

Time series modeling and forecasting hasfundamental importance to various practical domains. Thus a lot of activeresearch works is going on in this subject during several years. Many importantmodels have been proposed in literature for improving the accuracy andeffeciency of time series modeling and forecasting. The aim of this book is topresent a concise description of some popular time series forecasting modelsused in practice, with their salient features. In this book, we have describedthree important classes of time series models, viz. the stochastic, neuralnetworks and SVM based models, together with their inherent forecastingstrengths and weaknesses. We have also discussed about the basic issues relatedto time series modeling, such as stationarity, parsimony, overfitting, etc. Ourdiscussion about different time series models is supported by giving theexperimental forecast results, performed on six real time series datasets.While fitting a model to a dataset, special care is taken to select the mostparsimonious one. To evaluate forecast accuracy as well as to compare amongdifferent models fitted to a time series, we have used the five performancemeasures, viz. MSE, MAD, RMSE, MAPE and Theil’s U-statistics. For each of thesix datasets, we have shown the obtained forecast diagram which graphicallydepicts the closeness between the original and forecasted observations. To haveauthenticity as well as clarity in our discussion about time series modelingand forecasting, we have taken the help of various published research worksfrom reputed journals and some standard books.

1 引言
2 时间序列建模的基本概念
3 基于随机模型的时间序列预测
4 基于人工神经网络的时间序列预测
5 基于支持向量机的时间序列预测
6 预测性能衡量
7 实验结果
8 结论

