

  • 前言
  • 一、MSCN-Net多尺度卷积神经网络去雾(非端到端)
    • 1.网络结构图
    • 2.估计传输图代码
    • 3.利用传输图和假设环境光去雾公式和代码
  • 二、端到端去雾AOD-Net
    • 1.公式推理和网络结构图
    • 2.代码
  • 三、DCP-Net密集连接金字塔去雾网络(端到端)
    • 1.网络结构图
    • 2.估计环境光子网络代码
    • 3.估计传输图子网络代码
    • 4.联合去雾网络代码
  • 四、FFA-Net特征注意融合网络去雾(端到端)
    • 1.总体网络结构图
    • 2.注意力机制结构图和代码
    • 3.基础块结构图和代码
    • 4.总体网络结构图和代码
  • 五、门控上下文聚合网络GCA-Net去雾去雨(端到端)
    • 1.网络结构图
    • 2.分割和共享卷积代码
    • 3.改进的空洞卷积
    • 4.总体网络结构图和代码
  • 六、GridDehazeNet注意力的多尺度图像去雾网络(端到端)
    • 1.网络模块以及总体网络结构图
    • 2.RBD模块和上/下采样结构图及代码
    • 3.总体结构图及代码
  • 七、MSBDN-DFF密集特征融合多尺度去雾网络(端到端)
    • 1.网络模块以及总体网络结构图和基础模块代码
    • 2.DFF密集特征融合结构图和代码
    • 3.SOS boosting module结构图和代码
    • 4.剩余总体结构图和代码
  • 八、Transformer去雾文献(无代码只有网络结构图)
    • 1.U2-Former 一个用于图像恢复的嵌套的u形Transformer
    • 2.Hybrid Local-Global Transformer混合局部全局Transformer
    • 2.读入数据
  • 总结









import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import math
class dehaze_net(nn.Module):

	def __init__(self):
		super(dehaze_net, self).__init__()
		# 公共部分池化上采样激活
		self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2)
		self.upsample = nn.Upsample(scale_factor=2, mode='nearest')
		self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()
		# 粗网的卷积层 卷积核为11973
		self.conv1_1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 5, (11, 11), 1, 5)
		self.conv1_2 = nn.Conv2d(5, 5, (9, 9), 1, 4)
		self.conv1_3 = nn.Conv2d(5, 10, (7, 7), 1, 3)
		self.conv1_4 = nn.Conv2d(10, 1, (3, 3), 1, 1)
		# 粗网的卷积层 卷积核为7531
		self.conv2_1 = nn.Conv2d(3, 6, (7, 7), 1, 3)
		self.conv2_2 = nn.Conv2d(7, 5, (5, 5), 1, 2)
		self.conv2_3 = nn.Conv2d(5, 10, (3, 3), 1, 1)
		self.conv2_4 = nn.Conv2d(10, 1, (1, 1), 1, 0)

	def forward(self, x):
		source = []
		# 细网
		# bs 3 320 240 -> bs 5 160 120 -> bs 5 320 240
		x1 = self.upsample(self.pool(self.conv1_1(x)))
		# print(x1.shape[0], x1.shape[1], x1.shape[2], x1.shape[3], )
		# bs 5 320 240 -> bs 5 160 120 -> bs 5 320 240
		x2 = self.upsample(self.pool(self.conv1_2(x1)))
		# bs 5 320 240 -> bs 10 160 120 -> bs 10 320 240
		x3 = self.upsample(self.pool(self.conv1_3(x2)))
		# bs 10 320 240 -> bs 1 320 240
		x4 = self.sigmoid(self.conv1_4(x3))

		# 粗网
		# bs 3 320 240 -> bs 6 160 120 -> bs 6 320 240
		x5 = self.upsample(self.pool(self.conv2_1(x)))
		# bs 6 320 240 -> bs 7 320 240
		c = torch.cat((x5, x4), dim=1)
		# bs 7 320 240 -> bs 5 160 120 -> bs 5 320 240
		x6 = self.upsample(self.pool(self.conv2_2(c)))
		# bs 5 320 240 -> bs 10 160 120 -> bs 10 320 240
		x7 = self.upsample(self.pool(self.conv2_3(x6)))
		# bs 10 320 240 -> bs 1 320 240
		x8 = self.sigmoid(self.conv2_4(x7))
		# 返回单通道传输图
		return x8


场景传输图 t(x):采用粗尺度估计网络后采用细尺度网络精炼可得
环境光 A:取传输图中最暗的前0.1%的像素点值

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torchvision
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
import torch.optim
import cv2
import os
import sys
import argparse
import time
import dataloader
import net
import numpy as np
from torchvision import transforms
from PIL import Image
import glob

# 从雾图获取环境光
def get_airlight(hzimg, transMap):
	airlight = np.zeros(hzimg.shape)
	kernel = np.ones((15,15), np.uint8)
	for i in range(3):
		img = cv2.erode(hzimg[:, :, i], kernel, iterations = 1)
		airlight[:, :, i] = np.amax(img)
	return airlight

# 通过环境光和投射图利用公式得到去雾霾图
def clearImg(hzimg, transMap):
	airlight = get_airlight(hzimg, transMap)
	clearImg = np.zeros(hzimg.shape)
	# transMap = transMap.reshape((transMap.shape[0], transMap.shape[1]))
	# 小于0.1的值取0.1
	constant_matrix = np.ones_like(transMap)*0.1
	clearImg[:, :, 0] = (hzimg[:, :, 0]-airlight[:, :, 0])/np.maximum(constant_matrix[:, :, 0], transMap[:, :, 0]) + airlight[:, :, 0]
	clearImg[:, :, 1] = (hzimg[:, :, 1]-airlight[:, :, 1])/np.maximum(constant_matrix[:, :, 1], transMap[:, :, 1]) + airlight[:, :, 1]
	clearImg[:, :, 2] = (hzimg[:, :, 2]-airlight[:, :, 2])/np.maximum(constant_matrix[:, :, 2], transMap[:, :, 2]) + airlight[:, :, 2]
	clearImg[clearImg < 0.0] = 0.0
	clearImg[clearImg > 1.0] = 1.0
	return clearImg
# 输入:待去雾霾图片路径列表 得到:传输图并保存在trans文件夹下
def dehaze_image(image_path):
	# 雾霾图片归一化转换为32位浮点型张量
	data_hazy = Image.open(image_path)
	data_hazy = (np.asarray(data_hazy)/255.0)

	data_hazy = torch.from_numpy(data_hazy).float()
	# 调整通道从 h w c ->n c h w
	data_hazy = data_hazy.permute(2,0,1)
	# 添加一个维度 n
	data_hazy = data_hazy.cuda().unsqueeze(0)

	dehaze_net = net.dehaze_net().cuda()
	# 加载训练好的模型
	# 得到模型去雾后的图片 这里表示传输图
	trans_image = dehaze_net(data_hazy)
	# 传输图并保存在trans文件夹下
	# torchvision.utils.save_image(torch.cat((data_hazy, trans_image),0), "results/" + image_path.split("\\")[-1])
	torchvision.utils.save_image(trans_image, "trans/" + image_path.split("\\")[-1])

def genclean():
	trans_path = 'I://Program Files//project//defog//Template//trans//canyon.png'
	deha_path = 'I://Program Files//project//defog//Template//test_images//canyon.png'
	deha = cv2.imread(deha_path)
	deha = deha.astype('float64') / 255
	trans = cv2.imread(trans_path)
	trans = trans.astype('float64') / 255
	claer = clearImg(deha, trans)
	cv2.imwrite("./clear/dehaze.jpg", claer * 255)
	print("clear done!")

if __name__ == '__main__':
	# gentrans()







import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import math

# 定义网络结构
class dehaze_net(nn.Module):

	def __init__(self):
		super(dehaze_net, self).__init__()
		# inplace=True 输入和输出地址相同
		self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
		# 输入通道 输出通道 卷积核尺寸 步长 padding
		self.e_conv1 = nn.Conv2d(3,3,1,1,0,bias=True)
		self.e_conv2 = nn.Conv2d(3,3,3,1,1,bias=True)
		self.e_conv3 = nn.Conv2d(6,3,5,1,2,bias=True)
		self.e_conv4 = nn.Conv2d(6,3,7,1,3,bias=True)
		self.e_conv5 = nn.Conv2d(12,3,3,1,1,bias=True)

	def forward(self, x):
		source = []
		# input3*480*640 -> 3*480*640  1*1 3*3
		x1 = self.relu(self.e_conv1(x))
		x2 = self.relu(self.e_conv2(x1))
		# input3*480*640 -> 6*480*640 x1+x2
		concat1 = torch.cat((x1,x2), 1)
		# input6*480*640 -> 3*480*640 5*5
		x3 = self.relu(self.e_conv3(concat1))
		# input3*480*640 -> 6*480*640 x2+x3
		concat2 = torch.cat((x2, x3), 1)
		# input6*480*640 -> 3*480*640 7*7
		x4 = self.relu(self.e_conv4(concat2))
		# input3*480*640 -> 12*480*640 x1+x2+x3+x4
		concat3 = torch.cat((x1,x2,x3,x4),1)
		# input12*480*640 -> 3*480*640 3*3
		x5 = self.relu(self.e_conv5(concat3))
		# 代入公式:J(x)=K(x)*I(x)-K(x)+b
		clean_image = self.relu((x5 * x) - x5 + 1)

		return clean_image







import torch
import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.utils.model_zoo as model_zoo
from collections import OrderedDict
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.utils.model_zoo as model_zoo
from collections import OrderedDict
import torchvision.models as models
from torch.autograd import Variable

# 估计环境光
# 编码模块
def conv_block(in_dim,out_dim):
    return nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_dim,in_dim,kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=1),
                       # 平均池化下采样

# 解码模块
def deconv_block(in_dim,out_dim):
    return nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(in_dim,out_dim,kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=1),
                       # 上采样

# 卷积块步长=1
def blockUNet1(in_c, out_c, name, transposed=False, bn=False, relu=True, dropout=False):
    block = nn.Sequential()
    if relu:
        block.add_module('%s.relu' % name, nn.ReLU(inplace=True))
        block.add_module('%s.leakyrelu' % name, nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True))
    if not transposed:
        block.add_module('%s.conv' % name, nn.Conv2d(in_c, out_c, 3, 1, 1, bias=False))
        block.add_module('%s.tconv' % name, nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_c, out_c, 3, 1, 1, bias=False))
    if bn:
        block.add_module('%s.bn' % name, nn.BatchNorm2d(out_c))
    if dropout:
        block.add_module('%s.dropout' % name, nn.Dropout2d(0.5, inplace=True))
    return block

# 卷积块步长=2为下采样
def blockUNet(in_c, out_c, name, transposed=False, bn=False, relu=True, dropout=False):
    block = nn.Sequential()
    if relu:
        block.add_module('%s.relu' % name, nn.ReLU(inplace=True))
        block.add_module('%s.leakyrelu' % name, nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True))
    if not transposed:
        block.add_module('%s.conv' % name, nn.Conv2d(in_c, out_c, 4, 2, 1, bias=False))
        block.add_module('%s.tconv' % name, nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_c, out_c, 4, 2, 1, bias=False))
    if bn:
        block.add_module('%s.bn' % name, nn.BatchNorm2d(out_c))
    if dropout:
        block.add_module('%s.dropout' % name, nn.Dropout2d(0.5, inplace=True))
    return block

# unet:256->1->256 无ssp input=output=3 用来估计环境光
class G2(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, input_nc, output_nc, nf):
    super(G2, self).__init__()
    # input is 256 x 256
    layer_idx = 1
    name = 'layer%d' % layer_idx
    layer1 = nn.Sequential()
    layer1.add_module(name, nn.Conv2d(input_nc, nf, 4, 2, 1, bias=False))
    # input is 128 x 128
    layer_idx += 1
    name = 'layer%d' % layer_idx
    layer2 = blockUNet(nf, nf*2, name, transposed=False, bn=True, relu=False, dropout=False)
    # input is 64 x 64
    layer_idx += 1
    name = 'layer%d' % layer_idx
    layer3 = blockUNet(nf*2, nf*4, name, transposed=False, bn=True, relu=False, dropout=False)
    # input is 32
    layer_idx += 1
    name = 'layer%d' % layer_idx
    layer4 = blockUNet(nf*4, nf*8, name, transposed=False, bn=True, relu=False, dropout=False)
    # input is 16
    layer_idx += 1
    name = 'layer%d' % layer_idx
    layer5 = blockUNet(nf*8, nf*8, name, transposed=False, bn=True, relu=False, dropout=False)
    # input is 8
    layer_idx += 1
    name = 'layer%d' % layer_idx
    layer6 = blockUNet(nf*8, nf*8, name, transposed=False, bn=True, relu=False, dropout=False)
    # input is 4
    layer_idx += 1
    name = 'layer%d' % layer_idx
    layer7 = blockUNet(nf*8, nf*8, name, transposed=False, bn=True, relu=False, dropout=False)
    # input is 2 x  2
    layer_idx += 1
    name = 'layer%d' % layer_idx
    layer8 = blockUNet(nf*8, nf*8, name, transposed=False, bn=True, relu=False, dropout=False)

    ## NOTE: decoder
    # input is 1
    name = 'dlayer%d' % layer_idx
    d_inc = nf*8
    dlayer8 = blockUNet(d_inc, nf*8, name, transposed=True, bn=False, relu=True, dropout=True)

    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    # input is 2
    layer_idx -= 1
    name = 'dlayer%d' % layer_idx
    d_inc = nf*8*2
    dlayer7 = blockUNet(d_inc, nf*8, name, transposed=True, bn=True, relu=True, dropout=True)
    # input is 4
    layer_idx -= 1
    name = 'dlayer%d' % layer_idx
    d_inc = nf*8*2
    dlayer6 = blockUNet(d_inc, nf*8, name, transposed=True, bn=True, relu=True, dropout=True)
    # input is 8
    layer_idx -= 1
    name = 'dlayer%d' % layer_idx
    d_inc = nf*8*2
    dlayer5 = blockUNet(d_inc, nf*8, name, transposed=True, bn=True, relu=True, dropout=False)
    # input is 16
    layer_idx -= 1
    name = 'dlayer%d' % layer_idx
    d_inc = nf*8*2
    dlayer4 = blockUNet(d_inc, nf*4, name, transposed=True, bn=True, relu=True, dropout=False)
    # input is 32
    layer_idx -= 1
    name = 'dlayer%d' % layer_idx
    d_inc = nf*4*2
    dlayer3 = blockUNet(d_inc, nf*2, name, transposed=True, bn=True, relu=True, dropout=False)
    # input is 64
    layer_idx -= 1
    name = 'dlayer%d' % layer_idx
    d_inc = nf*2*2
    dlayer2 = blockUNet(d_inc, nf, name, transposed=True, bn=True, relu=True, dropout=False)
    # input is 128
    layer_idx -= 1
    name = 'dlayer%d' % layer_idx
    dlayer1 = nn.Sequential()
    d_inc = nf*2
    dlayer1.add_module('%s.relu' % name, nn.ReLU(inplace=True))
    dlayer1.add_module('%s.tconv' % name, nn.ConvTranspose2d(d_inc, output_nc, 4, 2, 1, bias=False))
    dlayer1.add_module('%s.tanh' % name, nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True))

    self.layer1 = layer1
    self.layer2 = layer2
    self.layer3 = layer3
    self.layer4 = layer4
    self.layer5 = layer5
    self.layer6 = layer6
    self.layer7 = layer7
    self.layer8 = layer8
    self.dlayer8 = dlayer8
    self.dlayer7 = dlayer7
    self.dlayer6 = dlayer6
    self.dlayer5 = dlayer5
    self.dlayer4 = dlayer4
    self.dlayer3 = dlayer3
    self.dlayer2 = dlayer2
    self.dlayer1 = dlayer1

  def forward(self, x):
    out1 = self.layer1(x)
    out2 = self.layer2(out1)
    out3 = self.layer3(out2)
    out4 = self.layer4(out3)
    out5 = self.layer5(out4)
    out6 = self.layer6(out5)
    out7 = self.layer7(out6)
    out8 = self.layer8(out7)
    dout8 = self.dlayer8(out8)
    dout8_out7 = torch.cat([dout8, out7], 1)
    dout7 = self.dlayer7(dout8_out7)
    dout7_out6 = torch.cat([dout7, out6], 1)
    dout6 = self.dlayer6(dout7_out6)
    dout6_out5 = torch.cat([dout6, out5], 1)
    dout5 = self.dlayer5(dout6_out5)
    dout5_out4 = torch.cat([dout5, out4], 1)
    dout4 = self.dlayer4(dout5_out4)
    dout4_out3 = torch.cat([dout4, out3], 1)
    dout3 = self.dlayer3(dout4_out3)
    dout3_out2 = torch.cat([dout3, out2], 1)
    dout2 = self.dlayer2(dout3_out2)
    dout2_out1 = torch.cat([dout2, out1], 1)
    dout1 = self.dlayer1(dout2_out1)
    return dout1



# 估计传输图
# 残差块 相隔两次卷积进行add
class BottleneckBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_planes, out_planes, dropRate=0.0):
        super(BottleneckBlock, self).__init__()
        inter_planes = out_planes * 4
        self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(in_planes)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_planes, inter_planes, kernel_size=1, stride=1,
                               padding=0, bias=False)
        self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(inter_planes)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(inter_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=3, stride=1,
                               padding=1, bias=False)
        self.droprate = dropRate

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.conv1(self.relu(self.bn1(x)))
        if self.droprate > 0:
            out = F.dropout(out, p=self.droprate, inplace=False, training=self.training)
        out = self.conv2(self.relu(self.bn2(out)))
        if self.droprate > 0:
            out = F.dropout(out, p=self.droprate, inplace=False, training=self.training)
        return torch.cat([x, out], 1)

class TransitionBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_planes, out_planes, dropRate=0.0):
        super(TransitionBlock, self).__init__()
        self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(in_planes)
        self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
        self.conv1 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_planes, out_planes, kernel_size=1, stride=1,
                               padding=0, bias=False)
        self.droprate = dropRate

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.conv1(self.relu(self.bn1(x)))
        if self.droprate > 0:
            out = F.dropout(out, p=self.droprate, inplace=False, training=self.training)
        return F.upsample_nearest(out, scale_factor=2)

# 256->8->256 + ssp 输出3通道
class Dense(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Dense, self).__init__()

        ############# 256-256  ##############
        haze_class = models.densenet121(pretrained=True)


        ############# Block1-down 64-64  ##############

        ############# Block2-down 32-32  ##############

        ############# Block3-down  16-16 ##############

        ############# Block4-up  8-8  ##############
        # 残差块输入通道数512+输出通道数156=768
        # 上采样8->16

        ############# Block5-up  16-16 ##############
        # 上采样16->32

        ############# Block6-up 32-32   ##############
        # 上采样32->64

        ############# Block7-up 64-64   ##############
        # 上采样64->128

        ## 128 X  128
        ############# Block8-up c  ##############
        # 上采样128->256


        self.conv1010 = nn.Conv2d(20, 1, kernel_size=1,stride=1,padding=0)  # 1mm
        self.conv1020 = nn.Conv2d(20, 1, kernel_size=1,stride=1,padding=0)  # 1mm
        self.conv1030 = nn.Conv2d(20, 1, kernel_size=1,stride=1,padding=0)  # 1mm
        self.conv1040 = nn.Conv2d(20, 1, kernel_size=1,stride=1,padding=0)  # 1mm

        self.refine3= nn.Conv2d(20+4, 3, kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=1)
        # self.refine3= nn.Conv2d(20+4, 3, kernel_size=7,stride=1,padding=3)

        self.upsample = F.upsample_nearest

        self.relu=nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True)

    def forward(self, x):
        ## 256x256->64 X 64

        ## 64 X 64 残差结构
        # print x1.size()
        ## 64 X 64->32 X 32

        ###  32x32->16 X 16
        # print  x2.size()

        ### 16 X 16->8 X 8

        # x3=Variable(x3.data,requires_grad=True)

        ## 8 X 8->16 X 16
        # 堆叠
        ## 16 X 16->32 X 32
        # 堆叠
        ##  32 X 32->64 X 64

        ##  64 X 64->128 X 128

        ##  128 X 128->256 X 256

        # print x8.size()
        # print x.size()
        # 堆叠

        # print x8.size()


        shape_out = x9.data.size()
        # print(shape_out)
        shape_out = shape_out[2:4]

        x101 = F.avg_pool2d(x9, 32)
        x102 = F.avg_pool2d(x9, 16)
        x103 = F.avg_pool2d(x9, 8)
        x104 = F.avg_pool2d(x9, 4)

        x1010 = self.upsample(self.relu(self.conv1010(x101)), size=shape_out)
        x1020 = self.upsample(self.relu(self.conv1020(x102)), size=shape_out)
        x1030 = self.upsample(self.relu(self.conv1030(x103)), size=shape_out)
        x1040 = self.upsample(self.relu(self.conv1040(x104)), size=shape_out)

        dehaze = torch.cat((x1010, x1020, x1030, x1040, x9), 1)
        dehaze = self.tanh(self.refine3(dehaze))

        return dehaze



class dehaze(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, input_nc, output_nc, nf):
    super(dehaze, self).__init__()
    # unet:256->1->256 + ssp 输出通道3 备用估计传输率
    self.tran_est=G(input_nc=3,output_nc=3, nf=64)
    # unet:256->1->256 无ssp 输出通道3 用来估计环境光
    self.atp_est=G2(input_nc=3,output_nc=3, nf=8)
    # unet+Dense:256->8->256 + ssp 输出3通道 真正用来估计传输率
    self.relu=nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, inplace=True)
    # self.relu5=nn.ReLU6()

    # 去雾图+雾图 通道数3+3=6
    self.refine1= nn.Conv2d(6, 20, kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=1)
    self.refine2= nn.Conv2d(20, 20, kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=1)
    # x大于0.1=x 小于0.1=0.1
    self.threshold=nn.Threshold(0.1, 0.1)

    self.conv1010 = nn.Conv2d(20, 1, kernel_size=1,stride=1,padding=0)  # 1mm
    self.conv1020 = nn.Conv2d(20, 1, kernel_size=1,stride=1,padding=0)  # 1mm
    self.conv1030 = nn.Conv2d(20, 1, kernel_size=1,stride=1,padding=0)  # 1mm
    self.conv1040 = nn.Conv2d(20, 1, kernel_size=1,stride=1,padding=0)  # 1mm

    self.refine3= nn.Conv2d(20+4, 3, kernel_size=3,stride=1,padding=1)

    self.upsample = F.upsample_nearest

    self.batch1= nn.BatchNorm2d(20)

    # self.batch2 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(100, affine=True)
  def forward(self, x):

    # unet+Dense:256->8->256 + ssp 输出3通道 真正用来估计传输率
    # unet:256->1->256 无ssp 输出通道3 用来估计环境光
    atp= self.atp_est(x)

    # x = Variable(x.data, requires_grad=True)

    # zz= torch.abs(self.threshold(tran))
    zz= torch.abs((tran))+(10**-10)
    shape_out1 = atp.data.size()
    # print(shape_out)
    # shape_out = shape_out[0:5]

    # atp_mean=torch.mean(atp)

    # threshold = nn.Threshold(10, 0.95)

    shape_out = shape_out1[2:4]
    # 全局最大池化 池化核尺寸等于图片HW 输出为bs c 1 1
    atp = F.avg_pool2d(atp, shape_out1[2])
    atp = self.upsample(self.relu(atp),size=shape_out)

    # print atp.data
    # atp = threshold(atp)

    # 去雾公式
    dehaze= (x-atp)/zz+ atp

    # dehaze=dehaze/(tran+(10**-10))
    # dehaze=self.relu(self.batch1(self.refine1(dehaze)))
    # dehaze=self.relu(self.batch1(self.refine2(dehaze)))

    shape_out = dehaze.data.size()
    # print(shape_out)
    shape_out = shape_out[2:4]
    # ssp 不同池化核
    x101 = F.avg_pool2d(dehaze, 32)
    x1010 = F.avg_pool2d(dehaze, 32)

    x102 = F.avg_pool2d(dehaze, 16)
    x1020 = F.avg_pool2d(dehaze, 16)

    x103 = F.avg_pool2d(dehaze, 8)

    x104 = F.avg_pool2d(dehaze, 4)

    # 恢复池化后的尺寸便于拼接
    x1010 = self.upsample(self.relu(self.conv1010(x101)),size=shape_out)
    x1020 = self.upsample(self.relu(self.conv1020(x102)),size=shape_out)
    x1030 = self.upsample(self.relu(self.conv1030(x103)),size=shape_out)
    x1040 = self.upsample(self.relu(self.conv1040(x104)),size=shape_out)

    dehaze = torch.cat((x1010, x1020, x1030, x1040, dehaze), 1)
    dehaze= self.tanh(self.refine3(dehaze))

    return dehaze, tran, atp, dehaze2







# 定义网络结构
def default_conv(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, bias=True):
	return nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, padding=(kernel_size // 2), bias=bias)

# 像素注意力机制
class PALayer(nn.Module):
	def __init__(self, channel):
		super(PALayer, self).__init__()
		self.pa = nn.Sequential(
			nn.Conv2d(channel, channel // 8, 1, padding=0, bias=True),
			nn.Conv2d(channel // 8, 1, 1, padding=0, bias=True),

	def forward(self, x):
		y = self.pa(x)
		return x * y

# 通道注意力机制
class CALayer(nn.Module):
	def __init__(self, channel):
		super(CALayer, self).__init__()
		# 全局平均池化 C*H*W->C*1*1
		self.avg_pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1)
		self.ca = nn.Sequential(
			nn.Conv2d(channel, channel // 8, 1, padding=0, bias=True),
			nn.Conv2d(channel // 8, channel, 1, padding=0, bias=True),

	def forward(self, x):
		y = self.avg_pool(x)
		y = self.ca(y)
		return x * yxt



# 图像浅蓝色正方体B块
class Block(nn.Module):
	def __init__(self, conv, dim, kernel_size, ):
		super(Block, self).__init__()
		self.conv1 = conv(dim, dim, kernel_size, bias=True)
		self.act1 = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
		self.conv2 = conv(dim, dim, kernel_size, bias=True)
		self.calayer = CALayer(dim)
		self.palayer = PALayer(dim)

	def forward(self, x):
		res = self.act1(self.conv1(x))
		res = res + x
		res = self.conv2(res)
		res = self.calayer(res)
		res = self.palayer(res)
		res += x
		return res



def default_conv(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, bias=True):
	return nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, padding=(kernel_size // 2), bias=bias)
# 图像深蓝色正方体G组
class Group(nn.Module):
	def __init__(self, conv, dim, kernel_size, blocks):
		super(Group, self).__init__()
		modules = [Block(conv, dim, kernel_size) for _ in range(blocks)]
		modules.append(conv(dim, dim, kernel_size))
		self.gp = nn.Sequential(*modules)

	def forward(self, x):
		res = self.gp(x)
		res += x
		return res
class FFA(nn.Module):
	# gps=3 blocks=2
	def __init__(self, gps, blocks, conv=default_conv):
		super(FFA, self).__init__()
		self.gps = gps
		self.dim = 64
		kernel_size = 3
		# 预处理 BS*3*H*W->BS*64*H*W
		pre_process = [conv(3, self.dim, kernel_size)]
		# 默认3组深蓝
		assert self.gps == 3
		self.g1 = Group(conv, self.dim, kernel_size, blocks=blocks)
		self.g2 = Group(conv, self.dim, kernel_size, blocks=blocks)
		self.g3 = Group(conv, self.dim, kernel_size, blocks=blocks)
		self.ca = nn.Sequential(*[
			# g1+g2+g3=(BS*64*1*1)*3=BS*192*H*W->BS*192*1*1
			# BS*192*1*1->BS*12*1*1
			nn.Conv2d(self.dim * self.gps, self.dim // 16, 1, padding=0),
			# BS*12*1*1->BS*192*1*1
			nn.Conv2d(self.dim // 16, self.dim * self.gps, 1, padding=0, bias=True),
		self.palayer = PALayer(self.dim)
		# 后处理两个卷积
		post_precess = [
			conv(self.dim, self.dim, kernel_size),
			conv(self.dim, 3, kernel_size)]

		self.pre = nn.Sequential(*pre_process)
		self.post = nn.Sequential(*post_precess)

	def forward(self, x1):
		# 预处理 BS*3*H*W->BS*64*H*W
		x = self.pre(x1)
		res1 = self.g1(x)
		res2 = self.g2(res1)
		res3 = self.g3(res2)
		# 通道注意力机得到的权重与每个通道相乘
		# BS*64*H*W->BS*192*H*W->BS*192*1*1
		w = self.ca(torch.cat([res1, res2, res3], dim=1))
		# BS*192*1*1->BS*3*64
		w = w.view(-1, self.gps, self.dim)[:, :, :, None, None]
		# BS*64*H*W
		out = w[:, 0, ::] * res1 + w[:, 1, ::] * res2 + w[:, 2, ::] * res3
		# 像素注意力机得到的权重与每个像素相乘 BS*64*H*W
		out = self.palayer(out)
		# BS*64*H*W->BS*3*H*W
		x = self.post(out)
		return x + x1







# SS convolution 分割和共享卷积(separate and shared convolution)
class ShareSepConv(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, kernel_size):
        super(ShareSepConv, self).__init__()
        # assert条件为假时,报错(卷积核大小必须为奇数)
        assert kernel_size % 2 == 1, 'kernel size should be odd'
        self.padding = (kernel_size - 1)//2
        # 11通道kernel_size, kernel_size大小的卷积核
        # 手动定义卷积核(weight),weight矩阵正中间的元素是1,其余为0
        weight_tensor = torch.zeros(1, 1, kernel_size, kernel_size)
        weight_tensor[0, 0, (kernel_size-1)//2, (kernel_size-1)//2] = 1
        # nn.Parameter:类型转换函数,将一个不可训练的类型Tensor转换成可以训练的类型parameter并将这个parameter绑定到module里
        self.weight = nn.Parameter(weight_tensor)
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size

    def forward(self, x):
        # 获取输入图片的通道数
        inc = x.size(1)
        # 根据Share and Separable convolution的定义,复制weights,x的每个通道对应相同的weight,contiguous()函数使得复制后并在内存空间上对齐
        # .expand自动将原来的张量所有长度为1的维度扩展成所需要的长度,将卷积核转换成(in_c) batch_size
        expand_weight = self.weight.expand(inc, 1, self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size).contiguous()
        # 调用F.conv2d进行卷积操作 可以这样理解:nn.Conv2d是[2D卷积层],而F.conv2d是[2D卷积操作]
        # 参数:x w b str=1 pad 扩张卷积dilation rate=1即不扩张 groups:大于1时卷积核数目变为原来的2分之一
        return F.conv2d(x, expand_weight,
                        None, 1, self.padding, 1, inc)



# 改进的空洞卷积
class SmoothDilatedResidualBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, channel_num, dilation=1, group=1):
        super(SmoothDilatedResidualBlock, self).__init__()
        # 在空洞卷积之前先使用SS convolution进行局部信息融合
        self.pre_conv1 = ShareSepConv(dilation*2-1)
        # 空洞卷积
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(channel_num, channel_num, 3, 1, padding=dilation, dilation=dilation, groups=group, bias=False)
        # 归一化层  num_features:来自期望输入的特征数   affine:布尔值,当设为true,给该层添加可学习的仿射变换参数
        self.norm1 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(channel_num, affine=True)
        # 在空洞卷积之前先使用SS convolution进行局部信息融合
        self.pre_conv2 = ShareSepConv(dilation*2-1)
        # 空洞卷积
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(channel_num, channel_num, 3, 1, padding=dilation, dilation=dilation, groups=group, bias=False)
        # 归一化层
        self.norm2 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(channel_num, affine=True)

    def forward(self, x):
        y = F.relu(self.norm1(self.conv1(self.pre_conv1(x))))
        y = self.norm2(self.conv2(self.pre_conv2(y)))
        # 残差连接
        return F.relu(x+y)

# 残差网络 每两层增加一个捷径,构成一个残差块,此结构图有7个残差块
class ResidualBlock(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, channel_num, dilation=1, group=1):
        super(ResidualBlock, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(channel_num, channel_num, 3, 1, padding=dilation, dilation=dilation, groups=group, bias=False)
        self.norm1 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(channel_num, affine=True)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(channel_num, channel_num, 3, 1, padding=dilation, dilation=dilation, groups=group, bias=False)
        self.norm2 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(channel_num, affine=True)

    def forward(self, x):
        y = F.relu(self.norm1(self.conv1(x)))
        y = self.norm2(self.conv2(y))
        return F.relu(x+y)



class GCANet(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_c=4, out_c=3, only_residual=True):
        super(GCANet, self).__init__()
        # Encoder:三层卷积,通道数64,卷积核大小3*3,stride=1,padding=1 output:(bs,64,im_h,im_w)
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_c, 64, 3, 1, 1, bias=False)
        self.norm1 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(64, affine=True)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, 1, 1, bias=False)
        self.norm2 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(64, affine=True)
        # stride=2的下采样 output:(bs,64,im_h/2,im_w/2)
        self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, 2, 1, bias=False)
        self.norm3 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(64, affine=True)

        # 中间层:7层smooth dilated convolution残差块,空洞率r分别为2,2,2,4,4,4,1,通道数64
        self.res1 = SmoothDilatedResidualBlock(64, dilation=2)
        self.res2 = SmoothDilatedResidualBlock(64, dilation=2)
        self.res3 = SmoothDilatedResidualBlock(64, dilation=2)
        self.res4 = SmoothDilatedResidualBlock(64, dilation=4)
        self.res5 = SmoothDilatedResidualBlock(64, dilation=4)
        self.res6 = SmoothDilatedResidualBlock(64, dilation=4)
        # 空洞率为1时分离卷积的卷积核为1*1,没有起到信息融合的作用,因此该层退化为一个普通的残差网络
        self.res7 = ResidualBlock(64, dilation=1)

        # Gated Fusion Sub-network:学习低,,高层特征的权重
        self.gate = nn.Conv2d(64 * 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, bias=True)

        # Decoder:1层反卷积层将feature map上采样到原分辨率+2层卷积层将feature map还原到原图空间 stride=2的上采样
        self.deconv3 = nn.ConvTranspose2d(64, 64, 4, 2, 1)
        self.norm4 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(64, affine=True)
        self.deconv2 = nn.Conv2d(64, 64, 3, 1, 1)
        self.norm5 = nn.InstanceNorm2d(64, affine=True)
        # 1*1卷积核进行降维 调整通道数为3
        self.deconv1 = nn.Conv2d(64, out_c, 1)
        self.only_residual = only_residual

    def forward(self, x):
        # Encoder前向传播,使用relu激活  低层级信息
        y = F.relu(self.norm1(self.conv1(x)))
        y = F.relu(self.norm2(self.conv2(y)))
        y1 = F.relu(self.norm3(self.conv3(y)))

        # 中间层
        y = self.res1(y1)
        y = self.res2(y)
        y = self.res3(y)
        # 中层级信息
        y2 = self.res4(y)
        y = self.res5(y2)
        y = self.res6(y)
        # 高层级信息
        y3 = self.res7(y)

        # Gated Fusion Sub-network output:(bs,3,im_h/2,im_w/2)
        gates = self.gate(torch.cat((y1, y2, y3), dim=1))
        # 计算低,,高层特征的权重 对低,,高层特征加权求和 output:(bs,64,im_h/2,im_w/2)
        gated_y = y1 * gates[:, [0], :, :] + y2 * gates[:, [1], :, :] + y3 * gates[:, [2], :, :]
        # output:(bs,64,im_h,im_w)
        y = F.relu(self.norm4(self.deconv3(gated_y)))
        y = F.relu(self.norm5(self.deconv2(y)))
        if self.only_residual:
            # output: (bs,3,im_h,im_w)
            y = self.deconv1(y)
            y = F.relu(self.deconv1(y))

        return y








import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

# --- Build dense --- #
class MakeDense(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, growth_rate, kernel_size=3):
        super(MakeDense, self).__init__()
        # in_channels输入通道数 growth_rate输出通道数 论文中为16
        self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, growth_rate, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=(kernel_size-1)//2)

    def forward(self, x):
        out = F.relu(self.conv(x))
        # 沿通道维度进行堆叠 通道数等于in_channels+growth_rate=16+16
        out = torch.cat((x, out), 1)
        return out

# --- Build the Residual Dense Block --- #
class RDB(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, num_dense_layer, growth_rate):
        :param in_channels: input channel size
        :param num_dense_layer: the number of RDB layers
        :param growth_rate: growth_rate
        super(RDB, self).__init__()
        _in_channels = in_channels
        modules = []
        # 一共5层 前四层特征堆叠 最后一层调整通道数
        for i in range(num_dense_layer):
            modules.append(MakeDense(_in_channels, growth_rate))
            _in_channels += growth_rate
        self.residual_dense_layers = nn.Sequential(*modules)
        # 用来把堆叠后的通道数恢复到初始通道数16
        self.conv_1x1 = nn.Conv2d(_in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size=1, padding=0)

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.residual_dense_layers(x)
        out = self.conv_1x1(out)
        # 通道数不变对应值相加
        out = out + x
        return out
# --- Downsampling block in GridDehazeNet  --- #
class DownSample(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=2):
        super(DownSample, self).__init__()
        # 下采样尺寸缩小两倍 通时通道数扩张二倍
        self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=(kernel_size-1)//2)
        self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, stride*in_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=(kernel_size - 1) // 2)

    def forward(self, x):
        out = F.relu(self.conv1(x))
        out = F.relu(self.conv2(out))
        return out

# --- Upsampling block in GridDehazeNet  --- #
class UpSample(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, kernel_size=3, stride=2):
        super(UpSample, self).__init__()
        # 上采样尺寸扩大两倍 同时通道数缩小二倍
        self.deconv = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels, in_channels, kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=1)
        self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, in_channels // stride, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=(kernel_size - 1) // 2)

    def forward(self, x, output_size):
        out = F.relu(self.deconv(x, output_size=output_size))
        out = F.relu(self.conv(out))
        return out



# --- Main model  --- #
class GridDehazeNet(nn.Module):
    # 36列 RBD中4次通道堆叠 RBD输入16个特征层输出也是16
    def __init__(self, in_channels=3, depth_rate=16, kernel_size=3, stride=2, height=3, width=6, num_dense_layer=4, growth_rate=16, attention=True):
        super(GridDehazeNet, self).__init__()
        # 35列RBD 对应主干模块中的绿色块
        self.rdb_module = nn.ModuleDict()
        # 23列上采样 对应主干模块紫色块
        self.upsample_module = nn.ModuleDict()
        # 23列下采样 对应主干模块蓝色块
        self.downsample_module = nn.ModuleDict()
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.stride = stride
        self.depth_rate = depth_rate
        # coefficient:系数  通道数:depth_rate*stride**(height-1)
        self.coefficient = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(np.ones((height, width, 2, depth_rate*stride**(height-1)))), requires_grad=attention)
        # 对应论文中预处理第一个黄色卷积 输入通道3 输出通道16 卷积核尺寸3*3 步长为1 特征图尺寸不变
        self.conv_in = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, depth_rate, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=(kernel_size - 1) // 2)
        # 对应论文中后处理第最后一个黄色卷积 输入通道16 输出通道3 卷积核尺寸3*3 步长为1 特征图尺寸不变
        self.conv_out = nn.Conv2d(depth_rate, in_channels, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=(kernel_size - 1) // 2)
        # 对应论文中预处理绿色RBD
        self.rdb_in = RDB(depth_rate, num_dense_layer, growth_rate)
        # 对应论文中后处理绿色RBD
        self.rdb_out = RDB(depth_rate, num_dense_layer, growth_rate)

        # 35列RBD 对应主干模块中的绿色块
        rdb_in_channels = depth_rate
        # 3for i in range(height):
            # 5for j in range(width - 1):
                self.rdb_module.update({'{}_{}'.format(i, j): RDB(rdb_in_channels, num_dense_layer, growth_rate)})
            # 每一行进一次下采样通道数乘以2 分别为16 32 64
            rdb_in_channels *= stride

        # 23列下采样 对应主干模块蓝色块
        _in_channels = depth_rate
        for i in range(height - 1):
            for j in range(width // 2):
                self.downsample_module.update({'{}_{}'.format(i, j): DownSample(_in_channels)})
            # 每一行进一次下采样通道数乘以2 分别为16 32 64
            _in_channels *= stride

        # 23列上采样 对应主干模块紫色块
        for i in range(height - 2, -1, -1):
            for j in range(width // 2, width):
                self.upsample_module.update({'{}_{}'.format(i, j): UpSample(_in_channels)})
            # 每一行进一次上采样通道数除以2 分别为64 32 16
            _in_channels //= stride

    def forward(self, x):
        # 预处理中的单步卷积 bs 3 480 640 -> bs 16 480 640
        inp = self.conv_in(x)
        # 二维列表 三行012 六列012345
        x_index = [[0 for _ in range(self.width)] for _ in range(self.height)]
        i, j = 0, 0
        # 预处理中的RBD输入 在二维列表中索引为0 0
        x_index[0][0] = self.rdb_in(inp)
        # 第0行 索引为12的列 两次RBD
        for j in range(1, self.width // 2):
            x_index[0][j] = self.rdb_module['{}_{}'.format(0, j-1)](x_index[0][j-1])
        # 第0列 索引为12的两行 进行下采样
        for i in range(1, self.height):
            x_index[i][0] = self.downsample_module['{}_{}'.format(i-1, 0)](x_index[i-1][0])
        # 第12行 第23for i in range(1, self.height):
            for j in range(1, self.width // 2):
                channel_num = int(2**(i-1)*self.stride*self.depth_rate)
                # 特征堆叠 12行和23列四个红色交叉点A的堆叠 下采样+RBD
                # x_index[i][j-1]前一列的rbd 加上 x_index[i-1][j]前一行的下采样
                x_index[i][j] = self.coefficient[i, j, 0, :channel_num][None, :, None, None] * self.rdb_module['{}_{}'.format(i, j-1)](x_index[i][j-1]) + \
                                self.coefficient[i, j, 1, :channel_num][None, :, None, None] * self.downsample_module['{}_{}'.format(i-1, j)](x_index[i-1][j])
        # 不同行的上一列是下一列的输入 第3列RBD
        x_index[i][j+1] = self.rdb_module['{}_{}'.format(i, j)](x_index[i][j])
        k = j
        # 45012行 RBD
        for j in range(self.width // 2 + 1, self.width):
            x_index[i][j] = self.rdb_module['{}_{}'.format(i, j-1)](x_index[i][j-1])
        # 两行三列右上角的交叉点
        for i in range(self.height - 2, -1, -1):
            channel_num = int(2 ** (i-1) * self.stride * self.depth_rate)
            x_index[i][k+1] = self.coefficient[i, k+1, 0, :channel_num][None, :, None, None] * self.rdb_module['{}_{}'.format(i, k)](x_index[i][k]) + \
                              self.coefficient[i, k+1, 1, :channel_num][None, :, None, None] * self.upsample_module['{}_{}'.format(i, k+1)](x_index[i+1][k+1], x_index[i][k].size())

        for i in range(self.height - 2, -1, -1):
            for j in range(self.width // 2 + 1, self.width):
                channel_num = int(2 ** (i - 1) * self.stride * self.depth_rate)
                x_index[i][j] = self.coefficient[i, j, 0, :channel_num][None, :, None, None] * self.rdb_module['{}_{}'.format(i, j-1)](x_index[i][j-1]) + \
                                self.coefficient[i, j, 1, :channel_num][None, :, None, None] * self.upsample_module['{}_{}'.format(i, j)](x_index[i+1][j], x_index[i][j-1].size())
        # 后处理的RBD
        out = self.rdb_out(x_index[i][j])
        # 后处理的单步卷积
        out = F.relu(self.conv_out(out))

        return out




包含3个模块Genc,Gres,Gdec其中Dense Feature Fusion Module和SOS boosting module难理解接下来介绍

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from networks.base_networks import Encoder_MDCBlock1, Decoder_MDCBlock1

def make_model(args, parent=False):
    return Net()

# 残差块
class make_dense(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, nChannels, growthRate, kernel_size=3):
    super(make_dense, self).__init__()
    self.conv = nn.Conv2d(nChannels, growthRate, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=(kernel_size-1)//2, bias=False)

  def forward(self, x):
    out = F.relu(self.conv(x))
    out = torch.cat((x, out), 1)
    return out

# 卷积 做了填充输出与输入尺寸相同
class ConvLayer(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride):
        super(ConvLayer, self).__init__()
        reflection_padding = kernel_size // 2
        # 边缘填充 上下左右分别reflection_padding行
        self.reflection_pad = nn.ReflectionPad2d(reflection_padding)
        self.conv2d = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride)

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.reflection_pad(x)
        out = self.conv2d(out)
        return out

# 上采样
class UpsampleConvLayer(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride):
        super(UpsampleConvLayer, self).__init__()
        # 反卷积 output=(input-1)*stride+outputpadding-2*padding+kernelsize 按照一下计算 output= 2input-2-2+4=2input
        # ConvTranspose2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, output_padding=0, groups=1, bias=True, dilation=1)
        self.conv2d = nn.ConvTranspose2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=stride)

    def forward(self, x):
        out = self.conv2d(x)
        return out

# resnet残差块
class ResidualBlock(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, channels):
        super(ResidualBlock, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = ConvLayer(channels, channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1)
        self.conv2 = ConvLayer(channels, channels, kernel_size=3, stride=1)
        self.relu = nn.PReLU()

    def forward(self, x):
        residual = x
        out = self.relu(self.conv1(x))
        out = self.conv2(out) * 0.1
        out = torch.add(out, residual)
        return out



# fusion1为例注释下面语句
# 编码模块中的DFF密集功能融合模块 论文中对应深紫色块
class Encoder_MDCBlock1(torch.nn.Module):
    # num_filter:输入通道数=32  num_ft:循环次数=2
    def __init__(self, num_filter, num_ft, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1, bias=True, activation='prelu', norm=None, mode='iter1'):
        super(Encoder_MDCBlock1, self).__init__()
        self.mode = mode
        # num_ft=1
        self.num_ft = num_ft - 1
        self.up_convs = nn.ModuleList()
        self.down_convs = nn.ModuleList()
        # 从01不包含1 也就是说i=0 一次循环
        for i in range(self.num_ft):
                # 上采样 尺寸扩大两倍 通道数缩减两倍 通道数(32,16) up_convs模型只添加了一个反卷积
                DeconvBlock(num_filter//(2**i), num_filter//(2**(i+1)), kernel_size, stride, padding, bias, activation, norm=None)
                # 下采样 通道数扩大两倍 尺寸缩小两倍 通道数(16,32) down_convs模型只添加了一个卷积
                ConvBlock(num_filter//(2**(i+1)), num_filter//(2**i), kernel_size, stride, padding, bias, activation, norm=None)

    # fusion1为例注释下面语句
    # ft_l:res2x:bs 32 240 320 ft_h_list:feature_mem = [res1x]:bs 16 480 640
    def forward(self, ft_l, ft_h_list):
        #  主干网络用的iter2
        if self.mode == 'iter2':
            # ft_fusion = res2x 是下采样后的特征图
            ft_fusion = ft_l
            # 从01不包含1 也就是说i=0 一次循环
            for i in range(len(ft_h_list)):
                # ft = res2x
                ft = ft_fusion
                # num_ft=1 i=0 num_ft-i=1 也就是说j=0 一次循环
                for j in range(self.num_ft - i):
                    # ft = res2x进行一次上采样 恢复到res1相同的尺寸
                    ft = self.up_convs[j](ft)
                # ft_h_list:feature_mem = [res1x]
                # ft=up(res2)-res1
                ft = ft - ft_h_list[i]
                # num_ft=1 i=0 num_ft-i=1 也就是说j=0 一次循环
                for j in range(self.num_ft - i):
                    # print(j)
                    # num_ft-i-j-1=0 也就是一次下采样 ft=down(up(res2)-res1)
                    ft = self.down_convs[self.num_ft - i - j - 1](ft)
                # ft_fusion=res2x+down(up(res2)-res1) :bs 32 240 320
                ft_fusion = ft_fusion + ft

        return ft_fusion
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import math

# 3*3卷积 包含卷积批归一化和激活   步长为1 填充1 则输出的图像宽高尺寸不改变
# 属于编码网络的第一层卷积
class ConvBlock(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=True, activation='prelu', norm=None):
        super(ConvBlock, self).__init__()
        self.conv = torch.nn.Conv2d(input_size, output_size, kernel_size, stride, padding, bias=bias)

        self.norm = norm
        if self.norm =='batch':
            self.bn = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(output_size)
        elif self.norm == 'instance':
            self.bn = torch.nn.InstanceNorm2d(output_size)

        self.activation = activation
        if self.activation == 'relu':
            self.act = torch.nn.ReLU(True)
        elif self.activation == 'prelu':
            self.act = torch.nn.PReLU()
        elif self.activation == 'lrelu':
            self.act = torch.nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True)
        elif self.activation == 'tanh':
            self.act = torch.nn.Tanh()
        elif self.activation == 'sigmoid':
            self.act = torch.nn.Sigmoid()

    def forward(self, x):
        if self.norm is not None:
            out = self.bn(self.conv(x))
            out = self.conv(x)

        if self.activation != 'no':
            return self.act(out)
            return out

# 反卷积+批归一化+激活
# 4*4反卷积 output=(input-1)*stride+outputpadding-2*padding+kernelsize 按照一下计算 output= 2input-2-2+4=2input
# ConvTranspose2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, output_padding=0, groups=1, bias=True, dilation=1)
class DeconvBlock(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_size, output_size, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1, bias=True, activation='prelu', norm=None):
        super(DeconvBlock, self).__init__()
        self.deconv = torch.nn.ConvTranspose2d(input_size, output_size, kernel_size, stride, padding, bias=bias)

        self.norm = norm
        if self.norm == 'batch':
            self.bn = torch.nn.BatchNorm2d(output_size)
        elif self.norm == 'instance':
            self.bn = torch.nn.InstanceNorm2d(output_size)

        self.activation = activation
        if self.activation == 'relu':
            self.act = torch.nn.ReLU(True)
        elif self.activation == 'prelu':
            self.act = torch.nn.PReLU()
        elif self.activation == 'lrelu':
            self.act = torch.nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, True)
        elif self.activation == 'tanh':
            self.act = torch.nn.Tanh()
        elif self.activation == 'sigmoid':
            self.act = torch.nn.Sigmoid()

    def forward(self, x):
        if self.norm is not None:
            out = self.bn(self.deconv(x))
            out = self.deconv(x)

        if self.activation is not None:
            return self.act(out)
            return out

class Decoder_MDCBlock1(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, num_filter, num_ft, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1, bias=True, activation='prelu', norm=None, mode='iter1'):
        super(Decoder_MDCBlock1, self).__init__()
        self.mode = mode
        self.num_ft = num_ft - 1
        self.down_convs = nn.ModuleList()
        self.up_convs = nn.ModuleList()
        for i in range(self.num_ft):
                ConvBlock(num_filter*(2**i), num_filter*(2**(i+1)), kernel_size, stride, padding, bias, activation, norm=None)
                DeconvBlock(num_filter*(2**(i+1)), num_filter*(2**i), kernel_size, stride, padding, bias, activation, norm=None)

    def forward(self, ft_h, ft_l_list):
        if self.mode == 'iter1' or self.mode == 'conv':
            ft_h_list = []
            for i in range(len(ft_l_list)):
                ft_h = self.down_convs[self.num_ft- len(ft_l_list) + i](ft_h)

            ft_fusion = ft_h
            for i in range(len(ft_l_list)):
                ft_fusion = self.up_convs[self.num_ft-i-1](ft_fusion - ft_l_list[i]) + ft_h_list[len(ft_l_list)-i-1]

        if self.mode == 'iter2':
            ft_fusion = ft_h
            for i in range(len(ft_l_list)):
                ft = ft_fusion
                for j in range(self.num_ft - i):
                    ft = self.down_convs[j](ft)
                ft = ft - ft_l_list[i]
                for j in range(self.num_ft - i):
                    ft = self.up_convs[self.num_ft - i - j - 1](ft)
                ft_fusion = ft_fusion + ft

        if self.mode == 'iter3':
            ft_fusion = ft_h
            for i in range(len(ft_l_list)):
                ft = ft_fusion
                for j in range(i+1):
                    ft = self.down_convs[j](ft)
                ft = ft - ft_l_list[len(ft_l_list) - i - 1]
                for j in range(i+1):
                    # print(j)
                    ft = self.up_convs[i + 1 - j - 1](ft)
                ft_fusion = ft_fusion + ft

        if self.mode == 'iter4':
            ft_fusion = ft_h
            for i in range(len(ft_l_list)):
                ft = ft_h
                for j in range(self.num_ft - i):
                    ft = self.down_convs[j](ft)
                ft = ft - ft_l_list[i]
                for j in range(self.num_ft - i):
                    ft = self.up_convs[self.num_ft - i - j - 1](ft)
                ft_fusion = ft_fusion + ft

        return ft_fusion

# fusion1为例注释下面语句
# 编码模块中的DFF密集功能融合模块 论文中对应深紫色块
class Encoder_MDCBlock1(torch.nn.Module):
    # num_filter:输入通道数=32  num_ft:循环次数=2
    def __init__(self, num_filter, num_ft, kernel_size=4, stride=2, padding=1, bias=True, activation='prelu', norm=None, mode='iter1'):
        super(Encoder_MDCBlock1, self).__init__()
        self.mode = mode
        # num_ft=1
        self.num_ft = num_ft - 1
        self.up_convs = nn.ModuleList()
        self.down_convs = nn.ModuleList()
        # 从01不包含1 也就是说i=0 一次循环
        for i in range(self.num_ft):
                # 上采样 尺寸扩大两倍 通道数缩减两倍 通道数(32,16) up_convs模型只添加了一个反卷积
                DeconvBlock(num_filter//(2**i), num_filter//(2**(i+1)), kernel_size, stride, padding, bias, activation, norm=None)
                # 下采样 通道数扩大两倍 尺寸缩小两倍 通道数(16,32) down_convs模型只添加了一个卷积
                ConvBlock(num_filter//(2**(i+1)), num_filter//(2**i), kernel_size, stride, padding, bias, activation, norm=None)

    # fusion1为例注释下面语句
    # ft_l:res2x:bs 32 240 320 ft_h_list:feature_mem = [res1x]:bs 16 480 640
    def forward(self, ft_l, ft_h_list):
        if self.mode == 'iter1' or self.mode == 'conv':
            ft_l_list = []
            for i in range(len(ft_h_list)):
                ft_l = self.up_convs[self.num_ft- len(ft_h_list) + i](ft_l)

            ft_fusion = ft_l
            for i in range(len(ft_h_list)):
                ft_fusion = self.down_convs[self.num_ft-i-1](ft_fusion - ft_h_list[i]) + ft_l_list[len(ft_h_list)-i-1]

        #  主干网络用的iter2
        if self.mode == 'iter2':
            # ft_fusion = res2x 是下采样后的特征图
            ft_fusion = ft_l
            # 从01不包含1 也就是说i=0 一次循环
            for i in range(len(ft_h_list)):
                # ft = res2x
                ft = ft_fusion
                # num_ft=1 i=0 num_ft-i=1 也就是说j=0 一次循环
                for j in range(self.num_ft - i):
                    # ft = res2x进行一次上采样 恢复到res1相同的尺寸
                    ft = self.up_convs[j](ft)
                # ft_h_list:feature_mem = [res1x]
                # ft=up(res2)-res1
                ft = ft - ft_h_list[i]
                # num_ft=1 i=0 num_ft-i=1 也就是说j=0 一次循环
                for j in range(self.num_ft - i):
                    # print(j)
                    # num_ft-i-j-1=0 也就是一次下采样 ft=down(up(res2)-res1)
                    ft = self.down_convs[self.num_ft - i - j - 1](ft)
                # ft_fusion=res2x+down(up(res2)-res1) :bs 32 240 320
                ft_fusion = ft_fusion + ft

        if self.mode == 'iter3':
            ft_fusion = ft_l
            for i in range(len(ft_h_list)):
                ft = ft_fusion
                for j in range(i+1):
                    ft = self.up_convs[j](ft)
                ft = ft - ft_h_list[len(ft_h_list) - i - 1]
                for j in range(i+1):
                    # print(j)
                    ft = self.down_convs[i + 1 - j - 1](ft)
                ft_fusion = ft_fusion + ft

        if self.mode == 'iter4':
            ft_fusion = ft_l
            for i in range(len(ft_h_list)):
                ft = ft_l
                for j in range(self.num_ft - i):
                    ft = self.up_convs[j](ft)
                ft = ft - ft_h_list[i]
                for j in range(self.num_ft - i):
                    # print(j)
                    ft = self.down_convs[self.num_ft - i - j - 1](ft)
                ft_fusion = ft_fusion + ft

        return ft_fusion

3.SOS boosting module结构图和代码


# SOS boosting module 按照论文里的公式
        # res16x=res8x=bs 128 60 80
        # 对应论文大图把SOS boosting module图倒过来看
        # in=res8 jn+1=res16x res8x-res16x=res8x
        res8x = torch.add(res16x, res8x)
        res8x = self.dense_4(res8x) + res8x - res16x




class Net(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, res_blocks=18):
        super(Net, self).__init__()
        # 四次下采样 四次特征堆叠
        # 编码模块:第一层: 单步卷积 尺寸不变 论文中对应灰色块
        self.conv_input = ConvLayer(3, 16, kernel_size=11, stride=1)
        # 编码模块:第二层: 三个残差块 论文中对应黄色块16
        self.dense0 = nn.Sequential(
        # 编码模块:第三层: 步幅为2卷积 下采样同时通道双倍扩张 论文中对应浅紫色块
        self.conv2x = ConvLayer(16, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=2)
        # 编码模块:第四层:DFF密集功能融合模块 论文中对应深紫色块
        self.fusion1 = Encoder_MDCBlock1(32, 2, mode='iter2')
        # 编码模块:第五层:三个残差块 论文中对应黄色块32
        self.dense1 = nn.Sequential(
        # 编码模块:第六层: 步幅为2卷积 下采样同时通道双倍扩张 论文中对应浅紫色块
        self.conv4x = ConvLayer(32, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=2)
        # 编码模块:第七层:DFF密集功能融合模块 论文中对应深紫色块
        self.fusion2 = Encoder_MDCBlock1(64, 3, mode='iter2')
        # 编码模块:第八层:三个残差块 论文中对应黄色块64
        self.dense2 = nn.Sequential(
        # 编码模块:第九层:步幅为2卷积 下采样同时通道双倍扩张 论文中对应浅紫色块
        self.conv8x = ConvLayer(64, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=2)
        # 编码模块:第十层:DFF密集功能融合模块 论文中对应深紫色块
        self.fusion3 = Encoder_MDCBlock1(128, 4, mode='iter2')
        # 编码模块:第十一层:三个残差块 论文中对应黄色块128
        self.dense3 = nn.Sequential(
        # 编码模块:第十二层:步幅为2卷积 下采样同时通道双倍扩张 论文中对应浅紫色块
        self.conv16x = ConvLayer(128, 256, kernel_size=3, stride=2)
        # 编码模块:第十三层:DFF密集功能融合模块 论文中对应深紫色块
        self.fusion4 = Encoder_MDCBlock1(256, 5, mode='iter2')
        #self.dense4 = Dense_Block(256, 256)

        # Gres
        self.dehaze = nn.Sequential()
        # res_blocks=18 循环18个残差
        for i in range(0, res_blocks):
            self.dehaze.add_module('res%d' % i, ResidualBlock(256))
        # 四次下上采样
        # 解码模块:第一层上采样 三次残差块 密集功能融合模块
        self.convd16x = UpsampleConvLayer(256, 128, kernel_size=3, stride=2)
        self.dense_4 = nn.Sequential(
        self.fusion_4 = Decoder_MDCBlock1(128, 2, mode='iter2')
        # 解码模块:第二层上采样 三次残差块 密集功能融合模块
        self.convd8x = UpsampleConvLayer(128, 64, kernel_size=3, stride=2)
        self.dense_3 = nn.Sequential(
        self.fusion_3 = Decoder_MDCBlock1(64, 3, mode='iter2')
        # 解码模块:第三层上采样 三次残差块 密集功能融合模块
        self.convd4x = UpsampleConvLayer(64, 32, kernel_size=3, stride=2)
        self.dense_2 = nn.Sequential(
        self.fusion_2 = Decoder_MDCBlock1(32, 4, mode='iter2')
        # 解码模块:第四层上采样 三次残差块 密集功能融合模块
        self.convd2x = UpsampleConvLayer(32, 16, kernel_size=3, stride=2)
        self.dense_1 = nn.Sequential(
        self.fusion_1 = Decoder_MDCBlock1(16, 5, mode='iter2')
        # 单步卷积
        self.conv_output = ConvLayer(16, 3, kernel_size=3, stride=1)

    def forward(self, x):
        # Genc
        # 单步卷积 bs 3 480 640 -> bs 16 480 640
        res1x = self.conv_input(x)
        # res1x:bs 16 480 640
        feature_mem = [res1x]
        # 单步卷积的结果和残差块结果相加 x=bs 16 480 640
        x = self.dense0(res1x) + res1x
        # 第一次下采样 密集功能融合模块 残差块链接
        # bs 16 480 640 -> bs 32 240 320
        res2x = self.conv2x(x)
        # res2x:bs 32 240 320 -> bs 32 240 320
        res2x = self.fusion1(res2x, feature_mem)
        # feature_mem=[res1x,res2x] res2x:bs 32 240 320
        # bs 32 240 320 -> bs 32 240 320
        res2x =self.dense1(res2x) + res2x
        # 第二次下采样 密集功能融合模块 残差块链接
        # bs 32 240 320 -> bs 64 120 160
        res4x =self.conv4x(res2x)
        # res4x:bs 64 120 160 -> bs 64 120 160
        res4x = self.fusion2(res4x, feature_mem)
        # feature_mem=[res1x,res2x,res4x] res4x:bs 64 120 160
        # bs 64 120 160 -> bs 64 120 160
        res4x = self.dense2(res4x) + res4x
        # 第三次下采样 密集功能融合模块 残差块链接
        # bs 64 120 160 -> bs 128 60 80
        res8x = self.conv8x(res4x)
        # res8x: bs 128 60 80 -> bs 128 60 80
        res8x = self.fusion3(res8x, feature_mem)
        # feature_mem=[res1x,res2x,res4x,res8x]res8x: bs 128 60 80
        # bs 64 120 160 -> bs 128 60 80
        res8x = self.dense3(res8x) + res8x
        # 第四次下采样 密集功能融合模块 残差块链接
        # bs 128 60 80 -> bs 256 30 40
        res16x = self.conv16x(res8x)
        # res16x:bs 256 30 40
        res16x = self.fusion4(res16x, feature_mem)
        #res16x = self.dense4(res16x)

        # Gres
        res_dehaze = res16x
        # 特征图乘以2
        in_ft = res16x*2
        # 循环18个残差 + res16x*2 - res16x
        res16x = self.dehaze(in_ft) + in_ft - res_dehaze
        # feature_mem=[res1x,res2x,res4x,res8x,res16x]res16x: bs 256 30 40
        feature_mem_up = [res16x]

        # Gdec
        # 第一层上采样 三次残差块 密集功能融合模块
        # bs 256 30 40 -> bs 128 61 81
        res16x = self.convd16x(res16x)
        # F.upsample参数:输入 尺寸 插值方法
        # res16x:bs 128 61 81 -> bs 128 60 80
        res16x = F.upsample(res16x, res8x.size()[2:], mode='bilinear')

        # SOS boosting module 按照论文里的公式
        # res16x=res8x=bs 128 60 80
        # 对应论文大图把SOS boosting module图倒过来看
        # in=res8 jn+1=res16x res8x-res16x=res8x
        res8x = torch.add(res16x, res8x)
        res8x = self.dense_4(res8x) + res8x - res16x
        # DFF
        res8x = self.fusion_4(res8x, feature_mem_up)
        # feature_mem=[res1x,res2x,res4x,res8x,res16x,res8x]
        # 第二层上采样 三次残差块 密集功能融合模块
        # bs 128 60 80 -> bs 64 121 161
        res8x = self.convd8x(res8x)
        # bs 64 121 161 -> bs 64 120 160
        res8x = F.upsample(res8x, res4x.size()[2:], mode='bilinear')
        # SOS boosting module
        res4x = torch.add(res8x, res4x)
        res4x = self.dense_3(res4x) + res4x - res8x
        # DFF
        res4x = self.fusion_3(res4x, feature_mem_up)
        # feature_mem=[res1x,res2x,res4x,res8x,res16x,res8x,res4x]
        # 第三层上采样 三次残差块 密集功能融合模块
        # bs 64 120 160 -> bs 32 241 321
        res4x = self.convd4x(res4x)
        # bs 32 241 321 -> bs 32 240 320
        res4x = F.upsample(res4x, res2x.size()[2:], mode='bilinear')
        # SOS boosting module
        res2x = torch.add(res4x, res2x)
        res2x = self.dense_2(res2x) + res2x - res4x
        # DFF
        res2x = self.fusion_2(res2x, feature_mem_up)
        # feature_mem=[res1x,res2x,res4x,res8x,res16x,res8x,res4x,res2x]
        # 第四层上采样 三次残差块 密集功能融合模块
        # bs 32 240 320  -> bs 16 481 641
        res2x = self.convd2x(res2x)
        # bs 16 481 641 -> bs 16 480 640
        res2x = F.upsample(res2x, x.size()[2:], mode='bilinear')
        # SOS boosting module
        x = torch.add(res2x, x)
        x = self.dense_1(x) + x - res2x
        # DFF
        x = self.fusion_1(x, feature_mem_up)
        # bs 16 480 640 -> bs 3 480 640
        x = self.conv_output(x)

        return x


1.U2-Former 一个用于图像恢复的嵌套的u形Transformer



2.Hybrid Local-Global Transformer混合局部全局Transformer




data = pd.read_csv(



