看的云里雾里 只知道splay是一个提根操作
于是 引用杨思雨论文里的一句话
这段程序是我自己设计实现的 但是总觉得和双旋的代码有某种相似(巨汗)
1 procedure zig( var x:longint);
2 var y:longint;
3 begin
4 y: = l[x]; l[x]: = r[y]; r[y]: = x;
5 f[y]: = f[x]; f[x]: = y;
6 if l[x] <> 0 then f[l[x]]: = x;
7 x: = y;
8 end ;
9 procedure zag( var x:longint);
10 var y:longint;
11 begin
12 y: = r[x]; r[x]: = l[y]; l[y]: = x;
13 f[y]: = f[x]; f[x]: = y;
14 if r[x] <> 0 then f[r[x]]: = x;
15 x: = y;
16 end ;
17 procedure splay( var x,S:longint);
18 begin
19 while f[x] <> f[S] do
20 if l[f[x]] = x
21 then begin
22 if f[x] = S
23 then zig(S)
24 else if l[f[f[x]]] = f[x]
25 then zig(l[f[f[x]]])
26 else zig(r[f[f[x]]]);
27 end
28 else begin
29 if f[x] = S
30 then zag(S)
31 else if l[f[f[x]]] = f[x]
32 then zag(l[f[f[x]]])
33 else zag(r[f[f[x]]]);
34 end ;
35 end ;
splay需要两个子过程 左旋和右旋
splay还是一个两个参数的函数 其中x是所提的节点 S是所在子树的根节点 也就是x最后所在的位置
x是值参 S是变参 (这里给x也是变参 不过没什么区别的)
为了自底向上splay 我们还需记录父亲节点即f 数组
旋转和SBT类似 就多了2句更新父亲的话
19行一个while循环 将x旋转直到x为子树的根
20行判断x是其父亲的左儿子还是右儿子 根据左右情况 决定左旋还是右旋
左右是对称的 我们具体讨论是父亲的左儿子的情况
21行判断是父亲否为根 如果为根直接旋转根
否则继续讨论父亲是否是祖父的左儿子 是则旋转祖父的左儿子 否则旋转祖父的右儿子
这里兜了一个圈子 祖父的儿子不就是父亲么?
其实不然 在程序中f[x]和l[f[f[x]]]或r[f[f[x]]]虽然是同一个值但不是同一个变量
我们看到旋转函数的参数是一个变参 于是考虑这个参数是哪一个变得很重要 否则就会出错
我们回想SBT的旋转 在SBT中 我们旋转的参数是l[x]或r[x]
于是splay的旋转也应当传递节点父亲的儿子指针 并在最后使用x:=y来修改
经过测试 这样和双旋的时间差不了多少
对于1000000次操作的随机数据SBT是5s+ splay差不多都是7s+
可见splay常数确实大 作为自平衡的排序二叉树使用确实不如SBT
1 const max = 300000 ;
2 var f,l,r,s,n: array [ 0 ..max] of longint;
3 stack: array [ 1 ..max] of longint;
4 top,tt,root,i,m,order,k:longint;
5 procedure zig( var x:longint);
6 var y:longint;
7 begin
8 y: = l[x]; l[x]: = r[y]; r[y]: = x;
9 f[y]: = f[x]; f[x]: = y;
10 if l[x] <> 0 then f[l[x]]: = x;
11 s[y]: = s[x]; s[x]: = s[l[x]] + s[r[x]] + 1 ;
12 x: = y;
13 end ;
14 procedure zag( var x:longint);
15 var y:longint;
16 begin
17 y: = r[x]; r[x]: = l[y]; l[y]: = x;
18 f[y]: = f[x]; f[x]: = y;
19 if r[x] <> 0 then f[r[x]]: = x;
20 s[y]: = s[x]; s[x]: = s[l[x]] + s[r[x]] + 1 ;
21 x: = y;
22 end ;
23 procedure splay(x:longint; var S:longint);
24 begin
25 while f[x] <> f[S] do
26 if l[f[x]] = x
27 then begin
28 if f[x] = S
29 then zig(S)
30 else if l[f[f[x]]] = f[x]
31 then zig(l[f[f[x]]])
32 else zig(r[f[f[x]]]);
33 end
34 else begin
35 if f[x] = S
36 then zag(S)
37 else if l[f[f[x]]] = f[x]
38 then zag(l[f[f[x]]])
39 else zag(r[f[f[x]]]);
40 end ;
41 end ;
42 procedure newnode( var x:longint);
43 begin
44 if top > 0
45 then begin x: = stack[top]; dec(top); end
46 else begin inc(tt); x: = tt; end ;
47 f[x]: = 0 ; l[x]: = 0 ; r[x]: = 0 ;
48 end ;
49 procedure clrnode( var x:longint);
50 begin
51 inc(top); stack[top]: = x;
52 end ;
53 procedure insert( var x:longint; v:longint);
54 var i,j:longint;
55 begin
56 if x = 0
57 then begin
58 newnode(x);
59 n[x]: = v; s[x]: = 1 ;
60 exit; end ;
61 j: = x;
62 while j <> 0 do
63 begin
64 i: = j;
65 inc(s[i]);
66 if v <= n[i] then j: = l[i] else j: = r[i];
67 end ;
68 newnode(j);
69 if v <= n[i] then l[i]: = j else r[i]: = j;
70 n[j]: = v; s[j]: = 1 ; f[j]: = i;
71 splay(j,x);
72 end ;
73 procedure join( var x,y:longint);
74 var i,j:longint;
75 begin
76 if (x = 0 ) or (y = 0 )
77 then begin
78 x: = x + y;
79 exit; end ;
80 i: = x; j: = y;
81 while r[i] <> 0 do i: = r[i];
82 while l[j] <> 0 do j: = l[j];
83 splay(i,x); splay(j,y);
84 r[i]: = j; f[j]: = i;
85 s[i]: = s[i] + s[j];
86 x: = i;
87 end ;
88 procedure delete( var x:longint; v:longint);
89 var i,j:longint;
90 begin
91 i: = x;
92 while (i <> 0 ) and (n[i] <> v) do
93 if v < n[i] then i: = l[i] else i: = r[i];
94 if i = 0 then exit;
95 splay(i,x);
96 join(l[i],r[i]);
97 j: = x; x: = l[i]; f[x]: = f[j];
98 clrnode(j);
99 end ;
100 function find(x,v:longint):boolean;
101 begin
102 if x = 0 then exit(false);
103 if v = n[x] then exit(true);
104 if v < n[x]
105 then find: = find(l[x],v)
106 else find: = find(r[x],v);
107 end ;
108 function rank(x,v:longint):longint;
109 begin
110 if x = 0 then exit( 1 );
111 if v <= n[x]
112 then rank: = rank(l[x],v)
113 else rank: = rank(r[x],v) + 1 + s[l[x]];
114 end ;
115 function select(x,k:longint):longint;
116 begin
117 if s[l[x]] + 1 = k then exit(n[x]);
118 if k <= s[l[x]]
119 then select: = select(l[x],k)
120 else select: = select(r[x],k - s[l[x]] - 1 );
121 end ;
122 function pred(x,v:longint):longint;
123 begin
124 if x = 0 then exit(v);
125 if v <= n[x]
126 then pred: = pred(l[x],v)
127 else begin
128 pred: = pred(r[x],v);
129 if pred = v then pred: = n[x];
130 end ;
131 end ;
132 function succ(x,v:longint):longint;
133 begin
134 if x = 0 then exit(v);
135 if v >= n[x]
136 then succ: = succ(r[x],v)
137 else begin
138 succ: = succ(l[x],v);
139 if succ = v then succ: = n[x];
140 end ;
141 end ;
142 begin
143 assign(input, ' bst.in ' ); reset(input);
144 assign(output, ' bst.out ' ); rewrite(output);
145 readln(m);
146 root: = 0 ; tt: = 0 ; s[ 0 ]: = 0 ; top: = 0 ;
147 for i: = 1 to m do
148 begin
149 readln(order,k);
150 case order of
151 1 :insert(root,k);
152 2 :delete(root,k);
153 3 :writeln(find(root,k));
154 4 :writeln(rank(root,k));
155 5 : if k <= s[root] then writeln(select(root,k))
156 else writeln( - 1 );
157 6 :writeln(pred(root,k));
158 7 :writeln(succ(root,k));
159 end ;
160 end ;
161 close(input); close(output);
162 end .
//2010-11-9 更新 优化过的代码
// Splay Tree To Deal with Repeated Node
// 21 ~ 11 2010 - 11 - 9
const maxn = 500000 ;
var stack,l,r,n,s,t,f: array [ 0 ..maxn] of longint;
// Splay(x,S);
procedure zig( var x:longint);
var y:longint;
y: = l[x]; l[x]: = r[y]; r[y]: = x;
f[y]: = f[x]; f[x]: = y;
if l[x] <> 0 then f[l[x]]: = x;
s[y]: = s[x]; s[x]: = s[l[x]] + s[r[x]] + t[x];
x: = y;
end ;
procedure zag( var x:longint);
var y:longint;
y: = r[x]; r[x]: = l[y]; l[y]: = x;
f[y]: = f[x]; f[x]: = y;
if r[x] <> 0 then f[r[x]]: = x;
s[y]: = s[x]; s[x]: = s[l[x]] + s[r[x]] + t[x];
x: = y;
end ;
procedure splay(x:longint; var S:longint);
while f[x] <> f[S] do
if l[f[x]] = x
then if f[x] = S then zig(S)
else if l[f[f[x]]] = f[x]
then zig(l[f[f[x]]])
else zig(r[f[f[x]]])
else if f[x] = S then zag(S)
else if l[f[f[x]]] = f[x]
then zag(l[f[f[x]]])
else zag(r[f[f[x]]]);
end ;
// New and Dispose a Node
procedure newnode( var x:longint);
if top = 0
then begin
x: = tt;
else begin
x: = stack[top];
end ;
end ;
procedure disnode(x:longint);
stack[top]: = x;
end ;
// FindIt FindMax FindMin
function find(v:longint):boolean;
var i:longint;
i: = root;
while i <> 0 do
if n[i] = v
then begin
end ;
if v < n[i] then i: = l[i]
else i: = r[i];
end ;
find: = false;
end ;
function max( var x:longint):longint;
var i:longint;
i: = x;
while r[i] <> 0 do
i: = r[i];
max: = n[i];
end ;
function min( var x:longint):longint;
var i:longint;
i: = x;
while l[i] <> 0 do
i: = l[i];
min: = n[i];
end ;
// Insert Delete Union
procedure insert(v:longint);
var i,j,x:longint;
if find(v)
then begin
else begin
f[x]: = 0 ; l[x]: = 0 ; r[x]: = 0 ;
n[x]: = v; s[x]: = 1 ; t[x]: = 1 ;
if root = 0
then root: = x
else begin
i: = root; j: = root;
while i <> 0 do
inc(s[i]); j: = i;
if v < n[i] then i: = l[i]
else i: = r[i];
end ;
if v < n[j] then l[j]: = x
else r[j]: = x;
f[x]: = j;
end ;
end ;
end ;
function union( var x,y:longint):longint;
if x = 0
then begin
f[y]: = 0 ;
end ;
f[x]: = 0 ; r[x]: = y; f[y]: = x;
s[x]: = s[l[x]] + s[r[x]] + t[x];
union: = x;
end ;
procedure delete(v:longint);
var temp:longint;
if find(v)
then if t[root] > 1
then begin
else begin
temp: = union(l[root],r[root]);
root: = temp;
end ;
end ;
// Rank Select
function rank(v:longint):longint;
var i,j:longint;
i: = root; j: = 0 ;
while i <> 0 do
if v <= n[i]
then i: = l[i]
else begin
j: = j + s[l[i]] + t[i];
i: = r[i];
end ;
rank: = j + 1 ;
end ;
function select(k:longint):longint;
var i:longint;
if k > s[root]
then exit( - 1 );
i: = root;
while true do
if (s[l[i]] < k) and (k <= s[l[i]] + t[i])
then exit(n[i]);
if k <= s[l[i]]
then i: = l[i]
else begin
k: = k - s[l[i]] - t[i];
i: = r[i];
end ;
end ;
end ;
// Pred Succ
function pred(v:longint):longint;
var flag:boolean;
flag: = not find(v);
if flag then insert(v);
if l[root] = 0
then pred: = v
else pred: = max(l[root]);
if flag then delete(v);
end ;
function succ(v:longint):longint;
var flag:boolean;
flag: = not find(v);
if flag then insert(v);
if r[root] = 0
then succ: = v
else succ: = min(r[root]);
if flag then delete(v);
end ;
// Main
assign(input, ' bst.in ' ); reset(input);
assign(output, ' bst1.out ' ); rewrite(output);
s[ 0 ]: = 0 ; t[ 0 ]: = 0 ;
tt: = 0 ; root: = 0 ; top: = 0 ;
for i: = 1 to q do
case c of
1 :insert(x);
2 :delete(x);
3 :writeln(find(x));
4 :writeln(rank(x));
5 :writeln(select(x));
6 :writeln(pred(x));
7 :writeln(succ(x));
end ;
end ;
close(input); close(output);
end .
将删除的节点压进一个栈 新建节点时优先从栈中取节点 栈空再新建
不过如果2000000的插入就惨了 这里的优化是针对随机数据的
真正数据出到数组开不下 只能用栈优化一下 否则用就指针(调试得吐血)
我从一篇论文里才知道 Noi2005的Sequence是需要用栈优化的
否则会MLE的很惨 (据说不优化会用到100MB的内存)
新建节点取用时 先把节点弹出 如果所取节点有儿子就把再儿子压栈
这样免去了遍历子树 也可以算是lazy思想的小小应用
对于树这种递归结构 通常用栈可以解决很多问题
下面是splay tree的重头戏
区间查询(最值 求和...)
区间修改(统一加一个数 统一乘一个数...)
前2种操作 线段树可以很好的处理
(当然这里的x和y是节点的rank值 而不是节点内存的n值
我们可以看到这时 根节点的右子节点的左子树就是[x,y]内所有的数了
于是区间操作就变得可行了 只要对这棵左子树下手就行了
正如题目 相当simple 很裸
然后查询到时将标记下传 得到所查区间的值
1 const maxn = 200000 ;
2 var l,r,ls,rs: array [ 1 ..maxn shl 1 ] of longint;
3 v,s: array [ 1 ..maxn shl 1 ] of int64;
4 m: array [ 1 ..maxn] of longint;
5 n,tt,i,q,a,b,c:longint;
6 ch,blank:char;
7 procedure build(a,b:longint);
8 var x,mid:longint;
9 begin
10 inc(tt); x: = tt;
11 l[x]: = a; r[x]: = b;
12 v[x]: = 0 ;
13 if b - a = 1
14 then begin
15 s[x]: = m[b];
16 exit; end
17 else begin
18 mid: = (a + b)shr 1 ;
19 ls[x]: = tt + 1 ; build(a,mid);
20 rs[x]: = tt + 1 ; build(mid,b);
21 s[x]: = s[ls[x]] + s[rs[x]];
22 end ;
23 end ;
24 procedure clean(x:longint);
25 begin
26 if v[x] <> 0
27 then begin
28 s[x]: = s[x] + (r[x] - l[x]) * v[x];
29 if ls[x] <> 0 then v[ls[x]]: = v[ls[x]] + v[x];
30 if rs[x] <> 0 then v[rs[x]]: = v[rs[x]] + v[x];
31 v[x]: = 0 ;
32 end ;
33 end ;
34 procedure insert(x,a,b,c:longint);
35 var mid:longint;
36 begin
37 clean(x);
38 if (a <= l[x]) and (r[x] <= b)
39 then begin
40 v[x]: = v[x] + c;
41 exit;
42 end ;
43 mid: = (l[x] + r[x])shr 1 ;
44 if a < mid then insert(ls[x],a,b,c);
45 if mid < b then insert(rs[x],a,b,c);
46 clean(ls[x]); clean(rs[x]);
47 s[x]: = s[ls[x]] + s[rs[x]];
48 end ;
49 function query(x,a,b:longint):int64;
50 var mid:longint;
51 ans:int64;
52 begin
53 clean(x);
54 if (a <= l[x]) and (r[x] <= b)
55 then begin
56 query: = s[x];
57 exit;
58 end ;
59 ans: = 0 ;
60 mid: = (l[x] + r[x])shr 1 ;
61 if a < mid then ans: = ans + query(ls[x],a,b);
62 if mid < b then ans: = ans + query(rs[x],a,b);
63 clean(ls[x]); clean(rs[x]);
64 s[x]: = s[ls[x]] + s[rs[x]];
65 query: = ans;
66 end ;
67 begin
68 assign(input, ' simple.in ' ); reset(input);
69 assign(output, ' simple.out ' ); rewrite(output);
70 readln(n,q);
71 for i: = 1 to n do
72 read(m[i]);
73 tt: = 0 ;
74 build( 0 ,n);
75 readln;
76 for i: = 1 to q do
77 begin
78 read(ch); read(blank);
79 case ch of
80 ' Q ' : begin
81 readln(a,b);
82 writeln(query( 1 ,a - 1 ,b));
83 end ;
84 ' C ' : begin
85 readln(a,b,c);
86 insert( 1 ,a - 1 ,b,c);
87 end ;
88 end ;
89 end ;
90 close(input); close(output);
91 end .
顺便给一个加强版 支持区间乘一个数
1 const maxn = 100000 ;
2 var l,r,ls,rs: array [ 1 ..maxn shl 1 - 1 ] of longint;
3 u,v,s: array [ 1 ..maxn shl 1 - 1 ] of int64;
4 m: array [ 1 ..maxn] of longint;
5 n,q,tt,i,a,b,c:longint;
6 ch,blank:char;
7 procedure build(a,b:longint);
8 var mid,x:longint;
9 begin
10 inc(tt); x: = tt;
11 l[x]: = a; r[x]: = b;
12 u[x]: = 0 ; v[x]: = 1 ;
13 if b - a = 1
14 then s[x]: = m[b]
15 else begin
16 mid: = (a + b)shr 1 ;
17 ls[x]: = tt + 1 ; build(a,mid);
18 rs[x]: = tt + 1 ; build(mid,b);
19 s[x]: = s[ls[x]] + s[rs[x]];
20 end ;
21 end ;
22 procedure clean(x:longint);
23 begin
24 if (u[x] <> 0 ) or (v[x] <> 1 )
25 then begin
26 s[x]: = s[x] * v[x] + u[x] * (r[x] - l[x]);
27 if ls[x] <> 0
28 then begin
29 v[ls[x]]: = v[ls[x]] * v[x];
30 u[ls[x]]: = u[ls[x]] * v[x] + u[x];
31 end ;
32 if rs[x] <> 0
33 then begin
34 v[rs[x]]: = v[rs[x]] * v[x];
35 u[rs[x]]: = u[rs[x]] * v[x] + u[x];
36 end ;
37 v[x]: = 1 ; u[x]: = 0 ;
38 end ;
39 end ;
40 procedure mult(x,a,b,c:longint);
41 var mid:longint;
42 begin
43 clean(x);
44 if (a <= l[x]) and (r[x] <= b)
45 then begin
46 u[x]: = u[x] * c;
47 v[x]: = v[x] * c;
48 exit; end ;
49 mid: = (l[x] + r[x])shr 1 ;
50 if a < mid then mult(ls[x],a,b,c);
51 if mid < b then mult(rs[x],a,b,c);
52 clean(ls[x]); clean(rs[x]);
53 s[x]: = s[ls[x]] + s[rs[x]];
54 end ;
55 procedure plus(x,a,b,c:longint);
56 var mid:longint;
57 begin
58 clean(x);
59 if (a <= l[x]) and (r[x] <= b)
60 then begin
61 u[x]: = u[x] + c;
62 exit; end ;
63 mid: = (l[x] + r[x])shr 1 ;
64 if a < mid then plus(ls[x],a,b,c);
65 if mid < b then plus(rs[x],a,b,c);
66 clean(ls[x]); clean(rs[x]);
67 s[x]: = s[ls[x]] + s[rs[x]];
68 end ;
69 function query(x,a,b:longint):int64;
70 var mid:longint;
71 ans:int64;
72 begin
73 clean(x);
74 if (a <= l[x]) and (r[x] <= b)
75 then begin
76 query: = s[x];
77 exit; end ;
78 ans: = 0 ;
79 mid: = (l[x] + r[x])shr 1 ;
80 if a < mid then ans: = ans + query(ls[x],a,b);
81 if mid < b then ans: = ans + query(rs[x],a,b);
82 query: = ans;
83 clean(ls[x]); clean(rs[x]);
84 s[x]: = s[ls[x]] + s[rs[x]];
85 end ;
86 begin
87 assign(input, ' ssimple.in ' ); reset(input);
88 assign(output, ' ssimple.out ' ); rewrite(output);
89 readln(n,q);
90 for i: = 1 to n do
91 read(m[i]);
92 readln;
93 tt: = 0 ;
94 build( 0 ,n);
95 for i: = 1 to q do
96 begin
97 read(ch); read(blank);
98 case ch of
99 ' Q ' : begin
100 readln(a,b);
101 writeln(query( 1 ,a - 1 ,b));
102 end ;
103 ' M ' : begin
104 readln(a,b,c);
105 mult( 1 ,a - 1 ,b,c);
106 end ;
107 ' P ' : begin
108 readln(a,b,c);
109 plus( 1 ,a - 1 ,b,c);
110 end ;
111 end ;
112 end ;
113 close(input); close(output);
114 end .
我们给每个节点记录一下sum值和n值 sum值就是子树的和
还要给一个标记域 以便运用lazy思想 标记域存个delta表示子树的值都得加delta
这样splay操作就不仅是提根 也顺便维护了路径上的所有节点
对于区间[x,y]修改 查询rank为x-1和y+1的节点 也就是select操作
然后我们把x-1旋转到根 再把y+1转到根的右子节点
然后更新一下根节点的值 继续向上更新父亲和祖父节点
对于区间查询 也是如此
1 const max = 200000 ;
2 maxn = 120000 ;
3 var l,r,f: array [ 0 ..max] of longint;
4 s,d,sum,n: array [ 0 ..max] of int64;
5 dat: array [ 1 ..maxn] of longint;
6 stack: array [ 1 ..max] of longint;
7 m,q,tt,root,i,a,b,c,top:longint;
8 ch,blank:char;
9 procedure down(x:longint);
10 begin
11 if x = 0 then exit;
12 if l[x] <> 0 then d[l[x]]: = d[l[x]] + d[x];
13 if r[x] <> 0 then d[r[x]]: = d[r[x]] + d[x];
14 sum[x]: = sum[x] + d[x] * s[x];
15 n[x]: = n[x] + d[x];
16 d[x]: = 0 ;
17 end ;
18 procedure zig( var x:longint);
19 var y:longint;
20 begin
21 down(x); down(l[x]);
22 y: = l[x]; l[x]: = r[y]; r[y]: = x;
23 f[y]: = f[x]; f[x]: = y;
24 if l[x] <> 0 then f[l[x]]: = x;
25 s[y]: = s[x]; s[x]: = s[l[x]] + s[r[x]] + 1 ;
26 down(r[x]); down(l[x]);
27 sum[y]: = sum[x]; sum[x]: = sum[l[x]] + sum[r[x]] + n[x];
28 x: = y;
29 end ;
30 procedure zag( var x:longint);
31 var y:longint;
32 begin
33 down(x); down(r[x]);
34 y: = r[x]; r[x]: = l[y]; l[y]: = x;
35 f[y]: = f[x]; f[x]: = y;
36 if r[x] <> 0 then f[r[x]]: = x;
37 s[y]: = s[x]; s[x]: = s[l[x]] + s[r[x]] + 1 ;
38 down(r[x]); down(l[x]);
39 sum[y]: = sum[x]; sum[x]: = sum[l[x]] + sum[r[x]] + n[x];
40 x: = y;
41 end ;
42 procedure splay(x:longint; var S:longint);
43 begin
44 while f[x] <> f[S] do
45 if l[f[x]] = x
46 then begin
47 if f[x] = S
48 then zig(S)
49 else if l[f[f[x]]] = f[x]
50 then zig(l[f[f[x]]])
51 else zig(r[f[f[x]]]);
52 end
53 else begin
54 if f[x] = S
55 then zag(S)
56 else if l[f[f[x]]] = f[x]
57 then zag(l[f[f[x]]])
58 else zag(r[f[f[x]]]);
59 end ;
60 end ;
61 procedure newnode( var x:longint);
62 begin
63 if top > 0
64 then begin x: = stack[top]; dec(top); end
65 else begin inc(tt); x: = tt; end ;
66 l[x]: = 0 ; r[x]: = 0 ; f[x]: = 0 ;
67 end ;
68 procedure recnode( var x:longint);
69 begin
70 inc(top); stack[top]: = x;
71 end ;
72 procedure build( var x:longint; a,b:longint);
73 var mid:longint;
74 begin
75 if a > b then exit;
76 newnode(x);
77 mid: = (a + b)shr 1 ; n[x]: = dat[mid];
78 build(l[x],a,mid - 1 ); build(r[x],mid + 1 ,b);
79 if l[x] <> 0 then f[l[x]]: = x;
80 if r[x] <> 0 then f[r[x]]: = x;
81 sum[x]: = sum[l[x]] + sum[r[x]] + n[x];
82 s[x]: = s[l[x]] + s[r[x]] + 1 ;
83 end ;
84 function select(x,k:longint):longint;
85 begin
86 if s[l[x]] + 1 = k then exit(x);
87 if k <= s[l[x]] then select: = select(l[x],k)
88 else select: = select(r[x],k - s[l[x]] - 1 );
89 end ;
90 procedure plus(a,b,c:longint);
91 var x,y:longint;
92 begin
93 x: = select(root,a - 1 );
94 y: = select(root,b + 1 );
95 splay(x,root);
96 splay(y,r[root]);
97 y: = l[r[root]];
98 d[y]: = d[y] + c;
99 splay(y,root);
100 end ;
101 function getsum(a,b:longint):int64;
102 var x,y:longint;
103 begin
104 x: = select(root,a - 1 );
105 y: = select(root,b + 1 );
106 splay(x,root);
107 splay(y,r[root]);
108 y: = l[r[root]];
109 down(y);
110 getsum: = sum[y];
111 splay(y,root);
112 end ;
113 begin
114 assign(input, ' simple.in ' ); reset(input);
115 assign(output, ' simple0.out ' ); rewrite(output);
116 readln(m,q);
117 dat[ 1 ]: = 0 ; dat[m + 2 ]: = 0 ;
118 for i: = 2 to m + 1 do
119 read(dat[i]);
120 readln;
121 s[ 0 ]: = 0 ; tt: = 0 ; root: = 0 ;
122 build(root, 1 ,m + 2 );
123 for i: = 1 to q do
124 begin
125 read(ch); read(blank);
126 case ch of
127 ' C ' :
128 begin
129 readln(a,b,c);
130 plus(a + 1 ,b + 1 ,c);
131 end ;
132 ' Q ' :
133 begin
134 readln(a,b);
135 writeln(getsum(a + 1 ,b + 1 ));
136 end ;
137 end ;
138 end ;
139 close(input);
140 close(output);
141 end .
具体测试中splay比线段树慢很多 也不是很好写
因为线段树有缺陷 线段树受不了插入和删除
我们再讨论一下pku3580 supermemo
(Noi那一个维护数列的题目 难度和这个差不多 <NOI2005 维护数列>
内容也差不多 就不细写了 注意上文提到的内存问题即可)
还是很裸 不过配的上super这个词
英文很好懂的 不翻译了
说来很惭愧 调了2天才AC 唉 不堪回首
reverse也是用的lazy标记的方法 记录一个布尔变量 表示当前子树需不需要交换左右儿子(下传时是用not运算而不是直接赋值)
min操作要求我们维护一个min域 (注意在add的时候直接加min 千万不要从儿子处更新)
insert 先把x转到根 再把x+1转到右子节点 给右子节点的左儿子挂个新节点(注意要向上更新)
delete 先把x转到根 再把x+2转到右子节点 砍了右子节点的左儿子(注意要向上更新)
revolve本质是交换区间 我们先把2个区间分离到出来 然后经过一系列的指针操作解决(相当繁琐 注意细节 给个图好看着写代码)
假设交换区间[a,b][b+1,c] 如图所示
-->--> -->
1 const maxn = 200000 ;
2 inf = maxlongint shr 1 ;
3 var l,r,s,f,dat: array [ 0 ..maxn] of longint;
4 n,d,min: array [ 0 ..maxn] of int64;
5 w: array [ 0 ..maxn] of boolean;
6 i,g,x,y,k,m,q,delta,root,tt,temp:longint;
7 st:string;
8 ch:char;
9 procedure down(x:longint);
10 var temp:longint;
11 begin
12 if d[x] <> 0
13 then begin
14 if l[x] <> 0 then d[l[x]]: = d[l[x]] + d[x];
15 if r[x] <> 0 then d[r[x]]: = d[r[x]] + d[x];
16 n[x]: = n[x] + d[x]; min[x]: = min[x] + d[x];
17 d[x]: = 0 ;
18 end ;
19 if w[x]
20 then begin
21 if l[x] <> 0 then w[l[x]]: = not w[l[x]];
22 if r[x] <> 0 then w[r[x]]: = not w[r[x]];
23 temp: = l[x]; l[x]: = r[x]; r[x]: = temp;
24 w[x]: = false;
25 end ;
26 end ;
27 procedure out(x:longint);
28 begin
29 if x = 0 then exit;
30 down(x);
31 out(l[x]);
32 if n[x] <> inf then write(n[x], ' ' );
33 out(r[x]);
34 end ;
35 procedure update(x:longint);
36 begin
37 if x = 0 then exit;
38 down(l[x]); down(r[x]);
39 s[x]: = s[l[x]] + s[r[x]] + 1 ;
40 if min[l[x]] < min[r[x]]
41 then min[x]: = min[l[x]]
42 else min[x]: = min[r[x]];
43 if n[x] < min[x] then min[x]: = n[x];
44 end ;
45 procedure zig( var x:longint);
46 var y:longint;
47 begin
48 y: = l[x]; l[x]: = r[y]; r[y]: = x;
49 f[y]: = f[x]; f[x]: = y; if l[x] <> 0 then f[l[x]]: = x;
50 update(x); update(y); x: = y;
51 end ;
52 procedure zag( var x:longint);
53 var y:longint;
54 begin
55 y: = r[x]; r[x]: = l[y]; l[y]: = x;
56 f[y]: = f[x]; f[x]: = y; if r[x] <> 0 then f[r[x]]: = x;
57 update(x); update(y); x: = y;
58 end ;
59 procedure splay(x:longint; var O:longint);
60 begin
61 while f[x] <> f[O] do
62 if l[f[x]] = x
63 then begin
64 if f[x] = O
65 then zig(O)
66 else if l[f[f[x]]] = f[x]
67 then zig(l[f[f[x]]])
68 else zig(r[f[f[x]]]);
69 end
70 else begin
71 if f[x] = O
72 then zag(O)
73 else if l[f[f[x]]] = f[x]
74 then zag(l[f[f[x]]])
75 else zag(r[f[f[x]]]);
76 end ;
77 end ;
78 procedure build( var x:longint; a,b:longint);
79 var mid:longint;
80 begin
81 if a > b then exit;
82 inc(tt); x: = tt;
83 mid: = (a + b)shr 1 ; n[x]: = dat[mid];
84 build(l[x],a,mid - 1 ); build(r[x],mid + 1 ,b);
85 if l[x] <> 0 then f[l[x]]: = x;
86 if r[x] <> 0 then f[r[x]]: = x;
87 update(x);
88 end ;
89 function select(x,k:longint):longint;
90 begin
91 down(x);
92 if s[l[x]] + 1 = k then exit(x);
93 if k <= s[l[x]] then select: = select(l[x],k)
94 else select: = select(r[x],k - s[l[x]] - 1 );
95 end ;
96 begin
97 assign(input, ' memo.in ' ); reset(input);
98 assign(output, ' memo.out ' ); rewrite(output);
99 readln(m);
100 dat[ 1 ]: = inf; dat[m + 2 ]: = inf;
101 for i: = 2 to m + 1 do
102 readln(dat[i]);
103 root: = 0 ; tt: = 0 ; min[ 0 ]: = inf; s[ 0 ]: = 0 ;
104 build(root, 1 ,m + 2 );
105 readln(q);
106 // out(root); writeln;
107 for g: = 1 to q do
108 begin
109 ch: = ' ^ ' ; st: = '' ;
110 while ch <> ' ' do
111 begin
112 st: = st + ch;
113 read(ch);
114 end ;
115 if st = ' ^ADD '
116 then begin
117 readln(x,y,delta); inc(x); inc(y);
118 x: = select(root,x - 1 ); y: = select(root,y + 1 );
119 splay(x,root); splay(y,r[root]);
120 x: = l[r[root]];
121 d[x]: = d[x] + delta; down(x);
122 update(r[root]); update(root);
123 end ;
124 if st = ' ^INSERT '
125 then begin
126 readln(x,delta); inc(x);
127 y: = select(root,x + 1 );
128 x: = select(root,x);
129 splay(x,root); splay(y,r[root]);
130 inc(tt); l[r[root]]: = tt; x: = l[r[root]];
131 n[x]: = delta; min[x]: = n[x]; s[x]: = 1 ; f[x]: = r[root];
132 update(r[root]); update(root);
133 end ;
134 if st = ' ^DELETE '
135 then begin
136 readln(x); inc(x);
137 y: = select(root,x + 1 ); x: = select(root,x - 1 );
138 splay(x,root); splay(y,r[root]);
139 l[r[root]]: = 0 ;
140 update(r[root]); update(root);
141 end ;
142 if st = ' ^REVERSE '
143 then begin
144 readln(x,y); inc(x); inc(y);
145 x: = select(root,x - 1 ); y: = select(root,y + 1 );
146 splay(x,root); splay(y,r[root]);
147 x: = l[r[root]];
148 w[x]: = not w[x]; down(x);
149 update(r[root]); update(root);
150 end ;
151 if st = ' ^REVOLVE '
152 then begin
153 readln(x,y,k); inc(x); inc(y);
154 if x = y then begin { out(root);writeln; } continue; end ;
155 k: = k mod (y - x + 1 );
156 if k = 0 then begin { out(root);writeln; } continue; end ;
157 k: = select(root,y - k); x: = select(root,x - 1 ); y: = select(root,y + 1 );
158 splay(k,root); splay(x,l[root]); splay(y,r[root]);
159 x: = r[l[root]]; y: = l[r[root]];
160 r[l[root]]: = 0 ; l[r[root]]: = 0 ;
161 f[x]: = 0 ; f[y]: = 0 ;
162 r[l[root]]: = y; if y <> 0 then f[y]: = l[root];
163 update(l[root]);
164 y: = l[root]; l[root]: = x; if x <> 0 then f[x]: = root;
165 update(r[root]); update(l[root]); update(root);
166 x: = select(root, 1 );
167 splay(x,root);
168 l[root]: = y; f[y]: = root;
169 update(root);
170 end ;
171 if st = ' ^MIN '
172 then begin
173 readln(x,y); inc(x); inc(y);
174 x: = select(root,x - 1 );
175 y: = select(root,y + 1 );
176 splay(x,root); splay(y,r[root]);
177 x: = l[r[root]];
178 down(x); writeln(min[x]);
179 continue;
180 end ;
181 // out(root);writeln;
182 end ;
183 close(input); close(output);
184 end .
splay很强大 不过不是强在高度 而是强在灵活度
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