2.1 直方图的介绍
左图是一个图像的像素组合,我们拿到的是一个12*20 大小的图像像素;右图就是他的直方图展示,横轴表示在0~255之间的区间块,我们将其分为16个bin,统计图像中每个像素的个数,右图反映的时图像中每个像素出现的频率,横轴是像素区间,纵坐标是像素出现的频率。
2.2 用实验数据展示什么是直方图?
我们可以把直方图看做一个图,它给我们一个关于图像的强度分布的总体思路。它是一个带有像素值的图(从0到255, 不总是)在X轴上,在y轴上的图像对应的像素个数。
这只是理解图像的另一种方式,通过观察图像的直方图,我们可以直观的了解图像的对比度,亮度,亮度分布等。(下图来至于Cambridge in Color website的图片,建议去访问这个网站,了解更多细节。)
2.3 直方图均衡化的原理
有时图像的视觉上的缺陷并不在强度值集中在很窄的范围内。而是某些强度值的使用频率很大。在完美均衡的直方图中,每个柱的值都应该相等。即50%的像素值应该小于128,25%的像素值应该小于64.总结出的经验可定义为:在标准的直方图中 p% 的像素拥有的强度值一定小于或等于 255*p%,将该规律用于均衡直方图中:强度 i 的灰度值应该在对应的像素强度低于 i 的百分比的强度中。因此,所需要的查询表可由下面的式子建立:
1 |
lut[i] = int (255.0 *p[i]) #p[i]是是强度值小于或等于i的像素的数目。 |
p[i] 即直方图累计值,这是包含小于给点强度值的像素的直方图,以代替包含指定强度值像素的数目。比如第一幅图像的累计直方图如下图中的蓝线:
更专业一点,这种累计直方图应该称为累计分布(cumulative distribition)。在Numpy中有一个专门的函数来计算。这个在后面说。
3.1 使用OpenCV统计绘制直方图
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def calcHist(images, channels, mask, histSize, ranges, hist=None, accumulate=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__ "" " calcHist(images, channels, mask, histSize, ranges[, hist[, accumulate]]) -> hist . @overload "" " pass |
- images:它是uint8类型或float32的源图像。当传入函数时,它要用方括号括起来,也就是”[img]”。
- channels:它也用方括号括起来。它是我们计算直方图的信道的索引。例如,如果输入是灰度图像,它的值是0。对于颜色图像,您可以通过0、1或2来分别计算蓝色、绿色或红色通道的直方图,即BGR通道。
- mask:遮罩图。为了找到完整图像的直方图,它被指定为“None”。但如果你想找到图像的特定区域的直方图,你必须为它创建一个遮罩图,并将其作为遮罩。
- histSize:这代表了我们的BINS数。需要用方括号来表示。在整个范围内,我们通过了256。
- ranges:强度值范围,通常是 [ 0,256 ]
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#_*_coding:utf-8_*_ import cv2 # opencv读取的格式是BGR import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Matplotlib读取的格式是RGB img = cv2.imread( 'cat.jpg' , 0) #0 表示灰度图 hist = cv2.calcHist([img], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) print(hist.shape) # (256, 1) |
3.2 使用Numpy计算直方图
1 |
Histogram(a,bins=10,range=None,normed=False,weights=None) |
- a:是保存待统计的数组
- bins:指定统计的区间个数,即对统计范围的等分数
- range:是一个长度为2的元组,表示统计范围的最大值和最小值,默认值为None,表示范围由数据的范围决定,即(a.min(), a.max))。
- normed:当normed参数为False时,函数返回数组a中的数据在每个区间的个数,否则对个数进行正规化处理,使它等于每个区间的概率密度。
- weights:weights参数和 bincount()的类似
- hist : hist和之前计算的一样,每个区间的统计结果。
- bins : 数组,存储每个统计区间的起点。range为[0,256]时,bins有257个元素,因为Numpy计算bins是以0-0.99,1-1.99等,所以最后一个是255-255.99。为了表示这一点,他们还在bins的末端添加了256。但我们不需要256。到255就足够了。
1 |
hist, bins = np.histogram(img.ravel(), 255, [0,256]) |
3.3 使用matplotlib绘制直方图
1 |
matplotlib.pyplot.hist() |
参数:数据源必须是一维数组,通常要通过函数 ravel() 拉直图像,像素一般是256,表示[0, 256]。
函数ravel() 将多维数组降为一维,格式为:一维数组 = 多维数组.ravel()
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import numpy as np import cv2 as cv from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = cv.imread( 'cat.jpg' , 0) plt.hist(img.ravel(), 256, [0,256]) plt.show() |
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import numpy as np import cv2 as cv from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = cv.imread( 'cat.jpg' ) color = ( 'b' , 'g' , 'r' ) for i, col in enumerate(color): histr = cv.calcHist([img], [i], None, [256], [0,256]) plt.plot(histr, color=col) plt.xlim([0,256]) plt.show() |
4 彩色图像不同通道的直方图
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import cv2 import numpy as np def calcAndDrawHist(image, color): hist = cv2.calcHist([image], [0], None, [256], [0.0, 255.0]) minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc = cv2.minMaxLoc(hist) histImg = np.zeros([256, 256, 3], np.uint8) hpt = int (0.9*256) for h in range(256): intensity = int (hist[h] * hpt / maxVal) cv2.line(histImg, (h, 256), (h, 256-intensity), color) return histImg def show_histphoto(photo_path): image = cv2.imread(photo_path) b, g, r = cv2.split(image) histImgB = calcAndDrawHist(b, [255, 0, 0]) histImgG = calcAndDrawHist(b, [0, 255, 0]) histImgR = calcAndDrawHist(b, [0, 0, 255]) cv2.imshow( 'histImgB' , histImgB) cv2.imshow( 'histImgG' , histImgG) cv2.imshow( 'histImgR' , histImgR) cv2.imshow( 'Img' , image) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() if __name__ == '__main__' : photo_path = 'cat.jpg' show_histphoto(photo_path) |
4.1 更进一步
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def Line_chart(photo_path): image = cv2.imread(photo_path) # 创建用于绘制直方图的全0 图像 h = np.zeros((256, 256, 3)) # 直方图中各bin的顶点位置 bins = np.arange(256).reshape(256, 1) # BGR 三种颜色 color = [(255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)] for ch, col in enumerate(color): originHist = cv2.calcHist([image], [ch], None, [256], [0, 256]) cv2.normalize(originHist, originHist, 0, 255*0.9, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) hist = np.int32(np.around(originHist)) pts = np.column_stack((bins, hist)) cv2.polylines(h, [pts], False, col) h = np.flipud(h) cv2.imshow( 'colorhist' , h) cv2.waitKey(0) if __name__ == '__main__' : photo_path = 'cat.jpg' # show_histphoto(photo_path) Line_chart(photo_path) |
这里所不同的是没有手动的计算直方图的最大值再乘以一个系数,而是直接调用了OpenCV的归一化函数。该函数将直方图的范围限定在0-255×0.9之间,与之前的一样。下面的hist= np.int32(np.around(originHist))先将生成的原始直方图中的每个元素四舍六入五凑偶取整(cv2.calcHist函数得到的是float32类型的数组),接着将整数部分转成np.int32类型。即61.123先转成61.0,再转成61。注意,这里必须使用np.int32(...)进行转换,numpy的转换函数可以对数组中的每个元素都进行转换,而Python的int(...)只能转换一个元素,如果使用int(...),将导致only length-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars错误。
下面的pts = np.column_stack((bins,hist))是将直方图中每个bin的值转成相应的坐标。比如hist[0] =3,...,hist[126] = 178,...,hist[255] = 5;而bins的值为[[0],[1],[2]...,[255]]。使用np.column_stack将其组合成[0, 3]、[126, 178]、[255, 5]这样的坐标作为元素组成的数组。
当所有完成后,别忘了用h = np.flipud(h)反转绘制好的直方图,因为绘制时,[0,0]在图像的左上角。这在直方图可视化一节中有说明。
5.1 使用OpenCV绘制直方图均衡化
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#_*_coding:utf-8_*_ import cv2 # opencv读取的格式是BGR import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Matplotlib读取的格式是RGB img = cv2.imread( 'cat.jpg' , 0) # 创建 mask mask = np.zeros(img.shape[:2], np.uint8) print(mask.shape) # (414, 500) mask[100:300, 100:400] = 255 masked_img = cv2.bitwise_and(img, img, mask=mask) # 与操作 hist_full = cv2.calcHist([img], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) hist_mask = cv2.calcHist([img], [0], mask, [256], [0, 256]) plt.subplot(221), plt.imshow(img, 'gray' ), plt.title( 'gray image' ) plt.subplot(222), plt.imshow(mask, 'gray' ), plt.title( 'mask image' ) plt.subplot(223), plt.imshow(masked_img, 'gray' ), plt.title( 'image bitwise and mask' ) plt.subplot(224), plt.plot(hist_full), plt.plot(hist_mask), plt.title( 'hist image' ) plt.xlim([0, 256]) plt.show() |
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img = cv.imread( 'cat,jpg' , 0) equ = cv.equalizeHist(img) res = np.hstack((img, equ)) # 并排叠加图片 cv.imwrite( 'res.png' , res) |
1 2 3 |
plt.hist(img.ravel(), 256) plt.hist(equ.ravel(), 256) plt.show() |
5.2 使用OpenCV绘制自适应直方图均衡化
局部直方图均衡化,即把图像分成许多小块(比如按 8*8 作为一个小块),那么对每个小块进行均衡化。这种方法主要对图像直方图不是那么单一的(比如存在多峰情况)的图像比较实用。
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def createCLAHE(clipLimit=None, tileGridSize=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__ "" " createCLAHE([, clipLimit[, tileGridSize]]) -> retval . @brief Creates a smart pointer to a cv::CLAHE class and initializes it. . . @param clipLimit Threshold for contrast limiting. . @param tileGridSize Size of grid for histogram equalization. Input image will be divided into . equally sized rectangular tiles. tileGridSize defines the number of tiles in row and column. "" " pass |
- clipLimit:颜色对比度的阈值
- titleGridSize:进行像素均衡化的网格大小,即在多少网格下进行直方图的均衡化操作
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#_*_coding:utf-8_*_ import cv2 # opencv读取的格式是BGR import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Matplotlib读取的格式是RGB img = cv2.imread( 'cat.jpg' , 0) equ = cv2.equalizeHist(img) clahe = cv2.createCLAHE(clipLimit=2.0, tileGridSize=(8, 8)) res_clahe = clahe.apply(img) res = np.hstack((img, equ, res_clahe)) cv2.imshow( 'res' , res) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() |
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import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt im = cv.imread( "test.png" , 0) cv.imshow( "before" , im) # Histogram Equalization im2 = cv.equalizeHist(im) print(im2) cv.imshow( "after" , im2) plt.show() cv.waitKey(0) |
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import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt im = cv.imread( "test.jpg" ) cv.imshow( "before" , im) # split g,b,r g = im[:,:,0] b = im[:,:,1] r = im[:,:,2] # Histogram Equalization r2 = cv.equalizeHist(r) g2 = cv.equalizeHist(g) b2 = cv.equalizeHist(b) im2 = im.copy() im2[:,:,0] = g2 im2[:,:,1] = b2 im2[:,:,2] = r2 print(im2) cv.imshow( "after" , im2) plt.show() cv.waitKey(0) |
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import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt im = cv.imread( "test.png" , 0) cv.imshow( "before" , im) mask = cv.imread( "test_mask2.png" , 0) cv.imshow( "mask" , mask) # calculate histogram with mask hist_mask = cv.calcHist([im], [0], mask, [256], [0,256]) # calculate cdf with mask cdf = hist_mask.cumsum() # Histogram Equalization cdf = (cdf-cdf[0])*255/(cdf[-1]-1) cdf = cdf.astype(np.uint8)# Transform from float64 back to unit8 # generate img after Histogram Equalization im2 = np.zeros((384, 495, 1), dtype =np.uint8) im2 = cdf[im] # im2 = cv.equalizeHist(im) print(im2) cv.imshow( "after" , im2) plt.show() cv.waitKey(0) |
计算累积和的 cumsun()函数
1 |
numpy.cumsum(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out =None) |
1 2 3 4 |
>>>import numpy as np >>> b=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7] >>> np.cumsum(a) array([ 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 75, 105]) |
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import numpy as np import cv2 as cv from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = cv.imread( 'wiki.jpg' , 0) hist, bins = np.histogram(img.flatten(), 256, [0,256]) cdf = hist.cumsum() cdf_normalized = cdf* float (hist.max())/cdf.max() plt.plot(cdf_normalized, color = 'b' ) plt.hist(img.flatten(),256,[0,256], color = 'r' ) plt.xlim([0,256]) plt.legend(( 'cdf' , 'histogram' ), loc = 'upper left' ) plt.show() |
1 2 |
cdf = (cdf-cdf[0]) *255/ (cdf[-1]-1) cdf = cdf.astype(np.uint8) |
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import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = cv.imread( "test.png" , 0) cv.imshow( "before" , img) # calculate hist hist, bins = np.histogram(img, 256) # calculate cdf cdf = hist.cumsum() # plot hist plt.plot(hist, 'r' ) # remap cdf to [0,255] cdf = (cdf-cdf[0])*255/(cdf[-1]-1) cdf = cdf.astype(np.uint8)# Transform from float64 back to unit8 # generate img after Histogram Equalization img2 = np.zeros((384, 495, 1), dtype =np.uint8) img2 = cdf[img] hist2, bins2 = np.histogram(img2, 256) cdf2 = hist2.cumsum() plt.plot(hist2, 'g' ) cv.imshow( "after" , img2) plt.show() cv.waitKey(0) |
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import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = cv.imread( "test.png" ) cv.imshow( "before" , img) # split g,b,r g = img[:,:,0] b = img[:,:,1] r = img[:,:,2] # calculate hist hist_r, bins_r = np.histogram(r, 256) hist_g, bins_g = np.histogram(g, 256) hist_b, bins_b = np.histogram(b, 256) # calculate cdf cdf_r = hist_r.cumsum() cdf_g = hist_g.cumsum() cdf_b = hist_b.cumsum() # remap cdf to [0,255] cdf_r = (cdf_r-cdf_r[0])*255/(cdf_r[-1]-1) cdf_r = cdf_r.astype(np.uint8)# Transform from float64 back to unit8 cdf_g = (cdf_g-cdf_g[0])*255/(cdf_g[-1]-1) cdf_g = cdf_g.astype(np.uint8)# Transform from float64 back to unit8 cdf_b = (cdf_b-cdf_b[0])*255/(cdf_b[-1]-1) cdf_b = cdf_b.astype(np.uint8)# Transform from float64 back to unit8 # get pixel by cdf table r2 = cdf_r[r] g2 = cdf_g[g] b2 = cdf_b[b] # merge g,b,r channel img2 = img.copy() img2[:,:,0] = g2 img2[:,:,1] = b2 img2[:,:,2] = r2 # show img after histogram equalization cv.imshow( "img2" , img2) cv.waitKey(0) |
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import cv2 as cv import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt img = cv.imread( "test.png" , 0) cv.imshow( "src" , img) # load mask img mask = cv.imread( "test_mask2.png" , 0) cv.imshow( "mask" , mask) # apply mask to src masked_img = np.ma.masked_array(img, mask = mask) masked_img = np.ma.filled(masked_img,0).astype( 'uint8' ) # print(masked_img) masked_img = np.ma.masked_equal(masked_img,0) # print(masked_img) cv.imshow( "masked_img" , masked_img) # calculate hist hist, bins = np.histogram(masked_img.compressed(), 256) # img have to be compressed() to let mask work # calculate cdf cdf = hist.cumsum() print(cdf) # plot hist plt.plot(hist, 'r' ) # remap cdf to [0,255] cdf = (cdf-cdf[0])*255/(cdf[-1]-1) cdf = cdf.astype(np.uint8)# Transform from float64 back to unit8 # generate img after Histogram Equalization img2 = np.zeros((384, 495, 1), dtype =np.uint8) img2 = cdf[img] hist2, bins2 = np.histogram(img2, 256) cdf2 = hist2.cumsum() plt.plot(hist2, 'g' ) cv.imshow( "dst" , img2) plt.show() cv.waitKey(0) |
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import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def show_histphoto(photo_path): image = cv2.imread(photo_path, 0) print(image.shape) hist = cv2.calcHist([image], [0], None, [256], [0.0, 256.0]) # print(hist.shape) plt.plot(hist) def Line_chart(photo_path): image = cv2.imread(photo_path) # 创建用于绘制直方图的全0 图像 h = np.zeros((256, 256, 3)) # 直方图中各bin的顶点位置 bins = np.arange(256).reshape(256, 1) # BGR 三种颜色 color = [(255, 0, 0), (0, 255, 0), (0, 0, 255)] for ch, col in enumerate(color): originHist = cv2.calcHist([image], [ch], None, [256], [0, 256]) cv2.normalize(originHist, originHist, 0, 255*0.9, cv2.NORM_MINMAX) hist = np.int32(np.around(originHist)) pts = np.column_stack((bins, hist)) cv2.polylines(h, [pts], False, col) h = np.flipud(h) cv2.imshow( 'colorhist' , h) cv2.waitKey(0) if __name__ == '__main__' : photo_path = 'test.jpg' # show_histphoto(photo_path) Line_chart(photo_path) |
观察上图中原始图像的直方图,很容易发现大部分强度值范围都没有用到。因此先检测图像非0的最低(imin)强度值和最高(imax)强度值。将最低强度值imin设置为0,最高值 imax 设为255。中间的按照255.0*(i - imin)/(imax - imin)+ 0.5)的形式设置。
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minBinNo, maxBinNo = 0, 255 # 计算从左起第一个不为0的直方图位置 for binNo, binValue in enumerate(hist): if binValue != 0: minBinNo = binNo break # 计算从右起第一个不为0的直方图位置 for binNo, binValue in enumerate(reversed(hist)): if binValue != 0: maxBinNo = 255 - binNo break # 生成查找表 for i, v in enumerate(lut): if i < minBinNo: lut[i] = 0 elif i > maxBinNo: lut[i] = 255 else : lut[i] = int (255.0*(i-minBinNo)/(maxBinNo-minBinNo)+0.5) |
查询表创建完成后,就直接调用相应的OpenCV函数,这里调用的时 cv2.LUT函数:
1 2 |
#计算 result = cv2.LUT(image, lut) |
cv2.LUT 函数只有两个参数,分别为输入图像和查找表,其返回处理的结果。
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import cv2 import numpy as np image = cv2.imread( 'wiki.jpg' , 0) # 创建空的查找表 lut = np.zeros(256, dtype=image.dtype) # OpenCV提供了cv.calcHist()函数来获取直方图 hist = cv2.calcHist([image], # 计算图像的直方图 [0], # 使用的通道 None, # 没有使用mask [256], # it is a 2D histogram [0.0, 255.0]) # print(hist.shape) # (256, 1) minBinNo, maxBinNo = 0, 255 # 计算从左起第一个不为0的直方图位置 for binNo, binValue in enumerate(hist): if binValue != 0: minBinNo = binNo break # 计算从右起第一个不为0的直方图位置 for binNo, binValue in enumerate(reversed(hist)): if binValue != 0: maxBinNo = 255 - binNo break # 生成查找表 for i, v in enumerate(lut): if i < minBinNo: lut[i] = 0 elif i > maxBinNo: lut[i] = 255 else : lut[i] = int (255.0 * (i - minBinNo) / (maxBinNo - minBinNo) + 0.5) # 计算 result = cv2.LUT(image, lut) print(result.shape) # (534, 800) cv2.imshow( 'result' , result) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() |
7.1 使用OpenCV函数实现
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def opencv_equalizeHist(image_path): img = cv2.imread(image_path, 0) equ = cv2.equalizeHist(img) cv2.imshow( 'equ' , equ) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() |
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def numpy_equalizeHist(image_path): img = cv2.imread(image_path, 0) # 创建空的查询表 lut = np.zeros(256, dtype=img.dtype) hist, bins = np.histogram(img.flatten(), 256, [0, 256]) # 计算累计直方图 cdf = hist.cumsum() # 除以直方图中的0值 cdf_m = np.ma.masked_equal(cdf, 0) #等同于前面介绍的lut[i] = int(255.0 *p[i])公式 cdf_m = (cdf_m - cdf_m.min())*255/(cdf_m.max()-cdf_m.min()) #将掩模处理掉的元素补为0 cdf = np.ma.filled(cdf_m, 0).astype( 'uint8' ) # 计算 result2 = cdf[img] # result = cv2.LUT(img, cdf) # cv2.imshow("OpenCVLUT", result) cv2.imshow( "NumPyLUT" , result2) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() |
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import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def LookUpTable(photo_path): image = cv2.imread(photo_path, 0) # 创建空的查找表 lut = np.zeros(256, dtype=image.dtype) # OpenCV提供了cv.calcHist()函数来获取直方图 hist = cv2.calcHist([image], # 计算图像的直方图 [0], # 使用的通道 None, # 没有使用mask [256], # it is a 2D histogram [0.0, 255.0]) # print(hist.shape) # (256, 1) minBinNo, maxBinNo = 0, 255 # 计算从左起第一个不为0的直方图位置 for binNo, binValue in enumerate(hist): if binValue != 0: minBinNo = binNo break # 计算从右起第一个不为0的直方图位置 for binNo, binValue in enumerate(reversed(hist)): if binValue != 0: maxBinNo = 255 - binNo break # 生成查找表 for i, v in enumerate(lut): if i < minBinNo: lut[i] = 0 elif i > maxBinNo: lut[i] = 255 else : lut[i] = int (255.0 * (i - minBinNo) / (maxBinNo - minBinNo) + 0.5) # 计算 lut = cv2.LUT(image, lut) cv2.imwrite( 'lut.jpg' , lut) # cv2.imshow('lut', lut) # cv2.waitKey(0) # cv2.destroyAllWindows() return lut def opencv_equalizeHist(image_path): img = cv2.imread(image_path, 0) equ = cv2.equalizeHist(img) cv2.imwrite( 'equ.jpg' , equ) # cv2.imshow('equ', equ) # cv2.waitKey(0) # cv2.destroyAllWindows() return equ def numpy_equalizeHist(image_path): img = cv2.imread(image_path, 0) hist, bins = np.histogram(img.flatten(), 256, [0, 256]) # 计算累计直方图 cdf = hist.cumsum() # 除以直方图中的0值 cdf_m = np.ma.masked_equal(cdf, 0) # 等同于前面介绍的lut[i] = int(255.0 *p[i])公式 cdf_m = (cdf_m - cdf_m.min()) * 255 / (cdf_m.max() - cdf_m.min()) # 将掩模处理掉的元素补为0 cdf = np.ma.filled(cdf_m, 0).astype( 'uint8' ) # 计算 numpy_lut = cdf[img] cv2.imwrite( 'numpy_lut.jpg' , numpy_lut) # cv2.imshow("NumPyLUT", numpy_lut) # cv2.waitKey(0) # cv2.destroyAllWindows() return numpy_lut def show_allphoto(): lut = cv2.imread( 'lut.jpg' , 0) np_equ = cv2.imread( 'numpy_lut.jpg' , 0) opencv_equ = cv2.imread( 'equ.jpg' , 0) print(lut.shape, np_equ.shape, opencv_equ.shape) lut = cv2.calcHist([lut], [0], None, [256], [0.0, 256.0]) np_equ = cv2.calcHist([np_equ], [0], None, [256], [0.0, 256.0]) opencv_equ = cv2.calcHist([opencv_equ], [0], None, [256], [0.0, 256.0]) plt.subplot(311), plt.plot(lut) plt.subplot(312), plt.plot(np_equ) plt.subplot(313), plt.plot(opencv_equ) plt.show() if __name__ == '__main__' : photo_path = 'wiki.jpg' # lut = LookUpTable(photo_path) # np_equ = numpy_equalizeHist(photo_path) # opencv_equ = opencv_equalizeHist(photo_path) show_allphoto() |
lut计算出来的和opencv和numpy计算的结果还是不太一样。但是 opencv和numpy计算的结果相似。具体原因不知道,再学习。