python 连接Oracle cx_oracle 报错"cx_Oracle.DatabaseError: ORA-01804: 时区信息无法初始化"的解决方法

Click to add to Favorites Database startup fails with ORA-01804: failure to initialize timezone information and Failed to find timezone data file # -here an number- (DST_4) Daylight Saving Time feature is disabled is seen in the alert.log (Doc ID 1562424.1) To BottomTo Bottom

In this Document




Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Oracle Database Cloud Schema Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Exadata Cloud Machine - Version N/A and later
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Backup Service - Version N/A and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 02-Jul-2016***


Database startup fails with

Database mounted.
ORA-01092: ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced
ORA-01804: failure to initialize timezone information

AND in the alert.log this message is seen:

Failed to find timezone data file # -number- (DST_4)
Daylight Saving Time feature is disabled

for example

Failed to find timezone data file # 17 (DST_4)
Daylight Saving Time feature is disabled


Failed to find timezone data file # 14 (DST_4)
Daylight Saving Time feature is disabled

 with often also an ORA-600 [qcisSetPlsqlCtx:tzi init]


This is mostly seen when restoring a database and opening it in a new $ORACLE_HOME.
The -number- in the error indicates what missing DST patch needed for opening the database , for example:
"Failed to find timezone data file # 14 (DST_4)" error means the database cannot find the RDBMS DSTv14 patch applied (normally installed by default) in order to open properly.
"Failed to find timezone data file # 17 (DST_4)" error means the database n cannot find the RDBMS DSTv17 patch in the home in order to open properly.


In 11.2 and higher the DST version is a database property, so
* if someone has set ORA_TZFILE to an incorrect file or location , has renamed file (for example renaming files to timezlrg.dat and timezone.dat - whihc should NOT be done !) or the files in $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo/ (unix) or %ORACLE_HOME%\oracore\zoneinfo\ (windows) are corrupted then this error my be seen after a restart of the database without any "changes" to the ORACLE_HOME

* if the database was ever updated to an RDBMS dst version that is higher than the one provided by default in the software installation you might see this when opening this database in an NEW non-patched $ORACLE_HOME.
In the example of "Failed to find timezone data file # 14 (DST_4)" error the database was an RDBMS DSTv17 database restored to a new home but the DSTv17 patch was not installed in the home.
Seen has by default only up to DSTv14 included the DSTv17 patch was not found, hence the error.


In 11.2 there are no timezlrg.dat and timezone.dat, this is normal and intended.
Do NOT make any symbolic links for timezlrg.dat and timezone.dat or copy any of the files in \oracore\zoneinfo\ and rename them to timezlrg.dat and timezone.dat
in 11.2 there should be NO timezlrg.dat and timezone.dat in $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo/ (unix) or %ORACLE_HOME%\oracore\zoneinfo\ (windows)

Oracle has by default all RDBMS DST updates from DSTv1 to DSTv11 included in the software installation.
Oracle has by default all RDBMS DST updates from DSTv1 to DSTv14 included in the software installation.
Oracle has by default all RDBMS DST updates from DSTv1 to DSTv14 included in the software installation.

These files are found in $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo and have a prefix indicating the DST version.
For example timezlrg_4.dat is the DSTv4 "large" file, timezlrg_11.dat is the DSTv11 "large" file.

connect and check:

conn / as sysdba
select NAME, VALUE$ from SYS.PROPS$ where NAME like ('DST_%_TT_VERSION');

DST_SECONDARY_TT_VERSION -> should normally be 0 , if this has a value then also check if it is applied
DST_PRIMARY_TT_VERSION -> required TZ file

if DST_PRIMARY_TT_VERSION is for example "14" then check if $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo or %ORACLE_HOME%\oracore\zoneinfo

* contains timezone_14.dat and timezlrg_14.dat if not then there is a serious issue on file system or someone removed files seen this is installed by default in and higher
* the files are readable for the ORACLE OS user , if not adjust permissions
* there are no timezlrg.dat and timezone.dat files/copies/symbolic links

make sure to NOT have $ORA_TZFILE set in the environment (or registry on windows) and then start the database.

if DST_PRIMARY_TT_VERSION is for example "17" (= higher than 14) then check if $ORACLE_HOME/oracore/zoneinfo or %ORACLE_HOME%\oracore\zoneinfo

* contains timezone_17.dat and timezlrg_17.dat if not then apply the missing DSTv17 patch See note 412160.1 Updated DST transitions and new Time Zones in Oracle Time Zone File patches / H) Overview of what DST version is by default used / included in what Oracle RDBMS version and all DST patch numbers for the DST patch number required. / All DST patch numbers:
* the files are readable for the ORACLE OS user , if not adjust permissions
* there are no timezlrg.dat and timezone.dat files/copies/symbolic links

There is NO need to run DBMS_DST or so.
