2020-07-25 Seven Habits of Highly Effective Executives

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Signature Program



积极主动。Be proactive.


Our behavior is a function of our decisions not our conditions.

How your see the problem is the problem

Focus on your circle of influence, not on your circle of concern


Be an actor not a reactor

Focus on your circle of control


以终为始。Begin with the end in mind.


All things are created twice, first in our mind then in actuality

You can create your own self first in your mind, then with plan in actuality

Develop your own personal mission statement


Decide where your need to be first, then put together the action plan


要事第一。Put first things first.


Identity which things are the most important

Have he strength to subordinate temporary, transient things for the long lasting goals


Distinguish between the Urgent and the Important

Prioritize your work

| Urgent and Important                      | Important but not Urgent                    |

| ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------- |

| This is criisis management - keep it small | This is where you want to spend your energy |

| Stay out of this one                      | This is entertainment, control it carefully |

|**Not Important but Urgent**              |**Not Important not Urgent**                |



双赢思维。Think Win/win.


Win/win - mutual beneficial in personal relationships

Win/lose - eventually will destroy your personal relationships. People will not be attracted to you

Lost/win - self deprecating, the doormat. Destroys your sense of self worth

Lose/lose - obsessed with making other people lose, even if it destroys yourself. Self destruction

Win - Focus only on yourself and getting what you want. No concern for other person

Lose - Break up of the relationship. It is a lost casue


Win/win - both parties win. Basis for long term working relationship

Win/lose - competition. Not a basis for a working relationship

Lose/win - Second place. Companies avoid these business relationships

Lose/lose - Destructive business relationship


知彼解己。Seek first to understand then to be understoood.

Diagnose before you prescribe

Trust is built on understanding

your private performance must square with your public performance



The whole is greater than the sum of the parts

Value the differences

Share the goals, share the wealth

Look for ways to partner



不断更新。Sharpen the saw.

Don't be too busy swing that you can never sharpen the saw

Take time for self-renewal:

​ Physical self-renewal

​ Spiritual self-renewal

​ Mental/Intellectual self-renewal

​ Social/emotional self-renewal

你可能感兴趣的:(2020-07-25 Seven Habits of Highly Effective Executives)