teigha开发从入门到精通(2)--kernel sdk和 drawings sdk核心模块功能介绍

drawings sdk依赖kernel sdk

kernel sdk核心模块包括:

  • TD_Alloc — Memory allocation(内存分配)
  • TD_Root — Core functionality(核心功能)
  • TD_DbRoot — Common database functionality(通用数据库功能)
  • TD_Ge — Geometry classes (OdGe*)(几何类)
  • TD_Gi — Entity vectorization classes (OdGi*)(实体矢量化类)
  • TD_Gs — Graphical system classes (OdGs*)(图形化系统类)
  • TD_SpatialIndex — Spatial indexing support (OdSi*)(空间索引支持)

drawings sdk的模块包括:

  • TD_DbCore — Implements the core .dwg database functionality(实现核心的dwg数据库功能)

  • TD_Db — Provides the functionality to initialize and uninitialize the
    core Drawings SDK runtime environment implemented in the following

    • TD_DbIO.tx - Extension that implements file read-write components for .dwg, .dxf, and .dxb formats and some other file-related operation APIs. It can be loaded optionally as a TD_DbIO extension application.

    • TD_DbEntities.tx - Extension that implements the built-in entity set.
      It can be loaded optionally as a TD_DbEntities extension application.

    • ISM.tx - Extension that implements the raster image entity

    • WipeOut.tx - Extension that implements the WipeOut entity

    • RText.tx - Extension that implements the RText entity

    • ATEXT.tx - Extension that implements the arc-aligned text entity

    • SCENEOE.tx - Extension that implements a set of scene definition and rendering setting components

    • ACCAMERA.tx - Extension that implements the camera entity

    • AcMPolygonObj15.tx - Extension that implements the multi-polygon

    • TG_Db — .dgn files support functionality

