[拆轮子] PaddleDetection 中的 COCODataSet 是怎么写的

今日,辗转反侧,该的代码就是跑不成功,来看看 COCODataSet 到底是怎么写的,本文只参考当前版本的代码,当前版本 PaddleDetection2.5 COCODataSet 源码见本文附录,(本文适用于有一定Python基础的童鞋看)

COCODataSet 类内部就三个函数:

_sample_empty     # 该函数供 parse_dataset 调用

来看一下 COCODataSet 的基类实现函数,咱挨个看


1. 基类parse_dataset

def parse_dataset(self, ):
    raise NotImplementedError(
        "Need to implement parse_dataset method of Dataset")

该类必须要被继承之后实现该方法,继承该类中必须解析数据集,并将数据集中的内容传给变量 self.roidbs,具体内容之后看, self.roidbs 变量是一个列表,每一项都是一张照片的内容

parse_dataset 唯一要做的一件事就是解析数据并传给变量 self.roidbs

self.roidbs 中一个 item 是:

{'gt_bbox': array([[133.51,  24.77, 366.11, 562.92]], dtype=float32),
 'gt_class': array([[14]], dtype=int32),
 'h': 640.0,
 'im_file': 'dataset/coco/COCO/val2017/000000270705.jpg',
 'im_id': array([270705]),
 'is_crowd': array([[0]], dtype=int32),
 'w': 475.0}

2. 基类__len__

def __len__(self, ):
    return len(self.roidbs) * self.repeat

len(self.roidbs) 就是原始数据的内容,self.repeat 是重复次数,所以在__getitem__ 有这么一句:

if self.repeat > 1:
    idx %= n


3. 基类__call__

def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
    return self


4. 基类其他不重要函数

  • 设置部分,用来设置自身的属性,基本没被调用
def set_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
    self.mixup_epoch = kwargs.get('mixup_epoch', -1)
    self.cutmix_epoch = kwargs.get('cutmix_epoch', -1)
    self.mosaic_epoch = kwargs.get('mosaic_epoch', -1)

def set_transform(self, transform):
    self.transform = transform

def set_epoch(self, epoch_id):
    self._epoch = epoch_id
  • 获取部分:
def get_anno(self):
    if self.anno_path is None:
    return os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, self.anno_path)

获取标注 ann.json 的路径

  • 检查数据路径函数,也没被调用,不重要跳过
def check_or_download_dataset(self):
    self.dataset_dir = get_dataset_path(self.dataset_dir, self.anno_path,

以上函数供 read 在 dataset类 外部调用(之后会讲到)
[拆轮子] PaddleDetection 中的 COCODataSet 是怎么写的_第1张图片

所以 self.mixup_epoch , self.cutmix_epochself.mosaic_epoch 默认值都是 -1

5. 基类 __getitem__ 函数

def __getitem__(self, idx):
	# ------- 用来进行重复操作的部分 -------
    n = len(self.roidbs)
    if self.repeat > 1:
        idx %= n

    # ------- 深拷贝当前的数据项 -------
    roidb = copy.deepcopy(self.roidbs[idx])
    # 以下仨 if 和数据增强有关
    if self.mixup_epoch == 0 or self._epoch < self.mixup_epoch:
        idx = np.random.randint(n)
        roidb = [roidb, copy.deepcopy(self.roidbs[idx])]
    elif self.cutmix_epoch == 0 or self._epoch < self.cutmix_epoch:
        idx = np.random.randint(n)
        roidb = [roidb, copy.deepcopy(self.roidbs[idx])]
    elif self.mosaic_epoch == 0 or self._epoch < self.mosaic_epoch:
        roidb = [roidb, ] + [
            for _ in range(4)
	# ------- 设置 curr_iter -------
    if isinstance(roidb, Sequence):
        for r in roidb:
            r['curr_iter'] = self._curr_iter
        roidb['curr_iter'] = self._curr_iter
    self._curr_iter += 1
    # ------- 对当前数据项进行之前的 transform ------- 
    return self.transform(roidb)

6. 基类 __init__ 函数

self.dataset_dir = dataset_dir if dataset_dir is not None else ''
self.anno_path = anno_path
self.image_dir = image_dir if image_dir is not None else ''
self.data_fields = data_fields           

看上边这4个参数,是和 yaml 文件中的内容是对应的:
[拆轮子] PaddleDetection 中的 COCODataSet 是怎么写的_第2张图片
基本都在 parse_dataset 调用

self.sample_num = sample_num                # parse_dataset 中调用
self.use_default_label = use_default_label  # 这个变量可能是 COCO 每个id对应的类名? 暂时没发现使用处
self.repeat = repeat
self._epoch = 0
self._curr_iter = 0

5. 子类 parse_dataset 函数


def parse_dataset(self):
	# ------ 先拿到标注和图片的路径 ------
    anno_path = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, self.anno_path)
    # 'dataset/coco/COCO/annotations/instances_val2017.json'
    image_dir = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, self.image_dir)
    # 'dataset/coco/COCO/val2017'

    assert anno_path.endswith('.json'), \
        'invalid coco annotation file: ' + anno_path
    from pycocotools.coco import COCO
    coco = COCO(anno_path)
	# ------ 拿到每张图片的 img_id ------
    img_ids = coco.getImgIds()
    # ------ 拿到COCO数据集类别的 cat_id ------
    cat_ids = coco.getCatIds()
    records = []
    empty_records = []
    ct = 0    # 用来进行数据计数的

    self.catid2clsid = dict({catid: i for i, catid in enumerate(cat_ids)})
    self.cname2cid = dict({
        coco.loadCats(catid)[0]['name']: clsid
        for catid, clsid in self.catid2clsid.items()

    if 'annotations' not in coco.dataset:
        self.load_image_only = True
        logger.warning('Annotation file: {} does not contains ground truth '
                       'and load image information only.'.format(anno_path))


{1: 0,
 2: 1,
 3: 2,
 4: 3,
 5: 4,
 6: 5,
 7: 6,
 8: 7,
 9: 8,
 10: 9,
 11: 10,
 13: 11,
 14: 12,
 15: 13,
 16: 14,
 17: 15,
 18: 16,
 19: 17,
 20: 18,
 21: 19,
 22: 20,
 23: 21,
 24: 22,
 25: 23,
 27: 24,
 28: 25,
 31: 26,
 32: 27,
 33: 28,
 34: 29,
 35: 30,
 36: 31,
 37: 32,
 38: 33,
 39: 34,
 40: 35,
 41: 36,
 42: 37,
 43: 38,
 44: 39,
 46: 40,
 47: 41,
 48: 42,
 49: 43,
 50: 44,
 51: 45,
 52: 46,
 53: 47,
 54: 48,
 55: 49,
 56: 50,
 57: 51,
 58: 52,
 59: 53,
 60: 54,
 61: 55,
 62: 56,
 63: 57,
 64: 58,
 65: 59,
 67: 60,
 70: 61,
 72: 62,
 73: 63,
 74: 64,
 75: 65,
 76: 66,
 77: 67,
 78: 68,
 79: 69,
 80: 70,
 81: 71,
 82: 72,
 84: 73,
 85: 74,
 86: 75,
 87: 76,
 88: 77,
 89: 78,
 90: 79}

变量 self.cname2cid 类别与 id 的对应字典:

	'person': 0
	'bicycle': 1
	'car': 2
	'motorcycle': 3
	'airplane': 4
	'bus': 5
	'train': 6
	'truck': 7
	'boat': 8
	'traffic light': 9
	'fire hydrant': 10
	'stop sign': 11
	'parking meter': 12
	'bench': 13
	'bird': 14
	'cat': 15
	'dog': 16
	'horse': 17
	'sheep': 18
	'cow': 19
	'elephant': 20
	'bear': 21
	'zebra': 22
	'giraffe': 23
	'backpack': 24
	'umbrella': 25
	'handbag': 26
	'tie': 27
	'suitcase': 28
	'frisbee': 29
	'skis': 30
	'snowboard': 31
	'sports ball': 32
	'kite': 33
	'baseball bat': 34
	'baseball glove': 35
	'skateboard': 36
	'surfboard': 37
	'tennis racket': 38
	'bottle': 39
	'wine glass': 40
	'cup': 41
	'fork': 42
	'knife': 43
	'spoon': 44
	'bowl': 45
	'banana': 46
	'apple': 47
	'sandwich': 48
	'orange': 49
	'broccoli': 50
	'carrot': 51
	'hot dog': 52
	'pizza': 53
	'donut': 54
	'cake': 55
	'chair': 56
	'couch': 57
	'potted plant': 58
	'bed': 59
	'dining table': 60
	'toilet': 61
	'tv': 62
	'laptop': 63
	'mouse': 64
	'remote': 65
	'keyboard': 66
	'cell phone': 67
	'microwave': 68
	'oven': 69
	'toaster': 70
	'sink': 71
	'refrigerator': 72
	'book': 73
	'clock': 74
	'vase': 75
	'scissors': 76
	'teddy bear': 77
	'hair drier': 78
	'toothbrush': 79


for img_id in img_ids:
	# 拿到当前图片的信息
    img_anno = coco.loadImgs([img_id])[0]
    img_anno 的内容:
    {'coco_url': 'http://images.cocodataset.org/val2017/000000000139.jpg',
	 'date_captured': '2013-11-21 01:34:01',
	 'file_name': '000000000139.jpg',
	 'flickr_url': 'http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8035/8024364858_9c41dc1666_z.jpg',
	 'height': 426,
	 'id': 139,
	 'license': 2,
	 'width': 640}
    im_fname = img_anno['file_name']
    im_w = float(img_anno['width'])
    im_h = float(img_anno['height'])
	# 拿到本地的图片路径
    im_path = os.path.join(image_dir,
                           im_fname) if image_dir else im_fname
    is_empty = False

	# ------- 判断图片的合法性 ------- 
    if not os.path.exists(im_path):
        logger.warning('Illegal image file: {}, and it will be '

    if im_w < 0 or im_h < 0:
        logger.warning('Illegal width: {} or height: {} in annotation, '
                       'and im_id: {} will be ignored'.format(
                           im_w, im_h, img_id))
	# 拿到图片的信息,否则是空字典
    coco_rec = {
        'im_file': im_path,
        'im_id': np.array([img_id]),
        'h': im_h,
        'w': im_w,
    } if 'image' in self.data_fields else {}

self.data_fields 是:
[拆轮子] PaddleDetection 中的 COCODataSet 是怎么写的_第3张图片

开始根据当前图片 image_id 来读取标注

if not self.load_image_only:
	# 拿到图片id对应的标注 ann_id
    ins_anno_ids = coco.getAnnIds(
        imgIds=[img_id], iscrowd=None if self.load_crowd else False)
    # 根据标注 ann_id 来读取标注信息
    instances = coco.loadAnns(ins_anno_ids)

    bboxes = []
    is_rbox_anno = False

	# ----------- 加载每一个标注信息 -----------
    for inst in instances:
    	inst 的内容
	    	'segmentation': [[240.86, 211.31, 240.16, 197.19, 236.98, 192.26, 237.34, 187.67, 245.8, ...]]
			'area': 531.8071000000001
			'iscrowd': 0
			'image_id': 139
			'bbox': [236.98, 142.51, 24.7, 69.5]
			'category_id': 64
			'id': 26547
        # ----- 检查 gt bbox 有效性 -----
        if inst.get('ignore', False):
        if 'bbox' not in inst.keys():
            if not any(np.array(inst['bbox'])):

		# ---- 注意 COCO 数据集 json 标注的是 左上角+宽高 ----
        x1, y1, box_w, box_h = inst['bbox']
        x2 = x1 + box_w
        y2 = y1 + box_h
		# 这里转化为了 x1y1x2y2
		# --------- 接下来检验下 box 有效性 ---------
        eps = 1e-5
        if inst['area'] > 0 and x2 - x1 > eps and y2 - y1 > eps:
            inst['clean_bbox'] = [
                round(float(x), 3) for x in [x1, y1, x2, y2]
                'Found an invalid bbox in annotations: im_id: {}, '
                'area: {} x1: {}, y1: {}, x2: {}, y2: {}.'.format(
                    img_id, float(inst['area']), x1, y1, x2, y2))

接下来将数据存在 numpy array 中:

num_bbox = len(bboxes)
if num_bbox <= 0 and not self.allow_empty:
elif num_bbox <= 0:
    is_empty = True

# 根据数量创建空的 numpy 数组
gt_bbox = np.zeros((num_bbox, 4), dtype=np.float32)
gt_class = np.zeros((num_bbox, 1), dtype=np.int32)
is_crowd = np.zeros((num_bbox, 1), dtype=np.int32)
gt_poly = [None] * num_bbox

has_segmentation = False
for i, box in enumerate(bboxes):

    catid = box['category_id'] # 这个是 COCO 类别要换成 0-79 的
    gt_class[i][0] = self.catid2clsid[catid]
    gt_bbox[i, :] = box['clean_bbox']
    is_crowd[i][0] = box['iscrowd']

	# --- 由于暂时用不到 segmentation 信息直接跳过 ---
    # check RLE format 
    if 'segmentation' in box and box['iscrowd'] == 1:
        gt_poly[i] = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
    elif 'segmentation' in box and box['segmentation']:
        if not np.array(box['segmentation']
                        ).size > 0 and not self.allow_empty:
            np.delete(is_crowd, i)
            np.delete(gt_class, i)
            np.delete(gt_bbox, i)
            gt_poly[i] = box['segmentation']
        has_segmentation = True

if has_segmentation and not any(
        gt_poly) and not self.allow_empty:

# 最后将标注信息放在该 gt_rec 字典中
gt_rec = {
    'is_crowd': is_crowd,
    'gt_class': gt_class,
    'gt_bbox': gt_bbox,
    'gt_poly': gt_poly,

接下来根据 yaml 中 data_fields 字段将信息放在 coco_rec 字典中

for k, v in gt_rec.items():
	if k in self.data_fields:
	    coco_rec[k] = v
if is_empty: # 如果当前图片没有对应标注
ct += 1# ct 用来计数

# 这个字段可以用来截取数据的长度
if self.sample_num > 0 and ct >= self.sample_num:

最后这部分用来在没有标注的图片列表empty_records中 sample,调用了self._sample_empty

if self.allow_empty and len(empty_records) > 0:
	empty_records = self._sample_empty(empty_records, len(records))
	records += empty_records


顺便备份一下当前版本PaddleDetection2.5COCODataSet 代码

class COCODataSet(DetDataset):
    Load dataset with COCO format.

        dataset_dir (str): root directory for dataset.
        image_dir (str): directory for images.
        anno_path (str): coco annotation file path.
        data_fields (list): key name of data dictionary, at least have 'image'.
        sample_num (int): number of samples to load, -1 means all.
        load_crowd (bool): whether to load crowded ground-truth. 
            False as default
        allow_empty (bool): whether to load empty entry. False as default
        empty_ratio (float): the ratio of empty record number to total 
            record's, if empty_ratio is out of [0. ,1.), do not sample the 
            records and use all the empty entries. 1. as default
        repeat (int): repeat times for dataset, use in benchmark.

    def __init__(self,
        super(COCODataSet, self).__init__(
        self.load_image_only = False
        self.load_semantic = False
        self.load_crowd = load_crowd
        self.allow_empty = allow_empty
        self.empty_ratio = empty_ratio

    def _sample_empty(self, records, num):
        # if empty_ratio is out of [0. ,1.), do not sample the records
        if self.empty_ratio < 0. or self.empty_ratio >= 1.:
            return records
        import random
        sample_num = min(
            int(num * self.empty_ratio / (1 - self.empty_ratio)), len(records))
        records = random.sample(records, sample_num)
        return records

    def parse_dataset(self):
        anno_path = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, self.anno_path)
        image_dir = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, self.image_dir)

        assert anno_path.endswith('.json'), \
            'invalid coco annotation file: ' + anno_path
        from pycocotools.coco import COCO
        coco = COCO(anno_path)
        img_ids = coco.getImgIds()
        cat_ids = coco.getCatIds()
        records = []
        empty_records = []
        ct = 0

        self.catid2clsid = dict({catid: i for i, catid in enumerate(cat_ids)})
        self.cname2cid = dict({
            coco.loadCats(catid)[0]['name']: clsid
            for catid, clsid in self.catid2clsid.items()

        if 'annotations' not in coco.dataset:
            self.load_image_only = True
            logger.warning('Annotation file: {} does not contains ground truth '
                           'and load image information only.'.format(anno_path))

        for img_id in img_ids:
            img_anno = coco.loadImgs([img_id])[0]
            im_fname = img_anno['file_name']
            im_w = float(img_anno['width'])
            im_h = float(img_anno['height'])

            im_path = os.path.join(image_dir,
                                   im_fname) if image_dir else im_fname
            is_empty = False
            if not os.path.exists(im_path):
                logger.warning('Illegal image file: {}, and it will be '

            if im_w < 0 or im_h < 0:
                logger.warning('Illegal width: {} or height: {} in annotation, '
                               'and im_id: {} will be ignored'.format(
                                   im_w, im_h, img_id))

            coco_rec = {
                'im_file': im_path,
                'im_id': np.array([img_id]),
                'h': im_h,
                'w': im_w,
            } if 'image' in self.data_fields else {}

            if not self.load_image_only:
                ins_anno_ids = coco.getAnnIds(
                    imgIds=[img_id], iscrowd=None if self.load_crowd else False)
                instances = coco.loadAnns(ins_anno_ids)

                bboxes = []
                is_rbox_anno = False
                for inst in instances:
                    # check gt bbox
                    if inst.get('ignore', False):
                    if 'bbox' not in inst.keys():
                        if not any(np.array(inst['bbox'])):

                    x1, y1, box_w, box_h = inst['bbox']
                    x2 = x1 + box_w
                    y2 = y1 + box_h
                    eps = 1e-5
                    if inst['area'] > 0 and x2 - x1 > eps and y2 - y1 > eps:
                        inst['clean_bbox'] = [
                            round(float(x), 3) for x in [x1, y1, x2, y2]
                            'Found an invalid bbox in annotations: im_id: {}, '
                            'area: {} x1: {}, y1: {}, x2: {}, y2: {}.'.format(
                                img_id, float(inst['area']), x1, y1, x2, y2))

                num_bbox = len(bboxes)
                if num_bbox <= 0 and not self.allow_empty:
                elif num_bbox <= 0:
                    is_empty = True

                gt_bbox = np.zeros((num_bbox, 4), dtype=np.float32)
                gt_class = np.zeros((num_bbox, 1), dtype=np.int32)
                is_crowd = np.zeros((num_bbox, 1), dtype=np.int32)
                gt_poly = [None] * num_bbox

                has_segmentation = False
                for i, box in enumerate(bboxes):
                    catid = box['category_id']
                    gt_class[i][0] = self.catid2clsid[catid]
                    gt_bbox[i, :] = box['clean_bbox']
                    is_crowd[i][0] = box['iscrowd']
                    # check RLE format 
                    if 'segmentation' in box and box['iscrowd'] == 1:
                        gt_poly[i] = [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
                    elif 'segmentation' in box and box['segmentation']:
                        if not np.array(box['segmentation']
                                        ).size > 0 and not self.allow_empty:
                            np.delete(is_crowd, i)
                            np.delete(gt_class, i)
                            np.delete(gt_bbox, i)
                            gt_poly[i] = box['segmentation']
                        has_segmentation = True

                if has_segmentation and not any(
                        gt_poly) and not self.allow_empty:

                gt_rec = {
                    'is_crowd': is_crowd,
                    'gt_class': gt_class,
                    'gt_bbox': gt_bbox,
                    'gt_poly': gt_poly,

                for k, v in gt_rec.items():
                    if k in self.data_fields:
                        coco_rec[k] = v

                # TODO: remove load_semantic
                if self.load_semantic and 'semantic' in self.data_fields:
                    seg_path = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, 'stuffthingmaps',
                                            'train2017', im_fname[:-3] + 'png')
                    coco_rec.update({'semantic': seg_path})

            logger.debug('Load file: {}, im_id: {}, h: {}, w: {}.'.format(
                im_path, img_id, im_h, im_w))
            if is_empty:
            ct += 1
            if self.sample_num > 0 and ct >= self.sample_num:
        assert ct > 0, 'not found any coco record in %s' % (anno_path)
        logger.debug('{} samples in file {}'.format(ct, anno_path))
        if self.allow_empty and len(empty_records) > 0:
            empty_records = self._sample_empty(empty_records, len(records))
            records += empty_records
        self.roidbs = records

其基类 DetDataset :

from paddle.io import Dataset

class DetDataset(Dataset):
    Load detection dataset.

        dataset_dir (str): root directory for dataset.
        image_dir (str): directory for images.
        anno_path (str): annotation file path.
        data_fields (list): key name of data dictionary, at least have 'image'.
        sample_num (int): number of samples to load, -1 means all.
        use_default_label (bool): whether to load default label list.
        repeat (int): repeat times for dataset, use in benchmark.

    def __init__(self,
        super(DetDataset, self).__init__()
        self.dataset_dir = dataset_dir if dataset_dir is not None else ''
        self.anno_path = anno_path
        self.image_dir = image_dir if image_dir is not None else ''
        self.data_fields = data_fields
        self.sample_num = sample_num
        self.use_default_label = use_default_label
        self.repeat = repeat
        self._epoch = 0
        self._curr_iter = 0

    def __len__(self, ):
        return len(self.roidbs) * self.repeat

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        n = len(self.roidbs)
        if self.repeat > 1:
            idx %= n
        # data batch
        roidb = copy.deepcopy(self.roidbs[idx])
        if self.mixup_epoch == 0 or self._epoch < self.mixup_epoch:
            idx = np.random.randint(n)
            roidb = [roidb, copy.deepcopy(self.roidbs[idx])]
        elif self.cutmix_epoch == 0 or self._epoch < self.cutmix_epoch:
            idx = np.random.randint(n)
            roidb = [roidb, copy.deepcopy(self.roidbs[idx])]
        elif self.mosaic_epoch == 0 or self._epoch < self.mosaic_epoch:
            roidb = [roidb, ] + [
                for _ in range(4)
        if isinstance(roidb, Sequence):
            for r in roidb:
                r['curr_iter'] = self._curr_iter
            roidb['curr_iter'] = self._curr_iter
        self._curr_iter += 1
        # roidb['num_classes'] = len(self.catid2clsid) # COCODataset 80 cls

        return self.transform(roidb)

    def check_or_download_dataset(self):
        self.dataset_dir = get_dataset_path(self.dataset_dir, self.anno_path,

    def set_kwargs(self, **kwargs):
        self.mixup_epoch = kwargs.get('mixup_epoch', -1)
        self.cutmix_epoch = kwargs.get('cutmix_epoch', -1)
        self.mosaic_epoch = kwargs.get('mosaic_epoch', -1)

    def set_transform(self, transform):
        self.transform = transform

    def set_epoch(self, epoch_id):
        self._epoch = epoch_id

    def parse_dataset(self, ):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "Need to implement parse_dataset method of Dataset")

    def get_anno(self):
        if self.anno_path is None:
        return os.path.join(self.dataset_dir, self.anno_path)
