arbitrary size and complex topological structure
Predict a property of a node
Example: Categorize online users / items
task: Computationally predict a protein’s 3D structure based solely on its amino acid(氨基酸) sequence
Key idea: “Spatial graph” (represent the underlying protein as a graph)
Nodes: Amino acids in a protein sequence
Edges: Proximity between amino acids (residues) (在空间中接近的node之间构建边)
模型:给定Amino acids的位置及edges proximities between them 然后预测新的Amino acids的位置(还是 Amino acids的新位置),从而最终预测amino acids的位置和protein的最终形态
Predict whether there are missing links between two nodes
Example: Knowledge graph completion
Node: users, items(songs, merchandise…)
Edge: user-item interactions
Goal: recommend items user might like
Task: Given a pair of drugs predict adverse side effects
Nodes: Drugs & Proteins
Edges: Interactions between drugs and proteins, Interactions between proteins, Interactions between drugs (drugs之间的interaction代表adverse side effects)
node之间的edge有的是知道的,用模型来预测missing edges
Detect if nodes form a community(团体)
Example: Social circle detection
road network as a graph
Node: Road segments
Edge: connection between road segments
task: 给出从一个node到另一个node的路线
Categorize different graphs
Example: Molecule property prediction
Antibiotics(抗生素) are small molecular graphs
Nodes: Atoms
Edges: Chemical bonds(化学键)
Task: 预测一个分子是否有能被当做药物
User case 1: Generate novel molecules with high drug likeness
Use case 2: Optimize existing molecules to have desirable properties (把已有的分子碎片扩展成有特定作用的大分子)
Physical simulation as a graph
Nodes: Particles
Edges: Interaction between particles
Task: 预测这些particles将来的状态
the choice of what the nodes are and what the links are are very important.
Objects: nodes, vertices N
Interactions: links, edges E
System: network, graph G(N,E)
node之间的关系是 symmetrical(对称的), reciprocal(相互的)
Examples: Collaborations, Friendship on Facebook
every link has a direction, a source, a destination
Examples: Phone calls, Following on Twitter
Node degree: k i k_i ki the number of edges adjacent to node i, (包括入度和出度)例如 k i = 4 k_i=4 ki=4
Average degree: 1 N ∑ i = 1 N k i = 2 E N \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits^{N}_{i=1}k_i=\frac{2E}{N} N1i=1∑Nki=N2E
directed graph node has In degree and Out degree
§ Authors-to-Papers (they authored)
§ Actors-to-Movies (they appeared in)
如上图所示,Bipartite graph可以将一边fold起来,fold后graph中的边表示两个node是否可以通过另一边的node连通
假设上图中表示的是author和paper的关系,左边黄点表示author,右边方块便是paper,则根据没有fold的bipartite graph可知,1 2 3三位作者合作了paper A,则1 2 3在fold后的图里是连通的,2和5合作了paper B,则2和5在fold后的图里是连通的。另一边也可以用同样的逻辑fold起来。
Most real-world networks are sparse, 这导致了 Adjacent matrix 也sparse
缺点是不能做任何graph manipulation和analysis of the graph
Possible options:
连通图和非连通图的差别可以提现在adjacent matrix,如下图
Design features for nodes/links/graphs
node feature: 例如 protein attributes
Obtain features for all training data
Goal: Characterize the structure and position of a node in the network,通常有如下4种特征:
Node degree counts the neighboring nodes without capturing their importance.
Node centrality(中心)表示一个node是不是graph的中心,是中心的程度是多少
A node v v v is important if surrounded by important neighboring nodes u ∈ N ( v ) u\in N(v) u∈N(v).
node v v v的centrality的计算方式:
c v = 1 λ ∑ u ∈ N ( v ) c u c_v=\frac{1}{\lambda}\sum\limits_{u\in N(v)}c_u cv=λ1u∈N(v)∑cu
其中 λ \lambda λ是一个正的常数,称为eigenvalue(特征值)。上式可以写成matrix form:
λ c = A c \lambda c = Ac λc=Ac
其中A为adjacent matrix, c称为为eigenvector
Intuition: A node is important if it lies on many shortest paths between other nodes
c v = ∑ s ≠ v ≠ t # ( s h o r t e s t p a t h s b e t w e n s a n d t t h a t c o n t a i n v ) # ( s h o r t e s t p a t h s b e t w e e n s a n d t ) c_v=\sum\limits_{s \neq v \neq t} \frac{\#(shortest\quad paths\quad betwen\quad s\quad and\quad t\quad that\quad contain\quad v)}{\#(shortest\quad paths\quad between\quad s\quad and\quad t)} cv=s=v=t∑#(shortestpathsbetweensandt)#(shortestpathsbetwensandtthatcontainv)
"#"表示the number of
Intuition: A node is important if it has small shortest path lengths to all other nodes.
c v = 1 ∑ u ≠ v s h o r t e s t p a t h l e n g t h b e t w e e n u a n d v c_v= \frac{1}{\sum\limits_{u \neq v} shortest\quad path\quad length\quad between\quad u\quad and\quad v} cv=u=v∑shortestpathlengthbetweenuandv1
Intuition: Measures how connected neighboring nodes are。即一个node的 neighbor 之间的联系是否紧密
e v = # ( e d g e s a m o n g n e i g h b o r i n g n o d e s ) C k v 2 e_v= \frac{\#(edges\ among\ neighboring\ nodes)}{C_{k_v}^2} ev=Ckv2#(edges among neighboring nodes)
其中分子表示node v的neighbor node之间实际的edge数量; k v k_v kv表示node v的degree,分母表示从node v的neighbor node中挑选2个时一共有多少种情况,即node v的neighbor node一共有多少个可能的edge
Another view
we can generalize the above (counting #(trangles) ) by counting #(pre-specified subgraphs, i.e., graphlets).
Considering graphlets on 2 to 5 nodes we get: Vector of 73 coordinates is a signature of a node that describes the topology of node’s neighborhood, Captures its interconnectivities out to a distance of 4 hops(5个node的结构需要4条边)
作用:Graphlet degree vector provides a measure of a node’s local network topology
Comparing vectors of two nodes provides a more detailed measure of local topological similarity than node degrees or clustering coefficient.
capture the importance of a node is in a graph
Useful for predicting influential nodes in a graph,Example: predicting celebrity(名人) users in a social network
Capture topological properties of local neighborhood around a node
Useful for predicting a particular role a node plays in a graph: Example: Predicting protein functionality in a protein-protein interaction network.
Task: predict new links based on existing links.
方式:all node pairs (no existing links, 所有以前不存在的link) are ranked, and top k node pairs are predicted
Key: design features for a pair of nodes.
只用node feature的话将会缺少link信息
Remove a random set of links and then aim to predict them
更适合static network,例如protein-protein network
这种task假设有一个不断变化的network,例如social network、citation network
Given G [ t 0 , t 0 ′ ] G[t_0,t_0'] G[t0,t0′] (a graph on edges up to time t 0 ′ t_0' t0′, ), output a ranked list L of links (not in G [ t 0 , t 0 ′ ] G[t_0,t_0'] G[t0,t0′]) that are predicted to appear in G [ t 1 , t 1 ′ ] G[t_1,t_1'] G[t1,t1′]
Evaluation 方式:在实际环境中得到 new edges that appear during the test period [t_1,t_1’],和预测的edges做比较
只适用于dynamic network,例如protein-protein network
问题:这里没说清楚 t 0 , t 0 ′ t_0,t_0' t0,t0′的关系, G [ t 0 , t 0 ′ ] G[t_0,t_0'] G[t0,t0′]是一个时间序列及其对应的graph吗?还是只是一个时间点的graph?为什么预测的link不能在 G [ t 0 , t 0 ′ ] G[t_0,t_0'] G[t0,t0′]里?
Goal: give two nodes, describe the relationship between them, then predict or learn whether there exists a link between them
Captures number of neighboring nodes shared between two nodes v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2:
Adamic-Adar index中,如果一个node的degree( k u k_u ku)很大 => log k u \log{k_u} logku较大 => 1 log k u \frac{1}{\log{k_u}} logku1较小
例如social network中,如果两个人都是同一个明星的粉丝,不意味着两个人之间存在什么关系,但是如果两个人都是一个粉丝数量很少的人的粉丝,则这两个人有关系的可能性更大
缺点:Metric is always zero if the two nodes do not have any neighbors in common.However, the two nodes may still potentially be connected in the future.例如下图所示的情况
这里的local(局部)的意思是只考虑了 v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2的neighbor,而network里其他的node没有被考虑
相比Local neighborhood overlap feature,考虑了 the entire graph
一种Global neighborhood overlap feature:
Katz index: count the number of paths of all lengths between a given pair of nodes
Use powers of the graph adjacency matrix to compute the number of paths for a give length between two nodes
A ( k ) A^{(k)} A(k)中,k(幂的次数)代表了当前矩阵里的path的length
若 A u v ( k ) ≠ 0 A_{uv}^{(k)} \neq 0 Auv(k)=0,则u和v之间存在长度为k的path,path数量为 A u v ( k ) A_{uv}^{(k)} Auv(k)
现在继续看Katz index
Katz index between v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2 is calculated as sum over all path lengths
S v 1 v 2 = ∑ l = 1 ∞ β l A v 1 v 2 l S_{v_1 v_2}=\sum\limits_{l=1}^{\infty} \beta^l A^l_{v_1 v_2} Sv1v2=l=1∑∞βlAv1v2l
其中 0 < β < 1 0<\beta<1 0<β<1,为discount factor。式子的意思是 v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2之间越短的path的权重越大,越远的path的权重越小。 S v 1 v 2 S_{v_1 v_2} Sv1v2越大,表示两个节点联系越紧密。
Katz index matrix is computed in closed-form:
S = ∑ i = 1 ∞ β i A i = ( I − β A ) − 1 − I S=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{\infty} \beta^i A^i=(I-\beta A)^{-1}-I S=i=1∑∞βiAi=(I−βA)−1−I
计算是根据 geometric series of matrices (矩阵的几何级数) 计算得出的, ( I − β A ) − 1 = ∑ i = 0 ∞ β i A i (I-\beta A)^{-1}=\sum\limits_{i=0}^{\infty} \beta^i A^i (I−βA)−1=i=0∑∞βiAi,
widely-used for traditional ML for graph-level prediction
Idea: Design kernels instead of feature vectors
普通方法为先对graph提取特征形成特征向量,把特征向量作为模型输入;Kernel methods 也要先对graph提取特征形成特征向量,但是两个graph的特征向量求dot可以直接得到相似度,无需再对特征向量建模
Kernel K ( G , G ′ ) ∈ R K(G, G')\in R K(G,G′)∈R measures similarity between data
Kernal matrix K = ( K ( G , G ′ ) ) G , G ′ \textbf{K}=(K(G, G'))_{G, G'} K=(K(G,G′))G,G′, must always be positive semidefinite (i.e., has positive eigenvals)
There exists a feature representation ϕ ( ⋅ ) \phi(\cdot) ϕ(⋅) such that K ( G , G ′ ) = ϕ ( G ) T ϕ ( G ′ ) K(G, G')=\phi(G)^T\phi(G') K(G,G′)=ϕ(G)Tϕ(G′)
Once the kernel is defined, off-the-shelf ML model, such as kernel SVM, can be used to make predictions.
Goal: Design features that characterize the structure of an entire graph to compute similarity
这里是Graph kernal 方法的一个简单例子
特征1:Bag-of-Words (BoW) for a graph
其中 ϕ \phi ϕ表示graph的特征向量
特征2:Bag of node degrees
这里的特征1和特征2都是比较初级的Graph kernal方法,下面两个是更高级的方法
Key idea: Count the number of different graphlets in a graph.
Definition of graphlets here is slightly different from node-level features.
其中 S u m ( f G ) Sum(f_G) Sum(fG)表示对特征向量的所有值求和,例如上面例子中 f G = ( 1 , 3 , 6 , 0 ) T f_G=(1,3,6,0)^T fG=(1,3,6,0)T求sum等于10
Counting graphlets is expensive!
more computing efficient than Graphlet Kernel
Idea: use neighborhood structure to iteratively enrich node vocabulary
实现方法:Color refinement
例子:如下图所示,用1代表初始的color,第一步将node的neighbor都添加到node里,第二步将node和neighbor的组合信息用一个hash 函数映射到另一个color上。这两步就是一次aggregate操作,此时每个节点的颜色包含了node自己的信息以及直接neighbor的信息
如下图所示进行第二次aggregate操作,对此时的node来说,它已经包括了它的直接neighbor信息,aggregate结束后每个node就包括了距离node 2 步的间接neighbor信息
In total, time complexity is linear in #(edges).
(beyond the scope of this lecture)