代写maltab 编程作业、代写matlab程序设计作业、代写maltab 作业
日期:2018-09-07 04:06
function ret = simulate_raptors (raptor_distance, vhuman, vraptor0, vraptor1, vraptor2, angle, nsteps)
h = [0.0, 0.0];
r0 = [0.0,1.0]*raptor_distance;
r1 = [-sqrt(3.)/2., -0.5]*raptor_distance;
r2 = [sqrt(3.)/2., -0.5]*raptor_distance;
tmax = 5.0;
raptor_min_distance = 0.2 ;
dt = tmax/nsteps;
t = 0.;
hold on;
for x=1:nsteps
dh = derivative_h(vhuman, angle);
dr0 = derivative_r0(h, r0, vraptor0);
dr1 = derivative_r1(h, r1, vraptor1);
dr2 = derivative_r2(h, r2, vraptor2);
h = h + dh .*dt;
r0 = r0 + dr0 .* dt;
r1 = r1 + dr1 .* dt;
r2 = r2 + dr2 .* dt;
% plot(h(1), h(2), '*');
% plot (r0(1), r0(2), '.');
% plot (r1(1), r1(2), '+');
% plot (r2(1), r2(2), 'o');
plot(h(1), h(2), '*r');
plot (r0(1), r0(2), '.b');
plot (r1(1), r1(2), '+g');
plot (r2(1), r2(2), 'ok');
t = t + dt;
if (norm(r0-h) <= raptor_min_distance) | (norm(r1-h) <= raptor_min_distance)| (norm(r2-h) <= raptor_min_distance)
fprintf('time is %.2f and the angle is %.2f degree\n', t, angle*180/pi);
legend('human', 'r0', 'r1', 'r2')
ret = 1;