ECU Extract + OS Task Mapping 步骤



  • Composition里面的Assembly Connection (Intra-ECU Communication)
  • System Extract 里面的SystemDataMapping (Inter-ECU Communication)

已经把SWC的所有Data Element都连接上了,接下来就是把SWC的Runnable给Mapping到对应的OS Task上,让它运行起来。


1. Create ECU Extract

2. Link ECU Extract to EcucValueCollection file

3. Map Runnable to OS Task

ECU Extract + OS Task Mapping 步骤_第1张图片

1. Create ECU Extract

Right-click on the "WiperControl " ECU and select the “Create ECUExtract” option. Which will create

  • "WiperControl_FlatView_SWCD.arxml" under "Composition" folder
  • "WiperControl_System_EcuExtr.arxml" under "System Info" folder (ECU Extract file) [1]

ECU Extract + OS Task Mapping 步骤_第2张图片


2. Link ECU Extract to EcucValueCollection file

"08_COMSTACK_CFG.arxml" file contains the "EcucModuleConfigurationValues" (EcuC value) [2]

ECU Extract + OS Task Mapping 步骤_第3张图片 08_COMSTACK_CFG.arxml


Single click on the "08_COMSTACK_CFG.arxml", assign the "Ecu Extract" to it. [3]

ECU Extract + OS Task Mapping 步骤_第4张图片

Right click on the "08_COMSTACK_CFG.arxml", open with "RTE Editor" for this WiperControl_CFG EcucValueCollection. Runnables show on the right side. [4]

ECU Extract + OS Task Mapping 步骤_第5张图片 RTE Editor

3. Map Runnable to OS Task

Right click on the left to create OS Task, drag and drop the UnMapped Runnables to assign it to the OS Task on the left.

ECU Extract + OS Task Mapping 步骤_第6张图片




[1] 双击ECU Extract,可以在System Editor里面看到,Frame的数量小于Pdu的数量,说明一个CAN Frame被同时发送到了好几个CAN网络的Pdu上去了

ECU Extract + OS Task Mapping 步骤_第7张图片

[2] 现在只有COM,OS,RTE,以后BswM,EcuM等等各模块都会link到这个arxml文件

[3] 所以说这个EcucValueCollection arxml 文件既有从ECU Extract 过来的 RTE layer以上的Components,Assembly Connection, SystemSignalMapping信息,也有RTE layer 以下的 BswM,EcuM等等各模配置信息。即所有的配置信息(从APPL到BSW)都通过这个arxml文件link起来了

[4] Because "EXTR_WiperControl" ECU Extract is assigned to this "08_COMSTACK_CFG.arxml" EcucValueCollection, so the two Runnables will show in the "UnMapped Entities".


1. 什么时候需要去重新生成ECU Extract?

System Extract只是操作界面,直观的把composition和dbc的ecu,system signal用可视化的界面呈现出来供用户做mapping操作。这就是为什么ECU Extract arxml文件没有操作界面,直接右键ECU生成ECU Extract就好了

因为System Extract的SwcToEcuMapping 和SystemDataMapping都会涉及到ecu,所以只要是在system extract的界面下操作过,都需要去生成ecu extract
