卷积神经网络与全连接神经网络类似, 可以理解成一种变换, 这种变换一般由卷积、池化、激活函数等一系列操作组合而成. 本文就“卷积”部分稍作介绍.
卷积可以看作是输入和卷积核之间的内积运算, 是两个实质函数之间的一种数学运算. 在卷积运算中, 通常使用卷积核将输入数据进行卷积运算得到的输出作为特征映射, 每个卷积核可获得一个特征映射.
如图所示, 一张大小为 5 × 5 × 3 5 \times5 \times3 5×5×3的图片经过零填充后, 大小变为 7 × 7 × 3 7 \times 7 \times 3 7×7×3. 使用两个大小为 3 × 3 × 3 3 \times 3 \times 3 3×3×3的卷积核进行步长为 1 1 1的卷积运算, 最后得到一个大小为 3 × 3 × 2 3 \times 3 \times 2 3×3×2的 feature map.
可以看到, 卷积核在图片所对应的矩阵中滑动. 每滑动到一个位置, 将对应数字相乘并求和, 得到一个特征图矩阵的元素.
注意, 卷积核每次滑动的步长为 1 1 1, 才能滑动到矩阵的边缘部分.
输出大小 B × ⌊ H + h + 1 S ⌋ × ⌊ W + w + 1 S ⌋ × b B \times \lfloor \frac {H + h +1} S \rfloor \times \lfloor \frac {W + w +1} S \rfloor \times b B×⌊SH+h+1⌋×⌊SW+w+1⌋×b
输出大小 B × ⌊ H S ⌋ × ⌊ W S ⌋ × b B \times \lfloor \frac HS \rfloor \times \lfloor \frac WS \rfloor\times b B×⌊SH⌋×⌊SW⌋×b
输出大小 B × ⌊ H − h + 1 S ⌋ × ⌊ W − w + 1 S ⌋ × b B \times \lfloor \frac {H - h +1} S \rfloor \times \lfloor \frac {W - w +1}{S} \rfloor \times b B×⌊SH−h+1⌋×⌊SW−w+1⌋×b
同样, 我们可以基于零层填充的圈数 P P P, 得到我们的另一个计算公式:
输出大小 B × ⌊ H − h + 2 P S + 1 ⌋ × ⌊ W − w + 2 P S + 1 ⌋ × b B \times \lfloor \frac{H-h+2P}{S} + 1 \rfloor \times \lfloor \frac{W-w+2P}{S} + 1 \rfloor \times b B×⌊SH−h+2P+1⌋×⌊SW−w+2P+1⌋×b
import numpy as np
import math
class Conv2D():
def __init__(self, inputShape, outputChannel, kernelSize, stride=1, method=""):
self.height = inputShape[1]
self.width = inputShape[2]
self.inputChannel = inputShape[-1]
self.outputChannel = outputChannel
self.batchSize = inputShape[0]
self.stride = stride
self.kernelSize = kernelSize
self.method = method
# initial the parameters of the kernel, do not initial them as zero
self.weights = np.random.standard_normal([self.inputChannel, kernelSize, kernelSize, self.outputChannel])
self.bias = np.random.standard_normal(self.outputChannel)
# the shape of the output
# This part has some problems
if method == "FULL":
self.output = np.zeros(inputShape[0],
math.floor((inputShape[1] - kernelSize + 2 * (kernelSize - 1)) / self.stride) + 1,
math.floor((inputShape[2] - kernelSize + 2 * (kernelSize - 1)) / self.stride) + 1,
if method == "SAME":
self.output = np.zeros(
(self.batchSize, math.floor(self.height / self.stride), math.floor(self.width / self.stride),
if method == "VALID":
self.output = np.zeros([self.batchSize, math.floor((self.height - kernelSize + 1) / self.stride),
math.floor((self.width - kernelSize + 1) / self.stride),
def forward(self, x):
weights = self.weights.reshape([-1, self.outputChannel]) # shape: [(h*w),#]
# Filling operation
# Note that: x is 4-dimensional.
if self.method == "FULL":
x = np.pad(x, (
(0, 0), (self.kernelSize - 1, self.kernelSize - 1), (self.kernelSize - 1, self.kernelSize - 1),
(0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=0)
if self.method == "SAME":
x = np.pad(x, (
(0, 0), (self.kernelSize // 2, self.kernelSize // 2), (self.kernelSize // 2, self.kernelSize // 2),
(0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=0)
convOut = np.zeros(self.output.shape)
for i in range(self.batchSize):
img_i = x[i]
# img_i = x[i][np.newaxis, :, :, :]
colImage_i = self.im2col(img_i, self.kernelSize, self.stride)
convOut[i] = np.reshape(np.dot(colImage_i, weights) + self.bias, self.output[0].shape)
return convOut
# im2col function
def im2col(self, image, kernelSize, stride):
imageCol = []
for i in range(0, image.shape[0] - kernelSize + 1, stride):
for j in range(0, image.shape[1] - kernelSize + 1, stride):
col = image[i:i + kernelSize, j:j + kernelSize, :].reshape([-1])
# col = image[:, i:i + kernelSize, j:j + kernelSize, :].reshape([-1]) # Do not use .view([-1])
imageCol = np.array(imageCol) # shape: [(h*w),(c*h*w)] kernel's height, width and channels
return imageCol
# Test part
inputData = np.random.random((4, 5, 5, 3))
print("inputShape: ", inputData.shape)
kernel = list([3, 3, 32])
print("kernel size: ", kernel)
conv2d = Conv2D(inputShape=inputData.shape, outputChannel=kernel[2], kernelSize=kernel[0], stride=1, method='VALID')
outputData = conv2d.forward(inputData)
print("outputShape: ", outputData.shape)
本文形状的命名方式为 ( batchsize , height , width , channels ) (\text {batchsize}, \text {height}, \text {width}, \text {channels}) (batchsize,height,width,channels), 与Tensorflow中命名一致.
与Pytorch中的命名为 ( batchsize , channels , height , width ) (\text {batchsize}, \text {channels}, \text {height}, \text {width}) (batchsize,channels,height,width)有所不同.
由于图片转换后得到的矩阵为4维矩阵, 我们在进行计算处理的过程中会对矩阵进行降维处理; 并且在进行矩阵乘法时, 也要注意两矩阵是否满足矩阵乘法的条件.