
首先从对官网给出的注释做进一步解释:, num_samples, replacement=True, generator=None)
weights (sequence) – a sequence of weights, not necessary summing up to one(样本数量的倒数,如猫狗图片的如果有10张和20张,weights可设置为[0.67, 0.33])
num_samples (int) – number of samples to draw(还是用上述例子,此处为30)
replacement (bool) – if True, samples are drawn with replacement. If not, they are drawn without replacement, which means that when a sample index is drawn for a row, it cannot be drawn again for that row.(后续例子重点讲这个参数。即是否重复取出样本以确保采样的均衡)
generator (Generator) – Generator used in sampling.(不用管)


import torch
from import DataLoader
from import WeightedRandomSampler

# Create dummy data with class imbalance 99 to 1
class_counts = torch.tensor([10, 50, 60])
numDataPoints = class_counts.sum()
data_dim = 5
bs = 10
data = torch.randn(numDataPoints, data_dim)
for i in range(data.shape[0]):
    data[i, 0] = i#把样本的第一个值赋值为样本的行号,这样输出这个行号就知道样本是哪一类了
   						    #输出:  0~9行为第0类 ;10~59为第1类 ; 60~129行为第2类

target =[0], dtype=torch.long),
                    torch.ones(class_counts[1], dtype=torch.long),
                    torch.ones(class_counts[2], dtype=torch.long) * 2))

print('target train 0/1/2: {}/{}/{}'.format(
    (target == 0).sum(), (target == 1).sum(), (target == 2).sum()))

# Compute samples weight (each sample should get its own weight)
class_sample_count = torch.tensor(
    [(target == t).sum() for t in torch.unique(target, sorted=True)])
weight = 1. / class_sample_count.float()
samples_weight = torch.tensor([weight[t] for t in target])

# Create sampler, dataset, loader
sampler = WeightedRandomSampler(samples_weight, len(samples_weight), replacement=True)
train_dataset =, target)
train_loader = DataLoader(
    train_dataset, batch_size=bs, num_workers=0, sampler=sampler)
# train_loader = DataLoader(
#     train_dataset, batch_size=bs, num_workers=0, shuffle=True)

# Iterate DataLoader and check class balance for each batch
for i, (x, y) in enumerate(train_loader):
    print("batch index {}, 0/1/2: {}/{}/{}".format(
        i, (y == 0).sum(), (y == 1).sum(), (y == 2).sum()))
    x_n = [el[0].tolist() for el in x]




target train 0/1/2: 10/50/60
batch index 0, 0/1/2: 5/2/3
[1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 45.0, 45.0, 95.0, 101.0, 108.0]
batch index 1, 0/1/2: 1/5/4
[4.0, 30.0, 30.0, 39.0, 39.0, 54.0, 65.0, 67.0, 96.0, 97.0]
batch index 2, 0/1/2: 3/3/4
[4.0, 7.0, 9.0, 22.0, 43.0, 59.0, 90.0, 104.0, 111.0, 119.0]
batch index 3, 0/1/2: 4/3/3
[1.0, 3.0, 4.0, 8.0, 22.0, 49.0, 52.0, 64.0, 81.0, 89.0]
batch index 4, 0/1/2: 2/5/3
[3.0, 4.0, 10.0, 25.0, 42.0, 44.0, 49.0, 74.0, 100.0, 104.0]
batch index 5, 0/1/2: 1/5/4
[7.0, 22.0, 31.0, 32.0, 34.0, 37.0, 83.0, 113.0, 113.0, 115.0]
batch index 6, 0/1/2: 5/2/3
[2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 8.0, 9.0, 13.0, 20.0, 61.0, 75.0, 97.0]
batch index 7, 0/1/2: 3/3/4
[3.0, 7.0, 9.0, 31.0, 31.0, 38.0, 70.0, 71.0, 75.0, 91.0]
batch index 8, 0/1/2: 4/1/5
[2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 7.0, 23.0, 67.0, 71.0, 74.0, 95.0, 117.0]
batch index 9, 0/1/2: 3/3/4
[2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 17.0, 36.0, 56.0, 103.0, 104.0, 110.0, 115.0]
batch index 10, 0/1/2: 4/3/3
[3.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 18.0, 39.0, 43.0, 66.0, 95.0, 105.0]
batch index 11, 0/1/2: 2/1/7
[0.0, 2.0, 22.0, 77.0, 81.0, 100.0, 103.0, 103.0, 106.0, 111.0]





target train 0/1/2: 10/50/60
batch index 0, 0/1/2: 4/5/1
[5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 9.0, 16.0, 22.0, 28.0, 30.0, 35.0, 69.0]
batch index 1, 0/1/2: 2/4/4
[0.0, 1.0, 10.0, 20.0, 26.0, 38.0, 82.0, 90.0, 111.0, 119.0]
batch index 2, 0/1/2: 1/3/6
[4.0, 17.0, 19.0, 23.0, 60.0, 63.0, 64.0, 68.0, 79.0, 92.0]
batch index 3, 0/1/2: 2/2/6
[3.0, 8.0, 40.0, 48.0, 89.0, 96.0, 100.0, 102.0, 104.0, 115.0]
batch index 4, 0/1/2: 1/3/6
[2.0, 32.0, 37.0, 55.0, 84.0, 88.0, 94.0, 106.0, 109.0, 110.0]
batch index 5, 0/1/2: 0/5/5
[12.0, 25.0, 29.0, 33.0, 34.0, 72.0, 78.0, 98.0, 107.0, 113.0]
batch index 6, 0/1/2: 0/3/7
[42.0, 43.0, 49.0, 70.0, 83.0, 85.0, 93.0, 95.0, 97.0, 117.0]
batch index 7, 0/1/2: 0/5/5
[21.0, 27.0, 44.0, 57.0, 59.0, 67.0, 74.0, 80.0, 86.0, 114.0]
batch index 8, 0/1/2: 0/5/5
[15.0, 31.0, 47.0, 50.0, 53.0, 75.0, 77.0, 103.0, 105.0, 112.0]
batch index 9, 0/1/2: 0/4/6
[18.0, 45.0, 46.0, 54.0, 65.0, 71.0, 73.0, 76.0, 99.0, 108.0]
batch index 10, 0/1/2: 0/6/4
[11.0, 13.0, 14.0, 24.0, 51.0, 56.0, 61.0, 66.0, 87.0, 101.0]
batch index 11, 0/1/2: 0/5/5
[36.0, 39.0, 41.0, 52.0, 58.0, 62.0, 81.0, 91.0, 116.0, 118.0]



 train_loader = DataLoader(
			 train_dataset, batch_size=bs, num_workers=0, shuffle=True)


target train 0/1/2: 10/50/60
batch index 0, 0/1/2: 0/5/5
[11.0, 17.0, 34.0, 46.0, 51.0, 67.0, 70.0, 78.0, 109.0, 111.0]
batch index 1, 0/1/2: 0/6/4
[10.0, 13.0, 19.0, 29.0, 38.0, 53.0, 66.0, 85.0, 88.0, 97.0]
batch index 2, 0/1/2: 1/4/5
[2.0, 21.0, 30.0, 41.0, 48.0, 65.0, 73.0, 81.0, 102.0, 116.0]
batch index 3, 0/1/2: 2/3/5
[4.0, 5.0, 14.0, 26.0, 35.0, 64.0, 89.0, 96.0, 98.0, 115.0]
batch index 4, 0/1/2: 2/2/6
[0.0, 3.0, 16.0, 52.0, 82.0, 83.0, 92.0, 106.0, 110.0, 113.0]
batch index 5, 0/1/2: 2/4/4
[6.0, 8.0, 18.0, 40.0, 57.0, 59.0, 63.0, 101.0, 108.0, 112.0]
batch index 6, 0/1/2: 0/6/4
[12.0, 27.0, 28.0, 37.0, 39.0, 56.0, 75.0, 77.0, 87.0, 103.0]
batch index 7, 0/1/2: 0/2/8
[15.0, 25.0, 61.0, 62.0, 76.0, 93.0, 99.0, 100.0, 104.0, 119.0]
batch index 8, 0/1/2: 3/4/3
[1.0, 7.0, 9.0, 36.0, 43.0, 45.0, 55.0, 71.0, 80.0, 86.0]
batch index 9, 0/1/2: 0/4/6
[22.0, 24.0, 44.0, 50.0, 69.0, 91.0, 105.0, 114.0, 117.0, 118.0]
batch index 10, 0/1/2: 0/5/5
[23.0, 31.0, 32.0, 42.0, 47.0, 60.0, 68.0, 74.0, 79.0, 107.0]
batch index 11, 0/1/2: 0/5/5
[20.0, 33.0, 49.0, 54.0, 58.0, 72.0, 84.0, 90.0, 94.0, 95.0]


