编写函数listToTree: int list -> tree,将一个表转换成一棵平衡树。
如果L非空,则存在L1, x, L2,满足:
split L = (L1, x, L2) 且 L = L1 @ x :: L2 且 length(L1)和length(L2)差值小于1。
datatype tree=Empty | Node of tree*int*tree;
fun split [] =([],[])
| split [x]=([],[x])
| split (x::y::L)=let val (A,B)=split L
in (x::A,y::B)
fun listToTree []=Empty
| listToTree L=let val( l1 , x::r1 ) = split L
in Node(listToTree l1,x,listToTree r1)
Node(listToTree l1 , x , listToTree r1)得到的一定也是平衡树
编写函数revT: tree -> tree,对树进行反转,使trav(revT t) = reverse(trav t)。(trav为树的中序遍历函数)。假设输入参数为一棵平衡二叉树,验证程序的正确性,并分析该函数的执行性能(work和span)。
fun revT Empty:tree=Empty:tree
| revT (Node(l1,x,r1))=Node(revT r1,x,revT l1);
work = O(n)
span = O(log n)
编写函数binarySearch: tree * int -> bool。当输入参数1为有序树时,如果树中包含值为参数2的节点,则返回true;否则返回false。要求:程序中请使用函数Int.compare(系统提供),不要使用<, =, >。
datatype order = GREATER | EQUAL | LESS
fun binarySearch (Empty,x)=false
| binarySearch (Node(L,x,R),y)=
case Int.compare(x,y) of
EQUAL => true
| _ => binarySearch(L,y) orelse binarySearch(R,y);
一棵minheap树定义为: 1. t is Empty; 2. t is a Node(L, x, R), where R, L are minheaps and values(L), value® >= x (value(T)函数用于获取树T的根节点的值)
treecompare, SwapDown 和heapify:treecompare: tree * tree -> order(* when given two trees, returns a value of type order, based on which tree has a largervalue at the root node *)
fun treecompare (Empty,Empty) = EQUAL
| treecompare (Node(l,x,r),Empty)=GREATER
| treecompare (Empty,Node(l,x,r))=LESS
| treecompare (Node(l1,x,r1),Node(l2,y,r2))=Int.compare(x,y);
SwapDown: tree -> tree(* REQUIRES the subtrees of t are both minheaps* ENSURES swapDown(t) = if t is Empty or all of t’s immediate children are empty then* just return t, otherwise returns a minheap which contains exactly the elements in t. *)
fun SwapDown Empty=Empty
| SwapDown (Node(Empty,x,Empty))=Node(Empty,x,Empty)
| SwapDown (Node(Empty,x,R)) =
let val Node(l,t,r) = R
in case Int.compare(x,t) of
GREATER => Node(Empty,t,SwapDown(Node(l,x,r)))
| _ => Node(l,t,r)
| SwapDown (Node(L,x,Empty)) =
let val Node(l,t,r) = L
in case Int.compare(x,t) of
GREATER => Node(SwapDown(Node(l,x,r)),t,Empty)
| _ => Node(l,t,r)
| SwapDown (Node(L,x,R))=
let val Node(l1,x1,r1)=L val Node(l2,x2,r2)=R
case treecompare(L,R) of
GREATER => if Int.compare(x,x2)=GREATER
then Node(L,x2,SwapDown(Node(l2,x,r2)))
else Node(L,x,R)
| _ => if Int.compare(x,x1)=GREATER
then Node(SwapDown(Node(l1,x,r1)),x1,R)
else Node(L,x,R)