imread函数用于读取图像,imread( const String& filename, int flags = IMREAD_COLOR ),flags的默认值为IMREAD_COLOR,也就是说默认读取为三通道BGR图像。完整的图像加载模式如下所示,0表示读取为灰度图。
IMREAD_UNCHANGED = -1, //!< If set, return the loaded image as is (with alpha channel, otherwise it gets cropped). Ignore EXIF orientation.
IMREAD_GRAYSCALE = 0, //!< If set, always convert image to the single channel grayscale image (codec internal conversion).
IMREAD_COLOR = 1, //!< If set, always convert image to the 3 channel BGR color image.
IMREAD_ANYDEPTH = 2, //!< If set, return 16-bit/32-bit image when the input has the corresponding depth, otherwise convert it to 8-bit.
IMREAD_ANYCOLOR = 4, //!< If set, the image is read in any possible color format.
IMREAD_LOAD_GDAL = 8, //!< If set, use the gdal driver for loading the image.
IMREAD_REDUCED_GRAYSCALE_2 = 16, //!< If set, always convert image to the single channel grayscale image and the image size reduced 1/2.
IMREAD_REDUCED_COLOR_2 = 17, //!< If set, always convert image to the 3 channel BGR color image and the image size reduced 1/2.
IMREAD_REDUCED_GRAYSCALE_4 = 32, //!< If set, always convert image to the single channel grayscale image and the image size reduced 1/4.
IMREAD_REDUCED_COLOR_4 = 33, //!< If set, always convert image to the 3 channel BGR color image and the image size reduced 1/4.
IMREAD_REDUCED_GRAYSCALE_8 = 64, //!< If set, always convert image to the single channel grayscale image and the image size reduced 1/8.
IMREAD_REDUCED_COLOR_8 = 65, //!< If set, always convert image to the 3 channel BGR color image and the image size reduced 1/8.
IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION = 128 //!< If set, do not rotate the image according to EXIF's orientation flag.
Mat img = imread("C:\\Users\\hpg\\Pictures\\timg.jpg");
imwrite("rgb.jpg", img);
Mat new_img
resize(img, new_img, { 600, 400 });//缩放到固定尺寸
Mat new_img2;
resize(img, new_img2, {},0.2,0.3);//按比例缩放长宽
Mat jray, hsv, lab,rgb;
cvtColor(img, jray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
cvtColor(img, hsv, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV);
cvtColor(img, lab, cv::COLOR_BGR2Lab);
cvtColor(img, rgb, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
//图像裁剪 Rect(x,y,w,h)
Rect m_select1 = Rect(0, 100, 300, 217);
Mat ROI1 = img(m_select1);
Rect m_select2 = Rect(300, 100, 320, 217);
Mat ROI2 = img(m_select2);
imshow("img", img);
imshow("ROI1", ROI1);
imshow("ROI2", ROI2);
//A.copyTo(B) A与B的大小应该一致
Mat board =Mat::zeros(ROI1.rows, ROI1.cols+ ROI2.cols, CV_8UC3);
Rect roi_rect1 = Rect(0, 0, ROI1.cols, ROI1.rows);
Rect roi_rect2 = Rect(ROI1.cols, 0, ROI2.cols, ROI2.rows);
imshow("board", board);
Function: RotateImage
Description: 旋转图片
Input: src:需要旋转的图片路径 angle:旋转角度
Return: 旋转后的图片
cv::Mat RotateImage(cv::Mat src, double angle)
cv::Mat dst;
//float scale = 200.0/ src.rows;//缩放因子
//cv::resize(src, src, cv::Size(), scale, scale, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::Size dst_sz(src.cols, src.rows);
cv::Point2f center(static_cast(src.cols / 2.), static_cast(src.rows / 2.));
cv::Mat rot_mat = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0);
/*cv::Scalar borderColor = Scalar(0, 238, 0);*/
/*cv::warpAffine(src, dst, rot_mat, src.size(), INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_CONSTANT, borderColor);*/
cv::warpAffine(src, dst, rot_mat, dst_sz, cv::INTER_LINEAR, cv::BORDER_REPLICATE);
catch (cv::Exception e)
return dst;
Mat rotateImg=RotateImage(img, 60);
imshow("rotateImg", rotateImg);
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
Function: RotateImage
Description: 旋转图片
Input: src:需要旋转的图片路径 angle:旋转角度
Return: 旋转后的图片
cv::Mat RotateImage(cv::Mat src, double angle)
cv::Mat dst;
//float scale = 200.0/ src.rows;//缩放因子
//cv::resize(src, src, cv::Size(), scale, scale, cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::Size dst_sz(src.cols, src.rows);
cv::Point2f center(static_cast(src.cols / 2.), static_cast(src.rows / 2.));
cv::Mat rot_mat = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1.0);
/*cv::Scalar borderColor = Scalar(0, 238, 0);*/
/*cv::warpAffine(src, dst, rot_mat, src.size(), INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_CONSTANT, borderColor);*/
cv::warpAffine(src, dst, rot_mat, dst_sz, cv::INTER_LINEAR, cv::BORDER_REPLICATE);
catch (cv::Exception e)
return dst;
void main() {
Mat mat = imread("C:\\Users\\hpg\\Pictures\\timg.jpg");
// 宽、高;数据类型;通道数
cout << "宽(列):" << mat.cols << ",高(行):" << mat.rows << endl;
cout << "数据类型: " << mat.type() << endl;
cout << "通道数: " << mat.channels() << endl;
Mat img = imread("C:\\Users\\hpg\\Pictures\\timg.jpg");
imwrite("rgb.jpg", img);
//resize(img, img, { 600, 400 });//缩放到固定尺寸
resize(img, img, {},0.2,0.2);//按比例缩放长宽
Mat jray, hsv, lab,rgb;
cvtColor(img, jray, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
cvtColor(img, hsv, cv::COLOR_BGR2HSV);
cvtColor(img, lab, cv::COLOR_BGR2Lab);
cvtColor(img, rgb, cv::COLOR_BGR2RGB);
//图像裁剪 Rect(x,y,w,h)
Rect m_select1 = Rect(0, 100, 300, 217);
Mat ROI1 = img(m_select1);
Rect m_select2 = Rect(300, 100, 320, 217);
Mat ROI2 = img(m_select2);
imshow("img", img);
imshow("ROI1", ROI1);
imshow("ROI2", ROI2);
//A.copyTo(B) A与B的大小应该一致
Mat board =Mat::zeros(ROI1.rows, ROI1.cols+ ROI2.cols, CV_8UC3);
Rect roi_rect1 = Rect(0, 0, ROI1.cols, ROI1.rows);
Rect roi_rect2 = Rect(ROI1.cols, 0, ROI2.cols, ROI2.rows);
imshow("board", board);
Mat rotateImg=RotateImage(img, 60);
imshow("rotateImg", rotateImg);