#include "structIO.hpp"
using namespace std;
void showLidarTopview()
std::vector<LidarPoint> lidarPoints;
readLidarPts("../dat/C51_LidarPts_0000.dat", lidarPoints);
cv::Size worldSize(10.0, 20.0); // width and height of sensor field in m (w,h)
cv::Size imageSize(1000, 2000); // corresponding top view image in pixel
// create topview image
cv::Mat topviewImg(imageSize, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 0));
// plot Lidar points into image
for (auto it = lidarPoints.begin(); it != lidarPoints.end(); ++it)
if(it->z < -1.4) //排除靠近地面的点,高度阈值设置为1.4m
float xw = (*it).x; // world position in m with x facing forward from sensor
float yw = (*it).y; // world position in m with y facing left from sensor
int y = (-xw * imageSize.height / worldSize.height) + imageSize.height;
int x = (-yw * imageSize.height / worldSize.height) + imageSize.width / 2; //注意图像坐标系与激光雷达坐标系
float val = it->x;
float maxval = worldSize.height;
int red = min(255, (int)(255*abs((val-maxval)/maxval)));
int green = min(255, (int)(255*(1-abs((val-maxval)/maxval))));
cv::circle(topviewImg, cv::Point(x, y), 5, cv::Scalar(0, green, red), -1);
// plot distance markers 绘制标记线
float lineSpacing = 2.0; // gap between distance markers
int nMarkers = floor(worldSize.height / lineSpacing);
for (size_t i = 0; i < nMarkers; ++i)
int y = (-(i * lineSpacing) * imageSize.height / worldSize.height) + imageSize.height;
cv::line(topviewImg, cv::Point(0, y), cv::Point(imageSize.width, y), cv::Scalar(255, 0, 0));
// display image
string windowName = "Top-View Perspective of LiDAR data";
cv::namedWindow(windowName, 2);
cv::imshow(windowName, topviewImg);
cv::waitKey(0); // wait for key to be pressed
int main()
calib_time: 15-Mar-2012 11:37:16
R: 7.533745e-03 -9.999714e-01 -6.166020e-04 1.480249e-02 7.280733e-04 -9.998902e-01 9.998621e-01 7.523790e-03 1.480755e-02
T: -4.069766e-03 -7.631618e-02 -2.717806e-01
calib_time: 09-Jan-2012 13:57:47
R_rect_00: 9.999239e-01 9.837760e-03 -7.445048e-03 -9.869795e-03 9.999421e-01 -4.278459e-03 7.402527e-03 4.351614e-03 9.999631e-01
P_rect_00: 7.215377e+02 0.000000e+00 6.095593e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 7.215377e+02 1.728540e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
#include "structIO.hpp"
using namespace std;
void loadCalibrationData(cv::Mat &P_rect_00, cv::Mat &R_rect_00, cv::Mat &RT)
RT.at<double>(0,0) = 7.533745e-03; RT.at<double>(0,1) = -9.999714e-01; RT.at<double>(0,2) = -6.166020e-04; RT.at<double>(0,3) = -4.069766e-03;
RT.at<double>(1,0) = 1.480249e-02; RT.at<double>(1,1) = 7.280733e-04; RT.at<double>(1,2) = -9.998902e-01; RT.at<double>(1,3) = -7.631618e-02;
RT.at<double>(2,0) = 9.998621e-01; RT.at<double>(2,1) = 7.523790e-03; RT.at<double>(2,2) = 1.480755e-02; RT.at<double>(2,3) = -2.717806e-01;
RT.at<double>(3,0) = 0.0; RT.at<double>(3,1) = 0.0; RT.at<double>(3,2) = 0.0; RT.at<double>(3,3) = 1.0;
R_rect_00.at<double>(0,0) = 9.999239e-01; R_rect_00.at<double>(0,1) = 9.837760e-03; R_rect_00.at<double>(0,2) = -7.445048e-03; R_rect_00.at<double>(0,3) = 0.0;
R_rect_00.at<double>(1,0) = -9.869795e-03; R_rect_00.at<double>(1,1) = 9.999421e-01; R_rect_00.at<double>(1,2) = -4.278459e-03; R_rect_00.at<double>(1,3) = 0.0;
R_rect_00.at<double>(2,0) = 7.402527e-03; R_rect_00.at<double>(2,1) = 4.351614e-03; R_rect_00.at<double>(2,2) = 9.999631e-01; R_rect_00.at<double>(2,3) = 0.0;
R_rect_00.at<double>(3,0) = 0; R_rect_00.at<double>(3,1) = 0; R_rect_00.at<double>(3,2) = 0; R_rect_00.at<double>(3,3) = 1;
P_rect_00.at<double>(0,0) = 7.215377e+02; P_rect_00.at<double>(0,1) = 0.000000e+00; P_rect_00.at<double>(0,2) = 6.095593e+02; P_rect_00.at<double>(0,3) = 0.000000e+00;
P_rect_00.at<double>(1,0) = 0.000000e+00; P_rect_00.at<double>(1,1) = 7.215377e+02; P_rect_00.at<double>(1,2) = 1.728540e+02; P_rect_00.at<double>(1,3) = 0.000000e+00;
P_rect_00.at<double>(2,0) = 0.000000e+00; P_rect_00.at<double>(2,1) = 0.000000e+00; P_rect_00.at<double>(2,2) = 1.000000e+00; P_rect_00.at<double>(2,3) = 0.000000e+00;
void projectLidarToCamera2()
// load image from file
cv::Mat img = cv::imread("../images/0000000000.png");
// load Lidar points from file
std::vector<LidarPoint> lidarPoints;
readLidarPts("../dat/C51_LidarPts_0000.dat", lidarPoints);
// store calibration data in OpenCV matrices
cv::Mat P_rect_00(3,4,cv::DataType<double>::type); // 3x4 projection matrix after rectification
cv::Mat R_rect_00(4,4,cv::DataType<double>::type); // 3x3 rectifying rotation to make image planes co-planar
cv::Mat RT(4,4,cv::DataType<double>::type); // rotation matrix and translation vector
loadCalibrationData(P_rect_00, R_rect_00, RT);
// TODO: project lidar points
cv::Mat visImg = img.clone();
cv::Mat overlay = visImg.clone();
cv::Mat X(4,1,cv::DataType<double>::type);
cv::Mat Y(3,1,cv::DataType<double>::type);
for(auto it=lidarPoints.begin(); it!=lidarPoints.end(); ++it) {
float maxX = 25.0, maxY = 6.0, minZ = -1.4;
if(it->x > maxX || it->x < 0.0 || abs(it->y) > maxY || it->z < minZ || it->r<0.01) //过滤到后方和超过一定高度的点云,只关注与前方目标点云。反射滤过低说明点云可靠性低
// 1. Convert current Lidar point into homogeneous coordinates and store it in the 4D variable X.
X.at<double>(0,0) = it->x;
X.at<double>(1,0) = it->y;
X.at<double>(2,0) = it->z;
X.at<double>(3,0) = 1;
// 2. Then, apply the projection equation as detailed in lesson 5.1 to map X onto the image plane of the camera.
// Store the result in Y.
Y = P_rect_00 * R_rect_00 * RT * X; //坐标转换
// 3. Once this is done, transform Y back into Euclidean coordinates and store the result in the variable pt.
cv::Point pt;
pt.x = Y.at<double>(0,0) / Y.at<double>(0,2);
pt.y = Y.at<double>(1,0) / Y.at<double>(0,2);
float val = it->x;
float maxVal = 20.0;
int red = min(255, (int)(255 * abs((val - maxVal) / maxVal)));
int green = min(255, (int)(255 * (1 - abs((val - maxVal) / maxVal))));
cv::circle(overlay, pt, 1, cv::Scalar(0, green, red), -1); //设置投影点在图像平面overlay上的位置,大小,颜色
float opacity = 0.6;
cv::addWeighted(overlay, opacity, visImg, 1 - opacity, 0, visImg);
string windowName = "LiDAR data on image overlay";
cv::namedWindow( windowName, 3 );
cv::imshow( windowName, visImg );
cv::waitKey(0); // wait for key to be pressed
int main()
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..