Grassi等人2019年论文《POSEIDON: A New Hash Function for Zero-Knowledge Proof Systems》。
SNARK、STARK、Bulletproofs(PLONK/RedShift)中,若用于proof of knowledge of a preimage under a certain cryptographic hash function时,都需要消耗大量的计算。
所谓proof of knowledge of a preimage under a certain cryptographic hash function,针对的场景为:
其中 H ( ∗ ) H(*) H(∗) 为hash函数。
若hash函数为POSEIDON,其具有8x fewer constraints per message bit than Pedersen Hash。
借助POSEIDON hash,采用Bulletproofs方案来实现1-out-of-10亿 membership proof with Merkle trees,所需的时间少于1秒。
1)R1CS(rank-1 quadratic constraints):
Bulletproofs 和 ZK-SNARKs 采用R1CS format(rank-1 quadratic constraints)来描述circuit,表示为一组二次多项式:
L 1 ( X ) ⋅ L 2 ( X ) = L 3 ( X ) L_1(X)\cdot L_2(X)=L_3(X) L1(X)⋅L2(X)=L3(X)
其中 X X X为the tuple of internal and input variables, L i L_i Li为affine forms, ⋅ \cdot ⋅为the field multiplication。
R1CS circuit中的加法门和乘法门都是定义在prime field G F ( p ) GF(p) GF(p)内。 G F ( p ) GF(p) GF(p)为the scalar field of an elliptic curve,对应ZK-SNARKs来说,该椭圆曲线通常需pairing-friendly;对于Bulletproofs来说,该椭圆曲线通常仅需为secure curve即可。
R1CS的proof generation complexity与constraints的数量 T T T成正比,而constraints的数量 T T T通常与乘法门的数量相关。
2)algebraic execution trace (AET):
algebraic execution trace (AET) 将computation 表示为 a set of internal program states related to each other by polynomial equations of degree d d d。该state包含了 w w w field elements,并经历 T T T transformations。
AET的proof generation与 w ⋅ d ⋅ T w\cdot d\cdot T w⋅d⋅T 成比例。The number and sparsity of polynomial constraints do not play a major role。
POSEIDON采用 HADES 设计策略,基于具有 t t t cells的substitution-permutation networks,使用了名为partial的rounds,采用了non-linear functions only for part of the state。
POSEIDON中在partial rounds中仅使用了1个S-box,但是在所有其它rounds中使用了full non-linear layers(即 t t t个S-box),从而可降低R1CS或AET的开销。
POSEIDON支持80、128、256-bit security:
R1CS 用于Prove a leaf knowledge in the Merkle tree of 2 30 2^{30} 230 elements:
Bulletproofs 用于Prove a leaf knowledge in the Merkle tree of 2 30 2^{30} 230 elements:
PLONK 用于证明1-out-of- 2 n 2^n 2n Merkle tree of arity of 4 4 4:
Sponge构建与Hades permutation之上,可用于实现:
当将内部的Hades permutation size固定为 N N N bits,则需要在吞吐量和安全性之间做平衡。
以下图为例,用于计算the hash output为 h 1 ∣ ∣ h 2 h_1||h_2 h1∣∣h2 of the 4 4 4-block message m 1 ∣ ∣ m 2 ∣ ∣ m 3 ∣ ∣ m 4 m_1||m_2||m_3||m_4 m1∣∣m2∣∣m3∣∣m4,其中 m i m_i mi和 h i h_i hi为 r r r-bit values。初始state I I I为全0,即 I = 0 r ∣ ∣ 0 c I=0^r||0^c I=0r∣∣0c for an r r r-bit rate and a c c c-bit capacity。
其中messages.chunks(WIDTH - 1)
对应为 m 1 , m 2 , m 3 , m 4 m_1,m_2,m_3,m_4 m1,m2,m3,m4。
/// The `hash` function takes an arbitrary number of Scalars and returns the
/// hash, using the `Hades` ScalarStragegy.
/// As the paper definition, the capacity `c` is set to [`WIDTH`], and `r` is
/// set to `c - 1`.
/// Considering `r` is set to `c - 1`, the first bit will be the capacity and
/// will have no message addition, and the remainder bits of the permutation
/// will have the corresponding element of the chunk added.
/// The last permutation will append `1` to the message as a padding separator
/// value. The padding values will be zeroes. To avoid collision, the padding
/// will imply one additional permutation in case `|m|` is a multiple of `r`.
pub fn sponge_hash(messages: &[BlsScalar]) -> BlsScalar {
let mut h = ScalarStrategy::new();
let mut state = [BlsScalar::zero(); WIDTH];
// If exists an `m` such as `m · (WIDTH - 1) == l`, then the last iteration
// index should be `m - 1`.
// In other words, if `l` is a multiple of `WIDTH - 1`, then the last
// iteration of the chunk should have an extra appended padding `1`.
let l = messages.len();
let m = l / (WIDTH - 1);
let n = m * (WIDTH - 1);
let last_iteration = if l == n {
} else {
l / (WIDTH - 1)
.chunks(WIDTH - 1)
.for_each(|(i, chunk)| {
state[1..].iter_mut().zip(chunk.iter()).for_each(|(s, c)| {
*s += c;
// Last chunk should have an added `1` followed by zeroes, if there
// is room for such
if i == last_iteration && chunk.len() < WIDTH - 1 {
state[chunk.len() + 1] += BlsScalar::one();
// If its the last iteration and there is no available room to
// append `1`, then there must be an extra permutation
// for the padding
} else if i == last_iteration {
h.perm(&mut state);
state[1] += BlsScalar::one();
h.perm(&mut state);
[1] Encoding and Hashing of Long Objects with Poseidon
[2] Dmitry Khovratovich 的hackmd系列中有多个关于Poseidon的笔记
[3] Plonk and Poseidon
[4] Poseidon: ZK-friendly Hashing