select * from table1 t1 where t1.field = xxx and t1.field2=bbb
select * from table12 tsg left join table3 tw on tsg.field = tw.id where 1=1
select * from table1 xx1 where field = (select fie from table2 where a=1)
select * FROM table AS xxxx where 1=1
select id,myfunction(field2) FROM table AS xxxx where 1=1
statement_inspector: com.xxxJpaInterceptor
package com.xxxx;
import com.xxxx.UserVO;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.hibernate.resource.jdbc.spi.StatementInspector;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* 数据权限拦截
public class JpaInterceptor implements StatementInspector {
public String inspect(String sql) {
UserVO userVO = ThreadLocalUtils.get();
if(null == userVO){
return sql;
return sql;
* 进入拦截器select tbluserrol0_.id as id1_5_, tbluserrol0_.role_id as role_id2_5_,
* tbluserrol0_.user_id as user_id3_5_
* from tbl_user_role tbluserrol0_ where tbluserrol0_.user_id=28
* 进入拦截器SELECT rf.function_id,f.function_name,f.level,f.functionurl,f.parent_function_id,f.id,f.ranks
* FROM tbl_role_function
* rf LEFT JOIN tbl_function f ON f.id=rf.function_id WHERE rf.role_id=? AND f.`level` IN(1,2) ORDER BY f.ranks ASC
* select * from table xx wehre a = (select xx from table where aa = aa)
if(sql.indexOf("tenant_id") == -1){
Pattern compile = Pattern.compile("\\swhere\\s",Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher matcher = compile.matcher(sql);
int lastStart = 0;
String tenantId = userVO.getTenantId();
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(sql);
while (matcher.find(lastStart)){
String sqlTemp = builder.substring(lastStart,matcher.end());
String tableAs = getTableAs(sqlTemp);
String text = String.format("%stenant_id = '%s' and ", tableAs, tenantId);
lastStart = matcher.end() + text.length();
matcher = compile.matcher(builder.toString());
if(lastStart == 0){
String tableAs = getTableAs(sql);
builder.append(String.format("%stenant_id = '%s'",tableAs,tenantId));
sql = builder.toString();
return sql;
public static void main(String[] args) {
String sql = "select tbluserrol0_.id as id1_5_, tbluserrol0_.role_id as role_id2_5_, tbluserrol0_.user_id as user_id3_5_ from tbl_user_role tbluserrol0_ where tbluserrol0_.user_id=28";
sql = "SELECT rf.function_id,f.function_name,f.level,f.functionurl,f.parent_function_id,f.id,f.ranks FROM tbl_role_function rf LEFT JOIN tbl_function f ON f.id=rf.function_id WHERE rf.role_id=? AND f.`level` IN(1,2) ORDER BY f.ranks ASC";
sql = "select channelent0_.id as id1_2_, channelent0_.access_token as access_t2_2_, channelent0_.app_key as app_key3_2_, channelent0_.app_secret as app_secr4_2_, channelent0_.channel_name as channel_5_2_, channelent0_.channel_type as channel_6_2_, channelent0_.created_time as created_7_2_, channelent0_.customer_number as customer8_2_, channelent0_.expire_time as expire_t9_2_, channelent0_.jd_customer_number as jd_cust10_2_, channelent0_.modify_time as modify_11_2_, channelent0_.msg_secret as msg_sec12_2_, channelent0_.open_id as open_id13_2_, channelent0_.org_number as org_num14_2_, channelent0_.person_order_refund as person_15_2_, channelent0_.refresh_token as refresh16_2_, channelent0_.server_url as server_17_2_, channelent0_.shop_id as shop_id18_2_, channelent0_.shop_name as shop_na19_2_, channelent0_.sign_secret as sign_se20_2_ from tbl_channel channelent0_ where channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=? or channelent0_.shop_id=?";
// sql = "select supplyinfo0_.id as id1_42_, supplyinfo0_.access_token as access_t2_42_, supplyinfo0_.app_key as app_key3_42_, supplyinfo0_.app_secret as app_secr4_42_, supplyinfo0_.channel_id as channel_5_42_, supplyinfo0_.customer_id as customer6_42_, supplyinfo0_.expire_time as expire_t7_42_, supplyinfo0_.op_name as op_name8_42_, supplyinfo0_.pin as pin9_42_, supplyinfo0_.prefix as prefix10_42_, supplyinfo0_.refresh_token as refresh11_42_, supplyinfo0_.server_url as server_12_42_, supplyinfo0_.supply_id as supply_13_42_, supplyinfo0_.supply_name as supply_14_42_ from tbl_supply supplyinfo0_ where supplyinfo0_.supply_id=123 or supplyinfo0_.supply_id=2121 or supplyinfo0_.supply_id=22222 or supplyinfo0_.supply_id=123";
// sql = "select * from table xxxx where 1=1";
// sql = "select * FROM table AS xxxx where 1=1";
// sql = "select * FROM table AS xxxx ";
sql = "select * FROM table";
// sql = "select * from tbl_sync_goods tsg left join tbl_warehouse tw on tsg.warehouse_id = tw.id where 1=1 ";
sql = "select * from table1 xx1,table2 as xx2 left join tbl_warehouse tw on tsg.warehouse_id = tw.id where 1=1 ";
// sql = "select * from table1 xx1 where field = (select fie from table2 where a=1)";
sql = "select * from table1 xx1 where field = (select fie from table2 where a=1) and field2 = (select fie from table3 as abc where abc.a=1)";
// String asName = getTableAs(sql);
// System.out.println("别名:"+asName);
Pattern compile = Pattern.compile("\\swhere\\s",Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher matcher = compile.matcher(sql);
int lastStart = 0;
String tenantId = "000001";
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(sql);
while (matcher.find(lastStart)){
String sqlTemp = builder.substring(lastStart,matcher.end());
String tableAs = getTableAs(sqlTemp);
String text = String.format("%stenant_id = %s and ", tableAs, tenantId);
lastStart = matcher.end() + text.length();
matcher = compile.matcher(builder.toString());
if(lastStart == 0){
String tableAs = getTableAs(sql);
builder.append(String.format("%stenant_id = %s",tableAs,tenantId));
sql = builder.toString();
* 取form后面的别名
private static String getTableAs(String sql) {
Pattern compile = Pattern.compile("\\sfrom\\s",Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher matcher = compile.matcher(sql);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("无法检测到from!");
String tableStart = sql.substring(matcher.end()).trim();
Pattern spaceCompile = Pattern.compile("\\s");
matcher = spaceCompile.matcher(tableStart);
if(matcher.find()) {
tableStart = tableStart.substring(matcher.end()).trim();
return " ";//无别名
Pattern asCompile = Pattern.compile("^as",Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
matcher = asCompile.matcher(tableStart);
if(matcher.find()) {
tableStart = tableStart.substring(matcher.end()).trim();
//table as1
Pattern compile2 = Pattern.compile("\\s*(,|where|left|rigth|inner)\\s*",Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
matcher = compile2.matcher(tableStart);
String asName = "";
if(matcher.find()) {
asName = tableStart.substring(0, matcher.start()).trim();
asName = tableStart.trim();
return asName.length() > 0 ? asName.concat(".") : asName;