本文是针对VoteNet:Deep Hough Voting for 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds论文的源码的理解。VoteNet的解读可以参考我的另外一篇博客。具体的源码,可在github上下载。
# train.py
# 具体的内容可以看源码,这里只是记录一些代码要干的事情,很有借鉴意义的代码。
def train_one_epoch():
stat_dict = {} # 定义一个储存中间过程变量的dict
adjust_learning_rate(optimizer, EPOCH_CNT) # 调整lr
bnm_scheduler.step() # decay BN momentum
for batch_idx, batch_data_label in enumerate(TRAIN_DATALOADER):
def eval_one_epoch():
def trian():
for epoch in range(start_epoch, MAX_EPOCH):
if EPOCH_CNT == 0 or EPOCH_CNT % 10 == 9: # Eval every 10 epochs
loss = evaluate_one_epoch()
# Save checkpoint
save_dict = {'epoch': epoch+1, # after training one epoch, the start_epoch should be epoch+1
'optimizer_state_dict': optimizer.state_dict(),
'loss': loss,
try: # with nn.DataParallel() the net is added as a submodule of DataParallel
save_dict['model_state_dict'] = net.module.state_dict()
save_dict['model_state_dict'] = net.state_dict()
torch.save(save_dict, os.path.join(LOG_DIR, 'checkpoint.tar'))
if __name__=='__main__':
在储存好上述数据之后,使用python sunrgbd_data.py --gen_v1_data进一步处理数据,将depth数据降采样,并构造votes的数据。
def extract_sunrgbd_data(idx_filename, split, output_folder, num_point=20000,
save_votes=False, use_v1=False, skip_empty_scene=True):
""" Extract scene point clouds and
bounding boxes (centroids, box sizes, heading angles, semantic classes).
Dumped point clouds and boxes are in upright depth coord.
idx_filename: a TXT file where each line is an int number (index)
split: training or testing
save_votes: whether to compute and save Ground truth votes.
use_v1: use the SUN RGB-D V1 data
skip_empty_scene: if True, skip scenes that contain no object (no objet in whitelist)
_pc.npz of (N,6) where N is for number of subsampled points and 6 is
for XYZ and RGB (in 0~1) in upright depth coord
_bbox.npy of (K,8) where K is the number of objects, 8 is for
centroids (cx,cy,cz), dimension (l,w,h), heanding_angle and semantic_class
_votes.npz of (N,10) with 0/1 indicating whether the point belongs to an object,
then three sets of GT votes for up to three objects. If the point is only in one
object's OBB, then the three GT votes are the same.
dataset = sunrgbd_object('./sunrgbd_trainval', split, use_v1=use_v1)
data_idx_list = [int(line.rstrip()) for line in open(idx_filename)]
if not os.path.exists(output_folder):
for data_idx in data_idx_list:
print('------------- ', data_idx)
objects = dataset.get_label_objects(data_idx)
# Skip scenes with 0 object
if skip_empty_scene and (len(objects)==0 or \
len([obj for obj in objects if obj.classname in type_whitelist])==0):
object_list = []
for obj in objects:
if obj.classname not in type_whitelist: continue
obb = np.zeros((8))
obb[0:3] = obj.centroid
# Note that compared with that in data_viz, we do not time 2 to l,w.h
# neither do we flip the heading angle
obb[3:6] = np.array([obj.l,obj.w,obj.h])
obb[6] = obj.heading_angle
obb[7] = sunrgbd_utils.type2class[obj.classname]
if len(object_list)==0:
obbs = np.zeros((0,8))
obbs = np.vstack(object_list) # (K,8)
pc_upright_depth = dataset.get_depth(data_idx)
pc_upright_depth_subsampled = pc_util.random_sampling(pc_upright_depth, num_point)
# 将降采样到50000个点写入_pc.npz,并将label写入bbox.npy
np.save(os.path.join(output_folder, '%06d_bbox.npy'%(data_idx)), obbs)
if save_votes:
N = pc_upright_depth_subsampled.shape[0]
point_votes = np.zeros((N,10)) # 3 votes and 1 vote mask
point_vote_idx = np.zeros((N)).astype(np.int32) # in the range of [0,2]
indices = np.arange(N)
# 对每个obj计算相对应的votes
for obj in objects:
if obj.classname not in type_whitelist: continue
# Find all points in this object's OBB
box3d_pts_3d = sunrgbd_utils.my_compute_box_3d(obj.centroid,
np.array([obj.l,obj.w,obj.h]), obj.heading_angle)
pc_in_box3d,inds = sunrgbd_utils.extract_pc_in_box3d(\
pc_upright_depth_subsampled, box3d_pts_3d)
# Assign first dimension to indicate it is in an object box
point_votes[inds,0] = 1
# Add the votes (all 0 if the point is not in any object's OBB)
votes = np.expand_dims(obj.centroid,0) - pc_in_box3d[:,0:3]
sparse_inds = indices[inds] # turn dense True,False inds to sparse number-wise inds
for i in range(len(sparse_inds)):
j = sparse_inds[i]
point_votes[j, int(point_vote_idx[j]*3+1):int((point_vote_idx[j]+1)*3+1)] = votes[i,:]
# Populate votes with the fisrt vote
if point_vote_idx[j] == 0:
point_votes[j,4:7] = votes[i,:]
point_votes[j,7:10] = votes[i,:]
point_vote_idx[inds] = np.minimum(2, point_vote_idx[inds]+1)
print('ERROR ----', data_idx, obj.classname)
np.savez_compressed(os.path.join(output_folder, '%06d_votes.npz'%(data_idx)),
point_votes = point_votes)
# Sunrgbd_detection_dataset.py
class SunrgbdDetectionVotesDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, split_set='train', num_points=20000,
use_color=False, use_height=False, use_v1=False,
augment=False, scan_idx_list=None)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.scan_names)
def __getitem__(self, idx):
point_cloud = np.load(os.path.join(self.data_path, scan_name)+'_pc.npz')['pc'] # Nx6,(x, y, z, r, g, b)
bboxes = np.load(os.path.join(self.data_path, scan_name)+'_bbox.npy') # K,8, (x, y, z, w, h, l, angle-z, class)
point_votes = np.load(os.path.join(self.data_path, scan_name)+'_votes.npz')['point_votes'] # Nx10, (1, vote-x1, vote-y1, vote-z1, vote-x1, vote-y1, vote-z1, vote-x1, vote-y1, vote-z1)
# ------------------------------- DATA AUGMENTATION ------------------------------
进行Data Augmentation,包括旋转和尺度变换
# ------------------------------- LABELS ------------------------------
box3d_centers = np.zeros((MAX_NUM_OBJ, 3))
box3d_sizes = np.zeros((MAX_NUM_OBJ, 3))
angle_classes = np.zeros((MAX_NUM_OBJ,))
angle_residuals = np.zeros((MAX_NUM_OBJ,))
size_classes = np.zeros((MAX_NUM_OBJ,))
size_residuals = np.zeros((MAX_NUM_OBJ, 3))
label_mask = np.zeros((MAX_NUM_OBJ))
label_mask[0:bboxes.shape[0]] = 1
max_bboxes = np.zeros((MAX_NUM_OBJ, 8))
max_bboxes[0:bboxes.shape[0],:] = bboxes
for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]):
bbox = bboxes[i]
semantic_class = bbox[7]
box3d_center = bbox[0:3]
angle_class, angle_residual = DC.angle2class(bbox[6])
# NOTE: The mean size stored in size2class is of full length of box edges,
# while in sunrgbd_data.py data dumping we dumped *half* length l,w,h.. so have to time it by 2 here
box3d_size = bbox[3:6]*2
size_class, size_residual = DC.size2class(box3d_size, DC.class2type[semantic_class])
box3d_centers[i,:] = box3d_center
angle_classes[i] = angle_class
angle_residuals[i] = angle_residual
size_classes[i] = size_class
size_residuals[i] = size_residual
box3d_sizes[i,:] = box3d_size
target_bboxes_mask = label_mask
target_bboxes = np.zeros((MAX_NUM_OBJ, 6))
for i in range(bboxes.shape[0]):
bbox = bboxes[i]
corners_3d = sunrgbd_utils.my_compute_box_3d(bbox[0:3], bbox[3:6], bbox[6])
# compute axis aligned box
xmin = np.min(corners_3d[:,0])
ymin = np.min(corners_3d[:,1])
zmin = np.min(corners_3d[:,2])
xmax = np.max(corners_3d[:,0])
ymax = np.max(corners_3d[:,1])
zmax = np.max(corners_3d[:,2])
target_bbox = np.array([(xmin+xmax)/2, (ymin+ymax)/2, (zmin+zmax)/2, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin, zmax-zmin])
target_bboxes[i,:] = target_bbox
point_cloud, choices = pc_util.random_sampling(point_cloud, self.num_points, return_choices=True)
point_votes_mask = point_votes[choices,0]
point_votes = point_votes[choices,1:]
ret_dict = {}
ret_dict['point_clouds'] = point_cloud.astype(np.float32)
ret_dict['center_label'] = target_bboxes.astype(np.float32)[:,0:3]
ret_dict['heading_class_label'] = angle_classes.astype(np.int64)
ret_dict['heading_residual_label'] = angle_residuals.astype(np.float32)
ret_dict['size_class_label'] = size_classes.astype(np.int64)
ret_dict['size_residual_label'] = size_residuals.astype(np.float32)
target_bboxes_semcls = np.zeros((MAX_NUM_OBJ))
target_bboxes_semcls[0:bboxes.shape[0]] = bboxes[:,-1] # from 0 to 9
ret_dict['sem_cls_label'] = target_bboxes_semcls.astype(np.int64)
ret_dict['box_label_mask'] = target_bboxes_mask.astype(np.float32)
ret_dict['vote_label'] = point_votes.astype(np.float32)
ret_dict['vote_label_mask'] = point_votes_mask.astype(np.int64)
ret_dict['scan_idx'] = np.array(idx).astype(np.int64)
ret_dict['max_gt_bboxes'] = max_bboxes
return ret_dict
令我疑惑的是,target_bboxes的存在。在最终的ret_dict中,target_bboxes只是将[:, 0:3]放入,也就是只放入了(x, y, z),与box3d_centers是一样的。不一样之处在于,由于经过了旋转,target_bboxes的size是在全局坐标系下,不考虑旋转的size,但这个并没有使用。不知道为什么要计算target_bboxes。
<id>_votes.npz of (N,10) with 0/1 indicating whether the point belongs to an object,
then three sets of GT votes for up to three objects. If the point is only in one
object's OBB, then the three GT votes are the same.
The max-pooled features are further processed by MLP2 with output sizes of 128, 128, 5+2NH+4NS+NC where the output consists of 2 objectness scores, 3 center regression values, 2NH numbers for heading regression (NH heading bins) and 4NS numbers for box size regression (NS box anchors) and NC numbers for semantic classification
本loss主要是与判断一个aggregated_vote是否是物体有关,并产生了计算box loss的mask。步骤如下:
计算与box heading有关的loss,包括Classification和regression的部分,步骤如下:
mean box_loss: 0.453468
mean center_loss: 0.414120
mean heading_cls_loss: 0.181052
mean heading_reg_loss: 0.016689
mean loss: 9.394492
mean neg_ratio: 0.972461
mean obj_acc: 0.993152
mean objectness_loss: 0.006167
mean pos_ratio: 0.011475
mean sem_cls_loss: 0.022770
mean size_cls_loss: 0.022605
mean size_reg_loss: 0.002293
mean vote_loss: 0.480620
# train.py
def evaluate_one_epoch():
stat_dict = {} # collect statistics
ap_calculator = APCalculator(ap_iou_thresh=FLAGS.ap_iou_thresh,
net.eval() # set model to eval mode (for bn and dp)
for batch_idx, batch_data_label in enumerate(TEST_DATALOADER):
if batch_idx % 10 == 0:
print('Eval batch: %d'%(batch_idx))
for key in batch_data_label:
batch_data_label[key] = batch_data_label[key].to(device)
# Forward pass
inputs = {'point_clouds': batch_data_label['point_clouds']}
with torch.no_grad():
end_points = net(inputs)
# Compute loss
for key in batch_data_label:
assert(key not in end_points)
end_points[key] = batch_data_label[key]
loss, end_points = criterion(end_points, DATASET_CONFIG)
# Accumulate statistics and print out
for key in end_points:
if 'loss' in key or 'acc' in key or 'ratio' in key:
if key not in stat_dict: stat_dict[key] = 0
stat_dict[key] += end_points[key].item()
batch_pred_map_cls = parse_predictions(end_points, CONFIG_DICT)
batch_gt_map_cls = parse_groundtruths(end_points, CONFIG_DICT)
# 储存每一个batch的结果,这个重点还是要理解上面两行在干什么。
ap_calculator.step(batch_pred_map_cls, batch_gt_map_cls)
# Dump evaluation results for visualization
if FLAGS.dump_results and batch_idx == 0 and EPOCH_CNT %10 == 0:
MODEL.dump_results(end_points, DUMP_DIR, DATASET_CONFIG)
# Log statistics
# TEST_VISUALIZER.log_scalars({key:stat_dict[key]/float(batch_idx+1) for key in stat_dict},
for key in sorted(stat_dict.keys()):
log_string('eval mean %s: %f'%(key, stat_dict[key]/(float(batch_idx+1))))
# Evaluate average precision
metrics_dict = ap_calculator.compute_metrics()
for key in metrics_dict:
log_string('eval %s: %f'%(key, metrics_dict[key]))
mean_loss = stat_dict['loss']/float(batch_idx+1)
return mean_loss
# models/ap_helper.py
def parse_predictions(end_points, config_dict):
""" Parse predictions to OBB parameters and suppress overlapping boxes
end_points: dict
{point_clouds, center, heading_scores, heading_residuals,
size_scores, size_residuals, sem_cls_scores}
config_dict: dict
{dataset_config, remove_empty_box, use_3d_nms, nms_iou,
use_old_type_nms, conf_thresh, per_class_proposal}
batch_pred_map_cls: a list of len == batch size (BS)
[pred_list_i], i = 0, 1, ..., BS-1
where pred_list_i = [(pred_sem_cls, box_params, box_score)_j]
where j = 0, ..., num of valid detections - 1 from sample input i
pred_center = end_points['center'] # B,num_proposal,3
pred_heading_class = torch.argmax(end_points['heading_scores'], -1) # B,num_proposal
pred_heading_residual = torch.gather(end_points['heading_residuals'], 2,
pred_heading_class.unsqueeze(-1)) # B,num_proposal,1
pred_size_class = torch.argmax(end_points['size_scores'], -1) # B,num_proposal
pred_size_residual = torch.gather(end_points['size_residuals'], 2,
pred_size_class.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1,1,1,3)) # B,num_proposal,1,3
pred_sem_cls = torch.argmax(end_points['sem_cls_scores'], -1) # B,num_proposal
sem_cls_probs = softmax(end_points['sem_cls_scores'].detach().cpu().numpy()) # B,num_proposal,10
pred_sem_cls_prob = np.max(sem_cls_probs,-1) # B,num_proposal
num_proposal = pred_center.shape[1]
# Since we operate in upright_depth coord for points, while util functions
# assume upright_camera coord.
bsize = pred_center.shape[0]
pred_corners_3d_upright_camera = np.zeros((bsize, num_proposal, 8, 3))
pred_center_upright_camera = flip_axis_to_camera(pred_center.detach().cpu().numpy())
for i in range(bsize):
for j in range(num_proposal):
heading_angle = config_dict['dataset_config'].class2angle(\
pred_heading_class[i,j].detach().cpu().numpy(), pred_heading_residual[i,j].detach().cpu().numpy())
box_size = config_dict['dataset_config'].class2size(\
int(pred_size_class[i,j].detach().cpu().numpy()), pred_size_residual[i,j].detach().cpu().numpy())
corners_3d_upright_camera = get_3d_box(box_size, heading_angle, pred_center_upright_camera[i,j,:])
pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j] = corners_3d_upright_camera
K = pred_center.shape[1] # K==num_proposal
nonempty_box_mask = np.ones((bsize, K))
if config_dict['remove_empty_box']:
# -------------------------------------
# Remove predicted boxes without any point within them..
batch_pc = end_points['point_clouds'].cpu().numpy()[:,:,0:3] # B,N,3
for i in range(bsize):
pc = batch_pc[i,:,:] # (N,3)
for j in range(K):
box3d = pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,:] # (8,3)
box3d = flip_axis_to_depth(box3d)
pc_in_box,inds = extract_pc_in_box3d(pc, box3d)
if len(pc_in_box) < 5:
nonempty_box_mask[i,j] = 0
# -------------------------------------
obj_logits = end_points['objectness_scores'].detach().cpu().numpy()
obj_prob = softmax(obj_logits)[:,:,1] # (B,K)
if not config_dict['use_3d_nms']:
# ---------- NMS input: pred_with_prob in (B,K,7) -----------
pred_mask = np.zeros((bsize, K))
for i in range(bsize):
boxes_2d_with_prob = np.zeros((K,5))
for j in range(K):
boxes_2d_with_prob[j,0] = np.min(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,0])
boxes_2d_with_prob[j,2] = np.max(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,0])
boxes_2d_with_prob[j,1] = np.min(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,2])
boxes_2d_with_prob[j,3] = np.max(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,2])
boxes_2d_with_prob[j,4] = obj_prob[i,j]
nonempty_box_inds = np.where(nonempty_box_mask[i,:]==1)[0]
pick = nms_2d_faster(boxes_2d_with_prob[nonempty_box_mask[i,:]==1,:],
config_dict['nms_iou'], config_dict['use_old_type_nms'])
pred_mask[i, nonempty_box_inds[pick]] = 1
end_points['pred_mask'] = pred_mask
# ---------- NMS output: pred_mask in (B,K) -----------
elif config_dict['use_3d_nms'] and (not config_dict['cls_nms']):
# ---------- NMS input: pred_with_prob in (B,K,7) -----------
pred_mask = np.zeros((bsize, K))
for i in range(bsize):
boxes_3d_with_prob = np.zeros((K,7))
for j in range(K):
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,0] = np.min(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,0])
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,1] = np.min(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,1])
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,2] = np.min(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,2])
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,3] = np.max(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,0])
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,4] = np.max(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,1])
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,5] = np.max(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,2])
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,6] = obj_prob[i,j]
nonempty_box_inds = np.where(nonempty_box_mask[i,:]==1)[0]
pick = nms_3d_faster(boxes_3d_with_prob[nonempty_box_mask[i,:]==1,:],
config_dict['nms_iou'], config_dict['use_old_type_nms'])
pred_mask[i, nonempty_box_inds[pick]] = 1
end_points['pred_mask'] = pred_mask
# ---------- NMS output: pred_mask in (B,K) -----------
elif config_dict['use_3d_nms'] and config_dict['cls_nms']:
# ---------- NMS input: pred_with_prob in (B,K,8) -----------
pred_mask = np.zeros((bsize, K))
for i in range(bsize):
boxes_3d_with_prob = np.zeros((K,8))
for j in range(K):
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,0] = np.min(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,0])
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,1] = np.min(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,1])
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,2] = np.min(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,2])
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,3] = np.max(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,0])
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,4] = np.max(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,1])
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,5] = np.max(pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j,:,2])
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,6] = obj_prob[i,j]
boxes_3d_with_prob[j,7] = pred_sem_cls[i,j] # only suppress if the two boxes are of the same class!!
nonempty_box_inds = np.where(nonempty_box_mask[i,:]==1)[0]
pick = nms_3d_faster_samecls(boxes_3d_with_prob[nonempty_box_mask[i,:]==1,:],
config_dict['nms_iou'], config_dict['use_old_type_nms'])
pred_mask[i, nonempty_box_inds[pick]] = 1
end_points['pred_mask'] = pred_mask
# ---------- NMS output: pred_mask in (B,K) -----------
batch_pred_map_cls = [] # a list (len: batch_size) of list (len: num of predictions per sample) of tuples of pred_cls, pred_box and conf (0-1)
for i in range(bsize):
if config_dict['per_class_proposal']:
cur_list = []
for ii in range(config_dict['dataset_config'].num_class):
cur_list += [(ii, pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j], sem_cls_probs[i,j,ii]*obj_prob[i,j]) \
for j in range(pred_center.shape[1]) if pred_mask[i,j]==1 and obj_prob[i,j]>config_dict['conf_thresh']]
batch_pred_map_cls.append([(pred_sem_cls[i,j].item(), pred_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j], obj_prob[i,j]) \
for j in range(pred_center.shape[1]) if pred_mask[i,j]==1 and obj_prob[i,j]>config_dict['conf_thresh']])
end_points['batch_pred_map_cls'] = batch_pred_map_cls
return batch_pred_map_cls
def parse_groundtruths(end_points, config_dict):
""" Parse groundtruth labels to OBB parameters.
end_points: dict
{center_label, heading_class_label, heading_residual_label,
size_class_label, size_residual_label, sem_cls_label,
config_dict: dict
batch_gt_map_cls: a list of len == batch_size (BS)
[gt_list_i], i = 0, 1, ..., BS-1
where gt_list_i = [(gt_sem_cls, gt_box_params)_j]
where j = 0, ..., num of objects - 1 at sample input i
center_label = end_points['center_label']
heading_class_label = end_points['heading_class_label']
heading_residual_label = end_points['heading_residual_label']
size_class_label = end_points['size_class_label']
size_residual_label = end_points['size_residual_label']
box_label_mask = end_points['box_label_mask']
sem_cls_label = end_points['sem_cls_label']
bsize = center_label.shape[0]
K2 = center_label.shape[1] # K2==MAX_NUM_OBJ
gt_corners_3d_upright_camera = np.zeros((bsize, K2, 8, 3))
gt_center_upright_camera = flip_axis_to_camera(center_label[:,:,0:3].detach().cpu().numpy())
for i in range(bsize):
for j in range(K2):
if box_label_mask[i,j] == 0: continue
heading_angle = config_dict['dataset_config'].class2angle(heading_class_label[i,j].detach().cpu().numpy(), heading_residual_label[i,j].detach().cpu().numpy())
box_size = config_dict['dataset_config'].class2size(int(size_class_label[i,j].detach().cpu().numpy()), size_residual_label[i,j].detach().cpu().numpy())
corners_3d_upright_camera = get_3d_box(box_size, heading_angle, gt_center_upright_camera[i,j,:])
gt_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j] = corners_3d_upright_camera
batch_gt_map_cls = []
for i in range(bsize):
batch_gt_map_cls.append([(sem_cls_label[i,j].item(), gt_corners_3d_upright_camera[i,j]) for j in range(gt_corners_3d_upright_camera.shape[1]) if box_label_mask[i,j]==1])
end_points['batch_gt_map_cls'] = batch_gt_map_cls
return batch_gt_map_cls
# Since we operate in upright_depth coord for points, while util functions assume upright_camera coord.
pred_center_upright_camera = flip_axis_to_camera(pred_center.detach().cpu().numpy())
这个变换在parse_predictions和parse_groundtruths都出现了,这是为什么呢?根据注释的提示,说的是util funciton用的是camera coord,所以找到使用这个center的代码:
corners_3d_upright_camera = get_3d_box(box_size, heading_angle, pred_center_upright_camera[i,j,:])
那么get_3d_box为什么一定要center是camera coord呢?
# utils/box_util.py
def get_3d_box(box_size, heading_angle, center):
''' box_size is array(l,w,h), heading_angle is radius clockwise from pos x axis, center is xyz of box center
output (8,3) array for 3D box cornders
Similar to utils/compute_orientation_3d
R = roty(heading_angle)
l,w,h = box_size
x_corners = [l/2,l/2,-l/2,-l/2,l/2,l/2,-l/2,-l/2];
y_corners = [h/2,h/2,h/2,h/2,-h/2,-h/2,-h/2,-h/2];
z_corners = [w/2,-w/2,-w/2,w/2,w/2,-w/2,-w/2,w/2];
corners_3d = np.dot(R, np.vstack([x_corners,y_corners,z_corners]))
corners_3d[0,:] = corners_3d[0,:] + center[0];
corners_3d[1,:] = corners_3d[1,:] + center[1];
corners_3d[2,:] = corners_3d[2,:] + center[2];
corners_3d = np.transpose(corners_3d)
return corners_3d
代码显示,要以y轴做旋转。这就不难理解为什么要换一下center的坐标了。而且y是竖直向下的,对应了box_size中的h。但这样子又会出现一个问题,原来的坐标系X-right,Y-forward,Z-up中,以z轴做rotation和camera coord(X-right,Y-down,Z-forward)中,以y轴做rotation的方向正好是相反的。所以按照这里理解计算出来的pred_heading_angle是按照camera coord的方向的,这个在sunrgbd的可视化中也有体现:
# sunrgbd/sunrgbd_data.py
# Dump OBJ files for 3D bounding boxes
# l,w,h correspond to dx,dy,dz
# heading angle is from +X rotating towards -Y
# (+X is degree, -Y is 90 degrees)
oriented_boxes = []
for obj in objects:
obb = np.zeros((7))
obb[0:3] = obj.centroid
# Some conversion to map with default setting of w,l,h
# and angle in box dumping
obb[3:6] = np.array([obj.l,obj.w,obj.h])*2
obb[6] = -1 * obj.heading_angle
print('Object cls, heading, l, w, h:',\
obj.classname, obj.heading_angle, obj.l, obj.w, obj.h)
可以看到,在储存3D box时,heading_angle乘以了-1,这就说明转角方向取相反。也就印证了上面说的,pred_heading_angle是在camara coord下的。
# utils/nsm.py
def nms_3d_faster_samecls(boxes, overlap_threshold, old_type=False):
x1 = boxes[:,0]
y1 = boxes[:,1]
z1 = boxes[:,2]
x2 = boxes[:,3]
y2 = boxes[:,4]
z2 = boxes[:,5]
score = boxes[:,6]
cls = boxes[:,7]
area = (x2-x1)*(y2-y1)*(z2-z1)
I = np.argsort(score)
pick = []
while (I.size!=0):
last = I.size
i = I[-1]
xx1 = np.maximum(x1[i], x1[I[:last-1]])
yy1 = np.maximum(y1[i], y1[I[:last-1]])
zz1 = np.maximum(z1[i], z1[I[:last-1]])
xx2 = np.minimum(x2[i], x2[I[:last-1]])
yy2 = np.minimum(y2[i], y2[I[:last-1]])
zz2 = np.minimum(z2[i], z2[I[:last-1]])
cls1 = cls[i]
cls2 = cls[I[:last-1]]
l = np.maximum(0, xx2-xx1)
w = np.maximum(0, yy2-yy1)
h = np.maximum(0, zz2-zz1)
if old_type:
o = (l*w*h)/area[I[:last-1]]
inter = l*w*h
o = inter / (area[i] + area[I[:last-1]] - inter)
o = o * (cls1==cls2)
I = np.delete(I, np.concatenate(([last-1], np.where(o>overlap_threshold)[0])))
return pick