本文原始链接 MLSMOTE
在一些分类情况下,与一个类相关联的实例数量远远少于另一个类,这导致了数据不平衡的问题,它极大地影响了我们的机器学习算法的性能。在多标签分类的情况下,标签分布不均匀也会出现这个问题。为了克服数据不平衡的问题,我们使用了各种方法和技术,数据扩充就是其中之一。在本文中,我们讨论了一种常用的不平衡多标签数据扩充方法,即多标签合成方法(Multi label Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique,MLSMOTE)。
MLSMOTE是多标签分类中最流行、最有效的数据增强技术之一。顾名思义,它是SMOTE(合成少数过采样技术Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique)的扩展或变体。如果你正在阅读这篇文章,我假设你已经熟悉了SMOTE,下面仍然给出一个简短的介绍:
为了生成合成实例,我们需要一些参考点来创建数据,因此在我们应用任何数据增强技术之前,需要选择一个尾标签数据实例。为了选择尾标号,F Charte等给出了两个概念,它们分别为:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Importing required Library
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import random
from sklearn.datasets import make_classification
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
def create_dataset(n_sample=1000):
Create a unevenly distributed sample data set multilabel
classification using make_classification function
nsample: int, Number of sample to be created
X: pandas.DataFrame, feature vector dataframe with 10 features
y: pandas.DataFrame, target vector dataframe with 5 labels
X, y = make_classification(n_classes=5, class_sep=2,
weights=[0.1,0.025, 0.205, 0.008, 0.9], n_informative=3, n_redundant=1, flip_y=0,
n_features=10, n_clusters_per_class=1, n_samples=1000, random_state=10)
y = pd.get_dummies(y, prefix='class')
return pd.DataFrame(X), y
def get_tail_label(df):
Give tail label colums of the given target dataframe
df: pandas.DataFrame, target label df whose tail label has to identified
tail_label: list, a list containing column name of all the tail label
columns = df.columns
n = len(columns)
irpl = np.zeros(n)
for column in range(n):
irpl[column] = df[columns[column]].value_counts()[1]
irpl = max(irpl)/irpl
mir = np.average(irpl)
tail_label = []
for i in range(n):
if irpl[i] > mir:
return tail_label
def get_index(df):
give the index of all tail_label rows
df: pandas.DataFrame, target label df from which index for tail label has to identified
index: list, a list containing index number of all the tail label
tail_labels = get_tail_label(df)
index = set()
for tail_label in tail_labels:
sub_index = set(df[df[tail_label]==1].index)
index = index.union(sub_index)
return list(index)
def get_minority_instace(X, y):
Give minority dataframe containing all the tail labels
X: pandas.DataFrame, the feature vector dataframe
y: pandas.DataFrame, the target vector dataframe
X_sub: pandas.DataFrame, the feature vector minority dataframe
y_sub: pandas.DataFrame, the target vector minority dataframe
index = get_index(y)
X_sub = X[X.index.isin(index)].reset_index(drop = True)
y_sub = y[y.index.isin(index)].reset_index(drop = True)
return X_sub, y_sub
def nearest_neighbour(X):
Give index of 5 nearest neighbor of all the instance
X: np.array, array whose nearest neighbor has to find
indices: list of list, index of 5 NN of each element in X
euclidean,indices= nbs.kneighbors(X)
return indices
def MLSMOTE(X,y, n_sample):
Give the augmented data using MLSMOTE algorithm
X: pandas.DataFrame, input vector DataFrame
y: pandas.DataFrame, feature vector dataframe
n_sample: int, number of newly generated sample
new_X: pandas.DataFrame, augmented feature vector data
target: pandas.DataFrame, augmented target vector data
indices2 = nearest_neighbour(X)
n = len(indices2)
new_X = np.zeros((n_sample, X.shape[1]))
target = np.zeros((n_sample, y.shape[1]))
for i in range(n_sample):
reference = random.randint(0,n-1)
neighbour = random.choice(indices2[reference,1:])
all_point = indices2[reference]
nn_df = y[y.index.isin(all_point)]
ser = nn_df.sum(axis = 0, skipna = True)
target[i] = np.array([1 if val>2 else 0 for val in ser])
ratio = random.random()
gap = X.loc[reference,:] - X.loc[neighbour,:]
new_X[i] = np.array(X.loc[reference,:] + ratio * gap)
new_X = pd.DataFrame(new_X, columns=X.columns)
target = pd.DataFrame(target, columns=y.columns)
new_X = pd.concat([X, new_X], axis=0)
target = pd.concat([y, target], axis=0)
return new_X, target
if __name__=='__main__':
main function to use the MLSMOTE
X, y = create_dataset() #Creating a Dataframe
X_sub, y_sub = get_minority_instace(X, y) #Getting minority instance of that datframe
X_res,y_res =MLSMOTE(X_sub, y_sub, 100) #Applying MLSMOTE to augment the dataframe