爬虫goodreads数据_设想现代的Goodreads iOS体验-重新设计研究


“A book, too, can be a star, ‘explosive material, capable of stirring up fresh life endlessly,’ a living fire to lighten the darkness, leading out into the expanding universe.”


Madeleine L’Engle


I love reading. It’s a safe place; one where I can let my mind wander in whatever way it wills. I also love sharing the experience of reading with others. Getting excited about a book with a friend, sharing insights, theories, and reflections over a coffee or glass of wine; it is one of the great joys of my life.

我喜欢阅读。 这是一个安全的地方; 我可以让我以任何方式徘徊的地方。 我也喜欢与他人分享阅读经验。 与朋友一起对一本书感到兴奋,分享对咖啡或葡萄酒的见解,理论和反思; 这是我一生中最大的快乐之一。

For many years Goodreads has been my reading companion app of choice. Despite a scattered few competitors in the market, it remains the primary online platform for book recommendations and social cataloging. The product is a mix of networking, book progressions, recommendation engines, and shelf sorting. The initial offering was launched in 2007 and became acquired by Amazon in 2013.

多年来,Goodreads一直是我选择的阅读伴侣应用程序。 尽管市场上竞争者很少,但它仍然是书籍推荐和社会编目的主要在线平台。 该产品是网络,书籍进度,推荐引擎和书架排序的组合。 最初的产品于2007年推出,并于2013年被亚马逊收购。

Since its acquisition, the product has remained stagnant on several fronts. Core functionality hasn’t adapted with modern web and design standards, and the user experience (UX) is lacking in several key areas. Similarly, the user interface (UI) is outdated and aesthetically bound to yesteryears Web 2.0 design language. As essentially the ‘only choice’ for reading enthusiasts in the digital space it’s fair to be flabbergasted by i) the fact that a large user base is enduring an otherwise subpar experience, and ii) the reality that no one has come along to disrupt the market.

自收购以来,该产品在多个方面一直停滞不前。 核心功能尚未适应现代Web和设计标准,并且在几个关键领域缺少用户体验(UX)。 同样,用户界面(UI)已过时,并且在美学上已绑定到过去的Web 2.0设计语言。 作为数字空间阅读爱好者的基本“唯一选择”,我很高兴地为:i)庞大的用户群正在忍受原本不及其他水平的体验,以及ii)没有人来破坏这一事实。市场。

As both a user of this service, and someone who was looking to add something to their design portfolio, I thought it’d be fun to look at Goodreads from a product design perspective and conduct an unsolicited, conceptual redesign of the iOS app. I’ve never designed a mobile app before, so I was excited at the prospect of giving it a shot.

作为这项服务的用户,以及希望在其设计产品组合中添加一些东西的人,我认为从产品设计的角度看Goodreads并进行未经请求的,概念性的iOS应用重新设计会很有趣。 我以前从未设计过移动应用程序,因此我为能尝试一下而感到兴奋。

Disclaimer: I am in no way associated with Goodreads or Amazon. As mentioned, this is very much an unsolicited design attempt — one which is conceptual at heart and by no means an exhaustive, end to end product overhaul.

免责声明: 我与Goodreads或Amazon无关。 如前所述,这很大程度上是未经请求的设计尝试,这是从概念上讲的,绝不是详尽的端到端产品检修。

任务 (Mission)

The mission was initially simple: I wanted to chat with a few friends who use Goodreads, gather some of their pain points (adding my own into the mix), and mock up 2 or 3 screens with a 2020 design mindset.


It played out differently in actuality. My partner (who is an avid reader) runs a casual book-themed Instagram account, and by proxy is connected with active reading communities from all around the world. It dawned on me that, via her tribe of reading friends, I had access to actual users — people who I’m sure were both on Goodreads and had something to say about it.

实际上它的表现不同。 我的伴侣(是一位狂热的读者)拥有一个以图书为主题的休闲帐户 ,并且通过代理与来自世界各地的活跃阅读社区建立联系。 我突然意识到,通过她的读书朋友部落,我可以接触到实际的用户,我确定这些人都在Goodreads上并且对此有话要说。

I devised a simple UX survey and asked if she’d post it on her account. A few days later I had 50 responses from users who had graciously shared their reflections.

我设计了一个简单的用户体验调查,并询问她是否将其发布到自己的帐户中。 几天后,我收到了来自用户的50条回复,他们亲切地分享了他们的看法。

With the backing of real user reflections and stories, and a product-design focus, the mission became:


  • Conceptually redesign some of the core screens of Goodreads

  • Implement UX-supported user feedback/stories whilst aligning the design language with modern standards

  • Produce basic prototypes in the process.


方法 (Method)

Experimenting with a new visual identity for a product or service is something I love to do, and visual design is definitely one of my favourite parts of my job. However, I wanted to remain disciplined to a more traditional product design approach to ensure my own biases weren’t unnecessarily guiding my design efforts. Hearing about how other users engage with the product, in ways I don’t, gave me a much more holistic view of the service Goodreads offers, and therefore informed what I chose to dedicate efforts towards for the redesign initiative.

我喜欢做的事就是尝试一种产品或服务的新视觉标识,视觉设计绝对是我工作中最喜欢的部分之一。 但是,我想遵循一种更传统的产品设计方法,以确保我自己的偏见不会不必要地指导我的设计工作。 听到其他用户如何以我不喜欢的方式与产品互动,使我对Goodreads提供的服务有了更全面的了解,因此了解了我为重新设计计划所做的努力。

As part of the discipline piece I reflected on several pitfalls I wanted to avoid:


  • Conceptualising a design that completely disregards current branding

  • Being too aesthetically minded and superficial (allowing usability to suffer)

  • Designing without scalability in mind


The ethos of these points can be summed up, succinctly, by a phrase coined by Paul Adams, VP of Intercom, known as “The Dribbblisation of Design” — a style of visual design output aimed at appeasing and gathering social capital from the aesthetically minded communities of dribbble.com, versus solving real-world, real-product business problem (gathering real user feedback for this project was already one large step away from this practice, and I’m again tremendously grateful for the folks who helped me out in that space.)

可以通过对讲副总裁保罗·亚当斯(Paul Adams)创造的一句话来概括这些观点的精神,即“ 设计的滴滴 ” (Dribbblisation of Design ),这是一种视觉设计输出风格,旨在使审美意识丰富的社会资本得到吸收和聚集。 dribbble.com社区,而不是解决实际的,实际的产品业务问题(为该项目收集真实的用户反馈已经距离这种做法一大步了,我再次非常感谢帮助我该空间。)

用户体验(UX) (User Experience (UX))

理解 (Understand)

Abraham Lincoln was once quoted as saying “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”. Similarly with digital product design, in the UX phase, we feel obligated to serve the user and ensure we know what the problem is before we go about solving it.

有人引用亚伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)的话说:“给我六个小时砍下一棵树,我将用头四个时间来削斧头”。 与数字产品设计类似,在UX阶段,我们有义务为用户提供服务,并确保在解决问题之前知道问题所在。

Through my humble yet insightful Google Forms (like I said — it’s a small side project!) UX survey I was able to ascertain several high-level, key pain points users were experiencing.

通过我谦虚但有见地的Google Forms(就像我说的那样-这是一个很小的项目!)UX调查使我能够确定用户遇到的几个高级关键点。

研究 (Research)

If this was an entire product overhaul I’d be looking to do a lot more than a UX survey as the core piece of the UX phase, however the scale and nature of this initiative called for something smaller and quicker so I could finish the project in the foreseeable future.


The UX survey was divided into 4 main sections:


General usage: these questions were designed for gathering insights on things such as the amount of time the user had been on the platform, how often they engage with the service, and what screens/functions they use most frequently.


Community: these questions were designed for gathering insights on how socially interactive users were, and how their behaviour around engaging with other users shaped their sense of connection with friends and authors.


Experience: these questions were designed for gathering insights on smaller, micro-behaviours such as the tendency of a user to leave a star rating and how they use the search function.


Design: these questions were designed for gathering insights on how the user viewed the aesthetic nature of Goodreads and how they engaged with the different design languages between the desktop and app.


定义 (Define)

The define phase of this project involved collecting data from the initial research phase, collating insights, and synthesising these data points into a meaningful and usable body of knowledge — represented in the form of pain points, user stories, and personas.


Some of the high-level pain points to come out of the survey included:


搜索功能有限 (Search functionality is limited)

Searching in Goodreads is one of the main user interactions reported back from the UX survey. Feedback ranged from minor annoyances with random books appearing when they shouldn’t be, to passionate reflections on the absurdity of not being able to see search results unless the book was spelt correctly (i.e. no suggest or autocomplete technology)

在UX调查中,Goodreads中的搜索是报告的主要用户互动之一。 反馈的范围从轻微的烦恼到不应该出现的随机书,到对除非书的拼写正确(即没有建议或自动完成的技术)而看不到搜索结果这样荒谬的思考

"It's terrible! I don't understand how a search engine owned by Amazon could be so clunky and get a book wrong if there's a slight error in it""A book will appear in the search but when you go to select it, the search ‘catches up’ with the extra letters you typed and will change the selection a split second before you tap it""It's awful. Doesn't predict what I'm searching well based on book popularity or publication date and doesn't suggest helpful alternatives if I've mistyped one word!"

尽管该平台被确认为社交网络服务,但与朋友和作者之间的联系仍然存在很大差距。 (A significant disconnect from friends and authors, despite the platform identifying as a social networking service.)

Users reported feelings of disconnection between themselves and friends on the platform. A lack of commenting technology standards (for 2020) such as tagging, replying, and reacting is hurting the platform here.

用户在平台上报告了自己和朋友之间断开连接的感觉。 缺乏评论技术标准(针对2020年),例如标记,回复和React,正在损害这里的平台。

"I’d be a lot more interested in talking to people on Goodreads if I could reply to someone’s comment!""I like how other social platforms allow you to tag someone. I wish Goodreads had that!""Notifications on the app suck, and people never see when I’ve commented on something - so maybe if that was fixed I’d be more inclined to chat more"

导航令人困惑 (Navigation is confusing)

The Goodreads service runs surprisingly deep from a desktop site offerings perspective, so naturally there’s a process of elimitaion involved in presenting a consumable set of navigational options in an app environment with less screen estate. Users stated that finding their way around the Goodreads app was difficult, and that some of their more frequently used screens/functions weren’t readily accessible.

从桌面网站产品的角度来看,Goodreads服务运行的深度出奇地令人惊讶,因此自然而然地存在一种局限性的过程,涉及在屏幕空间较小的应用程序环境中提供一组易用的导航选项。 用户表示很难在Goodreads应用程序中找到自己的出路,而且某些较常用的屏幕/功能也不容易访问。

"It's clunky, the navigation is not easy to work out and often it is hard to get back to the page you were previously on""It’s not user friendly and doesn’t respond well to what would seem like basic prompts by the user.""Even though I've used it for a long time, it still takes me a few goes occasionally to get to the right page to update my reading status"

审美沉闷而无助 (Aesthetic is dull and uninspiring)

Users in 2020 have high expectations of apps, and there’s only so much they’ll put up with when it comes to something which looks (and acts) outdated. Users shared reflections pertaining to a cluttered UI - something that looks severely outdated, and isn’t a delight to use/look at.

2020年,用户对应用程序抱有很高的期望,而对于看起来(和行为)已过时的事物,他们只会忍受不了多少。 用户共享了与混乱的UI相关的反射-看起来有些过时了,使用/观看都不高兴。

"It's outdated and clunky and definitely needs a complete overhaul""It is so average! For such an incredible resource and concept the delivery is so flat. It makes me feel like I am living in the prehistoric times, especially when things like Bookstagram and blog posts etc have come a long way!""I like the simplistic branding, it would be nice if the site looked more modern. I find it a bit too clustered and slightly old fashioned."

移动应用缺少桌面网站提供的某些功能 (Mobile app is missing some functions that the desktop site offers)

As mentioned in the navigation pain point, there are several pieces of functionality missing from the app experience which would enhance user workflows. Users shared comments around an inability to find their friends list, the restriction around changing editions of the books they’re reading, and the absence of notifications on a mobile OS level.

如导航痛点所述,应用程序体验中缺少一些功能,这些功能会增强用户的工作流程。 用户共享了有关以下内容的评论:无法找到其好友列表,正在阅读的书籍的更改版本受到限制以及在移动操作系统级别上没有通知。

"It has some stuff I make use of frequently; such as changing book types (hardcover/softcover and therefore page numbers) which I'd LOVE to see on the app one day.""The app is slightly cleaner than the desktop website, although I hate that I can't change the version of the book I'm reading on the app (I have to use desktop for that)""I like to use the mobile/app version only because it is more convenient. The web version is more functional by far."

需求 (Needs)

Based on the above findings I ascertained that the following could be considered as user needs, which in due course would influence the design:


The ability to search in a way that serves the multifaceted nature of looking for a book: The limitation Goodreads currently places on searching seems nonsensical. Book titles need to be entered with zero grammatical errors in order to be returned form the back-end (similarly with author names). A lack of specificity isn’t catered for, which is in stark contrast with the Google way of viewing the search experience (key words, sensible suggestions, autocompleteetc.)

以一种能够满足寻找图书的多面性的方式进行搜索的能力: Goodreads当前在搜索上的局限性似乎是荒谬的。 为了从后端返回(与作者姓名类似),需要输入零个语法错误的书名。 无法解决缺乏特异性的问题,这与Google查看搜索体验的方式(关键词,明智的建议,自动完成等)形成了鲜明的对比。

The ability to make reading progress updates quickly, and to limit the friction of reviewing a book: Updating reading progress is a core user behaviour. Sometimes done on a daily basis, the action needs to be readily accessible and fluent; able to be engaged with in a swift but meaningful way.

能够快速更新阅读进度并减少复习书籍的能力:更新阅读进度是用户的核心行为。 有时每天都要进行一次操作,该操作必须易于访问且流利。 能够以快速而有意义的方式参与进来。

The ability to engage with friends in a way that promotes fun, social interactions: Despite identifying with being a social network, there’s a severe lack of social interaction on Goodreads.


主要焦点 (Main focus)

  • Making the stream the centrepiece of discovery and social activity via improvements to commenting, and introducing emotes and badges for gamification/fun factor

  • Making updates and reviews a quick and delightful experience

  • Making search sensible

  • Exploring new opportunities such as lists to go beyond simple book cataloguing


用户故事和角色 (User stories and personas)

User Stories were formed to translate a lot of the UX survey findings into smaller chunks of requirement ideas. Several were backlogged, despite being great ideas, as they fell slightly outside of this conceptual redesign.

用户故事的形成是为了将许多用户体验调查的发现转化为较小的需求构想。 尽管有好主意,但仍有几笔积压,因为它们稍微超出了概念重新设计的范围。

Three personas were formed based off demographic insights from the UX survey, as well as other insights. They represent the power, casual, and new reader user type. It’s useful to refer back to personas as the detailed design phase plays out and evolves.

根据UX调查的人口统计洞见以及其他洞察,形成了三个角色。 它们代表了强大的,随意的和新的阅读器用户类型。 在详细设计阶段逐步展开和发展时,请参考角色。

素描 (Sketching)

Sketching took place to get ideas and concepts out of my head and onto paper. Before attempting some basic wireframes several iterations of functions, user flows, and functionality pieces were drawn up, erased, manipulated, and re-drawn. This is a common stage for any designer before entertaining more technical limitations of a project.

进行素描是为了将想法和概念从我的脑海中传到纸上。 在尝试一些基本线框之前,先绘制,擦除,操纵和重新绘制功能,用户流程和功能块的几次迭代。 对于任何设计师来说,这都是一个普遍的阶段,之后才需要承担项目的更多技术限制。

线框 (Wireframes)

After sketching reached a point where I felt confident with some ideas, I jumped into Adobe XD (I often used Whimsical or Axure for such purposes, but there was a spirit of experimentation in this project — so I tried something different) and explored some more comprehensive layouts.

素描达到使我对某些想法充满信心的程度后,我跳入了Adobe XD(出于这种目的,我经常使用Whimsical或Axure,但是在该项目中有一种实验的精神-所以我尝试了一些不同的尝试)并探索了更多全面的布局。

使用者介面(UI) (User Interface (UI))

The UI detailed design phase brought everything together. To pickup on a note I made right at the beginning, this is a conceptual redesign attempt. Not all corners of this app have been explored. One day I hope to but, for now, say hello to some Goodreads screens after some design treatment.

UI详细设计阶段将所有内容组合在一起。 为了总结我刚开始时做的笔记,这是一种概念上的重新设计尝试。 尚未探索此应用程序的所有角落。 我希望有一天,但现在,在经过一些设计处理之后,请与一些Goodreads屏幕打招呼。

主页(流/馈送) (Home (Stream/Feed))


Cards have been simplified. The removal of the current ‘Add to shelf’ call to action (CTA) button gives the book cover art space to breathe, and becomes the main focus of attention along with the book title.

卡已简化。 删除当前的“添加到书架”号召性用语(CTA)按钮,可以使书的封面艺术空间得到呼吸,并成为与书名一起关注的主要焦点。

Users need more context before they choose to add a book to the ‘To read’ list (or another shelf). To nudge this behaviour the card has been designed to encourage tapping, which brings up a bottom sheet. From here the books synopsis is exposed, as well as two actions: ‘Read more’ or ‘Add to shelf’.

用户需要更多上下文,然后才能选择将书籍添加到“阅读”列表(或其他书架)中。 为了微调这种行为,该卡的设计旨在鼓励窃听,从而引出最底层。 从这里可以看到书的简介以及两个动作:“阅读更多”或“添加到书架”。

Comments are now hidden by default, until the user wishes to engage with them. This allows the stream to house more cards and keep the users attention on consuming updates from their book community. It also allows the comment experience to be more concentrated.

现在默认情况下隐藏注释,直到用户希望与他们互动。 这样一来,信息流就可以容纳更多的卡片,并使用户继续关注使用其图书社区的更新。 它还可以使评论体验更加集中。



Comments have their own bottom sheet to curate a more immersive social experience. Users have more screen estate to see more discussion, and the new ‘Reply’ functionality allows for more direct communication between specific comments. Tagging has also been introduced.

评论有自己的底线,可以策划更身临其境的社交体验。 用户有更多的屏幕空间可以查看更多讨论,并且新的“答复”功能允许在特定评论之间进行更直接的交流。 还引入了标记。



The ability to ‘react’ to a general activity update has been introduced. This was brought in to promote more social interaction. One of the main focus points of this redesign was to convey a greater relational proximity between users and their friends. Giving users the ability to express themselves in playful ways helps this cause, and ideally encourages book-related frivolity.

引入了对一般活动更新进行“React”的功能。 这是为了促进更多的社会互动。 重新设计的主要重点之一是传达用户与他们的朋友之间更大的关系亲和力。 使用户能够以有趣的方式表达自己的能力可以帮助实现这一目标,并在理想情况下鼓励与书籍相关的轻浮。



Simple badges have been designed to help bring a small sense of gamification to the app experience. Collecting badges is a simple but fun way to celebrate user behaviour from a reading perspective, and generate excitement. It also adds a fun component to the users profile screen.

设计了简单的徽章,以帮助给应用程序体验带来些许游戏化感。 收集徽章是一种从阅读的角度庆祝用户行为并引起兴奋的简单但有趣的方法。 它还向用户个人资料屏幕添加了一个有趣的组件。

更新 (Updates)

Updates have been designed for rapid interaction. Via a bottom sheet, the user can swipe through books they’re currently reading, tap an input to update what page they’re up to, and move on. If they choose to tap the ‘I’m finished’ CTA, they’re navigated to the review flow.

更新旨在快速交互。 通过底部的页面,用户可以在当前正在阅读的书本之间滑动,点击输入以更新他们正在浏览的页面并继续前进。 如果他们选择点击“我已完成”号召性用语,则将其导航到审阅流程。

审核中 (Reviewing)



The vast majority of users reported that they submitted star ratings when they finished a book. A key frustration was the inability to give half-star ratings, though. This design takes such feedback into account, and allows for 1/2 star increments via a simple slider.

绝大多数用户报告说,完成一本书后,他们提交了星级评定。 不过,一个关键的挫败是无法给出半星评级。 这种设计考虑了这种反馈,并允许通过简单的滑块增加1/2星。

Review comment vs thumbs up/down


This was one of the more peculiar UX insights. A significant number of users said that star ratings and reviews on books serve as a major influence on their decision to read a book. Yet, only a small number of them indicated that they themselves leave comments as part of their reviewing process (the more common user flow was to leave a star rating and submit). To promote buy-in to the review economy, I explored an alternative way of leaving a review comment, in the form of simple ‘thumbs up’ and ‘thumbs down’ comments. Should the user wish to share a thought on something they liked, instead of bothering with a fully formed string of sentences, they can do so via this new method.

这是更奇特的UX见解之一。 大量用户表示,对书的星级评价和评论对他们决定阅读一本书有重大影响。 但是,只有少数人表示,他们自己在评论过程中留下了评论(更常见的用户流程是留下星级并提交)。 为了促进评论经济的认同,我探索了一种留下评论评论的替代方式,即简单的“竖起大拇指”和“竖起大拇指”评论。 如果用户希望对自己喜欢的东西分享想法,而不必打扰完整的句子字符串,则可以通过这种新方法来做到。

搜索 (Search)

Keyword driven search is something users of the internet in 2020 are accustomed to. The reality that Goodreads rewards specificity, exclusively, seems like a backwards step in comparison to modern web standards. By employing a more familiar keyword driven search framework, including immediate callbacks to the back-end and appropriate suggestions, this design showcases what search could be, at a conceptual level, inside the Goodreads experience.

关键字驱动的搜索是2020年互联网用户所习惯的。 与现代Web标准相比,Goodreads独有地奖励特定性的现实。 通过采用更熟悉的关键字驱动的搜索框架,包括对后端的立即回调和适当的建议,此设计从概念上展示了Goodreads体验中的搜索内容。

架子(我的书) (Shelf (My Books))

Users reported that using/viewing custom bookshelves, especially the in-built ‘Want to read’ shelf, was a persistent part for their workflow. The ‘Shelf’ screen has been redesigned to give visual prominence to both the ‘Want to read’ and ‘Favourites’ shelves. For user-created shelves a tabbed-based component has been used to allow for quick switching between them.

用户报告说,使用/查看自定义书架,特别是内置的“想阅读”书架,是他们工作流程中不可或缺的部分。 重新设计了“书架”屏幕,使“想阅读”和“收藏”书架都显得突出。 对于用户创建的架子,已使用基于选项卡的组件来允许它们之间的快速切换。

我的帐户/通知 (My Account/Notifications)



The Account panel follows a similar framework notion to the individual book sheet, whereby a pop out menu is deployed for quick reference and quick dismissal to avoid unnecessary interruption to the user flow.




Notifications are situated inside the ‘Profile’ pop out menu. Restrictions in the information architecture (IA) of the bottom nav meant something has to be amalgamated, so as to avoid having excessive icons along the bottom of the app. Notifications are displayed as minimal cards, sorted by default from newest to oldest, with ‘unseen’ notifications employing a slightly off-white background. Notifications are able to be cleared via a simple ‘Clear’ link. Tapping notification takes the user to the appropriate page/sheet for further engagement.

通知位于“配置文件”弹出菜单内。 底部导航的信息体系结构(IA)的限制意味着必须合并某些内容,以避免在应用程序底部出现过多的图标。 通知显示为最少的卡片,默认情况下按从新到旧的顺序排列,“看不见”的通知使用略微灰白色的背景。 通知可以通过简单的“清除”链接清除。 点击通知会将用户带到适当的页面/页面以进行进一步的参与。

个别书籍(工作表/屏幕) (Individual Book (sheet/screen))



Clicking on a book cover from anywhere in the app exposes a bottom sheet, where contextual information about the book is exposed. The decision to use a sheet was to help avoid interrupting the user flow in an invasive way. Enabling the user to read more or simply collapse the sheet and move on was the main desire here.

从应用程序中的任何位置单击书的封面都会显示一个底页,在底页上会显示有关该书的上下文信息。 决定使用表格的目的是帮助避免以侵入性方式打断用户流程。 使用户能够阅读更多信息或简单地折叠床单并继续前进是这里的主要愿望。



Swiping from left to right on the individual book screen allows the user to consume a wider amount of information pertaining to a book.


Review cards are shown, by default, from newest to oldest. Users are able to comment or react to individual reviews. Filtering options give the end user the ability to show reviews with specific star ratings along with other additional options.

默认情况下,显示评论卡从最新到最旧。 用户可以发表评论或对个人评论做出React。 过滤选项使最终用户能够显示具有特定星级的评论以及其他附加选项。

The inability to change the edition of a book via the app was a major pain point for users. This design considers the desire for this workflow and therefore lists all the editions of a book via the ‘Editions’ tab, with the ability to filter by type (soft cover, hard cover, Kindle etc).

用户无法通过该应用程序更改图书的版本是其主要难题。 该设计考虑了对此工作流程的需求,因此通过“版本”标签列出了该书的所有版本,并能够按类型(软封面,硬封面,Kindle等)进行过滤。

清单 (Lists)

Lists is a new feature I’m proposing in this redesign in order to i) expand the realm of activity on the platform beyond simply starting, stopping, or reviewing a book, and ii) to increase the rate of in-bound traffic to the platform by encouraging users to employ the sharing functionality on the list page.


Lists are a simple, easily digestible way to share information and help communities of niche interests to further their reach by curating offerings for interested parties.


This is a feature I’d imagine authors would like to explore, as well.


个人资料 (Profiles)

The profile screen has been designed in a way that showcases more meaningful information about the user on first view. Books they’re currently reading and their reading challenge for the year (something nearly all users reported as engaging with) takes the limelight, afterwich custom shelves are listed.

配置文件屏幕的设计方式可以在第一视图上显示有关用户的更多有意义的信息。 他们目前正在阅读的书籍以及这一年的阅读挑战(几乎所有据报道与之互动的用户)都备受关注,其中列出了定制书架。

Badges and lists that the user has created also feature on the profile screen.


Connected social accounts are also shown, allowing users to connect with each other on alternative platforms.


A clear ‘Add friend’ icon button is featured in the top left of the screen. Should the user already be connected, this will be converted to a ‘Message’ icon button (although it should be noted that nearly all survey respondents stated they they don’t use the inbox feature on Goodreads — so this would be need to be thought out a bit more.)

屏幕左上方有一个清晰的“添加朋友”图标按钮。 如果用户已经连接,它将被转换为“消息”图标按钮(尽管应该注意的是,几乎所有调查受访者都表示他们不使用Goodreads上的收件箱功能-因此需要考虑这一点。多一点。)

阅读挑战 (Reading Challenge)

The yearly reading challenge screen has only received minimal aesthetic change. Users reported that one of the main reasons they used the reading challenge was for a more presentable list of books they’ve read that year. For this reason books on this screen forgo the horizontal scroll style seen on other screens and instead follow a traditional grid pattern — allowing for quick consumption.

年度阅读挑战屏幕仅获得了最小的美学变化。 用户报告说,他们使用阅读挑战的主要原因之一是他们当年阅读的书籍更具表象。 因此,此屏幕上的书籍会放弃在其他屏幕上看到的水平滚动样式,而是遵循传统的网格模式-以便快速使用。

感言 (Reflections)

This was an enriching experience. Having never done mobile app design before it really pushed me to think about the intricacies, limitations, and opportunities of cross-platform design. As I audited the desktop ‘full’ experience of Goodreads I felt challenged, on numerous occasions, to hold up the value proposition of feature x versus feature y — considering the restrictions, both from a screen estate and functionality perspective, of mobile design. The UX survey assisted me greatly in this space, and definitely helped clarify my own observations.

这是一次丰富的经历。 从来没有做过移动应用程序设计,这确实促使我思考跨平台设计的复杂性,局限性和机会。 当我审核Goodreads的桌面“完整”体验时,我感到在很多情况下要保持功能x与功能y的价值主张是一项挑战,因为从屏幕属性和功能角度考虑移动设计的局限性。 UX调查在这个领域为我提供了极大帮助,并且无疑有助于阐明我自己的观察结果。

There are all sorts of areas of the Goodreads app not included in this design study. At some stage I’d like to explore:

此设计研究中未包含Goodreads应用程序的所有领域。 在某个阶段,我想探索:

  • How browsing the vast catalogue of Goodreads works, seamlessly, in this new framework


  • The create flows for custom shelves and lists


  • The author pages (the foundations of this page were possibly covered when I designed the individual user profile page — however I say this without having exercised deep thought to how author pages may play out. I suspect there’s a lot to explore here)

    作者页面 (当我设计个人用户个人资料页面时,可能会覆盖此页面的基础;但是,我之所以这样做,是因为没有深思作者页面的显示方式。我怀疑这里有很多值得探索的地方)

  • How a simple online shopping integration might work for independent book stores — whereby users could see where a book is available within close geographical proximity


  • Highlights (I feel as though these are undervalued with the current app offering — so there’s an opportunity here)

    亮点 (我觉得这些东西在当前的应用程序产品中被低估了,所以这里有机会)

  • Many other features I thought of during this process during “aha!” moments but have since escaped my mind!

    我在“啊哈!”过程中想到的许多其他功能 片刻,但此后却逃脱了我的注意!

Outside the realm of the app, I used Framer as my prototyping tool of choice. I came to understand that it’s an extremely deep tool, rich with features which I’d like to explore in the future so I can make more comprehensive prototypes.

在应用程序范围之外,我使用Framer作为我选择的原型工具。 我了解到,它是一个非常深入的工具,具有我以后希望探索的功能,因此我可以制作更全面的原型。

At a later stage I’d love to explore the Android app, as well as the desktop site, for conceptual redesigns.


As with nearly every design I do, I can’t help but look back and wonder how things would have looked if I pivoted here, and nudged there. This was the final of three concepts I put together, and if I didn’t stop I’m sure I could have designed several more — each exploring a different aesthetic tone and purpose. For now, though, I consider this concept to strike a nice balance between functional and modern.

就像我所做的几乎所有设计一样,我不禁回头想一想,如果我在这里旋转并在这里微动,情况会如何。 这是我提出的三个概念的最后一个,如果我不停下来,我确定我可以再设计几个,每个都探索不同的美学基调和目的。 不过,就目前而言,我认为此概念可以在功能和现代之间找到很好的平衡。

I hope you do, too


翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/envisaging-a-modern-goodreads-ios-experience-49b9d78b27ed

