经过densify后生成的scene数据保存有point对应的image信息,在densify过程中,reference imgae与neighboring image 做过尺度统一的处理(可参考作者另一篇博文??),因此需要reset solution
bUseConstantWeight //considers all view weights 1 instead of the available weight
bool Scene::ReconstructMesh(float distInsert, bool bUseFreeSpaceSupport, unsigned nItersFixNonManifold,
float kSigma, float kQual, float kb,
float kf, float kRel, float kAbs, float kOutl,
float kInf
Exploiting Visibility Information in
Surface Reconstruction to Preserve Weakly Supported Surfaces
代码阅读笔记见作者另一篇博文 :链接
O && 已构建的DT的顶点P的重投影距离—阈值( 代码中为:distInsert^2)比较:
若不满足,则不添加该点,但visibility info更新(alpha(3D point) +1;
若不满足,则insert该点,visibility info初始化(alpha(3D point)=1)
重投影: 将O与P重投影到所有与o相关的视图上,
满足条件far enough即可
1). locate O –cell(DT)
const cell_handle_t c(delaunay.locate(p, lt, li, lj, hint->cell()));
// Returns the (finite or infinite) cell p lies in.
// Starts at cell "start".
// If lt == OUTSIDE_CONVEX_HULL, li is the index of a facet separating p
// from the rest of the triangulation
// In dimension 2 :
// returns a facet (Cell_handle,li) if lt == FACET
// returns an edge (Cell_handle,li,lj) if lt == EDGE
// returns a vertex (Cell_handle,li) if lt == VERTEX
// If lt == OUTSIDE_CONVEX_HULL, li, lj gives the edge of c separating p
// from the rest of the triangulation
// lt = OUTSIDE_AFFINE_HULL if p is not coplanar with the triangulation
exact_locate(const Point& p, Locate_type& lt, int& li, int& lj,
Cell_handle start, bool *could_lock_zone)
2). cell 中离O最近的vertex –P(1个)
nearest = delaunay.nearest_vertex_in_cell(p, c);
3). 重投影判断
if (!IsDepthSimilar(pn.z, pe.z) || normSq(Point2f(pn)-Point2f(pe)) > distInsertSq)
4). 更新visibility info
hint->info().InsertViews(pointcloud, idx);
函数内部实现 (二选一):
- view_t初始化:
views.InsertAt(idx, view_t(viewID, weight)); //将3D point O 的可见视图深入到view_t( 带有weight)
- view_t自增:
views[idx].weight += weight;//weight = 1
struct view_t {
PointCloud::View idxView; // view index
Type weight; // point's weight
delaunay.insert( p)
- DT生成过程,vertex只包含3D point,生成的DT包括有限DT +无限DT,通过相机视锥体与无限DT所决定的有限face,以及store the finite facet of the infinite cells,使整个face覆盖的空间为3D point + Camera
(对应操作如下1 && 2)
- 同时,将包含相机的DT视作outside,初始化该DT的s-edge weight
//store the finite facet of the infinite cells
// Given a cell and a camera inside it, if the cell is infinite,
// find all facets on the convex-hull and inside the camera frustum,
// else return all four cell's facets
template <int FacetOrientation>
void fetchCellFacets(const delaunay_t& Tr, const std::vector<facet_t>& hullFacets, const cell_handle_t& cell, const Image& imageData, std::vector<facet_t>& facets)
// link all cells contained by the camera to the source ---outside!!!
infoCells[f.first->info()].s = kInf; ----DT-s 的权重已经在此设置,为常数kInf
- 并不是所有DT都与需要设置DT-s权重,只有
由camera fetch得到的face,与其相关的DT(代码如下)
部分置信度极低的DT-s edge已经剔除,置信度较高的DT才生成DT-s edge
camCell.cell = delaunay.locate(MVS2CGAL(camera.C));
遍历(c,p)间或者延长线间的DT face,核心函数intersect(),会输出out_face,即 所有in_face的邻接DT的其他face,从而实现遍历作用
const edge_cap_t alpha_vis(view.weight);
//view.weight 在DT三角化过程中计算得到(见上)
const edge_cap_t w(alpha_vis*(1.f-EXP(-SQUARE((float)inter.dist)*inv2SigmaSq)))
在graph构建的过程中,只有DT间face所代表的edge的权重,需要引入surface quality,与可视性权重加权【kQual】相加---与参考论文一致
)相关的权重(L_DT的定义见参考论文)const cell_handle_t endCell(delaunay.locate(segEndPoint.source(), vi->cell()));
累加t += alpha_vis;
// Given a cell, compute the free-space support for it
edge_cap_t freeSpaceSupport(const delaunay_t& Tr, const std::vector<cell_info_t>& infoCells, const cell_handle_t& cell)
const edge_cap_t q((1.f - MINF(computePlaneSphereAngle(delaunay, facet_t(ci,i)), computePlaneSphereAngle(delaunay, facet_t(cj,j))))*kQual);
graph.AddEdge(ciID, cjID, ciInfo.f[i]+q, cjInfo.f[j]+q);