
1. 会议 or 期刊?  


2)很多经典工作大家可能引的是某顶级期刊上的论文,这是因为期刊论文表述得比较完整、实验充分。但实际上很多都是在顶级会议上首发。比如PLSA, Latent Dirichlet Allocation等。



在CV / DL / AI 领域,顶级会议(top conference) 是发表重大研究成果的主要方式,而不是期刊(journals),因此要追state-of-the-art 的成果也以顶级会议的paper 为主。当然以不同的地区(欧洲、美洲、亚洲) 或各个研究领域看待不同的会议可能排名会稍有不同,但基本上来说,想上顶级会议还是非常困难的。

领域 简称 全称 截稿日期 会议日期 链接



H排名 届数 录取比例
Artificial Intelligence IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2020.1.15 2020.7.11 http://www.ijcai20.org/ A类 10 30 17.9%
Machine Learning ICML  International Conference on Machine Learning 2020.1.31 2020.7.21 https://icml.cc/ A类 3 37 21.8%
Computer Vision ICCV International Conference on Computer Vision  2020.3.15 2021.10.11-10.17 http://iccv2021.thecvf.com/ A类 5   25%
Machine Learning NIPS Conference and Workshop on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2020.6.3 2020.12.06 https://neurips.cc/ A类 2 34 21%
Artificial Intelligence AAAI American Association for Artificial Intelligence 2020.9.9 2021.2.2-2021.2.9 https://aaai.org/Conferences/AAAI-21/ A类 7 35 16.2%
Computer Vision CVPR International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  2020.11.16 2021.6.21 http://cvpr2021.thecvf.com/ A类 1 31 22%
Computational Linguistics/Natural Language Processing(NLP) ACL Association for Computational Linguistics 2019.12.9 2020.4.3 https://acl2020.org/ A类 6 58 22.7%
Computational learning theory COLT Annual Conference on Computational Learning Theory 2020.1.31 2020.5.1 http://learningtheory.org/colt2020/ B类 15 33 30.9%
  ICCBR International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning and Development 2020.2.17 2020.6.6 https://iccbr20.org/ B类 35 28  
Artificial Intelligence UAI International Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence 2020.2.20 2020.8.3 http://auai.org/uai2020/ B类 24 36  
  KR International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning 2020.3.4 2020.9.12 https://kr2020.inf.unibz.it/ B类 17    
Computer Vision ECCV European Conference on Computer Vision 2020.3.5 2020.8.23 https://eccv2020.eu/ B类 4 16 27%
Artificial Intelligence PPSN Parallel Problem Solving from Nature 2020.4.15 2020.9.5 http://ppsn2020.liacs.leidenuniv.nl/ B类 30 16  
NLP EMNLP Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing 2020.6.1 2020.11.8 https://2020.emnlp.org/ B类 8 17 25.5%
NLP COLING International Conference on Computational Linguistics 2020.7.1 2020.12.8 https://coling2020.org/ B类 16 28 33%
International Robotics and Automation ICRA IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 2019.9.15 2020.5.31 https://www.icra2020.org/ B类 9   40.5%
Intelligent body multi-machine field AAMAS International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi- agent Systems 2020.10.2 2021.5.3 https://aamas2021.soton.ac.uk/ B类 18 20  
Artificial Intelligence ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2019.11.15 2020.1.15 https://www.ijcai-18.org/index.html B类 26 24 27%
  ICAPS International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling 2019.11.20 2020.6.14 https://icaps20.icaps-conference.org/?utm_source=researchbib B类 27    
Artificial Intelligence PRICAI Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2020.1.15 2020.7.11 https://www.ijcai20.org/ C类 37 17  
  IJCNN International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2020.1.30 2020.7.19 https://wcci2020.org/ C类 20    
  GECCO Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2020.1.30 2020.7.8



C类 21 29  
  ICDAR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition 2021.2.8 2021.9.5 https://icdar2021.org/ C类 22 16  
  IROS IEEERSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems 2020.3.1 2020.10.25 http://www.iros2020.org/ C类 13 33  
  KSEM International conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management 2020.4.16 2020.8.28 http://ksem2020.org/ C类 38 13  
Machine  learning BMVC British Machine Vision Conference 2020.4.23 2020.9.7



C类 12 31 29.6%
  ICANN International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks 2020.4.30 2020.9.15 https://e-nns.org/icann2020/ C类 33 29  
  ILP International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming 2020.5.25 2020.9.9



C类 40 30  
  ICONIP International Conference on Neural Information Processing 2020.6.1 2020.11.18 http://iconip2020.apnns.org/ C类 29 27  
NLP NLPCC CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing 2020.6.7 2020.10.14



C类 34 9  
  ICB International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2020.6.8 2020.9.27 https://ieee-biometrics.org/ijcb2020/ C类 23 13  
machine learning ACML Asian Conference on Machine Learning 2020.6.29 2020.11.18 http://www.acml-conf.org/2020/ C类 31 12 24.1%
Artificial Intelligence ICTAI IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence 2020.7.1 2020.11.9 http://ictai2020.org/ C类 32 32  
Computer Vision ACCV Asian Conference on Computer Vision 2020.7.8 2020.11.30 http://accv2020.kyoto/ C类 17 15  
NLP CoNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning 2020.7.17 2020.11.19 https://www.conll.org/2020 C类 36 24  
  ALT International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory 2019.9.20 2020.2.8



C类 39 30  
  FG International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2019.9.27 2020.5.18 https://fg2020.org/ C类 25 15  
Artificial Intelligence AISTATS Artificial Intelligence and Statistics 2019.10.8 2020.6.3 https://www.aistats.org/ C类   23  
Pattern Recognition ICPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2020.7.15 2021.1.10 https://www.icpr2020.it/ C类 19 25  
NLP NAACL The Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2018.12.3 2019.6.2 http://naacl2019.org/ C类 11 17 26.3%
Machine Learning ICLR International Conference on Learning Representations 2019.9.25 2020.4.26 https://iclr.cc/     8  


1) ICML 和NIPS 都是老牌的会议,公认的tier 1,而ICLR 是由于近年来深度学习大师们大力拉拔而水平急速上升,而COLT 是重理论的会议,UAI和AISTATS 则是重机率统计的会议。

2)以计算机视觉领域来说,ICCV、CVPR 和ECCV 是CV 领域的三大会议。ICCV 两年举办一次(奇数年),与ECCV 刚好错开,ECCV 在欧洲举办,CVPR 则是每年在美国举办。

3)AAAI和IJCAI一样是两个老牌会议,但感觉大家在讨论ML 时觉得AAAI 和IJCAI 没这么顶尖,不过在AI 领域应当还是翘楚。




领域 简称 全称 链接 平均审稿速度



分区 影响因子 H5排名
Applied Mathematics (Q1), Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1), Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q1), Software (Q1) TPAMI IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence https://www.computer.org/tpami-author-information 4个月 A类 Q1 19.420 1
Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Control and Systems Engineering (Q1), Software (Q1), Statistics and Probability (Q1) JMLR Journal of Machine Learning Research http://www.jmlr.org/   A类 Q1 5.310 4
Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q1), Software (Q1) IJCV International Journal of Computer Vision



  A类 Q1 7.560 9
Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Language and Linguistics (Q1), Linguistics and Language (Q1) AI Artificial Intelligence



9个月 A类 Q1 3.870 20
Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design (Q1), Software (Q1) TIP

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing



8个月 A类 Q1 8.980  
Computer Science Applications (Q1), Control and Systems Engineering (Q1), Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1), Human-Computer Interaction (Q1), Information Systems (Q1), Software (Q1)  

IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics



  B类 Q1 11.470 2
  TNNLS IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and learning systems 



  B类     3
Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q1), Signal Processing (Q1), Software (Q1) PR Pattern Recognition



  B类 Q1 7.350 5
Applied Mathematics (Q1), Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1), Control and Systems Engineering (Q1) TFS IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems



  B类 Q1 8.800 6
Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q1), Software (Q1), Theoretical Computer Science (Q1) TEC IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation



  B类 Q1 11.020 11
Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Cognitive Neuroscience (Q1)  

Neural Networks



  B类 Q1 6.000 12
  TASLP IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing



  B类     14
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q1), Signal Processing (Q1), Software (Q1) CVIU Computer Vision and Image Understanding



  B类 Q1 3.700 19
Applied Mathematics (Q2), Artificial Intelligence (Q2), Software (Q2), Theoretical Computer Science (Q2) IJAR International Journal of Approximate Reasoning



  B类 Q2 2.900 23
Software (Q1), Artificial Intelligence (Q2)  

Machine Learning

https://www.springer.com/journal/10994   B类 Q1 2.730 24
Human-Computer Interaction (Q1), Software (Q1) TAC IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing



  B类 Q1 7.170 25
Artificial Intelligence (Q1) JAIR Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research https://www.jair.org/index.php/jair   B类 Q1 3.400 26
Language and Linguistics (Q1), Linguistics and Language (Q1), Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q2), Speech and Hearing (Q2) JSLHR Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research https://pubs.asha.org/journal/jslhr   B类 Q1 1.900 30
Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1), Cognitive Neuroscience (Q3)  

Neural Computation



  B类 Q1 5.540 33
Language and Linguistics (Q1), Linguistics and Language (Q1), Artificial Intelligence (Q2), Computer Science Applications (Q2)  

Computational Linguistics

https://cl.indiana.edu/   B类 Q1 2.900 38
Artificial Intelligence (Q2) AAMAS Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems https://www.springer.com/journal/10458   B类 Q2 2.550 41
Computational Mathematics (Q2)  

Evolutionary Computation

https://sourceforge.net/projects/evolutcomput/   B类 Q2 4.140 44
Software (Q1), Artificial Intelligence (Q2), Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q2)  

Journal of Automated Reasoning

https://www.springer.com/journal/10817   B类 Q1 2.380 46
Information Systems and Management (Q2) DKE Data and Knowledge Engineering



  B类 Q2 2.800 49
Computer Science (miscellaneous) (Q2), Theoretical Computer Science (Q3), Experimental and Cognitive Psychology (Q4) TAP ACM Transactions on Applied Perception https://dl.acm.org/journal/tap   B类 Q2 1.920 54
  TSLP ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing 



Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Computer Science Applications (Q1), Cognitive Neuroscience (Q2)  




  C类 Q1 5.190 7
Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Computer Science Applications (Q1), Engineering (miscellaneous) (Q1) ESWA Expert Systems with Applications



  C类 Q1 5.890 8
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q1), Software (Q1), Artificial Intelligence (Q2), Signal Processing (Q2) PRL Pattern Recognition Letters



  C类 Q1 3.940 10
Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Information Systems and Management (Q1), Management Information Systems (Q1), Software (Q1) KBS Knowledge-Based Systems



  C类 Q1 6.610 13
Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Control and Systems Engineering (Q1), Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1) EAAI Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence



  C类 Q1 4.530 15
Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Logic (Q1)  

Fuzzy Sets and Systems



  C类 Q1 3.340 17
Geometry and Topology (Q2), Software (Q2), Theoretical Computer Science (Q2)  

Soft Computing

https://www.springer.com/journal/500   C类 Q2 3.140 18
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q2), Software (Q2) IET-CVI IET Computer Vision



  C类 Q2 2.360 21
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2), Signal Processing (Q2)  

IET Signal Processing



  C类 Q2 2.110 22
Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Human-Computer Interaction (Q1), Software (Q1), Theoretical Computer Science (Q1) IJIS International Journal of Intelligent Systems



  C类 Q1 6.980 27
Human-Computer Interaction (Q2), Software (Q2), Theoretical Computer Science (Q2)  

Computer Speech and Language

    C类 Q2 2.700 28
Artificial Intelligence (Q2)  

Applied Intelligence

https://www.springer.com/journal/10489   C类 Q2 3.260 29
Artificial Intelligence (Q1), Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1) AIM Artificial Intelligence in Medicine



  C类 Q1 4.470 31
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q2), Hardware and Architecture (Q2), Software (Q2), Computer Science Applications (Q3)  

Machine Vision and Applications

https://www.springer.com/journal/138   C类 Q2 2.440 32
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q1), Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1), Signal Processing (Q2) IVC Image and Vision Computing



  C类 Q1 3.380 34
  NCA Neural Computing & Applications https://www.springer.com/journal/521   C类     35
Computer Networks and Communications (Q1), Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1) IJNS International Journal of Neural Systems



  C类 Q1 6.840 36
Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous) (Q1), Developmental and Educational Psychology (Q1), Information Systems (Q1), Information Systems and Management (Q1), Management Information Systems (Q1) DSS Decision Support Systems



  C类 Q1 5.420 37
Artificial Intelligence (Q3), Computational Mathematics (Q3)  

Computational Intelligence

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14678640   C类 Q3 1.060 39
Computer Networks and Communications (Q1), Artificial Intelligence (Q2), Software (Q2), Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q3) NPL Neural Processing Letters https://www.springer.com/journal/11063   C类 Q1 3.100 40
  TG IEEE Transactions on Games https://cis.ieee.org/publications/t-games   C类     42
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q2), Artificial Intelligence (Q3) PAA Pattern Analysis and Applications https://www.springer.com/journal/10044   C类 Q2 1.740 43
Artificial Intelligence (Q2), Control and Systems Engineering (Q2), Computational Theory and Mathematics (Q3), Theoretical Computer Science (Q3)  

Expert Systems

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14680394   C类 Q2 2.050 45
Software (Q2), Artificial Intelligence (Q3), Theoretical Computer Science (Q3) JETAI Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence



  C类 Q2 2.750 47
Artificial Intelligence (Q2), Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology (miscellaneous) (Q2)  

Artificial Life

https://www.mitpressjournals.org/loi/artl   C类 Q2 1.770 48
Language and Linguistics (Q2), Linguistics and Language (Q2), Artificial Intelligence (Q3), Software (Q3) NLE Natural Language Engineering https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/natural-language-engineering   C类 Q2 1.720 50
Computer Science Applications (Q3)  

Natural Computing

https://www.springer.com/journal/11047   C类 Q3 1.760 51
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q2), Artificial Intelligence (Q3), Software (Q3) IJPRAI International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence https://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ijprai   C类 Q2 1.450 52
  IDA Intelligent Data Analysis 



  C类     53
Computer Science Applications (Q2), Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (Q2), Software (Q2) IJDAR International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition https://www.springer.com/journal/10032   C类 Q2 1.720 55
  IJUFKS International Journal of Uncertainty,Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based System https://www.worldscientific.com/loi/ijufks   C类     56
Human-Computer Interaction (Q3), Artificial Intelligence (Q4), Software (Q4)  

Connection Science



  C类 Q3 0.850 57
Language and Linguistics (Q2), Linguistics and Language (Q2), Artificial Intelligence (Q4), Software (Q4)  

Machine Translation

https://www.springer.com/journal/10590   C类 Q2 0.680 58
  TALLIP ACM Transactions on Asian and Low- Resource Language Information Processing http://www.letpub.com.cn/index.php?journalid=10296&page=journalapp&view=detail   C类     59
Computer Science Applications (Q3), Software (Q3), Theoretical Computer Science (Q4) IJCIA International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscinet/ijcia   C类 Q3 0.750 60
Artificial Intelligence (Q4), Computer Networks and Communications (Q4), Software (Q4) WI Web Intelligence https://content.iospress.com/journals/web-intelligence   C类 Q4 0.630  


TPAMI 是人工智能领域最顶级国际期刊,它涵盖了计算机视觉和图像理解、模式分析和识别以及机器智能最新的研究成果。根据《华尔街日报》引文报告,该刊2018年的影响因子为 17.730。











