【论文简述】High-Resolution Optical Flow from 1D Attention and Correlation(ICCV 2021)


1. 第一作者:Haofei Xu

2. 发表年份:2021

3. 发表期刊:ICCV

4. 关键词:光流、代价体、自注意力、高分辨率、GRU

5. 探索动机:小分辨率对于网络性能有影响,并且现实场景中大多为高分辨率的图像,算法没有跟上需求。

对相关体的解释:An essential component in deep learning based optical flow frameworks is cost volume, which is usually computed by the dot product operation (also known as correlation) between two feature vectors. It stores the matching costs between each pixel in the source image and its potential correspondence candidates in the target image. By explicitly constructing a cost volume layer that encodes the search space, the network learns to better reason about the relative pixel displacements, as demonstrated by the superior performance of FlowNetC than FlowNetS that without such a layer.

  • FlowNetC和PWC-Net的劣势:The original cost volume in FlowNetC is constructed in a single scale and it has difficulty in modeling large displacements due to the quadratic complexities with respect to the search window. PWC-Net migrates this problem by constructing multiple partial cost volumes in a coarse-to-fine warping framework. However, coarse-tofine methods tend to miss small objects since they might not be visible in the highly-downsampled coarse scales, and thus have little chance to be correctly estimated. Moreover, warping might introduce artifacts in occlusion regions, which may potentially hinder the network to learn correct correspondences.
  • RAFT的劣势:RAFT maintains a single-resolution feature map and gradually estimates the flow updates in an iterative manner, eliminating several limitations of previous coarse-to-fine frameworks. One key component in RAFT is a 4D cost volume (H ×W ×H ×W ) that is obtained by computing the correlations of all pairs. Thanks to such a large cost volume, RAFT achieves striking performance on established benchmarks. Nevertheless, the 4D cost volume requirement makes it difficult to scale to very high-resolution inputs due to the quadratic complexity with respect to the image resolution. Although one can partially alleviate this problem by processing on downsampled images, some fine-grained details, which might be critical for some scenarios (e.g., ball sports and self-driving cars), will be inevitably lost in such a process. Furthermore, with the popularity of consumerlevel high-definition cameras, it is much easier than before to get access to high-resolution videos, which accordingly raises the demand to be able to process such high-resolution videos with high efficiency.

6. 工作目标:受到Transformers启发,是否可以实现高效且在高分辨率上运行的结构?

7. 核心思想:

We explore an innovative cost volume construction method which is fundamentally different from all existing methods.We show that cost volumes constructed using 1D correlations, despite somewhat counter-intuitive, can achieve striking flow estimation accuracy comparable to the state of the art.

8. 实验结果:可以在高分辨率上运行。

We reduce the complexity of all-pair correlation from O(H×W×H×W) to O(H×W×(H+W)), enabling our method to scale to very high-resolution inputs with significant less computation. For example, our method consumes 6× less memory than RAFT on 1080p(1080×1920) videos. We also show flow results on realworld 4K(2160×3840) resolution images and our method can handle images more than 8K(4320×7680) resolution on a GPU with 32GB memory. Meanwhile, the evaluation on Sintel and KITTI  shows that the accuracy of our method is only slightly worse than RAFT but outperforms other methods such as FlowNet2 and PWC-Net.





1. 光流分解




【论文简述】High-Resolution Optical Flow from 1D Attention and Correlation(ICCV 2021)_第1张图片


2. 1D注意力

源特征和目标特征F1, F2H×W×D,目标是生成一个新的特征Fˆ2,其中每个特征向量都知道F2中位于同一列点的特征。这样,就可以沿着水平方向进行简单的1D搜索,达到2D对应建模的效果。具体地说,将Fˆ2定义为F2列特征的线性组合:

【论文简述】High-Resolution Optical Flow from 1D Attention and Correlation(ICCV 2021)_第2张图片

其中h = 0,1,···,H -1,w = 0,1,···,W−1,Fˆ2(h, w)为位置(h, w)的输出特征向量,fi,h,w为组合权值。因此关键在于如何找到fi,h,w,可以适当地聚合列的信息,以帮助后续的1D搜索。受Transformers在建模长距离依赖关系的启发,使用注意力机制的组合系数。


【论文简述】High-Resolution Optical Flow from 1D Attention and Correlation(ICCV 2021)_第3张图片


  1. 1. 使用两个1×1卷积将F1+P和F2+P投影为嵌入空间的F~1和F~2;
  2. 2. 将F~1、F~2分别重塑为W×H×D、W×D×H;
  3. 3. 对最后两个维度进行矩阵相乘,得到垂直方向上的注意力矩阵W×H×H;
  4. 4. 对最后一维用softmax函数归一化,得到注意矩阵A∈W×H×H;
  5. 5. 通过在最后两个维度上将A与的重塑目标特征(W×H×D)计算矩阵相乘,得到注意力特征Fˆ2
  6. 6. 将W×H×D矩阵重塑为H×W×D,得到最终的特征Fˆ2


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3. 1D相关


【论文简述】High-Resolution Optical Flow from 1D Attention and Correlation(ICCV 2021)_第5张图片



【论文简述】High-Resolution Optical Flow from 1D Attention and Correlation(ICCV 2021)_第6张图片

其中fi,h,w+r是由1D注意力操作定义,i=0,1,···H−1,r=−R,−R+1,···,0 ,···,R−1,R。位置(h, w)的搜索范围h到图像高度,w到最大搜索半径r,所以垂直注意力和水平相关的理论搜索范围为H(2R+1),同样可得水平注意力和垂直相关的代价体C=H×W×(2R+1),其中

在这种情况下,理论搜索范围为W(2R+1)。将这两个代价体连接起来得到形状为H×W×2(2R + 1)的代价体,理论搜索范围为(2R+1)(H+W)−(2R+1)2,其中(2R+1)2是这两个代价体的重叠面积。


4. 光流回归框架


查找操作是指用当前光流估计索引预先计算的代价体。具体来说,如果当前光流估计为f=(fx, fy),则像素位置(h, w)的查找中心变为(h+fy, w+fx)。R的搜索范围内对三维代价体进行水平和垂直索引,得到两个三维代价体(H × W × (2R + 1)),并将它们连接进行光流回归。

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4. 实验

4.1. 数据集


4.2. 实现


4.3. 基准结果

【论文简述】High-Resolution Optical Flow from 1D Attention and Correlation(ICCV 2021)_第8张图片

4.4. 消融实验

​​换代价体:精度不如RAFT及原因:In terms of accuracy, our method is higher than FlowNet2 and PWC-Net, especially on KITTI dataset, but is inferior to RAFT. Exhaustively constructing a large 4D cost volume is indeed advantageous to obtain highly accurate flow in RAFT, while our 3D cost volume may have the risk of missing relevant pixels. Although most pixels are able to find the right correspondences, there are few noises in the attention maps that cause missing pixels. It’s possible that a better design of the attention matrix computation will further improve the performance.

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4.5. 内存

输入尺寸为H的特征图×W×D,在RAFT中构建一个4D体的计算复杂度为O((HW)2D),该方法两个3D代价体为O(HW(H+W)D)。下图中测量了不同输入分辨率下的实际内存消耗,该方法能够扩展到超过8K分辨率(4320 × 7680,内存消耗为21.81GB)的图像,而RAFT即使在具有32GB内存的高端GPU上也会快速出现内存不足的问题。 

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