GNN-CS224W: 1-2 Introduction; Traditional Methods for machine learning in Graphs


arbitrary size and complex topological structure

Applications of Graph ML

task level


Predict a property of a node
Example: Categorize online users / items

Alpha Fold

task: Computationally predict a protein’s 3D structure based solely on its amino acid(氨基酸) sequence

Key idea: “Spatial graph” (represent the underlying protein as a graph)
Nodes: Amino acids in a protein sequence
Edges: Proximity between amino acids (residues) (在空间中接近的node之间构建边)

模型:给定Amino acids的位置及edges proximities between them 然后预测新的Amino acids的位置(还是 Amino acids的新位置),从而最终预测amino acids的位置和protein的最终形态


Predict whether there are missing links between two nodes
Example: Knowledge graph completion

Recommender system

Node: users, items(songs, merchandise…)
Edge: user-item interactions
Goal: recommend items user might like

Drug side effects–Biomedical graph link prediction


Task: Given a pair of drugs predict adverse side effects
Nodes: Drugs & Proteins
Edges: Interactions between drugs and proteins, Interactions between proteins, Interactions between drugs (drugs之间的interaction代表adverse side effects)
node之间的edge有的是知道的,用模型来预测missing edges

Community (subgraph) level

Detect if nodes form a community(团体)
Example: Social circle detection

Traffic prediction

road network as a graph
Node: Road segments
Edge: connection between road segments
task: 给出从一个node到另一个node的路线


Categorize different graphs
Example: Molecule property prediction

Drug discover

Antibiotics(抗生素) are small molecular graphs
Nodes: Atoms
Edges: Chemical bonds(化学键)
Task: 预测一个分子是否有能被当做药物


Graph generation – Drug discovery

User case 1: Generate novel molecules with high drug likeness
Use case 2: Optimize existing molecules to have desirable properties (把已有的分子碎片扩展成有特定作用的大分子)

Graph evolution – Physical simulation

Physical simulation as a graph
Nodes: Particles
Edges: Interaction between particles
Task: 预测这些particles将来的状态

Choice of graph representation, how do we define a graph?

the choice of what the nodes are and what the links are are very important.


Objects: nodes, vertices N
Interactions: links, edges E
System: network, graph G(N,E)

Directed and Undirected Graph

Undirected Graph

node之间的关系是 symmetrical(对称的), reciprocal(相互的)

Examples: Collaborations, Friendship on Facebook

Directed Graph

every link has a direction, a source, a destination
Examples: Phone calls, Following on Twitter

Node degrees

Node degree: k i k_i ki the number of edges adjacent to node i, (包括入度和出度)例如 k i = 4 k_i=4 ki=4
Average degree: 1 N ∑ i = 1 N k i = 2 E N \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits^{N}_{i=1}k_i=\frac{2E}{N} N1i=1Nki=N2E

directed graph node has In degree and Out degree

Bipartite graph

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  1. all nodes can be divided into two disjoint(不相交) set U and V
  2. every link connects a node in U to one in V
  3. U and V are independent set

§ Authors-to-Papers (they authored)
§ Actors-to-Movies (they appeared in)

Folded/Projected Bipartite graph

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如上图所示,Bipartite graph可以将一边fold起来,fold后graph中的边表示两个node是否可以通过另一边的node连通
假设上图中表示的是author和paper的关系,左边黄点表示author,右边方块便是paper,则根据没有fold的bipartite graph可知,1 2 3三位作者合作了paper A,则1 2 3在fold后的图里是连通的,2和5合作了paper B,则2和5在fold后的图里是连通的。另一边也可以用同样的逻辑fold起来。

Representing graphs

Adjacent matrix

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Most real-world networks are sparse, 这导致了 Adjacent matrix 也sparse

Edge list

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缺点是不能做任何graph manipulation和analysis of the graph

Adjacency list

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  1. 支持 graph manipulation和analysis of the graph
  2. 相比adjacent matrix存储空间大大减少

Node, edge and graph attributes

Possible options:

  1. Weight (e.g., frequency of communication)
    weight可以直接体现在adjacent matrix上
  2. Ranking (best friend, second best friend…)
  3. Type (friend, relative, co-worker)
  4. Sign: Friend vs. Foe, Trust vs. Distrust
  5. Properties depending on the structure of the rest of the graph: Number of common friends

more types of graphs

  1. self-edges
    节点有从自己出发、指向自己的边,体现在adjacent matrix上就是对角线元素为1
  2. multigraph



连通图和非连通图的差别可以提现在adjacent matrix,如下图
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  1. Strongly connected directed graph (强连通图)
    has a path from each node to every other node and vice versa (e.g., A-B path and B-A path)
  2. Weakly connected directed graph (弱连通图)
    is connected if we disregard the edge directions
Strongly connected components (SCCs) (强连通分量)

Traditional Methods for machine learning in Graphs

Traditional ML pipeline

  1. Design features for nodes/links/graphs
    node feature: 例如 protein attributes


    1. network structure
    2. nodes/links/graphs properties
  2. Obtain features for all training data

Node-level tasks and features

Goal: Characterize the structure and position of a node in the network,通常有如下4种特征:

Node degree

Node degree counts the neighboring nodes without capturing their importance.

Node centrality

Node centrality(中心)表示一个node是不是graph的中心,是中心的程度是多少


Engienvector(特征向量) centrality

A node v v v is important if surrounded by important neighboring nodes u ∈ N ( v ) u\in N(v) uN(v).

node v v v的centrality的计算方式:

c v = 1 λ ∑ u ∈ N ( v ) c u c_v=\frac{1}{\lambda}\sum\limits_{u\in N(v)}c_u cv=λ1uN(v)cu

其中 λ \lambda λ是一个正的常数,称为eigenvalue(特征值)。上式可以写成matrix form:

λ c = A c \lambda c = Ac λc=Ac

其中A为adjacent matrix, c称为为eigenvector

  1. The largest eigenvalue λ m a x \lambda_{max} λmax is always positive and unique (by Perron-Frobenius Theorem). The leading eigenvector c m a x c_{max} cmax is used for centrality
  2. 每个节点的重要性都取决于周围的节点,是否最开始有一些节点被指定了重要性?要不然都依赖于周围,那一步一步往外推,最外层的节点依赖谁?
Betweenness centrality

Intuition: A node is important if it lies on many shortest paths between other nodes
c v = ∑ s ≠ v ≠ t # ( s h o r t e s t p a t h s b e t w e n s a n d t t h a t c o n t a i n v ) # ( s h o r t e s t p a t h s b e t w e e n s a n d t ) c_v=\sum\limits_{s \neq v \neq t} \frac{\#(shortest\quad paths\quad betwen\quad s\quad and\quad t\quad that\quad contain\quad v)}{\#(shortest\quad paths\quad between\quad s\quad and\quad t)} cv=s=v=t#(shortestpathsbetweensandt)#(shortestpathsbetwensandtthatcontainv)

"#"表示the number of

Closeness centrality

Intuition: A node is important if it has small shortest path lengths to all other nodes.

c v = 1 ∑ u ≠ v s h o r t e s t p a t h l e n g t h b e t w e e n u a n d v c_v= \frac{1}{\sum\limits_{u \neq v} shortest\quad path\quad length\quad between\quad u\quad and\quad v} cv=u=vshortestpathlengthbetweenuandv1

and many others…

Clustering coefficient

Intuition: Measures how connected neighboring nodes are。即一个node的 neighbor 之间的联系是否紧密

e v = # ( e d g e s   a m o n g   n e i g h b o r i n g   n o d e s ) C k v 2 e_v= \frac{\#(edges\ among\ neighboring\ nodes)}{C_{k_v}^2} ev=Ckv2#(edges among neighboring nodes)

其中分子表示node v的neighbor node之间实际的edge数量; k v k_v kv表示node v的degree,分母表示从node v的neighbor node中挑选2个时一共有多少种情况,即node v的neighbor node一共有多少个可能的edge

Another view

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we can generalize the above (counting #(trangles) ) by counting #(pre-specified subgraphs, i.e., graphlets).


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Graphlet Degree Vector (GDV)

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Considering graphlets on 2 to 5 nodes we get: Vector of 73 coordinates is a signature of a node that describes the topology of node’s neighborhood, Captures its interconnectivities out to a distance of 4 hops(5个node的结构需要4条边)


作用:Graphlet degree vector provides a measure of a node’s local network topology

Comparing vectors of two nodes provides a more detailed measure of local topological similarity than node degrees or clustering coefficient.

Node features 分类总结

Importance-based features

capture the importance of a node is in a graph

  1. Node degree
  2. Different node centrality measures

Useful for predicting influential nodes in a graph,Example: predicting celebrity(名人) users in a social network

Structure-based features

Capture topological properties of local neighborhood around a node

  1. Node degree
  2. Clustering coefficient
  3. Graphlet count vector

Useful for predicting a particular role a node plays in a graph: Example: Predicting protein functionality in a protein-protein interaction network.

Link-level prediction tasks and features

Task: predict new links based on existing links.

方式:all node pairs (no existing links, 所有以前不存在的link) are ranked, and top k node pairs are predicted

Key: design features for a pair of nodes.

只用node feature的话将会缺少link信息

Two formulations of the link prediction task

Links missing at random:

Remove a random set of links and then aim to predict them

更适合static network,例如protein-protein network

Links over time

这种task假设有一个不断变化的network,例如social network、citation network

Given G [ t 0 , t 0 ′ ] G[t_0,t_0'] G[t0,t0] (a graph on edges up to time t 0 ′ t_0' t0, ), output a ranked list L of links (not in G [ t 0 , t 0 ′ ] G[t_0,t_0'] G[t0,t0]) that are predicted to appear in G [ t 1 , t 1 ′ ] G[t_1,t_1'] G[t1,t1]

Evaluation 方式:在实际环境中得到 new edges that appear during the test period [t_1,t_1’],和预测的edges做比较

只适用于dynamic network,例如protein-protein network

问题:这里没说清楚 t 0 , t 0 ′ t_0,t_0' t0,t0的关系, G [ t 0 , t 0 ′ ] G[t_0,t_0'] G[t0,t0]是一个时间序列及其对应的graph吗?还是只是一个时间点的graph?为什么预测的link不能在 G [ t 0 , t 0 ′ ] G[t_0,t_0'] G[t0,t0]里?

Methodology 常见步骤
  1. For each pair of nodes (x,y) compute score c(x,y)
    For example, c(x,y) could be the number of common neighbors of x and y
  2. Sort pairs (x,y) by the decreasing score c(x,y)
  3. Predict top n pairs as new links
  4. See which of these links actually appear in G [ t 1 , t 1 ′ ] G[t_1,t_1'] G[t1,t1]

Link-level features

Goal: give two nodes, describe the relationship between them, then predict or learn whether there exists a link between them

Distance-based feature

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Local neighborhood overlap feature

Captures number of neighboring nodes shared between two nodes v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2:
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Adamic-Adar index中,如果一个node的degree( k u k_u ku)很大 => log ⁡ k u \log{k_u} logku较大 => 1 log ⁡ k u \frac{1}{\log{k_u}} logku1较小

例如social network中,如果两个人都是同一个明星的粉丝,不意味着两个人之间存在什么关系,但是如果两个人都是一个粉丝数量很少的人的粉丝,则这两个人有关系的可能性更大

缺点:Metric is always zero if the two nodes do not have any neighbors in common.However, the two nodes may still potentially be connected in the future.例如下图所示的情况
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这里的local(局部)的意思是只考虑了 v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2的neighbor,而network里其他的node没有被考虑

Global neighborhood overlap feature

相比Local neighborhood overlap feature,考虑了 the entire graph

一种Global neighborhood overlap feature:
Katz index: count the number of paths of all lengths between a given pair of nodes

Use powers of the graph adjacency matrix to compute the number of paths for a give length between two nodes

powers of the graph adjacency matrix

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A ( k ) A^{(k)} A(k)中,k(幂的次数)代表了当前矩阵里的path的length
A u v ( k ) ≠ 0 A_{uv}^{(k)} \neq 0 Auv(k)=0,则u和v之间存在长度为k的path,path数量为 A u v ( k ) A_{uv}^{(k)} Auv(k)

现在继续看Katz index

Katz index between v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2 is calculated as sum over all path lengths
S v 1 v 2 = ∑ l = 1 ∞ β l A v 1 v 2 l S_{v_1 v_2}=\sum\limits_{l=1}^{\infty} \beta^l A^l_{v_1 v_2} Sv1v2=l=1βlAv1v2l

其中 0 < β < 1 0<\beta<1 0<β<1,为discount factor。式子的意思是 v 1 v_1 v1 and v 2 v_2 v2之间越短的path的权重越大,越远的path的权重越小。 S v 1 v 2 S_{v_1 v_2} Sv1v2越大,表示两个节点联系越紧密。

Katz index matrix is computed in closed-form:
S = ∑ i = 1 ∞ β i A i = ( I − β A ) − 1 − I S=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{\infty} \beta^i A^i=(I-\beta A)^{-1}-I S=i=1βiAi=(IβA)1I

计算是根据 geometric series of matrices (矩阵的几何级数) 计算得出的, ( I − β A ) − 1 = ∑ i = 0 ∞ β i A i (I-\beta A)^{-1}=\sum\limits_{i=0}^{\infty} \beta^i A^i (IβA)1=i=0βiAi,

Graph-level features and graph kernals

Kernel methods

widely-used for traditional ML for graph-level prediction

Idea: Design kernels instead of feature vectors
普通方法为先对graph提取特征形成特征向量,把特征向量作为模型输入;Kernel methods 也要先对graph提取特征形成特征向量,但是两个graph的特征向量求dot可以直接得到相似度,无需再对特征向量建模

Kernel K ( G , G ′ ) ∈ R K(G, G')\in R K(G,G)R measures similarity between data

Kernal matrix K = ( K ( G , G ′ ) ) G , G ′ \textbf{K}=(K(G, G'))_{G, G'} K=(K(G,G))G,G, must always be positive semidefinite (i.e., has positive eigenvals)

There exists a feature representation ϕ ( ⋅ ) \phi(\cdot) ϕ() such that K ( G , G ′ ) = ϕ ( G ) T ϕ ( G ′ ) K(G, G')=\phi(G)^T\phi(G') K(G,G)=ϕ(G)Tϕ(G)

Once the kernel is defined, off-the-shelf ML model, such as kernel SVM, can be used to make predictions.


  1. 什么是positive semidefinite matrix(半正定矩阵)?
  2. 为什么要存在 ϕ ( ⋅ ) \phi(\cdot) ϕ()?有什么意义?

Graph-level features: Graph kernals

Goal: Design features that characterize the structure of an entire graph to compute similarity

Graph kernal: Key Idea

这里是Graph kernal 方法的一个简单例子

  1. 特征1:Bag-of-Words (BoW) for a graph


    其中 ϕ \phi ϕ表示graph的特征向量

  2. 特征2:Bag of node degrees

    使用node degrees生成特征向量,包含的信息比特征1更多,如下图所示:
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这里的特征1和特征2都是比较初级的Graph kernal方法,下面两个是更高级的方法

Graphlet Kernel

Key idea: Count the number of different graphlets in a graph.

Definition of graphlets here is slightly different from node-level features.

  1. Nodes in graphlets here do not need to be connected (allows for isolated nodes)
  2. The graphlets here are not rooted.

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其中 S u m ( f G ) Sum(f_G) Sum(fG)表示对特征向量的所有值求和,例如上面例子中 f G = ( 1 , 3 , 6 , 0 ) T f_G=(1,3,6,0)^T fG=(1,3,6,0)T求sum等于10


Counting graphlets is expensive!

Weisfeiler-Lehman Kernel

more computing efficient than Graphlet Kernel

Idea: use neighborhood structure to iteratively enrich node vocabulary

实现方法:Color refinement

Color refinement

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例子:如下图所示,用1代表初始的color,第一步将node的neighbor都添加到node里,第二步将node和neighbor的组合信息用一个hash 函数映射到另一个color上。这两步就是一次aggregate操作,此时每个节点的颜色包含了node自己的信息以及直接neighbor的信息
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如下图所示进行第二次aggregate操作,对此时的node来说,它已经包括了它的直接neighbor信息,aggregate结束后每个node就包括了距离node 2 步的间接neighbor信息
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time complexity
  1. at each step the time complexity is linear in #(edges) (the number of edges)
  2. #(colors) is at most the total number of nodes
  3. Counting colors takes linear-time w.r.t. #(nodes).
    这一步是最后形成feature vector时对每一种颜色计数,只需要#(nodes)次计算

In total, time complexity is linear in #(edges).

Other kernels

(beyond the scope of this lecture)

  1. Random-walk kernel
  2. Shortest-path graph kernel
    And many more…
