;时间设置 0为当天,-1为明天,1为昨天,2为后天,依次类推,不设置默认为0 ,已知可选项-1 ~ 18
;区域设置 不设置时为随机选择一个,已知可选项有en-US,zh-CN,ja-JP,en-AU,de-DE,en-NZ,en-CA
;下载图片分辨率设置 不设置时默认读取住屏幕分辨率,已知可选项有640x480,800x600,1024x768,1280x720,1920x1080,800x480,1366x768,1920x1200,1280x768
#!/bin/bash | |
# export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS environment variable useful when the script is set as a cron job | |
PID=$(pgrep gnome-session) | |
export DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS=$(grep -z DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS /proc/$PID/environ|cut -d= -f2-) | |
# $bing is needed to form the fully qualified URL for | |
# the Bing pic of the day | |
bing="www.bing.com" | |
# $xmlURL is needed to get the xml data from which | |
# the relative URL for the Bing pic of the day is extracted | |
# | |
# The mkt parameter determines which Bing market you would like to | |
# obtain your images from. | |
# Valid values are: en-US, zh-CN, ja-JP, en-AU, en-UK, de-DE, en-NZ, en-CA. | |
# | |
# The idx parameter determines where to start from. 0 is the current day, | |
# 1 the previous day, etc. | |
xmlURL="http://www.bing.com/HPImageArchive.aspx?format=xml&idx=1&n=1&mkt=en-US" | |
# $saveDir is used to set the location where Bing pics of the day | |
# are stored. $HOME holds the path of the current user's home directory | |
saveDir="$HOME/Poze/BingDesktopImages/" | |
# Create saveDir if it does not already exist | |
mkdir -p $saveDir | |
# Set picture options | |
# Valid options are: none,wallpaper,centered,scaled,stretched,zoom,spanned | |
picOpts="zoom" | |
# The desired Bing picture resolution to download | |
# Valid options: "_1024x768" "_1280x720" "_1366x768" "_1920x1200" | |
desiredPicRes="_1366x768" | |
# The file extension for the Bing pic | |
picExt=".jpg" | |
# Extract the relative URL of the Bing pic of the day from | |
# the XML data retrieved from xmlURL, form the fully qualified | |
# URL for the pic of the day, and store it in $picURL | |
# Form the URL for the desired pic resolution | |
desiredPicURL=$bing$(echo $(curl -s $xmlURL) | grep -oP "<urlBase>(.*)</urlBase>" | cut -d ">" -f 2 | cut -d "<" -f 1)$desiredPicRes$picExt | |
# Form the URL for the default pic resolution | |
defaultPicURL=$bing$(echo $(curl -s $xmlURL) | grep -oP "<url>(.*)</url>" | cut -d ">" -f 2 | cut -d "<" -f 1) | |
# $picName contains the filename of the Bing pic of the day | |
# Attempt to download the desired image resolution. If it doesn't | |
# exist then download the default image resolution | |
if wget --quiet --spider "$desiredPicURL" | |
then | |
# Set picName to the desired picName | |
picName=${desiredPicURL##*/} | |
# Download the Bing pic of the day at desired resolution | |
curl -s -o $saveDir$picName $desiredPicURL | |
else | |
# Set picName to the default picName | |
picName=${defaultPicURL##*/} | |
# Download the Bing pic of the day at default resolution | |
curl -s -o $saveDir$picName $defaultPicURL | |
fi | |
# Set the GNOME3 wallpaper | |
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-uri "file://$saveDir$picName" | |
# Set the GNOME 3 wallpaper picture options | |
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background picture-options $picOpts | |
# Remove pictures older than 30 days | |
#find $saveDir -atime 30 -delete | |
# Exit the script | |
exit |