Google Earth Engine(GEE)——用灰度共生矩阵GLCM进行图像处理

最近发现了一个巨牛的人工智能学习网站,点击跳转到网站:前言 – 床长人工智能教程

另一种测量纹理的方法是使用灰度共生矩阵 (GLCM)。使用上一个示例中的图像和内核,计算基于 GLCM 的对比度,如下所示:


Computes texture metrics from the Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix around each pixel of every band. The GLCM is a tabulation of how often different combinations of pixel brightness values (grey levels) occur in an image. It counts the number of times a pixel of value X lies next to a pixel of value Y, in a particular direction and distance. and then derives statistics from this tabulation.

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