Data augmentation: 利用python进行图像扩建

Data augmentation: 利用python进行图像扩建

    • 关于数据扩充
    • Step 1: 图像转换(transformations)
    • Step 2: 列出文件夹中所有图片并且read
    • Step 3: Image transformations
    • Step 4: 存储新图像
    • Conclusion



Data augmentation: 利用python进行图像扩建_第1张图片

Step 1: 图像转换(transformations)

现有的python库例如 OpenCVPillow 都具备有图像转换的功能。这里我们将在scikit-image 上进行实现。
现在定义一些数据扩建所需要的 transformation functions。

import random
from scipy import ndarray
import skimage as sk
from skimage import transform
from skimage import util

def random_rotation(image_array: ndarray):
    # pick a random degree of rotation between 25% on the left and 25% on the right
    random_degree = random.uniform(-25, 25)
    return sk.transform.rotate(image_array, random_degree)

def random_noise(image_array: ndarray):
    # 给图像添加随机噪声
    return sk.util.random_noise(image_array)

def horizontal_flip(image_array: ndarray):
    # horizontal flip 不需要skimage
    return image_array[:, ::-1]

*Note:*使用scipy.ndarray 来呈现图像。

Step 2: 列出文件夹中所有图片并且read

import random
import os

# my folder path containing some images
folder_path = '/Users/mac/Desktop/DATA/plankton41/train'
# the number of file to generate
num_files_desired = 1000

# loop on all files of the folder and build a list of files paths
images = [os.path.join(folder_path, f) for f in os.listdir(folder_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder_path, f))]

num_generated_files = 0
while num_generated_files <= num_files_desired:
    # random image from the folder
    image_path = random.choice(images)
    # read image as an two dimensional array of pixels
    image_to_transform =

Step 3: Image transformations

# dictionary of the transformations functions we defined earlier
available_transformations = {
    'rotate': random_rotation,
    'noise': random_noise,
    'horizontal_flip': horizontal_flip

# random num of transformations to apply
num_transformations_to_apply = random.randint(1, len(available_transformations))

num_transformations = 0
transformed_image = None
while num_transformations <= num_transformations_to_apply:
    # choose a random transformation to apply for a single image
    key = random.choice(list(available_transformations))
    transformed_image = available_transformations[key](image_to_transform)
    num_transformations += 1


Step 4: 存储新图像

# define a name for our new file
new_file_path = '%s/augmented_image_%s.jpg' % (folder_path, num_generated_files)

# write image to the disk, transformed_image)


现在,你可以通过data augmentation 生成1000个新图像。当然,还可以添加一些额外的变换,对于不同变换发生的可能性也可以自己调整。

