强化学习 之 Q-Learning与SARSA

强化学习 之 Q-Learning与SARSA_第1张图片
强化学习 之 Q-Learning与SARSA_第2张图片
强化学习 之 Q-Learning与SARSA_第3张图片

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import time

class Env():
    def __init__(self, length, height):
        # define the height and length of the map
        self.length = length
        self.height = height
        # define the agent's start position
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0

    # 对智能体在格子中的行进每一步的图像进行渲染出来
    def render(self, frames=50):
        for i in range(self.height):
            if i == 0: # cliff is in the line 0
                line = ['S'] + ['x']*(self.length - 2) + ['T'] # 'S':start, 'T':terminal, 'x':the cliff
                line = ['.'] * self.length
            if self.x == i:
                line[self.y] = 'o' # mark the agent's position as 'o'
        print('\033['+str(self.height+1)+'A')  # printer go back to top-left
        time.sleep(1.0 / frames)

    # 智能体与环境进行交互,进行每一步时智能体告诉环境往上下左右哪个方向走,执行后环境返回 reward、states、terminal
    def step(self, action):
        """4 legal actions, 0:up, 1:down, 2:left, 3:right"""
        change = [[0, 1], [0, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 0]]
        #里面的 max 函数控制智能体别超出方格的下界,外面的 min 函数控制智能体别超出方格的上界
        self.x = min(self.height - 1, max(0, self.x + change[action][0]))
        # 里面的 max 函数控制智能体别超出方格的左界,外面的 min 函数控制智能体别超出方格的右界
        self.y = min(self.length - 1, max(0, self.y + change[action][1]))

        states = [self.x, self.y]
        reward = -1
        terminal = False
        if self.x == 0: # if agent is on the cliff line "SxxxxxT"
            if self.y > 0:  # if agent is not on the start position
                terminal = True
                if self.y != self.length - 1:   # if agent is not on the terminal position
                    reward = -100   # if agent falls
        return reward, states, terminal

    def reset(self):
        self.x = 0
        self.y = 0

class Q_table():
    def __init__(self, length, height, actions=4, alpha=0.1, gamma=0.9):
        self.table = [0] * actions * length * height # initialize all Q(s,a) to zero,初始化一个Q表
        self.actions = actions
        self.length = length
        self.height = height
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.gamma = gamma

    #由Q_table中 agent 位置和方向确定返回的Q值
    def _index(self, a, x, y):
        """Return the index of Q([x,y], a) in Q_table."""
        return a * self.height * self.length + x * self.length + y

    #设置 epsilon 值
    def _epsilon(self):
        return 0.1  #将 epsilon 设置为0.1
        # version for better convergence:
        # """At the beginning epsilon is 0.2, after 300 episodes decades to 0.05, and eventually go to 0."""
        # return 20. / (num_episode + 100)

    # epsilon-greedy 策略
    def take_action(self, x, y, num_episode):
        """epsilon-greedy action selection"""
        if random.random() < self._epsilon():   #如果生成随机数小于epsilon,就随机选择一个action
            return int(random.random() * 4)
        else:   #如果生成随机数大于epsilon,就选择最优的那个action
            actions_value = [self.table[self._index(a, x, y)] for a in range(self.actions)]
            return actions_value.index(max(actions_value))

    # Q_Learning Model-Free TD-learning off-policy

    # maxaQ(S',a)公式操作
    def max_q(self, x, y):
        actions_value = [self.table[self._index(a, x, y)] for a in range(self.actions)]
        return max(actions_value)
    #Q值更新操作,也就是Q-Learning的核心公式 Q(S,A)Q(S,A)+α[R+γmaxaQ(S',a)Q(S,A)]
    def update(self, a, s0, s1, r, is_terminated):
        # both s0, s1 have the form [x,y]
        q_predict = self.table[self._index(a, s0[0], s0[1])]
        if not is_terminated:
            q_target = r + self.gamma * self.max_q(s1[0], s1[1])
            q_target = r
        self.table[self._index(a, s0[0], s0[1])] += self.alpha * (q_target - q_predict)

    # SARSA Model-Free TD-learning on-policy
    def epsilon_q(self, x, y):
        actions_value = [self.table[self._index(a, x, y)] for a in range(self.actions)]
        return max(actions_value) if random.random() > self._epsilon() else actions_value[int(random.random() * 4)]

    def update(self, a, s0, s1, r, is_terminated):
        # both s0, s1 have the form [x,y]
        q_predict = self.table[self._index(a, s0[0], s0[1])]
        if not is_terminated:
            q_target = r + self.gamma * self.epsilon_q(s1[0], s1[1])
            q_target = r
        self.table[self._index(a, s0[0], s0[1])] += self.alpha * (q_target - q_predict)

def cliff_walk():

    plt.ion()  # 开启interactive mode 成功的关键函数
    t = [0]
    m = [0]

    env = Env(length=12, height=4)  #初始化环境
    table = Q_table(length=12, height=4)    #设置 Q_table 大小
    for num_episode in range(3000):
        # within the whole learning process
        episodic_reward = 0
        is_terminated = False
        s0 = [0, 0]
        while not is_terminated:
            # within one episode
            action = table.take_action(s0[0], s0[1], num_episode)   # agent 不断与环境交互
            r, s1, is_terminated = env.step(action) #记录下 reward 和 state值
            table.update(action, s0, s1, r, is_terminated)  #Q_Learning算法更新Q表
            episodic_reward += r
            # env.render(frames=100)    #每一步的方格图展示
            s0 = s1
        if num_episode % 20 == 0:
            print("Episode: {}, Score: {}".format(num_episode, episodic_reward))

            plt.clf()  # 清空画布上的所有内容
            t.append(num_episode)  # 模拟数据增量流入,保存历史数据
            m.append(episodic_reward)  # 模拟数据增量流入,保存历史数据
            plt.plot(t, m, '-r')



Q_Learning 优化曲线
强化学习 之 Q-Learning与SARSA_第4张图片
强化学习 之 Q-Learning与SARSA_第5张图片
强化学习 之 Q-Learning与SARSA_第6张图片

强化学习 之 Q-Learning与SARSA_第7张图片
强化学习 之 Q-Learning与SARSA_第8张图片
强化学习 之 Q-Learning与SARSA_第9张图片


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