Hurst exponent(赫斯特指数)代码与R/S值计算——python


  • Hurst不同值对应的图
  • 代码


Hurst的值域是 [0,1]
若Hurst指数> 0.5,序列具有长期记忆性,未来的增量和过去的增量相关,继续保持现有趋势的可能性强。
若Hurst 指数< 0.5,很有可能是记忆的转弱,趋势结束和反转的开始(mean reversion)。
若Hurst指数= 0.5,序列接近随机游走(Random Walk),无定向运动。



Hurst = 0.5,即无序:
Hurst exponent(赫斯特指数)代码与R/S值计算——python_第1张图片
Hurst exponent(赫斯特指数)代码与R/S值计算——python_第2张图片
Hurst = 0.3,即预计趋势与前一刻相反,由于结尾是下降趋势,因此预计即将向上走
Hurst exponent(赫斯特指数)代码与R/S值计算——python_第3张图片


import sys
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def compute_hc(series, kind="price", min_window=10, max_window=None, simplified=True):
    def __to_inc(x):
        incs = x[1:] - x[:-1]
        return incs

    def __to_pct(x):
        pcts = x[1:] / x[:-1] - 1.
        return pcts

    def __get_simplified_RS(series, kind):
        Simplified version of rescaled range


        series : array-like
        kind : str
            The kind of series (refer to compute_Hc docstring)

        if kind == 'random_walk':
            incs = __to_inc(series)
            R = max(series) - min(series)  # range in absolute values
            S = np.std(incs, ddof=1)
        elif kind == 'price':
            pcts = __to_pct(series)
            R = max(series) / min(series) - 1.  # range in percent
            S = np.std(pcts, ddof=1)
        elif kind == 'change':
            incs = series
            _series = np.hstack([[0.], np.cumsum(incs)])
            R = max(_series) - min(_series)  # range in absolute values
            S = np.std(incs, ddof=1)

        if R == 0 or S == 0:
            return 0  # return 0 to skip this interval due the undefined R/S ratio

        return R / S

    def __get_RS(series, kind):
        Get rescaled range (using the range of cumulative sum
        of deviations instead of the range of a series as in the simplified version
        of R/S) from a time-series of values.


        series : array-like
        kind : str
            The kind of series (refer to compute_Hc docstring)

        if kind == 'random_walk':
            incs = __to_inc(series)
            mean_inc = (series[-1] - series[0]) / len(incs)
            deviations = incs - mean_inc
            Z = np.cumsum(deviations)
            R = max(Z) - min(Z)
            S = np.std(incs, ddof=1)

        elif kind == 'price':
            incs = __to_pct(series)
            mean_inc = np.sum(incs) / len(incs)
            deviations = incs - mean_inc
            Z = np.cumsum(deviations)
            R = max(Z) - min(Z)
            S = np.std(incs, ddof=1)

        elif kind == 'change':
            incs = series
            mean_inc = np.sum(incs) / len(incs)
            deviations = incs - mean_inc
            Z = np.cumsum(deviations)
            R = max(Z) - min(Z)
            S = np.std(incs, ddof=1)

        if R == 0 or S == 0:
            return 0  # return 0 to skip this interval due undefined R/S

        return R / S

    series : array-like

    kind : str
        Kind of series
        possible values are 'random_walk', 'change' and 'price':
        - 'random_walk' means that a series is a random walk with random increments;
        - 'price' means that a series is a random walk with random multipliers;
        - 'change' means that a series consists of random increments
            (thus produced random walk is a cumulative sum of increments);

    min_window : int, default 10
        the minimal window size for R/S calculation

    max_window : int, default is the length of series minus 1
        the maximal window size for R/S calculation

    simplified : bool, default True
        whether to use the simplified or the original version of R/S calculation

    Returns tuple of
        H, c and data
        where H and c — parameters or Hurst equation
        and data is a list of 2 lists: time intervals and R/S-values for correspoding time interval
        for further plotting log(data[0]) on X and log(data[1]) on Y

    if len(series) < 100:
        raise ValueError("Series length must be greater or equal to 100")

    ndarray_likes = [np.ndarray]
    if "pandas.core.series" in sys.modules.keys():

    # convert series to numpy array if series is not numpy array or pandas Series
    if type(series) not in ndarray_likes:
        series = np.array(series)

    if "pandas.core.series" in sys.modules.keys() and type(series) == pd.core.series.Series:
        if series.isnull().values.any():
            raise ValueError("Series contains NaNs")
        series = series.values  # convert pandas Series to numpy array
    elif np.isnan(np.min(series)):
        raise ValueError("Series contains NaNs")

    if simplified:
        RS_func = __get_simplified_RS
        RS_func = __get_RS

    err = np.geterr()

    max_window = max_window or len(series) - 1
    window_sizes = list(map(
        lambda x: int(10 ** x),
        np.arange(math.log10(min_window), math.log10(max_window), 0.25)))

    RS = []
    for w in window_sizes:
        rs = []
        for start in range(0, len(series), w):
            if (start + w) > len(series):
            _ = RS_func(series[start:start + w], kind)
            if _ != 0:

    A = np.vstack([np.log10(window_sizes), np.ones(len(RS))]).T
    H, c = np.linalg.lstsq(A, np.log10(RS), rcond=-1)[0]

    c = 10 ** c
    return H, c, [window_sizes, RS]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    arr = np.arange(1, 200)
    np.random.shuffle(arr) # arr为ndarry结构的数据,使用shuffle打乱
    # hurst_exponent即为赫斯特指数,值域[0,1]
    # c 为 赫斯特参数
    # data 为list,data[0]为对应时间的R值,data[1]为对应时间的S值
    hurst_exponent, c, data = compute_hc(arr)

METATRADER 5 — 交易(计算赫斯特指数):
