CV_EXPORTS_W void normalize( InputArray src, InputOutputArray dst, double alpha = 1, double beta = 0,
int norm_type = NORM_L2, int dtype = -1, InputArray mask = noArray());
函数 cv::normalize 标准化缩放和移动输入数组元素
当 normType=NORM_MINMAX 时(仅适用于密集数组)。可选掩码指定要规范化的子数组。这意味着在子数组上计算范数或 min-n-max,然后修改该子数组以进行归一化。如果您只想使用掩码计算范数或最小值-最大值但修改整个数组,则可以使用 norm 和 Mat::convertTo。
@param src 输入数组。
@param dst 与 src 大小相同的输出数组。
@param alpha norm value 规范化到或范围归一化情况下的范围下限。
@param beta 范围归一化情况下的范围上限;它不用于规范标准化。
@param norm_type 规范化类型(参见 cv::NormTypes)。
@param dtype 为负时,输出数组与 src 类型相同;否则,它具有与 src 相同数量的通道和深度 =CV_MAT_DEPTH(dtype)。
@param mask 可选操作掩码。
enum NormTypes {
norm = \forkthree
{\|\texttt{src1}\|_{L_{\infty}} = \max _I | \texttt{src1} (I)|}{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_INF}\) }
{\|\texttt{src1}-\texttt{src2}\|_{L_{\infty}} = \max _I | \texttt{src1} (I) - \texttt{src2} (I)|}{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_INF}\) }
{\frac{\|\texttt{src1}-\texttt{src2}\|_{L_{\infty}} }{\|\texttt{src2}\|_{L_{\infty}} }}{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_RELATIVE | NORM_INF}\) }
norm = \forkthree
{\| \texttt{src1} \| _{L_1} = \sum _I | \texttt{src1} (I)|}{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_L1}\)}
{ \| \texttt{src1} - \texttt{src2} \| _{L_1} = \sum _I | \texttt{src1} (I) - \texttt{src2} (I)|}{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_L1}\) }
{ \frac{\|\texttt{src1}-\texttt{src2}\|_{L_1} }{\|\texttt{src2}\|_{L_1}} }{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_RELATIVE | NORM_L1}\) }
NORM_L1 = 2,
norm = \forkthree
{ \| \texttt{src1} \| _{L_2} = \sqrt{\sum_I \texttt{src1}(I)^2} }{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_L2}\) }
{ \| \texttt{src1} - \texttt{src2} \| _{L_2} = \sqrt{\sum_I (\texttt{src1}(I) - \texttt{src2}(I))^2} }{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_L2}\) }
{ \frac{\|\texttt{src1}-\texttt{src2}\|_{L_2} }{\|\texttt{src2}\|_{L_2}} }{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_RELATIVE | NORM_L2}\) }
NORM_L2 = 4,
norm = \forkthree
{ \| \texttt{src1} \| _{L_2} ^{2} = \sum_I \texttt{src1}(I)^2} {if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_L2SQR}\)}
{ \| \texttt{src1} - \texttt{src2} \| _{L_2} ^{2} = \sum_I (\texttt{src1}(I) - \texttt{src2}(I))^2 }{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_L2SQR}\) }
{ \left(\frac{\|\texttt{src1}-\texttt{src2}\|_{L_2} }{\|\texttt{src2}\|_{L_2}}\right)^2 }{if \(\texttt{normType} = \texttt{NORM_RELATIVE | NORM_L2SQR}\) }
In the case of one input array, calculates the Hamming distance of the array from zero,
In the case of two input arrays, calculates the Hamming distance between the arrays.
Similar to NORM_HAMMING, but in the calculation, each two bits of the input sequence will
be added and treated as a single bit to be used in the same calculation as NORM_HAMMING.
NORM_TYPE_MASK = 7, //!< bit-mask which can be used to separate norm type from norm flags
NORM_RELATIVE = 8, //!< flag
NORM_MINMAX = 32 //!< flag
CV_EXPORTS_W void convertScaleAbs(InputArray src, OutputArray dst,
double alpha = 1, double beta = 0);
函数可用于缩放,计算绝对值,并将结果转换为 8 位。
在输入数组的每个元素上,函数 convertScaleAbs 依次执行三个操作:缩放、取绝对值、转换为无符号 8 位类型。
在多通道数组的情况下,该函数独立处理每个通道。当输出不是 8 位时,可以通过调用 Mat::convertTo 方法(或使用矩阵表达式)模拟该操作,然后计算结果的绝对值。
@param src 输入数组。
@param dst 输出数组。
@param alpha 可选比例因子。
@param beta 可选增量添加到缩放值。
#pragma once
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
namespace ImgEnhance
class GrayscaleTransform
GrayscaleTransform() { cout << "GrayscaleTransform is being created" << endl; } // 这是构造函数声明
~GrayscaleTransform() { cout << "GrayscaleTransform is being deleted" << endl; } // 这是析构函数声明
int ImageInverse(cv::Mat srcImage, cv::Mat &dstImage);//图像反转//灰度线性变换最常见的就是图像反转:s=255-r
int ImageLogTransform(cv::Mat srcImage, cv::Mat &dstImage,float c);//对数变换//s=c*log(1+r):其中,r表示原始图像的灰度级,s表示变换后的灰度级,c为常数。
int ImageGammaTransform(cv::Mat srcImage, cv::Mat &dstImage, float c,float y);//伽马变换//s=c*r^y
int ImageLinearTransform(cv::Mat srcImage, cv::Mat &dstImage, float a, float b);//线性变换//s=a*r+b
int ImgEnhance::GrayscaleTransform::ImageInverse(cv::Mat srcImage, cv::Mat &dstImage)//图像反转
if (!srcImage.data || srcImage.channels() != 1)
return 1;
int height = srcImage.rows;
int width = srcImage.cols;
Mat dst = Mat(height, width,CV_8UC1);
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
uchar* p1 = dst.ptr<uchar>(i);
uchar* p2 = srcImage.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (int j = 0; j < srcImage.cols; j++)
p1[j] = 255 - p2[j];
dstImage = dst.clone();
return 0;
int ImgEnhance::GrayscaleTransform::ImageLogTransform(cv::Mat srcImage, cv::Mat &dstImage, float c)//对数变换//s=c*log(1+r)
if (!srcImage.data || srcImage.channels() != 1)
return 1;
int height = srcImage.rows;
int width = srcImage.cols;
float pixels[256];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
pixels[i] = c*log(1 + i);
Mat imageLog(height, width, CV_32FC1);
for (int i = 0; i<height; i++)
float* p1 = imageLog.ptr<float>(i);
uchar* p2 = srcImage.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (int j = 0; j<width; j++)
p1[j] = pixels[p2[j]];
normalize(imageLog, imageLog, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX);
convertScaleAbs(imageLog, imageLog);
dstImage = imageLog.clone();
return 0;
int ImgEnhance::GrayscaleTransform::ImageGammaTransform(cv::Mat srcImage, cv::Mat &dstImage, float c, float y)//伽马变换//s=c*r^y
if (!srcImage.data || srcImage.channels() != 1)
return 1;
int height = srcImage.rows;
int width = srcImage.cols;
float pixels[256];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
pixels[i] = c*powf(i, y);
Mat imageGamma(height, width, CV_32FC1);
for (int i = 0; i<height; i++)
float* p1 = imageGamma.ptr<float>(i);
uchar* p2 = srcImage.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (int j = 0; j<width; j++)
p1[j] = pixels[p2[j]];
normalize(imageGamma, imageGamma, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX);
convertScaleAbs(imageGamma, imageGamma);
dstImage = imageGamma.clone();
return 0;
int ImgEnhance::GrayscaleTransform::ImageLinearTransform(cv::Mat srcImage, cv::Mat &dstImage, float a, float b)//线性变换//s=a*r+b
if (!srcImage.data || srcImage.channels() != 1)
return 1;
int height = srcImage.rows;
int width = srcImage.cols;
float pixels[256];
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
pixels[i] = a*i+b;
Mat imageLinear(height, width, CV_32FC1);
for (int i = 0; i<height; i++)
float* p1 = imageLinear.ptr<float>(i);
uchar* p2 = srcImage.ptr<uchar>(i);
for (int j = 0; j<width; j++)
p1[j] = pixels[p2[j]];
normalize(imageLinear, imageLinear, 0, 255, NORM_MINMAX);
convertScaleAbs(imageLinear, imageLinear);
dstImage = imageLinear.clone();
return 0;
ImgEnhance::GrayscaleTransform ImgG;//灰度变换
int main()
// 读取源图像及判断
cv::Mat srcImage = cv::imread("flower.jpg");
if (!srcImage.data)
return 1;
cv::namedWindow("原始图", 0);
cv::imshow("原始图", srcImage);
// 转化为灰度图像
cv::Mat srcGray;
if (srcImage.channels() == 3)
cv::cvtColor(srcImage, srcGray, COLOR_RGB2GRAY);
srcGray = srcImage.clone();
cv::namedWindow("灰度图", 0);
cv::imshow("灰度图", srcGray);
cv::Mat inverseMat;
// 灰度反转 图像
ImgG.ImageInverse(srcGray, inverseMat);
cv::namedWindow("灰度反转图", 0);
cv::imshow("灰度反转图", inverseMat);
cv::Mat imageLogTransformMat;
float cl = 10;
// 对数变换 图像
ImgG.ImageLogTransform(srcGray, imageLogTransformMat,cl);
cv::namedWindow("对数变换图", 0);
cv::imshow("对数变换图", imageLogTransformMat);
cv::Mat imageGammaTransformMat;
float cg = 1;
float yg = 0.5;
// 伽马变换 图像
ImgG.ImageGammaTransform(srcGray, imageGammaTransformMat, cg,yg);
cv::namedWindow("伽马变换图", 0);
cv::imshow("伽马变换图", imageGammaTransformMat);
cv::Mat imageLinearTransformMat;
float a = 0.5;
float b = 1;
// 线性变换 图像
ImgG.ImageGammaTransform(srcGray, imageLinearTransformMat, a, b);
cv::namedWindow("线性变换图", 0);
cv::imshow("线性变换图", imageLinearTransformMat);
return 0;