【论文笔记】LIME: low-light image enhancement via illumination map estimation

【论文笔记】LIME: low-light image enhancement via illumination map estimation

    • Traditional Methods & Unsolved Problems
    • Solutions
      • Retinex
      • Illumination Estimation
      • Exploit Structure of illumination to REFINE
      • Sped-Up Solver to Problem
      • Possible Weighting Strategies
        • simply set to 1
        • set the entire coefficient to 1
        • set by Relative Total Variation
      • Other refine operations
        • Gamma correction
        • Denoising
    • Highlights

Traditional Methods & Unsolved Problems

  • Histogram equalization (HE)
    • focus on contrast enhancement instead of exploiting real illumination causes, having the risk of over- and under- enhancement
  • Gamma correction
    • carried out on each pixel individually
  • single-scale Retinex (SSR) and multi-scale Retinex (MSR)
    • looks unnatural and frequently appears to be over-enhanced
  • adjust the illumination by fusing multiple derivations of the initially estimated illumination map
    • lose the realism of regions with rich textures
  • dehaze inverted low-light image
    • lacking in physical explanation


  • Retinex-based methods but only estimates one factor, say the illumination
    • shrink the solution space and reduce the computational cost
  • exploit the structure of illumination to refine illumination map


L = R ⊙ T \mathbf {L=R \odot T} L=RT

  • L \mathbf L L are the captured low-light image
  • R \mathbf R R are the desired recovery (aka reflectance)
  • T \mathbf T T represents the illumination map
  • ⊙ \odot means element-wise multiplication

Assume: for color images, three channels share the same illumination map. T \mathbf T T and T ^ \hat {\mathbf T} T^ to represent one-channel and three-channel illumination maps.

Illumination Estimation

T ^ ( x ) ← max ⁡ c ∈ { R , G , B } L c ( x ) (1) \hat {\mathbf T}(x) \leftarrow \max_{c∈\{R,G,B\}} \mathbf L ^c(x)\tag 1 T^(x)c{R,G,B}maxLc(x)(1)
so R ( x ) = L ( x ) max ⁡ c L c ( x ) + ϵ (2) \mathbf R(x)={\mathbf L(x)\over \max_c \mathbf L^c(x)+\epsilon}\tag 2 R(x)=maxcLc(x)+ϵL(x)(2)
In dehaze model:
1 − L = ( 1 − R ) ⊙ T ~ + a ( 1 − T ~ ) (3) \mathbf{1-L=(1-R)\odot\tilde T}+ a \mathbf{(1-\tilde T)} \tag 3 1L=(1R)T~+a(1T~)(3)

  • 1 − L \mathbf{1-L} 1L is inverted low-light image (similar to haze image)

with dark channel prior
T ~ ( x ) ← 1 − min ⁡ c 1 − L c ( x ) a = 1 − 1 a + max ⁡ c L c ( x ) a (4) \mathbf {\tilde T}(x) \leftarrow 1-\min_c{1-\mathbf L^c(x)\over a}=1-{1 \over a}+\max_c{\mathbf L^c(x)\over a}\tag 4 T~(x)1cmina1Lc(x)=1a1+cmaxaLc(x)(4)
substituting (2) into (1)
R ( x ) = L ( x ) − 1 + a ( 1 − 1 a + max ⁡ c L c ( x ) a + ϵ ) + ( 1 − a ) (5) \mathbf R(x) ={\mathbf L(x) − 1 + a\over (1 −{1\over a}+ \max_c {\mathbf L^c(x)\over a}+ \epsilon) }+(1 − a)\tag 5 R(x)=(1a1+maxcaLc(x)+ϵ)L(x)1+a+(1a)(5)
we can see that when a = 1 a=1 a=1 the equation (5) and (2) reach the same result.

Exploit Structure of illumination to REFINE

min ⁡ T ∥ T ^ − T ∥ F 2 + α ∥ W ⊙ ∇ T ∥ 1 (6) \min_ \mathbf T\|\hat {\mathbf T} − \mathbf T\|^2_F+ α\|\mathbf W\odot \nabla \mathbf T\|_1 \tag 6 TminT^TF2+αWT1(6)

  • W \mathbf W W is the weight matrix
  • ∇ T \nabla \mathbf T T is the first order derivative filter
    • contains ∇ h T ∇_h\mathbf T hT (horizontal) and ∇ v T ∇_v\mathbf T vT (vertical)

the optimal problem ( 6 ) (6) (6) can be solved by the [[Basic Knowledge/Optimization/alternating multiplier descent method|alternating direction minimization technique]]

Sped-Up Solver to Problem

it is obvious that
lim ⁡ ϵ → 0 + ∑ x ∑ d ∈ { h , v } W d ( x ) ( ∇ d T ( x ) ) 2 ∣ ∇ d T ( x ) ∣ + ϵ = ∥ W ◦ ∇ T ∥ 1 \lim_{\epsilon \rightarrow 0^+}\sum_x\sum_{d∈\{h,v\}} {\mathbf W_d(x)(∇_d\mathbf T(x))^2\over |∇_d\mathbf T(x)| +\epsilon} = \|\mathbf W ◦ ∇\mathbf T\|_1 ϵ0+limxd{h,v}dT(x)+ϵWd(x)(dT(x))2=W◦∇T1
so we can use ∑ x ∑ d ∈ { h , v } W d ( x ) ( ∇ d T ( x ) ) 2 ∣ ∇ d T ^ ( x ) ∣ + ϵ \sum_x\sum_{d∈\{h,v\}}{\mathbf W_d(x)(∇_d\mathbf T(x))^2\over |∇_d\mathbf {\hat T}(x)| +\epsilon} xd{h,v}dT^(x)+ϵWd(x)(dT(x))2 to approximate ∥ W ◦ ∇ T ∥ 1 \|\mathbf W ◦ ∇\mathbf T\|_1 W◦∇T1
the problem ( 6 ) (6) (6) can be written as
min ⁡ T ∥ T ^ − T ∥ F 2 + α ∑ x ∑ d ∈ { h , v } W d ( x ) ( ∇ d T ( x ) ) 2 ∣ ∇ d T ^ ( x ) ∣ + ϵ (7) \min_ \mathbf T\|\hat {\mathbf T} − \mathbf T\|^2_F+ α \sum_x\sum_{d∈\{h,v\}}{\mathbf W_d(x)(∇_d\mathbf T(x))^2\over |∇_d\mathbf {\hat T}(x)| +\epsilon} \tag 7 TminT^TF2+αxd{h,v}dT^(x)+ϵWd(x)(dT(x))2(7)
Thus, the problem can be directly obtained by solving the following
( I + α ∑ d ∈ { h , v } D d T Diag ( w ~ d ) D d ) t = t ^ (\mathbf I +\alpha \sum_{d∈\{h,v\}}\mathbf D^T_d \text {Diag}(\tilde{\mathbf w}_d)\mathbf D_d)\mathbf t = \hat {\mathbf t} (I+αd{h,v}DdTDiag(w~d)Dd)t=t^

  • w ~ d \tilde {\mathbf w}_d w~d is the vectorized W d ( x ) ∣ ∇ d T ^ ( x ) ∣ + ϵ {\mathbf W_d(x)\over |∇_d\mathbf {\hat T}(x)| +\epsilon} dT^(x)+ϵWd(x)
  • D d T \mathbf D^T_d DdT is the Toeplitz matrices from the discrete gradient operators with forward difference in direction d d d

By doing this, the complexity reaches O ( N ) \mathcal O(N) O(N)

Possible Weighting Strategies

simply set to 1

W d ( x ) ← 1 , d ∈ { h , v } \mathbf W_d(x) ← \mathbf 1,d\in\{h,v\} Wd(x)1,d{h,v}

set the entire coefficient to 1

W d ( x ) ← 1 ∣ ∇ d T ^ ( x ) ∣ + ϵ , d ∈ { h , v } (8) \mathbf W_d(x) ← {1\over |∇_d\mathbf {\hat T}(x)| +\epsilon },d\in\{h,v\}\tag 8 Wd(x)dT^(x)+ϵ1,d{h,v}(8)

set by Relative Total Variation

W d ( x ) ← ∑ y ∈ Ω ( x ) G σ ( x , y ) ∣ ∑ y ∈ Ω ( x ) G σ ( x , y ) ∇ d T ^ ( y ) ∣ + ϵ , d ∈ { h , v } \mathbf W_d(x) ← \sum_{y∈\Omega(x)}{G_σ(x, y)\over |\sum_{y∈\Omega(x)}G_σ(x, y)∇_d\hat {\mathbf T}(y)| + \epsilon} ,d\in\{h,v\} Wd(x)yΩ(x)yΩ(x)Gσ(x,y)dT^(y)+ϵGσ(x,y),d{h,v}

  • G σ ( x , y ) ∝ exp ⁡ ( − dist ( x , y ) 2 σ 2 ) G_σ(x, y)\propto \exp\left(-{\text{dist}(x,y)\over2\sigma^2}\right) Gσ(x,y)exp(2σ2dist(x,y))
  • dist ( x , y ) \text{dist}(x,y) dist(x,y) is to measure the spatial Euclidean distance between x x x and y y y
    it is noticeable that when σ → 0 + \sigma\rightarrow 0^+ σ0+, W \mathbf W W is as same as expression ( 8 ) (8) (8)

Other refine operations

Gamma correction

  • set γ = 0.8 \gamma = 0.8 γ=0.8
  • the following pics (a)-© show that γ = 0.5 , γ = 0.8 \gamma=0.5, \gamma=0.8 γ=0.5,γ=0.8 and γ = 1 \gamma=1 γ=1 respectively.


  • using BM3D to denoise
  • execute BM3D on R \mathbf R R’s Y channel by converting R \mathbf R R to YUV
  • alleviate the unbalance of processing
    1. dark places are well-denoised
    2. brighter places are over-smoothed
      R f ← R ⊙ T + R d ⊙ ( 1 − T ) \mathbf R_f← \mathbf R \odot \mathbf T + \mathbf R_d \odot (1 − \mathbf T) RfRT+Rd(1T)
    • R d \mathbf R_d Rd is the BM3D denoising result
    • R f \mathbf R_f Rf is the final recomposin
      g result

this expression means that compose the denoised low-light patches ( 1 − T 1 − \mathbf T 1T) and the un-denoised high-light patches ( T \mathbf T T)

the following pic (e) is the composed result of (b) and (d)
【论文笔记】LIME: low-light image enhancement via illumination map estimation_第1张图片


  • Sped-Up Solver to Problem reduce the complexity to O ( N ) \mathcal O(N) O(N)
  • Possible Weighting Strategies set as Relative Total Variation, make W \mathbf W W more adaptive
  • Denoising the image by composing denoised and un-denoised image
