


  • DFS vs BFS
  • Dijkstra vs A*
  • Rviz下进行A*路径搜索
  • A-Star




Dijkstra vs A*




H1 H2 H3
Run Time(ms) 0.082 0.325 0.095
Visited Nodes Size 289 1062 381

其中H1:Manhattan,H2:Euclidean,H3:Diagnol Distance






Created with Raphaël 2.3.0 初始化起点Xs, g(xs)=0且进入Openlist(g(xs)- >id==1), priority queue(g)中其余点g(n)=inf, g(n)- >id==0. g为非空? 从priority queue移除代价最低的点n, n进入ClosedSet (g(n)- >id==-1), 代价f(n)=g(n)+h(n). 扩展节点n(寻找neighbour) n为非Xgoal点? unexpand的neighbour点m g(m)=inf 或g(m)- >id==0? {g(m)=g(n)+Cnm Neighbour->id==1} g(m)>g(n)+Cnm {g(m)=g(n)+Cnm Neighbour- >id==1} yes yes no yes no

对FastLAB提供的A-star 案例进行了简要注释,并对缺失的七个核心部分进行补全:

#include "Astar_searcher.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;

bool tie_break = false;

// 初始化-栅格地图
void AstarPathFinder::initGridMap(double _resolution, Vector3d global_xyz_l, Vector3d global_xyz_u, int max_x_id, int max_y_id, int max_z_id)
	// gl_()u -地图上边界;	gl_()l -地图下边界
    gl_xl = global_xyz_l(0);
    gl_yl = global_xyz_l(1);
    gl_zl = global_xyz_l(2);

    gl_xu = global_xyz_u(0);
    gl_yu = global_xyz_u(1);
    gl_zu = global_xyz_u(2);

    // 定义-地图的三维长度
    GLX_SIZE = max_x_id;
    GLY_SIZE = max_y_id;
    GLZ_SIZE = max_z_id;

    // resolutio-栅格地图精度
    resolution = _resolution;
    inv_resolution = 1.0 / _resolution;    

	// void *memset(void *s, int ch, size_t n);将s中当前位置后面的n个字节(typedef unsigned int size_t)用ch替换并返回 s 。
    data = new uint8_t[GLXYZ_SIZE];
    // data数组 -->0;    memset -->初始化函数
    memset(data, 0, GLXYZ_SIZE * sizeof(uint8_t));
    GridNodeMap = new GridNodePtr ** [GLX_SIZE];
    for(int i = 0; i < GLX_SIZE; i++){
        GridNodeMap[i] = new GridNodePtr * [GLY_SIZE];
        for(int j = 0; j < GLY_SIZE; j++){
            GridNodeMap[i][j] = new GridNodePtr [GLZ_SIZE];
            for( int k = 0; k < GLZ_SIZE;k++){

                // 初始化-所有栅格坐标
                Vector3i tmpIdx(i,j,k);
                // 初始化-所有实际坐标
                Vector3d pos = gridIndex2coord(tmpIdx);
                // GridNodeMap-三维指针:传入-栅格坐标&实际坐标;   初始化-所有节点属性-->0
                GridNodeMap[i][j][k] = new GridNode(tmpIdx, pos);

// 所有节点的属性设置为0,未被访问
void AstarPathFinder::resetGrid(GridNodePtr ptr)
    ptr->id = 0;
    ptr->cameFrom = NULL;
    ptr->gScore = inf;
    ptr->fScore = inf;

// 循环-遍历重置所有节点
void AstarPathFinder::resetUsedGrids()
    for(int i=0; i < GLX_SIZE ; i++)
        for(int j=0; j < GLY_SIZE ; j++)
            for(int k=0; k < GLZ_SIZE ; k++)

// 在栅格地图中设置障碍物,进行路径规划
void AstarPathFinder::setObs(const double coord_x, const double coord_y, const double coord_z)
    if( coord_x < gl_xl  || coord_y < gl_yl  || coord_z <  gl_zl || 
        coord_x >= gl_xu || coord_y >= gl_yu || coord_z >= gl_zu )

    int idx_x = static_cast( (coord_x - gl_xl) * inv_resolution);//double型-->int型
    int idx_y = static_cast( (coord_y - gl_yl) * inv_resolution);
    int idx_z = static_cast( (coord_z - gl_zl) * inv_resolution);      

    data[idx_x * GLYZ_SIZE + idx_y * GLZ_SIZE + idx_z] = 1;

// 获得-访问过的所有节点
vector AstarPathFinder::getVisitedNodes()
    vector visited_nodes;
    for(int i = 0; i < GLX_SIZE; i++)
        for(int j = 0; j < GLY_SIZE; j++)
            for(int k = 0; k < GLZ_SIZE; k++){   
                if(GridNodeMap[i][j][k]->id != 0) // visualize all nodes in open and close list,所有节点打开,并关闭列表
                //if(GridNodeMap[i][j][k]->id == -1)  // visualize nodes in close list only,仅显示关闭列表中的节点

    ROS_WARN("visited_nodes size : %d", visited_nodes.size());
    return visited_nodes;

// 栅格坐标-->实际坐标
Vector3d AstarPathFinder::gridIndex2coord(const Vector3i & index) 
    Vector3d pt;

    pt(0) = ((double)index(0) + 0.5) * resolution + gl_xl;
    pt(1) = ((double)index(1) + 0.5) * resolution + gl_yl;
    pt(2) = ((double)index(2) + 0.5) * resolution + gl_zl;

    return pt;

// 实际坐标-->栅格坐标
Vector3i AstarPathFinder::coord2gridIndex(const Vector3d & pt) 
    Vector3i idx;
    idx <<  min( max( int( (pt(0) - gl_xl) * inv_resolution), 0), GLX_SIZE - 1),
            min( max( int( (pt(1) - gl_yl) * inv_resolution), 0), GLY_SIZE - 1),
            min( max( int( (pt(2) - gl_zl) * inv_resolution), 0), GLZ_SIZE - 1);                  
    return idx;

Eigen::Vector3d AstarPathFinder::coordRounding(const Eigen::Vector3d & coord)
    return gridIndex2coord(coord2gridIndex(coord));

// inline--定义一个内联函数,解决函数因频繁调用而消耗栈内存问题。
// 判断-栅格坐标是否为障碍物点(函数内调用-->以实际坐标判断的函数)
inline bool AstarPathFinder::isOccupied(const Eigen::Vector3i & index) const
    return isOccupied(index(0), index(1), index(2));

// 判断-栅格坐标是否为空点(函数内调用-->以实际坐标判断的函数)
inline bool AstarPathFinder::isFree(const Eigen::Vector3i & index) const
    return isFree(index(0), index(1), index(2));

inline bool AstarPathFinder::isOccupied(const int & idx_x, const int & idx_y, const int & idx_z) const 
    return  (idx_x >= 0 && idx_x < GLX_SIZE && idx_y >= 0 && idx_y < GLY_SIZE && idx_z >= 0 && idx_z < GLZ_SIZE && 
            (data[idx_x * GLYZ_SIZE + idx_y * GLZ_SIZE + idx_z] == 1));

inline bool AstarPathFinder::isFree(const int & idx_x, const int & idx_y, const int & idx_z) const 
    return (idx_x >= 0 && idx_x < GLX_SIZE && idx_y >= 0 && idx_y < GLY_SIZE && idx_z >= 0 && idx_z < GLZ_SIZE && 
           (data[idx_x * GLYZ_SIZE + idx_y * GLZ_SIZE + idx_z] < 1));

// edgeCostSets:节点到目标的距离
// 获取该点周围的所有节点和周围点的edgeCostSets
inline void AstarPathFinder::AstarGetSucc(GridNodePtr currentPtr, vector & neighborPtrSets, vector & edgeCostSets)
   AstarPathFinder::AstarGetSucc yourself 
    if(currentPtr == nullptr)
        std::cout << "Error: Current pointer is null!" << endl;

    Eigen::Vector3i thisNode = currentPtr -> index;
    int this_x = thisNode[0];
    int this_y = thisNode[1];
    int this_z = thisNode[2];
    auto this_coord = currentPtr -> coord;
    int  n_x, n_y, n_z;
    double dist;    //距离:当前节点到周边节点
    GridNodePtr temp_ptr = nullptr; //指针:周边节点
    Eigen::Vector3d n_coord;

    // 遍历周边节点,获取edgeCostSets
    for(int i = -1;i <= 1;++i ){
        for(int j = -1;j <= 1;++j ){
            for(int k = -1;k <= 1;++k){
                if( i == 0 && j == 0 && k == 0)
                    continue; // 避免该节点

                n_x = this_x + i;
                n_y = this_y + j;
                n_z = this_z + k;

                if( (n_x < 0) || (n_x > (GLX_SIZE - 1)) || (n_y < 0) || (n_y > (GLY_SIZE - 1) ) || (n_z < 0) || (n_z > (GLZ_SIZE - 1)))
                    continue; // 避免索引问题

                if(isOccupied(n_x, n_y, n_z))
                    continue; // 避免障碍节点

                // 将指针放入 neighborPtrSets
                temp_ptr = GridNodeMap[n_x][n_y][n_z];

                if(temp_ptr->id == -1) 
                    continue; // 检查:为何节点可以跨越障碍节点

                n_coord = temp_ptr->coord;

                if(temp_ptr == currentPtr){
                    std::cout << "Error: temp_ptr == currentPtr)" << std::endl;

                if( (std::abs(n_coord[0] - this_coord[0]) < 1e-6) and (std::abs(n_coord[1] - this_coord[1]) < 1e-6) and (std::abs(n_coord[2] - this_coord[2]) < 1e-6 )){
                    std::cout << "Error: Not expanding correctly!" << std::endl;
                    std::cout << "n_coord:" << n_coord[0] << " "<coord;
    auto node2_coord = node2->coord;

    // Heuristics 1: Manhattan
    h = std::abs(node1_coord(0) - node2_coord(0) ) +
         std::abs(node1_coord(1) - node2_coord(1) ) +
         std::abs(node1_coord(2) - node2_coord(2) );

    // Heuristics 2: Euclidean
    //h = std::sqrt(std::pow((node1_coord(0) - node2_coord(0)), 2 ) +
    //     std::pow((node1_coord(1) - node2_coord(1)), 2 ) +
    //     std::pow((node1_coord(2) - node2_coord(2)), 2 ));

    // Heuristics 3: Diagnol distance
    //double dx = std::abs(node1_coord(0) - node2_coord(0) );
    //double dy = std::abs(node1_coord(1) - node2_coord(1) );
    //double dz = std::abs(node1_coord(2) - node2_coord(2) );
    //double min_xyz = std::min({dx, dy, dz});
    //h = dx + dy + dz + (std::sqrt(3.0) -3) * min_xyz; // idea: diagnol is a short-cut, find out how many short-cuts can be realized

        double p = 1.0 / 25.0;
        h *= (1.0 + p);
        //std::cout << "Tie Break!" << std::endl;

    return h;


// A-star_searcher
void AstarPathFinder::AstarGraphSearch(Vector3d start_pt, Vector3d end_pt)
    ros::Time time_1 = ros::Time::now();    

    //index of start_point and end_point
    Vector3i start_idx = coord2gridIndex(start_pt); // 实际坐标转换为栅格坐标存在近似
    Vector3i end_idx   = coord2gridIndex(end_pt);
    goalIdx = end_idx;

    //position of start_point and end_point
    start_pt = gridIndex2coord(start_idx);          // 近似的栅格坐标的中心点
    end_pt   = gridIndex2coord(end_idx);

    //Initialize the pointers of struct GridNode which represent start node and goal node
    GridNodePtr startPtr = new GridNode(start_idx, start_pt);
    GridNodePtr endPtr   = new GridNode(end_idx,   end_pt);

    //openSet is the open_list implemented through multimap in STL library
    // currentPtr represents the node with lowest f(n) in the open_list
    GridNodePtr currentPtr  = NULL;
    GridNodePtr neighborPtr = NULL;

    //put start node in open set
    startPtr -> gScore = 0;
    startPtr -> fScore = getHeu(startPtr,endPtr);   
    //STEP 1: finish the AstarPathFinder::getHeu , which is the heuristic function
    startPtr -> id = 1; 
    startPtr -> coord = start_pt;

    // make_pair:无需写出型别,就可以生成一个pair对象;比如std::make_pair(42, '@'),而不必费力写成:std::pair(42, '@')
    //todo Note: modified, insert the pointer GridNodeMap[i][j][k] to the start node in grid map
    openSet.insert( make_pair(startPtr -> fScore, startPtr) );
    step 2:新GridNodePtr中起始节点的信息

    //three dimension pointer GridNodeMap[i][j][k] is pointed to a struct GridNode(Eigen::Vector3i _index, Eigen::Vector3d _coord);
    //assign g(xs) = 0, g(n) = inf (already done in initialzation of struct)
    //mark start point as visited(expanded) (id 0: no operation, id: 1 in OPEN, id -1: in CLOSE )

    // id=1表示已扩展
    GridNodeMap[start_idx[0]][start_idx[1]][start_idx[2]] -> id = 1;

    vector neighborPtrSets;   // 周边节点
    vector edgeCostSets;
    Eigen::Vector3i current_idx; // record the current index

    // this is the main loop
    while ( !openSet.empty() ){
        step 3: 将具有最低成本函数的节点从开集移除到闭集
        This part you should use the C++ STL: multimap, more details can be find in Homework description

        // openset:待访问节点容器;closed set:访问过节点容器
        int x = openSet.begin()->second->index(0); 
        int y = openSet.begin()->second->index(1); 
        int z = openSet.begin()->second->index(2);
        currentPtr = GridNodeMap[x][y][z];

        // 如果节点被访问过;则返回
        if(currentPtr->id == -1)
        // 标记id为-1,表示节点已被扩展
        currentPtr->id = -1;

        // currentPtr = openSet.begin() -> second; // first T1, second T2
        // openSet.erase(openSet.begin()); // remove the node with minimal f value
        // current_idx = currentPtr->index;
        // GridNodeMap[current_idx[0]][current_idx[1]][current_idx[2]] -> id = -1;// update the id in grid node map

        // if the current node is the goal 
        if( currentPtr->index == goalIdx ){
            ros::Time time_2 = ros::Time::now();
            terminatePtr = currentPtr;
            ROS_WARN("[A*]{sucess}  Time in A*  is %f ms, path cost if %f m", (time_2 - time_1).toSec() * 1000.0, currentPtr->gScore * resolution ); // .toSec() -->转化为秒    
        //get the succetion
        AstarGetSucc(currentPtr, neighborPtrSets, edgeCostSets);  //STEP 4: finish AstarPathFinder::AstarGetSucc yourself     

        STEP 5:  Loop:对"n"节点周边"m"节点进行遍历
        //  遍历周边节点    
        for(int i = 0; i < (int)neighborPtrSets.size(); i++){
            IMPORTANT NOTE!!!
            neighborPtrSets[i]->id = -1 : expanded, equal to this node is in close set
            neighborPtrSets[i]->id = 1 : unexpanded, equal to this node is in open set
            neighborPtr = neighborPtrSets[i];

            if(neighborPtr -> id == 0){ //discover a new node, which is not in the closed set and open set
                STEP 6:  对于新节点,将邻节点放入开集并记录
                // shall update: gScore = inf; fScore = inf; cameFrom = NULL, id, mayby direction

                neighborPtr->gScore = currentPtr->gScore + edgeCostSets[i];
                neighborPtr->fScore = neighborPtr->gScore + getHeu(neighborPtr,endPtr);
                neighborPtr->cameFrom = currentPtr; // todo shallow copy or deep copy
                // push node "m" into OPEN
                openSet.insert(make_pair(neighborPtr -> fScore, neighborPtr));
                neighborPtr -> id = 1;

            else if(neighborPtr -> id == 1){ //this node is in open set and need to judge if it needs to update, the "0" should be deleted when you are coding
                STEP 7:  更新并维护开集中的节点,将邻节点放入开集并记录
                  if( neighborPtr->gScore > (currentPtr->gScore+edgeCostSets[i]))
                    neighborPtr -> gScore = currentPtr -> gScore + edgeCostSets[i];
                    neighborPtr -> fScore = neighborPtr -> gScore + getHeu(neighborPtr,endPtr);
                    neighborPtr -> cameFrom = currentPtr;
            else{//this node is in closed set
                please write your code below
    //if search fails
    ros::Time time_2 = ros::Time::now();
    if((time_2 - time_1).toSec() > 0.1)
        ROS_WARN("Time consume in Astar path finding is %f", (time_2 - time_1).toSec() );

// 获得A-star的完整路径
vector AstarPathFinder::getPath() 
    vector path;
    vector gridPath;
    STEP 8:  从当前节点回溯以获取路径上的所有节点
    auto ptr = terminatePtr;
    while(ptr -> cameFrom != NULL){
        ptr = ptr->cameFrom;

    for (auto ptr: gridPath)
    reverse(path.begin(),path.end()); // reverse:翻转

    return path;
