作者认为,在multi-head attention中存在redundant parameters的问题。比如在下面这张图中,对于retrieve location的操作在multi-head attention中进行了两次,这造成了参数的冗余。
为了解决这个问题,They propose Compositional Attention, where the search and retrieval operations can be flexibly composed: the key-query search mechanism is no longer bound to a fifixed value retrieval matrix, instead it is dynamically selected from a shared pool of value matrices accessible by several compositional attention heads. This results in increased flexibility and improved performance.
Key-Value Attention: Given a set of queries and key-value pairs, key-value attention computes a scaled cosine similarity metric between each query and the set of keys. This similarity score determines the contribution of each value in the output for the corresponding query.
你看,在multi-head attention中,不也是先计算query与key之间的映射,然后再通过value进行检索的吗?为什么这样的方法就会造成信息的冗余呢?
我们可以先把multi-head attention分为两个阶段:search、 retrieval。
作者任务在mutil-head attention中存在两种类型的冗余:
Search Redundancy
which leads to learning of redundant query-key matrices
Retrieval Redundancy
which leads to learning of redundant value matrices
要想实现c这种检测,value的向量是需要能够投影出来location的信息,q和k的向量需要映射为color的信息。这在原来的方法中是不能进行替换的,而是通过多头的方式来进行检查c这个任务,但这并不能 factorize knowledge more efficiently
这篇文章中提出了一个全新的attention mechanism,释放了原来那种静态的search-retrieval并支持一种更灵活地、动态的mapping。具体上,为了做到这些,Compositional attention放弃了head这个概念。
解决了前面提到的fixed search-retrieval pairing的问题
We highlight that Compositional Attention disentangles search and retrieval and solves the redundancies of multi-head attention
a. 可以设置S和R,分别表示Search-Retrieval的数量
b. 可以动态地共享retrieval的结果给所有的search
c. 从假设上来讲,Compositional Attention的pair容量是相当于S*R个multi-head attention(fixed pair)
后面就是一套实验,用来证明这篇文章的方法确实别Multi-head Attention要好。