dev_close_window ()
read_image (ImageLabel, 'D:/USER/Desktop/design/dataset/labelShape-0.jpg')
get_image_size (ImageLabel, Width, Height)
dev_open_window (0, 0, Width, Height, 'black', WindowHandle1)
dev_set_draw ('margin')
dev_display (ImageLabel)
NumPoints := []
RowRoi := [10,10,Height - 10,Height - 10]
ColRoi := [10,Width - 10,Width - 10,10]
gen_rectangle1 (Rectangle, 10, 10, Height - 10, Width - 10)
dev_set_line_width (4)
dev_display (Rectangle)
stop ()
reduce_domain (ImageLabel, Rectangle, ImageReduced)
dev_clear_window ()
dev_display (ImageLabel)
create_uncalib_descriptor_model (ImageReduced, 'harris_binomial', [], [], ['min_rot','max_rot','min_scale','max_scale'], [-90,90,0.2,1.1], 42, ModelID)
set_descriptor_model_origin (ModelID, -Height / 2, -Width / 2)
get_descriptor_model_points (ModelID, 'model', 'all', Row_D, Col_D)
NumPoints := [NumPoints,|Row_D|]
read_image (ImageGray, 'D:/USER/Desktop/design/dataset/labelShape-1.jpg')
dev_resize_window_fit_image (ImageGray, 0, 0, -1, -1)
dev_display (ImageGray)
find_uncalib_descriptor_model (ImageGray, ModelID, 'threshold', 800, ['min_score_descr','guided_matching'], [0.003,'on'], 0.25, 1, 'num_points', HomMat2D, Score)
if ((|HomMat2D| > 0) and (Score > NumPoints[0] / 4))
get_descriptor_model_points (ModelID, 'search', 0, Row, Col)
gen_cross_contour_xld (Cross, Row, Col, 6, 0.785398)
projective_trans_region (Rectangle, TransRegion, HomMat2D, 'bilinear')
projective_trans_pixel (HomMat2D, RowRoi, ColRoi, RowTrans, ColTrans)
angle_ll (RowTrans[2], ColTrans[2], RowTrans[1], ColTrans[1], RowTrans[1], ColTrans[1], RowTrans[0], ColTrans[0], Angle)
Angle := deg(Angle)
if (Angle > 70 and Angle < 110)
area_center (TransRegion, Area, Row, Column)
dev_set_color ('green')
dev_set_line_width (4)
dev_display (TransRegion)
dev_set_colored (6)
dev_display (Cross)
stop ()
clear_descriptor_model (ModelID)