
本文翻译自:Call a function from another file in Python

Set_up: I have a .py file for each function I need to use in a program. Set_up:我有一个.py文件,用于我需要在程序中使用的每个函数。

In this program, I need to call the function from the external files. 在这个程序中,我需要从外部文件调用该函数。

I've tried: 我试过了:

from file.py import function(a,b)

But I get the error: 但我得到错误:

ImportError: No module named 'file.py'; ImportError:没有名为'file.py'的模块; file is not a package 文件不是包

How do I fix this problem? 我该如何解决这个问题?




There isn't any need to add file.py while importing. 导入时无需添加file.py Just write from file import function , and then call the function using function(a, b) . 只需from file import function写入,然后使用function(a, b)调用该函数。 The reason why this may not work, is because file is one of Python's core modules, so I suggest you change the name of your file. 这可能不起作用的原因是因为file是Python的核心模块之一,所以我建议你更改文件的名称。

Note that if you're trying to import functions from a.py to a file called b.py , you will need to make sure that a.py and b.py are in the same directory. 请注意,如果您尝试将函数从a.py导入到名为b.py的文件中,则需要确保a.pyb.py位于同一目录中。


First of all you do not need a .py . 首先,你不需要.py

If you have a file a.py and inside you have some functions: 如果你有一个文件a.py和里面你有一些功能:

def b():
  # Something
  return 1

def c():
  # Something
  return 2

And you want to import them in z.py you have to write 你想在z.py导入它们,你必须写

from a import b, c


First save the file in .py format (for example, my_example.py ). 首先以.py格式保存文件(例如, my_example.py )。 And if that file have functions, 如果该文件有功能,

def xyz():



def abc():



In the calling function you just have to type the below lines. 在调用函数中,您只需键入以下行。

file_name: my_example2.py file_name:my_example2.py

============================ ============================

import my_example.py

a = my_example.xyz()

b = my_example.abc()

============================ ============================


You should have the file at the same location as that of the Python files you are trying to import. 您应该将文件放在与要导入的Python文件相同的位置。 Also 'from file import function' is enough. “从文件导入功能”也足够了。


You don't have to add file.py . 您不必添加file.py

Just keep the file in the same location with the file from where you want to import it. 只需将文件保存在与要导入文件的文件相同的位置即可。 Then just import your functions: 然后只需导入您的功能:

from file import a, b
