8DOER: Dual Cross-Shared RNN for Aspect Term-Polarity Co-Extraction(2020.10.22)

DOER: Dual Cross-Shared RNN for Aspect Term-Polarity Co-Extraction



  • This paper focuses on two related subtasks of aspect-based sentiment analysis, namely aspect term extraction and aspect sentiment classification, which we call aspect term-polarity co-extraction.
  • The former task is to extract aspects of a product or service from an opinion document, and the latter is to identify the polarity expressed in the document about these extracted aspects.
  • Most existing algorithms address them as two separate tasks and solve them one by one, or only perform one task, which can be complicated for real applications.
  • In this paper, we treat these two tasks as two sequence labeling problems and propose a novel Dual cross-shared RNN framework (DOER) to generate all aspect term-polarity pairs of the input sentence simultaneously.
  • Specifically, DOER involves a dual recurrent neural network to extract the respective representation of each task, and a cross-shared unit to consider the relationship between them.
  • Experimental results demonstrate that the pro-posed framework outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on three benchmark datasets.


Aspect terms extraction (ATE) and aspect sentiment classification (ASC) are two fundamental, fine-grained subtasks of aspect-based sentiment analysis.


The proposed framework is shown in Figure 3a.We will first formulate the aspect term-polarity co-extraction problem and then describe this frame-work in detail in this section.

  • 2.1 Problem Statement
  • We solve it as two sequence labeling tasks.Formally, given a review sentence S with n words from a particular domain, denoted by S={wi|i=1,…,n}.
    我们将其作为两个序列标记任务来解决。形式上,给定一个具有来自特定域的n个单词的评论句子S,表示为S = {wi | i = 1,…,n}。
    8DOER: Dual Cross-Shared RNN for Aspect Term-Polarity Co-Extraction(2020.10.22)_第1张图片
    8DOER: Dual Cross-Shared RNN for Aspect Term-Polarity Co-Extraction(2020.10.22)_第2张图片


  • 3.4 Baseline Methods
    8DOER: Dual Cross-Shared RNN for Aspect Term-Polarity Co-Extraction(2020.10.22)_第3张图片
    Table 2: F1 score (%) comparison of all systems for aspect term-polarity pair extraction.
    We use two abbreviations AuL and AuS for the ablation study. AuL denotes the auxiliary task of aspect term length enhancement, and AuS denotes the auxiliary task of sentiment lexicon enhancement.All baselines have publicly available codes
    在消融研究中,我们使用两个缩写AuL和AuS。 AuL表示方面项长度增强的辅助任务,而AuS表示情感词典增强的辅助任务。‘所有baseline有公开代码’。
    - 3.5 All baselines have publicly available codes
  • Comparison Results.:比较结果如表2所示,这是方面项-极性对的F1分数。 结果表明,我们的DOER在基线上获得了持续的改进。
  • Ablation Study.消融研究:为了测试Doer的每个组件的有效性,我们进行了消融实验,结果如‘表2’最后一块所示。
    与S-BiLSTM相比,S-BiReGU具有更好的性能,这一事实表明了REGU在我们的任务中的有效性。 这种残留架构使信息更有效地传输到下一层。
    在CSU的帮助下,S-BiReGU + CSU的性能要比没有它时更好。 我们认为,ATE和ASC之间的信息交互对于彼此改善至关重要。情感词典的另一项辅助任务也可以增强该框架的表示能力。
    作为S-BiReGU,CSU,AuL和AuS的整体,拟议的DOER实现了卓越的性能。 它主要得益于两个辅助任务的增强功能以​​及ATE和ASC两条单独路线的相互作用。
  • Results on ATE‘:
  • Visualization of Attention Scores in CSU


  • In this paper, we introduced a co-extraction task involving aspect term extraction and aspect sentiment classification for aspect-based sentiment analysis and proposed a novel framework DOER to solve the problem.
  • The framework uses a joint sequence labeling approach and focuses on the interaction between two separate routes for aspect term extraction and aspect sentiment classification.
  • To enhance the representation of sentiment and alleviate the difficulty of long aspect terms, two auxiliary tasks were also introduced in our framework.
  • Experimental results on three bench-mark datasets verified the effectiveness of DOERand showed that it significantly outperforms the baselines on aspect term-polarity co-extraction.
