matMut))
pdata = as.data.frame(pdata)
pdata$days_to_last_followup = ifelse(pdata$days_to_last_followup == "-Inf", 0, pdata$days_to_last_followup)
# 画图并去除无突变的样本和基因
pdata$days_to_last_followup = as.numeric(pdata$days_to_last_followup)
pdata$FAB_classification = factor(pdata$FAB_classification)
pdata$Overall_Survival_Status = factor(pdata$Overall_Survival_Status)
## 'data.frame':	164 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ Tumor_Sample_Barcode   : chr  "TCGA-AB-2802" "TCGA-AB-2804" "TCGA-AB-2805" "TCGA-AB-2806" ...
##  $ FAB_classification     : Factor w/ 8 levels "M0","M1","M2",..: 5 4 1 2 2 3 4 3 3 5 ...
##  $ days_to_last_followup  : num  365 2557 577 945 181 ...
##  $ Overall_Survival_Status: Factor w/ 2 levels "0","1": 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 ...
matMut <- matMut[, pdata$Tumor_Sample_Barcode]

2. 指定变异形状


alter_fun <- list(
  background = function(x, y, w, h) {
    grid.rect(x, y, w-unit(0.5, "mm"), h-unit(0.5, "mm"), 
              gp = gpar(fill = "white", col = NA))
  In_frame = function(x, y, w, h) {
    grid.rect(x, y, w-unit(0.5, "mm"), h-unit(0.5, "mm"), 
              gp = gpar(fill = col["In_frame"], col = NA))
  Missense = function(x, y, w, h) {
    grid.rect(x, y, w-unit(0.5, "mm"), h-unit(0.5, "mm"),  
              gp = gpar(fill = col["Missense"], col = NA))
  Multi_Hit = function(x, y, w, h) {
    grid.rect(x, y, w-unit(0.5, "mm"), h-unit(0.5, "mm"), 
              gp = gpar(fill = col["Multi_Hit"], col = NA))
  Truncating = function(x, y, w, h) {
    grid.rect(x, y, w-unit(0.5, "mm"), h-unit(0.5, "mm"), 
              gp = gpar(fill = col["Truncating"], col = NA))
#  Splice_Site = function(x, y, w, h) {
 #   grid.rect(x, y, w-unit(0.5, "mm"),h-unit(0.5, "mm"),
  #            gp = gpar(fill = col["Splice_Site"], col = NA))

3. 指定变异类型的标签,和数据中的类型对应

heatmap_legend_param <- list(title = "Alternations", at = c("In_frame", "Missense",
    "Truncating", "Multi_Hit"), labels = c("In_frame", "Missense", "Truncating",

4. 指定颜色


# 指定颜色, 调整颜色代码即可
col <- c(In_frame = "purple", Missense = "orange", Multi_Hit = "black", Truncating = "blue")
# 定义注释信息 自定义颜色 连续性变量设置颜色(外)
col_OS = colorRamp2(c(0, 973), c("white", "red"))

5. 设置样本注释


ha <- HeatmapAnnotation(OS = pdata$days_to_last_followup, Status = pdata$Overall_Survival_Status,
    FAB_classification = pdata$FAB_classification, col = list(OS = col_OS), show_annotation_name = TRUE,
    annotation_name_gp = gpar(fontsize = 7))

6. 设定标题

column_title <- "This is Oncoplot "

7. 简单瀑布图


oncoPrint(matMut, alter_fun = alter_fun, col = col, alter_fun_is_vectorized = FALSE)

DNA 6. 基因组变异之绘制精美瀑布图(ComplexHeatmap)_第1张图片

8. 添加注释


                        bottom_annotation = ha, #注释信息在底部
                     #   top_annotation=top_annotation,
                        alter_fun = alter_fun, 
                        col = col,  
                        column_title = column_title, 
                        heatmap_legend_param = heatmap_legend_param,
                        row_names_side = "left",
                        pct_side = "right",
                       # column_order=sample_order,
                        #       column_split=3
          alter_fun_is_vectorized = FALSE

DNA 6. 基因组变异之绘制精美瀑布图(ComplexHeatmap)_第2张图片

9. 调整注释的位置


oncoplot_anno <- oncoPrint(matMut,
                        bottom_annotation = ha, #注释信息在底部
                     #   top_annotation=top_annotation,
                        alter_fun = alter_fun, 
                        col = col,  
                        column_title = "", 
                        heatmap_legend_param = heatmap_legend_param,
                        row_names_side = "left",
                        pct_side = "right",
                       # column_order=sample_order,
                        #       column_split=3
          alter_fun_is_vectorized = FALSE


draw(oncoplot_anno, annotation_legend_side = "left", )

DNA 6. 基因组变异之绘制精美瀑布图(ComplexHeatmap)_第3张图片


draw(oncoplot_anno, annotation_legend_side = "left", heatmap_legend_side = "right")

DNA 6. 基因组变异之绘制精美瀑布图(ComplexHeatmap)_第4张图片


draw(oncoplot_anno, annotation_legend_side = "right", heatmap_legend_side = "left",

DNA 6. 基因组变异之绘制精美瀑布图(ComplexHeatmap)_第5张图片


draw(oncoplot_anno, annotation_legend_side = "right", heatmap_legend_side = "bottom",
    align_heatmap_legend = "global_center")

DNA 6. 基因组变异之绘制精美瀑布图(ComplexHeatmap)_第6张图片

