例子名称: segment_pill_defects_deep_learning_1_preprocess
②:通过Deep Learning Tool 工具创建的语义分割文件【内部的信息也跟①的一样】
②:通过Deep Learning Tool工具创建的语义分割分拣,所导出的数据集文件.hdict【内部的信息也跟①方式生成的一样】
* 一 :显示该例子介绍信息
ShowExampleScreens := false
dev_example_init (ShowExampleScreens, ExampleInternals)
if (ShowExampleScreens)
* Introduction text of example series.
dev_display_screen_introduction_part_1 (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
dev_display_screen_introduction_part_2 (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
* Explain semantic segmentation data.
dev_display_screen_segmentation_data (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
* Explain splitting the dataset.
dev_display_screen_split_dataset (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
* Explain preprocessing parameters.
dev_display_screen_preprocessing_params (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
dev_display_screen_weight_images (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
* Explain the next steps.
dev_display_screen_next_steps (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
* 原图像目录
ImageDir := 'pill'
* 分割图像存放文件夹,即标注的缺陷区域
SegmentationDir := 'labels/pill'
* 生成文件的根目录
ExampleDataDir := 'segment_pill_defects_data'
DataDirectoryBaseName := ExampleDataDir + '/dldataset_pill_'
* 模型预处理参数的文件名
PreprocessParamFileBaseName := '/dl_preprocess_param.hdict'
*读取分割模型数据集 (原图像目录,标注的缺陷目录, 标注类别),类别对应ID)
* DLDataset 实际上Deep Lerning Tool 创建的标注文件.hdict
read_dl_dataset_segmentation (ImageDir, SegmentationDir, ClassNames, ClassIDs, [], [], [], DLDataset)
* 缺陷标签类别:好的,脏污,断裂
ClassNames := ['good','contamination','crack']
* 相应的标注序号,即灰度值索引
ClassIDs := [0,1,2]
* 拆分数据集的百分比 训练百分之70 确认百分之15【即每学习一段时间后,从此部分抽出一些进行识别验证,判断学习的准确程度】
TrainingPercent := 70
ValidationPercent := 15
*设置预处理图片的相应信息, 图片尺寸,图片彩色——
ImageWidth := 400
ImageHeight := 400
ImageNumChannels := 3
* 设置图片灰度值的范围,范围是-127到128,即为byte,有疑问
ImageRangeMin := -127
ImageRangeMax := 128
NormalizationType := 'none'
*域处理参数,full_domain 即所操作的范围为全图
DomainHandling := 'full_domain'
IgnoreClassIDs := []
SetBackgroundID := []
ClassIDsBackground := []
*创建预处理模型参数(语义分割,图像宽,高,通道数,最低灰度值,最高灰度值,正常化参数,操作区域范围,图像背景信息[],[],[],[],out 预处理参数句柄)
create_dl_preprocess_param ('segmentation', ImageWidth, ImageHeight, ImageNumChannels, ImageRangeMin, ImageRangeMax, NormalizationType, DomainHandling, IgnoreClassIDs, SetBackgroundID, ClassIDsBackground, [], DLPreprocessParam)
create_dict (GenParam)
set_dict_tuple (GenParam, 'overwrite_files', true)
*预处理模型数据集 导出语义分割文件 即DLDatasetFilename
preprocess_dl_dataset (DLDataset, DataDirectory, DLPreprocessParam, GenParam, DLDatasetFilename)
PreprocessParamFile := DataDirectory + PreprocessParamFileBaseName
write_dict (DLPreprocessParam, PreprocessParamFile, [], [])
get_dict_tuple (DLDataset, 'samples', DatasetSamples)
find_dl_samples (DatasetSamples, 'split', 'train', 'match', SampleIndices)
tuple_shuffle (SampleIndices, ShuffledIndices)
read_dl_samples (DLDataset, ShuffledIndices[0:9], DLSampleBatchDisplay)
create_dict (WindowHandleDict)
for Index := 0 to |DLSampleBatchDisplay| - 1 by 1
* Loop over samples in DLSampleBatchDisplay.
dev_display_dl_data (DLSampleBatchDisplay[Index], [], DLDataset, ['image','segmentation_image_ground_truth'], [], WindowHandleDict)
get_dict_tuple (WindowHandleDict, 'segmentation_image_ground_truth', WindowHandleImage)
dev_set_window (WindowHandleImage[1])
Text := 'Press Run (F5) to continue'
dev_disp_text (Text, 'window', 400, 40, 'black', [], [])
stop ()
* This example is part of a series of examples, which summarizes
* the workflow for DL segmentation. It uses the MVTec pill dataset.
* The four parts are:
* 1. Dataset preprocessing. 预处理:数据集预处理
* 2. Training of the model. 训练:模型的训练
* 3. Evaluation of the trained model. 评估:对训练模型的评估
* 4. Inference on new images. 推理:对新图像的推断
* 第一部分:数据预处理
dev_update_off ()
* 一 :显示该例子介绍信息
ShowExampleScreens := false
dev_example_init (ShowExampleScreens, ExampleInternals)
if (ShowExampleScreens)
* Introduction text of example series.
dev_display_screen_introduction_part_1 (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
dev_display_screen_introduction_part_2 (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
* Explain semantic segmentation data.
dev_display_screen_segmentation_data (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
* Explain splitting the dataset.
dev_display_screen_split_dataset (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
* Explain preprocessing parameters.
dev_display_screen_preprocessing_params (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
dev_display_screen_weight_images (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
* Explain the next steps.
dev_display_screen_next_steps (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
* 原图像目录
ImageDir := 'pill'
* 分割图像存放文件夹,即标注的缺陷区域
SegmentationDir := 'labels/pill'
* 生成文件的根目录
ExampleDataDir := 'segment_pill_defects_data'
DataDirectoryBaseName := ExampleDataDir + '/dldataset_pill_'
* 模型预处理参数的文件名
PreprocessParamFileBaseName := '/dl_preprocess_param.hdict'
* 三:设置训练的相应参数
* 缺陷标签类别:好的,脏污,断裂
ClassNames := ['good','contamination','crack']
* 相应的标注序号,即灰度值索引
ClassIDs := [0,1,2]
* 拆分数据集的百分比 训练百分之70 确认百分之15【即每学习一段时间后,从此部分抽出一些进行识别验证,判断学习的准确程度】
TrainingPercent := 70
ValidationPercent := 15
*设置预处理图片的相应信息, 图片尺寸,图片彩色——
ImageWidth := 400
ImageHeight := 400
ImageNumChannels := 3
* 设置图片灰度值的范围,范围是-127到128,即为byte,有疑问
ImageRangeMin := -127
ImageRangeMax := 128
NormalizationType := 'none'
*域处理参数,full_domain 即所操作的范围为全图
DomainHandling := 'full_domain'
IgnoreClassIDs := []
SetBackgroundID := []
ClassIDsBackground := []
SeedRand := 42
set_system ('seed_rand', SeedRand)
* Read the dataset.
*读取分割模型数据集 (原图像目录,标注的缺陷目录, 标注类别),类别对应ID), DLDataset 分割数据集的句柄,记录着传进来的各种参数信息
* DLDataset 实际上Deep Lerning Tool 创建的标注文件.hdict
read_dl_dataset_segmentation (ImageDir, SegmentationDir, ClassNames, ClassIDs, [], [], [], DLDataset)
*生成拆分数据集, 训练的70 确认的15,要额外设置
split_dl_dataset (DLDataset, TrainingPercent, ValidationPercent, [])
file_exists (ExampleDataDir, FileExists)
if (not FileExists)
make_dir (ExampleDataDir)
*创建预处理模型参数(语义分割,图像宽,高,通道数,最低灰度值,最高灰度值,正常化参数,操作区域范围,图像背景信息[],[],[],[],out 预处理参数句柄)
create_dl_preprocess_param ('segmentation', ImageWidth, ImageHeight, ImageNumChannels, ImageRangeMin, ImageRangeMax, NormalizationType, DomainHandling, IgnoreClassIDs, SetBackgroundID, ClassIDsBackground, [], DLPreprocessParam)
* Dataset directory for any outputs written by preprocess_dl_dataset.
DataDirectory := DataDirectoryBaseName + ImageWidth + 'x' + ImageHeight
create_dict (GenParam)
set_dict_tuple (GenParam, 'overwrite_files', true)
*预处理模型数据集 生成语义分割文件 即DLDatasetFilename
preprocess_dl_dataset (DLDataset, DataDirectory, DLPreprocessParam, GenParam, DLDatasetFilename)
* Store preprocess params separately in order to use it e.g. during inference.
PreprocessParamFile := DataDirectory + PreprocessParamFileBaseName
write_dict (DLPreprocessParam, PreprocessParamFile, [], [])
*五: 验证,实时反馈
get_dict_tuple (DLDataset, 'samples', DatasetSamples)
find_dl_samples (DatasetSamples, 'split', 'train', 'match', SampleIndices)
tuple_shuffle (SampleIndices, ShuffledIndices)
read_dl_samples (DLDataset, ShuffledIndices[0:9], DLSampleBatchDisplay)
create_dict (WindowHandleDict)
for Index := 0 to |DLSampleBatchDisplay| - 1 by 1
* Loop over samples in DLSampleBatchDisplay.
dev_display_dl_data (DLSampleBatchDisplay[Index], [], DLDataset, ['image','segmentation_image_ground_truth'], [], WindowHandleDict)
get_dict_tuple (WindowHandleDict, 'segmentation_image_ground_truth', WindowHandleImage)
dev_set_window (WindowHandleImage[1])
Text := 'Press Run (F5) to continue'
dev_disp_text (Text, 'window', 400, 40, 'black', [], [])
stop ()
* Close windows that have been used for visualization.
dev_close_window_dict (WindowHandleDict)
if (ShowExampleScreens)
* Hint to the DL segmentation training process example.
dev_display_screen_next_example (ExampleInternals)
stop ()
* Close example windows.
dev_close_example_windows (ExampleInternals)
如:图像宽度,高度,通道,训练的模式【CPU || GPU】 训练集与验证集的比例,缺陷放大的权重参数,即可完成图像预处理