


2021年6月23日,新加坡 —— 世界上最负盛名的国际中学生信息学奥林匹克竞赛使用了基于游戏场景的编程平台扣哒世界 CodeCombat(网址:koudashijie.com;英文名称 CodeCombat),来自87个国家的参赛选手通过多人竞技场展示编程技能。在六个小时的鏖战中,16位选手进入最后决赛,新加坡国立大学为扣哒世界专项赛前四名颁发了荣誉奖学金。


The world’s most prestigious global coding competition for secondary school students uses CodeCombat’s game-based competitive coding platform to test participants' (87 national teams’ players) programming skills in head-to-head matches. During the six-hour intense battle, 16 contestants had made to the finale, and the National University of Singapore awarded honorary scholarships to the top four of the CodeCombat competition.

CodeCombat全球首席架构师 Valentin Briukhanov 表示:“作为开发扣哒世界AI算法竞技场的工程师,扣哒世界能够在如此全球广泛参与的中学生计算机顶级竞赛中被选用,我们倍感荣幸”,这证明游戏既可以是编程学习的强大工具,也可以成为知识创造性平台。”

“As a part of the programming team that developed the CodeCombat AI League, it’s an absolute honor to have it used at this esteemed event,” said Valentin Briukhanov, the principal architect of CodeCombat’s groundbreaking esports platform. “This validates the game as both a powerful learning tool and platform for creative work.”  



Competitors’ code will determine what champions to summon and how those champions will engage in battle. The innovative AI battle simulator will run participants’ code against others to determine who programmed the best strategies and tactics to win. The tournament will feature multiple rounds, allowing for code modification to counter opponents’ strategies.  

“编程竞赛或黑客松这种形式并不新鲜”, CodeCombat全球首席执行官 Nick Winter 表示,“我们对算法竞赛形式的不断升级,启发我们开发了 CodeCombat AI League 算法竞技场,这是一项非常独特的算法竞技比赛,鼓励选手写出更具有创造性的代码。”

“Coding competitions or hackathons are not new,” said Nick Winter, CodeCombat’s CEO, “but our drive to evolve the format has led us to develop the CodeCombat AI League, a unique esport that is innovating creative coding.”

国际青少年信息学奥林匹克竞赛 (IOI) 云集了来自世界各地最优秀的一批青少年编程顶级大牛,全球前四名会获得奖励,今年和扣哒世界合作的算法竞技场比赛已于2021年6月23日举行。作为扣哒世界的区域战略合作伙伴,香港启瀚科技教育负责组织和实施了本次专项活动。

Featuring some of the best young talented programmers from around the world, the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) awards prizes for the top four performers. The competition with CodeCombat was held on June 23, 2021. As a regional strategic partner for CodeCombat, Caprikon Education had helped organize and execute the event.  

“ 与香港启瀚科技教育和新加坡国立大学等合作伙伴的密切合作为我们同IOI这样国际顶级竞赛权威学术机构打开了大门“,扣哒世界首席执行官王成仓说,“IOI 是一个让人肃然尊敬的平台,扣哒世界能够成为IOI专项活动之一,让我们能进一步推动在全球各地普及编程教育的共同使命。”

“Working closely with our partners such as Caprikon Education and National University of Singapore has opened up the door for IOI partnership”, said Bill Wang, Head of CodeCombat. “Being a part of the IOI event is an amazingly respectable platform to further our shared mission of supporting accessible coding education globally.” 

扣哒世界持续在青少年代码竞赛中发挥着重要的影响力,2020年由扣哒世界主办的AI世青赛共吸引了来自大中华区的 66,336 名选手参赛,成为中国最大的真实代码青少年黑客马拉松之一。而随着今年上半年 CodeCombat AI League 推出,第一个赛季常规赛中共有来自全球60个国家和地区 16,775 名选手参赛,其中 5,240 人参与了总决赛角逐赛季总冠军。

CodeCombat continues to increase its presence in competitive coding for kids. Recently partnering with AI Youth China in 2020, the regional coding competition featured 66,336 participants across Greater China making it one of the biggest code-based hackathons for kids in China. And with the launch of the CodeCombat AI League earlier this year, Season 1 hosted 16,775 competitors in the regular season competition and 5,240 taking on the challenge of the finals championship. 




我们的产品已帮助超过 2000 万学生享受学习计算机科学的乐趣,教会他们成为带有批判性思维、自信和具有创造性的学习者。创新的基于游戏的学习平台具有为初学者设计的自定义代码引擎和解释器。它使用人工、初学者友好的术语讲授真正的 Python、JavaScript 和 C++ 编程语言。

平台网址:https://koudashijie.com/合作联系人:王老师 / 13810906731(手机同微信)



Our products have helped over 20 million students enjoy learning Computer Science, teaching them to be critical, confident, and creative learners. The innovative game-based learning platform features a custom code engine and interpreter designed for beginners. It teaches true Python, JavaScript, and C++ programming languages using human, beginner-friendly terms. 




国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛是每年在世界各地举行的几场国际科学奥林匹克竞赛之一。来自 87 个国家的优秀高中生参加著名的算法竞赛,以提高他们的信息学技能,例如问题分析、算法和数据结构设计、编程和测试。2021 第 33 届 IOI 将于 6 月 19 日至 25 日由新加坡国立大学 (NUS) 计算机学院远程主办。


The International Olympiad in Informatics

The International Olympiad in Informatics is one of several international science Olympiads held annually around the world. Exceptional high school students from 87 countries compete in the prestigious algorithmic competition to sharpen their informatics skills—such as problem analysis, design of algorithms and data structures, programming, and testing. The 33rd IOI 2021 will be hosted virtually from 19 to 25 June 2021 by the National University of Singapore (NUS) School of Computing.
