论文阅读:RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection


  • 1、论文总述
  • 2、Bounding boxes for the object detection流行的2个原因和它的缺点
  • 3、为什么 the deformable convolution and deformable RoI pooling不能学到更精确的几何定位特征
  • 4、Converting RepPoints to bounding box时的三种方式
  • 5、关键点是自动学得的
  • 6、 Center point based initial object representation的好处、缺点与改进
  • 7、Utilization of RepPoints(RepPoints学得过程)
  • 8、The head architecture of RPDet
  • 9、正负样本的分配(两个阶段不一样)
  • 10、Ablation of the supervision sources
  • 11、 Comparison of the proposed method (RPDet) with other methods
  • 参考文献


论文阅读:RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection_第1张图片

论文阅读:RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection_第2张图片

这篇论文是清北和微软研究院联合出的关于anchor free的目标检测的文章,感觉质量很高,不同于其他的anchor free算法(如CornerNet),文章说它是 Top_down方式的检测,而CornerNet是 bottom_up的检测,即先检测出关键点(角点),然后对他们进行分组(一个目标的分成一组),算法某种意义上说是DCN(Deformable Convolutional Networks ,可变形卷积网络)的改进,因为可变形卷积主要是可以更好地提取目标面部特征进行识别,但是它不能很好的提取目标的几何特征进行定位,这也是文章中强调的一点,因此RepPoints和DCN是互补,一个更好地定位,另一个更好地识别。



In this paper, we propose a new representation, called
RepPoints, that provides more fine-grained localization and
facilitates classification. Illustrated in Fig. 1, RepPoints is
a set of points that learns to adaptively position themselves
over an object in a manner that circumscribes the object’s
spatial extent and indicates semantically significant local
The training of RepPoints is driven jointly by object localization and recognition targets, such that the RepPoints are tightly bound by the ground-truth bounding box
and guide the detector toward correct object classification.
This adaptive and differentiable representation can be coherently used across the different stages of a modern object
detector, and does not require the use of anchors to sample
over a space of bounding boxes.


In contrast, RepPoints are learned in a
top-down fashion from the input image / object features, allowing for end-to-end training and producing fine-grained
localization without additional supervision(具体这个topdown是怎么个方式我也没搞明白,为什么这里检测出来的点不用分组?难道是一个中心点后面对应了9个关键点的坐标??)

2、Bounding boxes for the object detection流行的2个原因和它的缺点


The prevalence of the bounding box representation can
partly be attributed to common metrics for object detection
which account for the overlap between estimated and ground truth bounding boxes of objects. (由于目标检测性能评估的标准)
Another reason lies in its convenience for feature extraction in deep
networks, because of its regular shape and the ease of subdividing a rectangular window into a matrix of pooled cells.


Though bounding boxes facilitate computation, they provide only a coarse localization of objects that does not conform to an object’s shape and pose. Features extracted from
the regular cells of a bounding box may thus be heavily
influenced by background content or uninformative foreground areas that contain little semantic information. This
may result in lower feature quality that degrades classification performance in object detection.


This bounding box regression process is widely used in
existing object detection methods. It performs well in practice when the required refinement is small, but it tends to
perform poorly when there is large distance between the initial representation and the target. (回归的距离太大时表现不好,对大目标和小目标效果不一样)
Another issue lies in the scale difference between ∆x, ∆y and ∆w, ∆h, which requires tuning of their loss weights for optimal performance.(四个参数权重不一样)

3、为什么 the deformable convolution and deformable RoI pooling不能学到更精确的几何定位特征


RepPoints is inspired by these works, especially the topdown deformation modeling approach [4]. The main difference is that we aim at developing a flexible object representation for accurate geometric localization in addition to semantic feature extraction.
In contrast, both the deformable
convolution and deformable RoI pooling methods are designed to improve feature extraction only. The inability of deformable RoI pooling to learn accurate geometric localization is examined in Section 4 and appendix. In this sense,
we expand the usage of adaptive sample points in previous
geometric modeling methods [18, 4] to include finer localization of objects.(改进了DCN来更好地定位)


As mentioned in Section 2, deformable RoI pooling plays a different role
in object detection compared to the proposed RepPoints.
Basically, RepPoints is a geometric representation of objects, reflecting more accurate semantic localization, while
deformable RoI pooling is geared towards learning stronger
appearance features of objects
. In fact, deformable RoI
pooling cannot learn sample points representing accurate
localization of objects (please see the appendix for a proof).
We also note that deformable RoI pooling can be complementary to RepPoints, as indicated in Table 6.(两者互补,各有各的优势)


论文阅读:RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection_第3张图片

deformable RoI pooling cannot learn the geometric representation of objects的证明:(在附录)

论文阅读:RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection_第4张图片

4、Converting RepPoints to bounding box时的三种方式

• T = T1: Min-max function. Min-max operation over
both axes are performed over the RepPoints to determine Bp, equivalent to the bounding box over the sample points.(默认用这个)
• T = T2: Partial min-max function. Min-max operation over a subset of the sample points is performed over both axes to obtain the rectangular box Bp.
• T = T3: Moment-based function. The mean value
and the standard deviation of the RepPoints is used to
compute the center point and scale of the rectangular box Bp, where the scale is multiplied by globallyshared learnable multipliers λx and λy. (三种方式效果差不多,下图是实验证明)

论文阅读:RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection_第5张图片


In our system, we use the
smooth l1 distance between the top-left and bottom-right
points to represent the localization loss. This smooth l1 distance does not require the tuning of different loss weights
as done in computing the distance between bounding box
regression vectors (i.e., for ∆x, ∆y and ∆w, ∆h).
Figure 4 indicates that when the training is driven by this combination of object localization and object recognition losses, the
extreme points and semantic key points of objects are automatically learned

论文阅读:RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection_第6张图片

6、 Center point based initial object representation的好处、缺点与改进


An important benefit of the center point representation
lies in its much tighter hypothesis space compared to the
anchor based counterparts.


the center point based method also faces the
problem of recognition target ambiguity, caused by two different objects locating at the same position in a feature map,
which limits its prevalence in modern object detectors.(两个不同的目标的中心落在同一个cell里)


In RPDet, we show that this issue can be greatly alleviated by using the FPN structure [24]
for the following reasons: (用FPN结构来减轻这个影响)
first, objects of different scales
will be assigned to different image feature levels, which addresses objects of different scales and the same center points locations;
second, FPN has a high-resolution feature map
for small objects, which also reduces the chance of two objects having centers located at the same feature position. In fact, we observe that only 1.1% of objects in the COCO
datasets [26] suffer from the issue of center points located
at the same position when FPN is used.

7、Utilization of RepPoints(RepPoints学得过程)

Starting from the center points,
the first set of RepPoints is obtained via regressing offsets
over the center points. The learning of these RepPoints is
driven by two objectives:
1) the top-left and bottom-right
points distance loss between the induced pseudo box and the
ground-truth bounding box;
2) the object recognition loss
of the subsequent stage. As illustrated in Figure 4, extreme
.and key points are automatically learned.
The second set of
RepPoints represents the final object localization, which is
refined from the first set of RepPoints by Eq. (5). Driven by
the points distance loss alone, this second set of RepPoints
aims to learn finer object localization.


8、The head architecture of RPDet

论文阅读:RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection_第7张图片


For both stages, only positive object hypothesis are assigned with localization (RepPoints) targets in training.
For the first localization stage, a
feature map bin is positive if 1) the pyramidal level of this
feature map bin equals the log scale of a ground-truth object s(B) = [log2(√wBhB/4)]; 2) the projection of this ground-truth object’s center point locate within this feature
map bin. (第一阶段需满足俩条件)
For the second localization stage, the first RepPoints is positive if its induced pseudo box has sufficient overlap with a ground-truth object that their intersectionover-union is larger than 0.5.
Classification is conducted on the first set of RepPoints
only. The classification assignment criterion follows [25]
that IoU (between the induced pseudo box and ground-truth
bounding box) larger than 0.5 indicates positive, smaller
than 0.4 indicates background, and otherwise ignored. Focal loss is employed for classification training [25].

10、Ablation of the supervision sources

论文阅读:RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection_第8张图片

Table 2 also demonstrates the benefit of inluding the object recognition loss in learning RepPoints (+0.7 mAP). The
use of the object recognition loss can drive the RepPoints to
locate themselves at semantically meaningful positions on
an object, which leads to fine-grained localization and improves object feature extraction for the following recognition stage. Note that the object recognition feedback cannot
benefit object detection with the bounding box representation (see the first block in Table 2), further demonstrating
the advantage of RepPoints in flexible object representation.

RepPoints 的识别损失可以提升定位精度,而bounding box representation做不到。

11、 Comparison of the proposed method (RPDet) with other methods

论文阅读:RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection_第9张图片

论文阅读:RepPoints: Point Set Representation for Object Detection_第10张图片




3、Anchor-free目标检测系列8:RepPoints:Point Set Representation for Object Detection(可变形卷积提取Offset关键点)
