在OpenCV 中线段检测的方法是ximageproc中的FastLineDetector效果较好且速度较快,我简单的实现了一下发现效果还不错,现在把结果和代码贴上,至于原理后续再更新。
因为OpenCV 的fastlinedetector类是在opencv_contrib中,所以我直接从源码中将这段代码拿了出来并做了些修改可以不依赖于ximageproc,
1: FLD.h
#pragma once
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
//#include "opencv2/ximgproc.hpp"
//#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
//#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
struct SEGMENT
float x1, y1, x2, y2, angle;
// class for fast line detector
class FLD
//contructor of class FLD
FLD(int _length_threshold = 10, float _distance_threshold = 1.414213562f,
double _canny_th1 = 50.0, double _canny_th2 = 50.0, int _canny_aperture_size = 3,
bool _do_merge = false);
void detect(InputArray image, OutputArray lines);
void drawSegments(InputOutputArray image, InputArray lines, bool draw_arrow = false, Scalar linecolor = Scalar(0, 0, 255), int linethickness = 1);
int imagewidth, imageheight, threshold_length;
float threshold_dist;
double canny_th1, canny_th2;
int canny_aperture_size;
bool do_merge;
//FastLineDetectorImpl& operator= (const FastLineDetectorImpl&); // to quiet MSVC
void incidentPoint(const Mat& l, T& pt);
void mergeLines(const SEGMENT& seg1, const SEGMENT& seg2, SEGMENT& seg_merged);
bool mergeSegments(const SEGMENT& seg1, const SEGMENT& seg2, SEGMENT& seg_merged);
bool getPointChain(const Mat& img, Point pt, Point& chained_pt, float& direction, int step);
double distPointLine(const Mat& p, Mat& l);
void extractSegments(const std::vector& points, std::vector& segments);
void lineDetection(const Mat& src, std::vector& segments_all);
void pointInboardTest(const Size srcSize, Point2i& pt);
inline void getAngle(SEGMENT& seg);
void additionalOperationsOnSegment(const Mat& src, SEGMENT& seg);
void drawSegment(InputOutputArray image, const SEGMENT& seg, Scalar bgr = Scalar(0, 255, 0), int thickness = 1, bool directed = true);
2: FLD.cpp
#include "FLD.h"
FLD::FLD(int _length_threshold, float _distance_threshold,
double _canny_th1, double _canny_th2, int _canny_aperture_size, bool _do_merge)
:threshold_length(_length_threshold), threshold_dist(_distance_threshold),
canny_th1(_canny_th1), canny_th2(_canny_th2), canny_aperture_size(_canny_aperture_size), do_merge(_do_merge)
CV_Assert(_length_threshold > 0 && _distance_threshold > 0 &&
_canny_th1 > 0 && _canny_th2 > 0 && _canny_aperture_size >= 0);
void FLD::detect(InputArray _image, OutputArray _lines)
Mat image = _image.getMat();
CV_Assert(!image.empty() && image.type() == CV_8UC1);
std::vector lines;
std::vector segments;
cout << image.size() << endl;
lineDetection(image, segments);
for (size_t i = 0; i < segments.size(); ++i)
const SEGMENT seg = segments[i];
Vec4f line(seg.x1, seg.y1, seg.x2, seg.y2);
void FLD::drawSegments(InputOutputArray image, InputArray lines, bool draw_arrow, Scalar linecolor, int linethickness)
int cn = image.channels();
CV_Assert(!image.empty() && (cn == 1 || cn == 3 || cn == 4));
if (cn == 1)
cvtColor(image, image, COLOR_GRAY2BGR);
cvtColor(image, image, COLOR_BGRA2GRAY);
cvtColor(image, image, cn == 3 ? COLOR_GRAY2BGR : COLOR_GRAY2BGRA);
double gap = 10.0;
double arrow_angle = 30.0;
Mat _lines;
_lines = lines.getMat();
int N = _lines.checkVector(4);
// Draw segments
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
const Vec4f& v = _lines.at(i);
Point2f b(v[0], v[1]);
Point2f e(v[2], v[3]);
line(image, b, e, linecolor, linethickness);
if (draw_arrow)
seg.x1 = b.x;
seg.y1 = b.y;
seg.x2 = e.x;
seg.y2 = e.y;
double ang = (double)seg.angle;
Point2i p1;
p1.x = cvRound(seg.x2 - gap * cos(arrow_angle * CV_PI / 180.0 + ang));
p1.y = cvRound(seg.y2 - gap * sin(arrow_angle * CV_PI / 180.0 + ang));
pointInboardTest(image.size(), p1);
line(image, Point(cvRound(seg.x2), cvRound(seg.y2)), p1, linecolor, linethickness);
//void FLD::mergeLines(const SEGMENT& seg1, const SEGMENT& seg2, SEGMENT& seg_merged)
// double xg = 0.0, yg = 0.0;
// double delta1x = 0.0, delta1y = 0.0, delta2x = 0.0, delta2y = 0.0;
// float ax = 0, bx = 0, cx = 0, dx = 0;
// float ay = 0, by = 0, cy = 0, dy = 0;
// double li = 0.0, lj = 0.0;
// double thi = 0.0, thj = 0.0, thr = 0.0;
// double axg = 0.0, bxg = 0.0, cxg = 0.0, dxg = 0.0, delta1xg = 0.0, delta2xg = 0.0;
// ax = seg1.x1;
// ay = seg1.y1;
// bx = seg1.x2;
// by = seg1.y2;
// cx = seg2.x1;
// cy = seg2.y1;
// dx = seg2.x2;
// dy = seg2.y2;
// float dlix = (bx - ax);
// float dliy = (by - ay);
// float dljx = (dx - cx);
// float dljy = (dy - cy);
// li = sqrt((double)(dlix * dlix) + (double)(dliy * dliy));
// lj = sqrt((double)(dljx * dljx) + (double)(dljy * dljy));
// xg = (li * (double)(ax + bx) + lj * (double)(cx + dx))
// / (double)(2.0 * (li + lj));
// yg = (li * (double)(ay + by) + lj * (double)(cy + dy))
// / (double)(2.0 * (li + lj));
// if (dlix == 0.0f) thi = CV_PI / 2.0;
// else thi = atan(dliy / dlix);
// if (dljx == 0.0f) thj = CV_PI / 2.0;
// else thj = atan(dljy / dljx);
// if (fabs(thi - thj) <= CV_PI / 2.0)
// {
// thr = (li * thi + lj * thj) / (li + lj);
// }
// else
// {
// double tmp = thj - CV_PI * (thj / fabs(thj));
// thr = li * thi + lj * tmp;
// thr /= (li + lj);
// }
// axg = ((double)ay - yg) * sin(thr) + ((double)ax - xg) * cos(thr);
// bxg = ((double)by - yg) * sin(thr) + ((double)bx - xg) * cos(thr);
// cxg = ((double)cy - yg) * sin(thr) + ((double)cx - xg) * cos(thr);
// dxg = ((double)dy - yg) * sin(thr) + ((double)dx - xg) * cos(thr);
// delta1xg = min(axg, min(bxg, min(cxg, dxg)));
// delta2xg = max(axg, max(bxg, max(cxg, dxg)));
// delta1x = delta1xg * cos(thr) + xg;
// delta1y = delta1xg * sin(thr) + yg;
// delta2x = delta2xg * cos(thr) + xg;
// delta2y = delta2xg * sin(thr) + yg;
// seg_merged.x1 = (float)delta1x;
// seg_merged.y1 = (float)delta1y;
// seg_merged.x2 = (float)delta2x;
// seg_merged.y2 = (float)delta2y;
double FLD::distPointLine(const Mat& p, Mat& l)
double x = l.at(0, 0);
double y = l.at(1, 0);
double w = sqrt(x*x + y * y);
l.at(0, 0) = x / w;
l.at(1, 0) = y / w;
l.at(2, 0) = l.at(2, 0) / w;
return l.dot(p);
//bool FLD::mergeSegments(const SEGMENT& seg1, const SEGMENT& seg2, SEGMENT& seg_merged)
// double o[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
// double a[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
// double b[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 };
// double c[3];
// o[0] = (seg2.x1 + seg2.x2) / 2.0;
// o[1] = (seg2.y1 + seg2.y2) / 2.0;
// a[0] = seg1.x1;
// a[1] = seg1.y1;
// b[0] = seg1.x2;
// b[1] = seg1.y2;
// Mat ori = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, o).clone();
// Mat p1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, a).clone();
// Mat p2 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, b).clone();
// Mat l1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, c).clone();
// l1 = p1.cross(p2);
// Point2f seg1mid, seg2mid;
// seg1mid.x = (seg1.x1 + seg1.x2) / 2.0f;
// seg1mid.y = (seg1.y1 + seg1.y2) / 2.0f;
// seg2mid.x = (seg2.x1 + seg2.x2) / 2.0f;
// seg2mid.y = (seg2.y1 + seg2.y2) / 2.0f;
// float seg1len = sqrt((seg1.x1 - seg1.x2)*(seg1.x1 - seg1.x2) + (seg1.y1 - seg1.y2)*(seg1.y1 - seg1.y2));
// float seg2len = sqrt((seg2.x1 - seg2.x2)*(seg2.x1 - seg2.x2) + (seg2.y1 - seg2.y2)*(seg2.y1 - seg2.y2));
// float middist = sqrt((seg1mid.x - seg2mid.x)*(seg1mid.x - seg2mid.x) + (seg1mid.y - seg2mid.y)*(seg1mid.y - seg2mid.y));
// float angdiff = fabs(seg1.angle - seg2.angle);
// float dist = (float)distPointLine(ori, l1);
// if (fabs(dist) <= threshold_dist * 2.0f && middist <= seg1len / 2.0f + seg2len / 2.0f + 20.0f
// && angdiff <= CV_PI / 180.0f * 5.0f)
// {
// mergeLines(seg1, seg2, seg_merged);
// return true;
// }
// else
// {
// return false;
// }
void FLD::incidentPoint(const Mat& l, T& pt)
double a[] = { (double)pt.x, (double)pt.y, 1.0 };
double b[] = { l.at(0,0), l.at(1,0), 0.0 };
double c[3];
Mat xk = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, a).clone();
Mat lh = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, b).clone();
Mat lk = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, c).clone();
lk = xk.cross(lh);
xk = lk.cross(l);
xk.convertTo(xk, -1, 1.0 / xk.at(2, 0));
Point2f pt_tmp;
pt_tmp.x = (float)xk.at(0, 0) < 0.0f ? 0.0f : (float)xk.at(0, 0)
>= (imagewidth - 1.0f) ? (imagewidth - 1.0f) : (float)xk.at(0, 0);
pt_tmp.y = (float)xk.at(1, 0) < 0.0f ? 0.0f : (float)xk.at(1, 0)
>= (imageheight - 1.0f) ? (imageheight - 1.0f) : (float)xk.at(1, 0);
pt = T(pt_tmp);
void FLD::extractSegments(const std::vector& points, std::vector& segments)
bool is_line;
int i, j;
Point2i ps, pe, pt;
std::vector l_points;
int total = (int)points.size();
for (i = 0; i + threshold_length < total; i++)
ps = points[i];
pe = points[i + threshold_length];
double a[] = { (double)ps.x, (double)ps.y, 1 };
double b[] = { (double)pe.x, (double)pe.y, 1 };
double c[3], d[3];
Mat p1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, a).clone();
Mat p2 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, b).clone();
Mat p = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, c).clone();
Mat l = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, d).clone();
l = p1.cross(p2); //两点叉乘出一条直线 连接局部的start和end point
is_line = true;
for (j = 1; j < threshold_length; j++)
pt.x = points[i + j].x;
pt.y = points[i + j].y;
p.at(0, 0) = (double)pt.x;
p.at(1, 0) = (double)pt.y;
p.at(2, 0) = 1.0;
double dist = distPointLine(p, l);
if (fabs(dist) > threshold_dist)
is_line = false;
// Line check fail, test next point
if (is_line == false)
Vec4f line;
fitLine(Mat(l_points), line, DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01);
a[0] = line[2];
a[1] = line[3];
b[0] = line[2] + line[0];
b[1] = line[3] + line[1];
p1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, a).clone();
p2 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, b).clone();
l = p1.cross(p2);
incidentPoint(l, ps);
// Extending line
for (j = threshold_length + 1; i + j < total; j++)
pt.x = points[i + j].x;
pt.y = points[i + j].y;
p.at(0, 0) = (double)pt.x;
p.at(1, 0) = (double)pt.y;
p.at(2, 0) = 1.0;
double dist = distPointLine(p, l);
if (fabs(dist) > threshold_dist)
fitLine(Mat(l_points), line, DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01);
a[0] = line[2];
a[1] = line[3];
b[0] = line[2] + line[0];
b[1] = line[3] + line[1];
p1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, a).clone();
p2 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, b).clone();
l = p1.cross(p2);
dist = distPointLine(p, l);
if (fabs(dist) > threshold_dist) {
pe = pt;
fitLine(Mat(l_points), line, DIST_L2, 0, 0.01, 0.01);
a[0] = line[2];
a[1] = line[3];
b[0] = line[2] + line[0];
b[1] = line[3] + line[1];
p1 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, a).clone();
p2 = Mat(3, 1, CV_64FC1, b).clone();
l = p1.cross(p2);
Point2f e1, e2;
e1.x = (float)ps.x;
e1.y = (float)ps.y;
e2.x = (float)pe.x;
e2.y = (float)pe.y;
incidentPoint(l, e1);
incidentPoint(l, e2);
seg.x1 = e1.x;
seg.y1 = e1.y;
seg.x2 = e2.x;
seg.y2 = e2.y;
i = i + j;
void FLD::pointInboardTest(const Size srcSize, Point2i& pt)
pt.x = pt.x <= 5 ? 5 : pt.x >= srcSize.width - 5 ? srcSize.width - 5 : pt.x;
pt.y = pt.y <= 5 ? 5 : pt.y >= srcSize.height - 5 ? srcSize.height - 5 : pt.y;
bool FLD::getPointChain(const Mat& img, Point pt,
Point& chained_pt, float& direction, int step)
int ri, ci;
int indices[8][2] = { {1,1}, {1,0}, {1,-1}, {0,-1},
{-1,-1},{-1,0}, {-1,1}, {0,1} };
float min_dir_diff = 7.0f;
Point consistent_pt;
int consistent_direction = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
ci = pt.x + indices[i][1];
ri = pt.y + indices[i][0];
if (ri < 0 || ri == img.rows || ci < 0 || ci == img.cols)
if (img.at(ri, ci) == 0)
if (step == 0)
chained_pt.x = ci;
chained_pt.y = ri;
// direction = (float)i;
direction = i > 4 ? (float)(i - 8) : (float)i;
return true;
float curr_dir = i > 4 ? (float)(i - 8) : (float)i;
float dir_diff = abs(curr_dir - direction);
dir_diff = dir_diff > 4.0f ? 8.0f - dir_diff : dir_diff;
if (dir_diff <= min_dir_diff)
min_dir_diff = dir_diff;
consistent_pt.x = ci;
consistent_pt.y = ri;
consistent_direction = i > 4 ? i - 8 : i;
if (min_dir_diff < 2.0f)
chained_pt.x = consistent_pt.x;
chained_pt.y = consistent_pt.y;
direction = (direction * (float)step + (float)consistent_direction)
/ (float)(step + 1);
return true;
return false;
void FLD::lineDetection(const Mat& src, std::vector& segments_all)
int r, c;
imageheight = src.rows; imagewidth = src.cols;
std::vector points;
std::vector segments, segments_tmp;
Mat canny;
if (canny_aperture_size == 0)
canny = src;//input must be edge image
double fq = cv::getTickFrequency();
int64 curr_t = cv::getTickCount();
//fld->detect(image, lines);
Canny(src, canny, canny_th1, canny_th2, canny_aperture_size);
double time = (double)(cv::getTickCount() - curr_t) * 1000 / fq;
cout << "(Canny) elasped time is " << time << " ms." << endl;
//Canny(src, canny, canny_th1, canny_th2, canny_aperture_size);
canny.colRange(0, 6).rowRange(0, 6).setTo(cv::Scalar::all(0));
canny.colRange(src.cols - 5, src.cols).rowRange(src.rows - 5, src.rows).setTo(cv::Scalar::all(0));
//imshow("canny edge detection result all zero", canny);
SEGMENT seg, seg1, seg2;
for (r = 0; r < imageheight; r++)
for (c = 0; c < imagewidth; c++)
// Find seeds - skip for non-seeds
if (canny.at(r, c) == 0)
// Found seeds
Point2i pt = Point2i(c, r);
canny.at(pt.y, pt.x) = 0;
float direction = 0.0f;
int step = 0;
while (getPointChain(canny, pt, pt, direction, step))
canny.at(pt.y, pt.x) = 0;
if (points.size() < (unsigned int)threshold_length + 1)
extractSegments(points, segments);
if (segments.size() == 0)
for (int i = 0; i < (int)segments.size(); i++)
seg = segments[i];
float length = sqrt((seg.x1 - seg.x2)*(seg.x1 - seg.x2) +
(seg.y1 - seg.y2)*(seg.y1 - seg.y2));
if (length < threshold_length)
if ((seg.x1 <= 5.0f && seg.x2 <= 5.0f) ||
(seg.y1 <= 5.0f && seg.y2 <= 5.0f) ||
(seg.x1 >= imagewidth - 5.0f && seg.x2 >= imagewidth - 5.0f) ||
(seg.y1 >= imageheight - 5.0f && seg.y2 >= imageheight - 5.0f))
additionalOperationsOnSegment(src, seg);
if (!do_merge)
//if (!do_merge)
// return;
//bool is_merged = false;
//int ith = (int)segments_tmp.size() - 1;
//int jth = ith - 1;
//while (ith > 1 || jth > 0)
// seg1 = segments_tmp[ith];
// seg2 = segments_tmp[jth];
// SEGMENT seg_merged;
// is_merged = mergeSegments(seg1, seg2, seg_merged);
// if (is_merged == true)
// {
// seg2 = seg_merged;
// additionalOperationsOnSegment(src, seg2);
// std::vector::iterator it = segments_tmp.begin() + ith;
// *it = seg2;
// segments_tmp.erase(segments_tmp.begin() + jth);
// ith--;
// jth = ith - 1;
// }
// else
// {
// jth--;
// }
// if (jth < 0) {
// ith--;
// jth = ith - 1;
// }
//segments_all = segments_tmp;
inline void FLD::getAngle(SEGMENT& seg)
seg.angle = (float)(fastAtan2(seg.y2 - seg.y1, seg.x2 - seg.x1) / 180.0f * CV_PI);
void FLD::additionalOperationsOnSegment(const Mat& src, SEGMENT& seg)
if (seg.x1 == 0.0f && seg.x2 == 0.0f && seg.y1 == 0.0f && seg.y2 == 0.0f)
double ang = (double)seg.angle;
Point2f start = Point2f(seg.x1, seg.y1);
Point2f end = Point2f(seg.x2, seg.y2);
double dx = 0.0, dy = 0.0;
dx = (double)end.x - (double)start.x;
dy = (double)end.y - (double)start.y;
int num_points = 10;
Point2f *points = new Point2f[num_points];
points[0] = start;
points[num_points - 1] = end;
for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
if (i == 0 || i == num_points - 1)
points[i].x = points[0].x + ((float)dx / float(num_points - 1) * (float)i);
points[i].y = points[0].y + ((float)dy / float(num_points - 1) * (float)i);
Point2i *points_right = new Point2i[num_points];
Point2i *points_left = new Point2i[num_points];
double gap = 1.0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
points_right[i].x = cvRound(points[i].x + gap * cos(90.0 * CV_PI / 180.0 + ang));
points_right[i].y = cvRound(points[i].y + gap * sin(90.0 * CV_PI / 180.0 + ang));
points_left[i].x = cvRound(points[i].x - gap * cos(90.0 * CV_PI / 180.0 + ang));
points_left[i].y = cvRound(points[i].y - gap * sin(90.0 * CV_PI / 180.0 + ang));
pointInboardTest(src.size(), points_right[i]);
pointInboardTest(src.size(), points_left[i]);
int iR = 0, iL = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++)
iR += src.at(points_right[i].y, points_right[i].x);
iL += src.at(points_left[i].y, points_left[i].x);
if (iR > iL)
std::swap(seg.x1, seg.x2);
std::swap(seg.y1, seg.y2);
delete[] points;
delete[] points_right;
delete[] points_left;
3: main.cpp
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
//#include "opencv2/ximgproc.hpp"
//#include "opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include "FLD.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
//using namespace cv::ximgproc;
//ours FLD
int main()
string in = "E:/ImageProcessing_C++/imgs/indoor.jpg";
Mat image_input = imread(in, IMREAD_GRAYSCALE);
if (image_input.empty())
cout << "error image path,please check!!!" << endl;
return -1;
cout << image_input.size() << endl;
Size s = image_input.size();
Mat image(0.3*s.height, 0.3*s.width, CV_8UC1);
cv::resize(image_input, image, image.size());
imshow("input_img(resized)", image);
//初始化FLD类 用于后续线段检测
int length_threshold = 35;
float distance_threshold = 1.41421356f*3.0f;
double canny_th1 = 50.0;
double canny_th2 = 50.0;
int canny_aperture_size = 3;
bool do_merge = false;
FLD* fld = new FLD(length_threshold,distance_threshold,canny_th1,canny_th2,canny_aperture_size,do_merge);
vector lines;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 10; ii++)
double fq = cv::getTickFrequency();
int64 curr_t = cv::getTickCount();
fld->detect(image, lines);
double time = (double)(cv::getTickCount() - curr_t) * 1000 / fq;
cout << "(FLD) elasped time is " << time << " ms." << endl;
cout << lines.size() << endl;
Mat line_image_fld = image.clone();
fld->drawSegments(line_image_fld, lines);
imshow("FLD result", line_image_fld);
delete fld;
return 0;