



 3. 在核心交易分析中完成如下指标的计算



-- 创建商家信息维表
drop table if exists dim.dim_trade_shops;
create table dim.dim_trade_shops(
  `shopid` int COMMENT '商铺ID',
  `userid` int COMMENT '商铺负责人', 
  `areaid` int COMMENT '区域ID',
  `shopname` string COMMENT '商铺名称',
  `shoplevel` int COMMENT '商铺等级',
  `status` int COMMENT '商铺状态',
  `createtime` string COMMENT '创建日期',
  `modifytime` string COMMENT  '修改日期',
  `startdate` string  COMMENT '生效起始日期',
  `enddate` string  COMMENT '失效结束日期'
) COMMENT '商家信息表';
--创建商家信息表(增量表 分区表)
drop table if exists ods.ods_trade_shops;
create table ods.ods_trade_shops(
  `shopid` int COMMENT '商铺ID',
  `userid` int COMMENT '商铺负责人', 
  `areaid` int COMMENT '区域ID',
  `shopname` string COMMENT '商铺名称',
  `shoplevel` int COMMENT '商铺等级',
  `status` int COMMENT '商铺状态',
  `createtime` string COMMENT '创建日期',
  `modifytime` string COMMENT  '修改日期'
) COMMENT '商家信息表'
PARTITIONED BY (`dt` string)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',';


100050,1,100225,WSxxx营超市,1,1,2020-06-28,2020-11-20 13:22:22
100052,2,100236,新鲜xxx旗舰店,1,1,2020-06-28,2020-11-20 13:22:22
100053,3,100011,华为xxx旗舰店,1,1,2020-06-28,2020-11-20 13:22:22
100054,4,100159,小米xxx旗舰店,1,1,2020-06-28,2020-11-20 13:22:22
100055,5,100211,苹果xxx旗舰店,1,1,2020-06-28,2020-11-20 13:22:22
100057,7,100311,三只xxx鼠零食,1,1,2020-06-28,2020-11-21 13:22:22
100058,8,100329,良子xxx铺美食,1,1,2020-06-28,2020-11-21 13:22:22
100054,4,100159,小米xxx旗舰店,2,1,2020-06-28,2020-11-21 13:22:22
100055,5,100211,苹果xxx旗舰店,2,1,2020-06-28,2020-11-21 13:22:22
100059,9,100225,乐居xxx日用品,1,1,2020-06-28,2020-11-22 13:22:22
100060,10,100211,同仁xxx大健康,1,1,2020-06-28,2020-11-22 13:22:22
100052,2,100236,新鲜xxx旗舰店,1,2,2020-06-28,2020-11-22 13:22:22


load data local inpath '/root/data/shops/shop-2020-11-20.dat' into table ods.ods_trade_shops partition(dt='2020-11-20');


insert overwrite table dim.dim_trade_shops 
 select shopid, userid, areaid, shopname, shoplevel, 
        status, createtime, modifytime,
        case when modifytime is not null then substr(modifytime,0,10)
             else substr(createtime,0,10) end as startdate,
        '3000-12-31' as enddate
        from ods.ods_trade_shops
        where dt ='2020-11-20';

5.导入2020-11-21 的数据,更新拉链表数据

load data local inpath '/root/data/shops/shop-2020-11-21.dat' into table ods.ods_trade_shops partition(dt = '2020-11-21');
insert overwrite table dim.dim_trade_shops
   select shopid, userid, areaid, shopname,
          shoplevel, status, createtime, modifytime,
          CASE WHEN modifytime is not null THEN substr(modifytime,0,10)
               ELSE  substr(createtime,0,10) END AS startdate,
          '3000-12-31' AS enddate
          from ods.ods_trade_shops where dt = '2020-11-21'
   union all
   select b.shopid, b.userid ,b.areaid , b.shopname, b.shoplevel,
          b.status, b.createtime, b.modifytime, b.startdate,
          CASE WHEN a.shopid is not null and b.enddate ='3000-12-31' 
               THEN date_add('2020-11-21',-1) 
               ELSE b.enddate end as enddate
          from (select * from ods.ods_trade_shops where dt='2020-11-21') a
          right join dim.dim_trade_shops b on a.shopid = b.shopid;

6.导入2020-11-22 的数据,更新拉链表数据

load data local inpath '/root/data/shops/shop-2020-11-22.dat' into table ods.ods_trade_shops partition(dt = '2020-11-22');
insert overwrite table dim.dim_trade_shops
   select shopid, userid, areaid, shopname,
          shoplevel, status, createtime, modifytime,
          CASE WHEN modifytime is not null THEN substr(modifytime,0,10)
               ELSE  substr(createtime,0,10) END AS startdate,
          '3000-12-31' AS enddate
          from ods.ods_trade_shops where dt = '2020-11-22'
   union all
   select b.shopid, b.userid ,b.areaid , b.shopname, b.shoplevel,
          b.status, b.createtime, b.modifytime, b.startdate,
          CASE WHEN a.shopid is not null and b.enddate ='3000-12-31' 
               THEN date_add('2020-11-22',-1) 
               ELSE b.enddate end as enddate
          from (select * from ods.ods_trade_shops where dt='2020-11-22') a
          right join dim.dim_trade_shops b on a.shopid = b.shopid;



source /etc/profile
if [ -n "$1" ]
  do_date=`date -d "-1 day" +%F`
insert overwrite table dim.dim_trade_shops
   select shopid, userid, areaid, shopname,
          shoplevel, status, createtime, modifytime,
          CASE WHEN modifytime is not null THEN substr(modifytime,0,10)
               ELSE  substr(createtime,0,10) END AS startdate,
          '3000-12-31' AS enddate
          from ods.ods_trade_shops where dt = '$do_date'
   union all
   select b.shopid, b.userid ,b.areaid , b.shopname, b.shoplevel,
          b.status, b.createtime, b.modifytime, b.startdate,
          CASE WHEN a.shopid is not null and b.enddate ='3000-12-31' 
               THEN date_add('$do_date',-1) 
               ELSE b.enddate end as enddate
          from (select * from ods.ods_trade_shops where dt='$do_date') a
          right join dim.dim_trade_shops b on a.shopid = b.shopid;
hive -e "$sql"



drop table if exists tmp.shops_tmp;
create table if not exists tmp.tmp_shops as
   select shopid, userid, areaid, shopname,
          shoplevel, status, createtime, 
          modifytime, startdate, enddate
        from dim.dim_trade_shops
        where enddate < '2020-11-21'
    union all
    select shopid, userid, areaid, shopname,
           shoplevel, status, createtime,
           modifytime, startdate, '3000-12-31' as enddate
         from dim.dim_trade_shops
         where startdate <= '2020-11-21' and enddate >= '2020-11-21';
insert overwrite table dim.dim_trade_shops select * from tmp.tmp_shops;


source /etc/profile
if [ -n "$1" ]
  do_date=`date -d "-1 day" +%F`
drop table if exists tmp.shops_tmp;
create table if not exists tmp.tmp_shops as
   select shopid, userid, areaid, shopname,
          shoplevel, status, createtime, 
          modifytime, startdate, enddate
        from dim.dim_trade_shops
        where enddate < '$do_date'
    union all
    select shopid, userid, areaid, shopname,
           shoplevel, status, createtime,
           modifytime, startdate, '3000-12-31' as enddate
         from dim.dim_trade_shops
         where startdate <= '$do_date' and enddate >= '$do_date';
insert overwrite table dim.dim_trade_shops select * from tmp.tmp_shops;
hive -e "$sql"



-- 先获取只启动一次的会员 在过滤出当前会员的登陆时间小于七天前的日期
select count(*) clientNum from dws.dws_member_start_day where dt <= date_add(current_date,-7) and device_id in(select device_id from (select device_id, count(*) cnt from dws.dws_member_start_day group by device_id having cnt = 1) tmp);


select count(distinct device_id) lossNum from dws.dws_member_start_day where device_id not in (select distinct device_id from dws.dws_member_start_day where dt >=date_add(current_date,30))



订单状态 -3 用户拒收 -2未付款的订单 -1用户取消 0 待发货 1配送中 2用户确认收货

订单有效标志 -1 删除 1 有效

drop table if exists dws.dws_trade_orders_day;
create table if not exists dws.dws_trade_orders_day(
  day_dt string comment '日期:yyyy-MM-dd',
  day_cnt decimal commnet '日订单笔数',
  day_sum decimal comment '日订单总额'
) comment '日订单统计表';
select dt, count(*) cnt,sum(totalMoney) sm from (select distinct orderid,dt,totalMoney from dwd.dwd_trade_orders where status >= 0 and dataFlag = '1') tmp group by dt;
insert overwrite table dws.dws_trade_orders_day select dt, count(*) cnt, sum(totalMoney) sm from (select distinct orderid, dt, totalMoney from dwd.dwd_trade_orders where status >= 0 and dataFlag = '1') tmp group by dt;
select * from dws.dws_trade_orders_day where day_dt between '2020-01-01' and '2020-12-31';


drop table if exists dws.dws_trade_orders_quarter;
create table if not exists dws.dws_trade_orders_quarter(
year string comment '年份',
quarter string comment '季度',
cnt decimal comment '订单总笔数',
sum decimal comment '订单总额'
) comment '季度订单统计表';
insert overwrite table dws.dws_trade_orders_quarter
with tmp as(
   select substr(day_dt,0,4) year,
          case when substr(dat_dt,6,2)="01" or substr(dat_dt,6,2)="02" or 
          substr(day_dt,6,2)="03" then "1" 
               when substr(dat_dt,6,2)="04" or substr(dat_dt,6,2)="05" or 
          substr(day_dt,6,2)="06" then "2"
               when substr(dat_dt,6,2)="07" or substr(dat_dt,6,2)="08" or 
          substr(day_dt,6,2)="09" then "3"
               when substr(dat_dt,6,2)="10" or substr(dat_dt,6,2)="11" or 
          substr(day_dt,6,2)="12" then "4" as quarter 
          from  dws.dws_trade_orders_day)
select year,quarter,sum(day_cnt),sum(day_sum) from tmp group by year quarter;


drop table if exists dws.dws_trade_orders_month;
create table if not exists dws.dws_trade_orders_month(
yearstring comment '年份',
month string comment '月份',
month_cnt decimal comment '月订单总笔数',
month_sum decimal comment '月订单总额'
) comment '月订单统计表';
insert overwrite table dws.dws_trade_orders_month 
with tmp as(
            select substr(day_dt,0,4) year,
                   sunstr(day_dt,6,2) month,
                   day_cnt, day_sum 
                from dws.dws_trade_orders_day)
select year,month,sum(day_cnt) month_cnt,sum(day_sum) month_sum
   from tmp group by year,month; 





2.新建WeekOfYear类,继承UDF ,实现evaluate 

public IntWriteble evaluate(final Text datestr){
  String today = datestr.toString();
  SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
  Date date = null;
     date = formar.parse(today);
  } catch(ParseExecption e){
  Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
  int i = calendar.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR);
  return new IntWritable(i);


4.添加jar包到hive, 创建临时函数,即可使用

add jar /root/data/jars/udf-weekofyear-1.0-SANPSHOT.jar;
create temporary function weekofyear as "com.haozhen.udf.WeekOfYear";


drop table if exists dws.dws_trade_orders_week;
create table if not exists dws.dws_trade_orders_week(
 year string comment '年份',
 week string comment '一年中的第几周',
 week_cnt decimal comment '周订单总笔数',
 week_sum decimal comment '周订单总额'
) comment '周订单统计表';
insert overwrite table dws.dws_trade_orders_week
    select substr(day_dt,0,4) year,
           weekofyear(day_dt) week,
           sum(day_cnt), sum(day_sum)
       from dws.dws_trade_orders_day group by substr(day_dt,0,4) year,
           weekofyear(day_dt) week;



drop table if exists dim.dim_day_info;
create table if not exists dim.dim_day_info(
  day_dt string comment '日期',
  is_holidays int comment '节假日标识: 0不是 1是',
  is_workday int comment '工作日标识 0不是 1是'
) comment '日期信息表';



-- 统计2020节假日的订单笔数,订单总额
select nvl(sum(day_cnt),0) nvl(sum(day_sum),0) from
dws.dws_trade_orders_day A left join dim.dim_day_info B on A.day_dt = B.day_dt where B.is_holiday = 1;
-- 统计2020年休息日的订单笔数,订单总额
select nvl(sum(day_cnt),0) nvl(sum(day_sum),0) from
dws.dws_trade_orders_day A left join dim.dim_day_info B on A.day_dt = B.day_dt where B.is_workday = 0;
-- 统计2020节工作日的订单笔数,订单总额
select nvl(sum(day_cnt),0) nvl(sum(day_sum),0) from
dws.dws_trade_orders_day A left join dim.dim_day_info B on A.day_dt = B.day_dt where B.is_workday = 1;

