Role of WTO in development of trade

The World Trading Organization was formally established on 1st January 1995. Its headquarters is based in Geneva, Switzerland. Compared with GTAA, WTO covers trade in goods, services and intellectual property, while GATT only applies to trade in goods. It is an organization for liberalizing trade. WTO deals with the rules of trade between nations at a global or near-global level. A forum for governments to negotiate trade agreements and a place for them to settle trade disputes. It operates a system of trade rules.

The contradictions between developed and developing countries have always been the most acute contradictions in international economic and trade.

The fact that developed countries have always held the voice of world economic6 development has never changed.

In developing countries, with the development of its economy and its in tackling the international financial crisis and promoting world economic recovery has played a certain role, they also hope to get a voice.

WTO multilateral trading system dominated by the developed countries to get the maximum benefit, and those emerging economies due to their own economic level is limited, the interest is limited, and the tendency of the least developed countries has been marginalized.

Therefore, on the one hand, 25 developing countries in the WTO in 2012, the collective write demanded an end to the Doha round, on the other hand, enjoy the ownership of the developed countries still don't want to share with a rising star power for the establishment of international economic and trade rules.

The aggravating of the north-south contradiction impeded the development and progress of the WTO multilateral trade system.

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