A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看

A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看

  • 总括
    • Introduction
    • Methodology
    • 实验
      • dataset
      • baseline
      • main result
    • Framework Analysis
    • conclusion



ABSA旨在识别: aspect terms, their corresponding sentiment polarities, and the opinion terms。文章总结了7类ABSA的子任务,看这些子任务,我们可以观察到:input不一样,output也不一样,任务类型也不一样。所以现有的一些研究都是只做1-3个子任务的,还未有一个方法去一下子解决7类子任务。本文就是做了这样一件事!此paper把这7个subtask都变成了一个 unified generative formulation.


ABSA是细粒度的情感分析任务,旨在识别a,s,o.( aspect terms, sentiment polarities, and the opinion terms。)

  1. 看例子例句
    黄色字体是aspect term ,粉色字是opinion term,情感都是positive。
  2. 7subtask总结
    A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看_第1张图片
    正是这些divergences才导致make it difficult to solve all subtask in a unified framework.
  3. recently work the existing methods can hardly solve all the subtasks by a unified framework without relying on the sub-models or changing the model structure to adapt to all ABSA subtasks。所以我们提出的统一生成框架去解决这7类任务很有必要。
  4. 贡献
    • We formulate both the extraction task and classification task of ABSA into a unified index generation problem. Unlike previous unified models,our method needs not to design specific decoders for different output types.
    • With our re-formulation, all ABSA subtasks
    can be solved in sequence-to-sequence framework, which is easy-to-implement and can be built on the pre-trained models, such as BART.
    • We conduct extensive experiments on four public datasets, and each dataset contains a subset of all ABSA subtasks. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first work to evaluate a model on all ABSA tasks.
    • The experimental results show that our proposed ramework significantly outperforms recent SOTA methods.


  • Task Formulation
    -For example, o s, a erepresent the start index of an opinion term o and the end index of an aspect term a. We use the s p to denote the index of sentiment polarity class. The target sequence for each subtask is as follows:
    A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看_第2张图片
    A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看_第3张图片
    A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看_第4张图片

  • Our model

  • A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看_第5张图片
    A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看_第6张图片

框架的整体结构,图底下有详细介绍。在训练阶段,我们使用了 teacher
forcing 来训练 model and the negative loglikelihood to optimize the model. Moreover, during the inference, we use the beam search to get
the target sequence Y in an autoregressive manner.
A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看_第7张图片



A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看_第8张图片


A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看_第9张图片

main result

A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看_第10张图片
A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看_第11张图片

Framework Analysis

为了证明我们的生成框架能够适应ABSA生成任务,我们进行了测试,定义了三种错误“invalid token”,“invalid size”,“invalid order”
A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看_第12张图片


A Unified Generative Framework for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis论文速看_第13张图片

